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Forever Love (Circle of Ghadan Book 1)

Page 5

by Kimberly Cummons

  Keegan pushed his hand through his hair. Shite, that could be a problem. “Your mother and father are dead, then?”

  “I have no idea. I was the result of an unwanted one-night-stand. My mother dumped me with her parents and never told anyone who my father was. My grandparents died last year within a few months of each other.” Her words were pain-filled as she spoke of her grandparents. Thanks to her mother, they’d been her parents.

  Cassandra reached for her fork, but it slipped from her fingers and fell to the floor. Keegan started to reach for it, then stopped, watching as she held her hand out, palm toward the fork as though she expected it to fly to her.

  “Crap, I’ve lost my ability ever since he captured me,” she said in little more than a whisper.

  Keegan looked at Derian, who raised an eyebrow. “What ability would that be, darlin’?” Keegan asked, even though he was pretty sure just what ability it was. It added an unexpected element to the problem.

  She bent down and picked up her fork before she answered. “I’m telekinetic, or at least I was before I was kidnapped. It’s not something I usually spread around. Kids at school thought I was enough of a freak, I didn’t want to prove it to them. But since you guys are so not normal, and I wanted to know if it worked yet, I thought I’d give it a try.”

  Derian’s concern with this development was clear by his contained fury. Keegan saw it in the tight line of his lips and the hardness of his eyes. He was keeping it under wraps, most likely not to scare Cassandra any more than she already was.

  “She’s a Daughter. One we know nothing about. My guess is her mother didn’t tell her father about her either, or we might have known about her,” he said.

  Keegan nodded slowly. “Leading me to believe without question an Aeterni kidnapped her. There has to be a connection between her father and her bein’ captured.” He turned to Cassandra, now more concerned where all this was leading than he was moments before. “Are you sure no one ever mentioned your father, darlin’?”

  She shook her head as she twirled more spaghetti on her fork. He was pretty sure she was eating because she knew she had to get her strength back, not because she wanted to. “No, frankly my grandparents didn’t think my mother knew who my father was. I gather she wasn’t particular about who she had sex with. Since she moved away right after I was born and never contacted them again, there’s no way of knowing. Why do you think he was an Aeterni?”

  “She’s terribly small to be the child of an Aeterni,” Keegan said thinking out loud, ignoring her question. They had plenty of time for him to explain everything she’d need to know later. If he could keep her safe, they’d have centuries for her to learn.

  “Not all children of Aeterni are tall. Look at your own daughter, Keegan, she wasn’t much bigger than this woman when she reached eighteen.”

  Pain seared through Keegan at the mention of his beloved Angelina. Always tiny, always sickly. She’d taken after her mother in all things, looks, size, disposition, and they’d both died in a car accident. Despite everything as a doctor he knew about medicine at the time, he hadn’t been able to save them. The first and only time he’d ever taken a chance on a mortal woman, and it had ended in more pain than he’d thought possible. That was why he’d never do it again.

  He’d sworn millennia before he would never, ever be made helpless again. Then had forgotten that pledge because he fell in love with a beautiful, small slip of a mortal. Now, here was another beautiful, small slip of a woman threatening his peace. This time, he would not fall in love with her. He’d help her, be there for her, but there was no bloody way he’d give her anything more than his friendship. That shouldn’t be too hard since he didn’t have anything else to give.

  “What’s your full name, Cassandra?” Derian asked, pulling Keegan out of the past. He shook his head, he had to focus on the here and now.

  “Cassandra Lily Marston, but my friends call me Cass. Why?”

  Derian set his fork down and pushed his empty plate farther onto the table. “I’m going to guess Marston’s not your father’s name.”

  “No, it’s my grandparents’ name. I told you, I don’t know who my father is. Why do you think he was immortal?” She repeated.

  Keegan finished his dinner and reached for his wine glass. Answering her question would put his mind on the task at hand and not the failures of his past. “Because only female offspring of Aeterni have paranormal abilities. Not all of the daughters, at that, just some.” Angelina never had, she was too much like her mother. “It’s believed that since females cannot become Aeterni, the paranormal abilities are an offshoot of the immortality.”

  “Oh, I always wondered why I was different.” She put her fork on her empty plate and turned to him. “I don’t want to leave my home and business, but I want to know who did this to me and why, so I’ll play by your rules for now. I’m trusting you to not hurt me. I don’t know why, but something tells me this is the only way I’m ever going to get any part of my life back. I’m afraid I now have a lot to learn about how I’m going to spend the rest of my way too long life. So, you win, I’ll stay here.”

  Keegan was surprised at the emotions she raised in him. He felt humbled, and a little apprehensive. He said he could keep her safe, but could he really? What if he failed her like he’d failed his family? What if the Aeterni was older, stronger than he was? He was strong, in good shape and knew how to take care of himself with or without weapons, but Aeterni gained power with age. He was old, he was powerful, a warrior. But Derian could defeat him if he fought fair, as would others he knew who were older. So he just wouldn’t fight fair. Not that he ever did anyway. Besides, he was Drakōn, an instrument of justice in their world. He had more skill than the average Aeterni. In a few days he wouldn’t be alone. Tomas, his bodyguard and friend, would be returning from his time with his family.

  “Tell me about your life, Keegan.”

  Her question surprised him, especially since he’d been thinking about his life. Was she only telekinetic, or did she have some telepathic abilities as well? “My life’s not interestin’ and it won’t make any difference to your future.” He’d purposely made his voice angry to put her off, but to his surprise, it didn’t. Apparently, her decision to stay and their conversation had taken away her fear of them. He looked at Derian to see if he’d say something, but the man became annoyingly deaf, concentrating on his wine.

  “Ah bull hockey on that, you’re two thousand years old. Something interesting must have happened during that time.”

  He stared at her and wanted to laugh, but fought against it. Fought against the pull of her. What the hell had this waif of a female done to him? She’d pulled him out of his solitude, that’s what. A solitude he was more than happy with. Had been for decades. He didn’t want to be forcibly ripped from it, but he was. For reasons he could no more understand than he could fly someone had turned a mortal woman into an Aeterni. Something that should never have been possible, but thanks to modern science seemed to be more than possible. Not just any woman, a Daughter.

  She pushed her plate away and put her arms on the table, leaning towards him. “When did you learn you were immortal?”

  “Not when I should have.”

  “What does that mean?”

  He rubbed his tired eyes. There were some memories he did not want to relive and he refused to share. “It means that my past is not typical. An Aeterni is always born to an Aeterni father. There’s no other way. The gene must be passed on directly and it must pass to a son. The child knows from birth he’s Aeterni. He’s taught the ways of the race by his father along with his first steps.”

  “But I wasn’t born this way. I was already different in a small way, that’s true, but at least I was going to age and die like everyone around me.”

  He looked at the pain in her eyes and wanted to take it away, but he couldn’t, there was nothing he could do for her. What was done was done, and as far as he knew there was no undoing it. Then again, it s
hould never have been able to be done in the first place, perhaps it could be undone. They’d have to learn the answer to that along with everything else. Christ there was so much they didn’t understand, but eventually they’d know it all. He’d have the answers for her. One way or the other.

  He tried to soften his tone. “I’m sorry, but none of us’ve ever had a choice, darlin. You weren’t born with perfect eyesight, and yet you found a way to deal with that, you accepted it, and the limitations that come with it.”

  “That’s different, and you know it. What happens when everyone I know turns fifty and I still look twenty-nine?”

  “I’m sorry, darlin’, but you won’t be able to be here when everyone around you turns fifty, you’ll’ve moved on long before that.”

  “I can’t stay with my friends? My store my grandparents started that I planned to pass on to my son or daughter?”

  The bone-deep sorrow that spread across her face made him to want to hold her, but he couldn’t and he wouldn’t. He was there to protect her, not screw up her life even more than it already was. “No, darlin’, you’ll never be able to have life-long friendships again. At least not with mortals. You may, however, have children and they’ll be mortal, so yes, you could pass the business on to them.” Would they be mortal?

  She wrapped an arm around her waist. “Take it back, please, put me back the way I was.”

  He wanted nothing more than to give her what she wanted, but it wasn’t in his power. He could give her simple human contact, however. He reached for the hand holding the stem of her wine glass with a death grip. Gently releasing her fingers, he held her hand between his, rubbing his thumb against the soft skin of her knuckles. “I can’t, Cassie. I’m so sorry, darlin’, but I can’t.”

  He looked at the Greek, hoping for some help, but he looked as lost as Keegan felt. They both knew there was nothing they could do to help her, and it made them feel impotent as hell.

  She looked up at him, her eyes swimming with unshed tears. Bad as she wanted to be mortal, she was too strong to give into the tears. “The man who did this, could he change me back?”

  “I don’t know, darlin’, perhaps.”

  “Then we have to find him.”

  That was something they both agreed on and something he could do for her. “That I can promise we’ll do. We’ll find the bastard.”

  Cass smiled and he felt another tear in his black soul. He should pass her off to Derian, he could take her and teach her what she needed to know. Certainly he’d be better at it than Keegan. He was older than Keegan by thousands of years.

  Something burned in Keegan at the thought of passing her on to anyone. No, no one was going to teach Cass what she needed to know but him. No one could protect her better than he could. He was a warrior, the son of a warrior. Derian had merely been a scholar and still was, despite his ability to protect himself if he must.

  He regarded the old Greek, and saw the same anger in his eyes. Despite having kept quiet, Keegan knew he was planning. Derian wasn’t going to leave this unresolved any more than he was.

  Derian stood and started gathering empty plates breaking the silence that had fallen over the table. “Now that we have this settled at least, you two do whatever you need to do to prepare for the night. I’ll stick these in the dishwasher, get it started and then head out.”

  “Thank you, Greek. Let me know what you learn as soon as possible.” Keegan stood and walked to the panel on the wall near the front door and turned off the alarm. “I’ll reset this after you leave, be sure the door locks behind you.”

  “No problem, Celt, just keep our special friend here safe.”

  Keegan glanced at Cass who’d moved away from the table and stood by the dining room arch. He nodded, he’d succeed. He’d protect Cass, or die trying. Then he’d let her go for her own good and pass her on to Derian to help her learn to live the rest of her life. “I’ll do everything in my power. Somehow I’ve a feelin’ that might just be easier said than done.”

  “That, my friend, is what I’m afraid of.”


  Cass watched the two men, but they were speaking too low for her to hear them clearly. Just what in the world had she gotten herself into? No, not what had she gotten herself into, but rather what had some stranger gotten her into? She hadn’t asked for this, in fact if the man hadn’t drugged her, she would have fought him tooth and nail when he tried to take her, but she hadn’t had a chance.

  As Keegan approached, she had to tilt her head back to look him in the eye. God he was gorgeous. Those sleepy, dark chocolate eyes were begging her to sink into them. His eyebrows were dark, thick and straight and added a dangerous look to eyes that could otherwise be misconstrued as soft. His lips, Jesus-jenny she wanted to taste those lips.

  “Well, darlin’, are you ready to help me change the bed linens so you can get some sleep?”

  “What?” Wow, was that husky voice hers?

  Keegan chuckled. “Not to worry, darlin’, you’ll be there by yourself. I’ll be sleepin’ on the sofa.”

  How embarrassing. She’d misread the signals and the attraction was one sided. Well lucky for her because he was one complication she didn’t need. Now or ever.

  She looked at the couch as they passed and then at Keegan. No way was he ever going to fit on that. “I’ll take the couch, at least it’s my size.”

  “I assure you, darlin’, I’ve spent more than one night sleeping on the sofa, I’ll fit. You get the bed.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Keegan, your feet will hang off.”

  He went to the linen closest under the stairs and pulled out a fresh set of sheets. He handed her a pillow and a blanket. “Fine, darlin’. If you insist on the sofa, you win. I still have to change the bedding. You were covered in blood, now so is it.”

  Cass stared down at the pillow in her arms, not really seeing it. His words brought everything crashing down around her. Being kidnapped, getting away and apparently running through woods. She looked at her bare feet. She didn’t even have shoes, her captor had removed them shortly after he’d locked her in the room. She could only assume he’d taken them to prevent her from doing exactly what she’d done, run. She looked up at Keegan. He was dangerous, she knew that, but she also knew he was no physical threat to her. He’d protect her, keep her safe. She believed that. His threat was far worse than mere physical damage. Making him the most dangerous man she’d ever known.

  His eyes softened and lifting his hand, he caressed her check, his palm smooth. Obviously immortality didn’t allow calluses to form. She leaned her cheek into his hand, and his eyes widened, a fiery glow began somewhere deep in the dark depths.

  His gaze drifted to her lips as his hand gently slid through her still damp hair and cupped the back of her head. She watched, mesmerized as he bent, his lips just a fraction of an inch from hers when he looked in her eyes. Was he asking permission to kiss her?

  Oh yes! Her life had turned upside down and spun out of her control. Why not take something for herself? She wanted this man. She was a twenty-nine year old adult who was free to do whatever she wanted. There was no one left in her life she could hurt with her actions. It didn’t matter she’d just met him, that she was a mouse to his eagle. Nothing mattered at the moment except she was alive, scared spitless and had no idea what the rest of her life held.

  She closed the space between them, pressing her lips against his. He groaned as his arm wrapped around her, gently crushing her and the sheets, enclosing her in his unique blend of spice and man. She answered his moan with one of her own. He felt so good. For the first time in days she felt alive. She’d been in constant fear, so close to death for so long she’d almost grown used to it.

  Desperate for the confirmation of life he was offering, she dropped the bundle, wrapped her arms around his waist, and held on tight.

  Could this hunk kiss. So soft at first, as tentative as though he was giving her time to adjust to him. Then, just as she was growing d
esperate for more, his tongue touched her lips and she opened for him. His tongue dueled with hers and his hands began a slow slide, caressing her shoulders, easing downward to grab her by the backside, pulling her closer, lifting her to her toes.

  Slowly he pulled back, his forehead against hers and whispered, “Wrap your arms around my neck, Cassie.”

  He took her mouth again, his tongue teasing hers. He nibbled her lower lip as she did as he asked. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she buried her hands in his long hair. Oh yes, the black waves were as silky as they looked.

  He lifted her feet off the floor, pushing her against the wall. As the center of her desire came in contact with his erection, she needed no encouragement to wrap her legs around his waist. Groaning when her body came in full contact with his, he pulled her tighter against him, his hips moving in an imitation of his tongue. Thrusting toward her then retreating only to return stronger and harder.

  Burning up, she needed him inside her. They had way too many clothes on, but she didn’t want to let go long enough to get rid of them. Wrapping her legs tighter, she moved to his rhythm, rubbing against the long, thick length of him evident even through the soft fabric of his jeans. Her underwear had been dirty and she’d forgone putting them back on, so all that was between them were his jeans and her sweats. Then his hand was there, sliding past her waistband to caress her bare rear.

  He ripped his mouth from hers, kissing her jaw, his hot breath on her ear as he said, “Oh Christ, you’re not wearin’ your drawers.”

  “Too dirty.”


  “I’m leaving,” Derian called just before she heard a door close.

  Cass jerked back and stared at Keegan, breathless. “Oh my God, did he see us?”

  Something dangerous entered his eyes before he closed them. “Shite. I’m sorry, a mhuirnín, I didn’t mean for this to happen, but you’re too beautiful to resist.”

  She barely heard him as she felt embarrassment burn her cheeks. “Keegan, I’m horrified. Did he see?”


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