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Page 8

by Madison Stevens

  He nodded and picked up his glass for another drink. Midway up, he stopped and set the glass back down.

  “What happened to you?” Dylan stilled her hand from wiping the counter with his own.

  “Oh, I had to have an IV today.” She pointed to her shoulder. “It’s infected.”

  He lifted up her and ran a soothing thumb over the bruised spots.

  “A hand like this shouldn’t be abused like this,” he said and brought her hand to his mouth.

  As much as she didn’t want to feel anything, her heart skipped a beat.

  “Why are you crying?” he said gently and brushed off tears from her face.

  She hadn’t even known that she was until he said something.

  “I guess I’m just overwhelmed today,” she rambled. “The infection, the nurse, threatening notes and indecisive men.”

  Dylan frowned. “Threatening notes?”

  Alyssa groaned inwardly. “It’s nothing really. Someone just thinks it’s funny to tape a gun on my door, with nasty writing.”

  Dylan’s frown deepened. “That’s not good,” he mumbled and stood. “I hate to do this, but I forgot something at the office.”

  She gave a sad smile and nodded. She couldn’t even get through work without having an incident.

  Dylan nodded and made his way out the door.

  Chapter Eleven

  “You look exhausted,” Finn said from behind her.

  She nearly jumped out of her skin.

  She had been doing the same thing for nearly an hour and was tired. Every time she stopped moving, she wasn’t so sure she wouldn’t just fall asleep.

  Alyssa turned and nodded at him.

  “We’re leaving early,” he said firmly. “Noel said he would close the place up.”

  Too tired to fight back, she nodded and gathered her things.

  Finn maneuvered her around until they were waiting outside the car. He chuckled behind her.

  “So to get you to do as I say, all I have to do is keep you exhausted?” He helped her into the car.

  “Yeah, and all that took was getting shot and then developing an infection,” she said dryly.

  “Point taken.” Finn shut the door and came around to the driver’s side.

  He stared at her for a moment before speaking. “I want you to come to my house again,” Finn said.

  She frowned at him. Last night hadn’t exactly been one she wanted to repeat. “Why?”

  Finn looked away. “That note just didn’t feel right. Something is wrong here.”

  “I don’t understand,” she said. “Isn’t that what the Russians do? Send threats and call people names?”

  Finn shook his head and pulled out onto the road. “It’s not like that. The Russians might have taped a note to your door, but what was written just doesn’t feel right.”

  “Ennis?” Fear rose up in her. For some reason, he seemed like the greater threat. Maybe because he knew Finn so well.

  “It could be,” he said. “Though it’s still not his style either.” His voice was full of uncertainty. “Maybe he thinks it’s good way of messing with me.”

  She frowned. “But we aren’t together.”

  “Maybe that’s not the way he sees it.”

  They drove in silence for a bit as she watched the apartments pass. When they came to a stop outside her apartment building, she frowned.

  “What the fuck?” she said quietly.

  “What’s the…” Finn started to ask, but she was out of the car before he could finish.

  Alyssa looked around in horror. All of her undergarments lay strewn around the ground and bushes in front of the building. She gagged, thinking someone had gone through her panties and bras. A few nighties had even been shredded and apparently tossed out her now open window.

  She punched in the code and raced into the building, anger fueling her. Never before had she wanted to get into a fistfight, but if she found the person who did this, it would be nice to take out some aggression.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Finn said when he caught up with her at the elevator.

  She whipped around to look at him. “I’m going to beat the shit out of whoever went into my home.”

  Finn narrowed his eyes at her. “And what do you plan to do if they have a gun?”

  She stared at him for a moment, annoyed to be reminded that they might have the advantage.

  “I could use yours,” she said.

  The elevator dinged, and they stepped inside. “What makes you think I have one?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’ve seen it.”

  Finn sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “This is fucking stupid.” He turned to her. “I’ll carry the gun. You just stay behind me, and first sign of trouble, you call Liam.”

  She nodded. It was likely better he carried the gun since she didn’t really know how to shoot.

  The doors slid open, and she followed behind as he walked to her door. It was open. The side of the frame was splintered. Someone had likely kicked it open.

  “It’s weird no one heard,” she said.

  Finn looked back at her for a second. “Not really,” he said. “I’ve cleared out the whole floor.”

  Alyssa stumbled into him. They made their way into her apartment in silence.

  Her stomach rolled. It wasn’t that the house was trashed but more that specific things were trashed. The flowers on her table were ripped to shreds, and the glass vase broken on the floor. More panties and bras littered the place, shredded.

  She followed him into the bedroom and sucked in a breath. Someone had spray-painted “DIRTY CUNT” in large red lettering.

  “Pack a bag,” Finn said quietly as he pulled out his phone. “Bring some men to Alyssa’s,” he said into the phone. “There’s been a break in.”

  He hit the end and looked back at her.

  “You can’t stay here,” he said.

  “I don’t want to stay here.” She shook as she spoke.

  “Hey.” He went to her. “It’ll be fine.”

  She wrapped her arm around him and enjoyed the feeling.

  “Maybe we should call the police,” she said.

  He shook his head. “I’ll handle this. The police will just complicate things.”

  She hesitated for a moment and nodded.

  When she pulled back, she looked up to him. He was everything that she needed, and yet he couldn’t see it. Finn skimmed a hand on her cheek. She leaned into it. He moved his head down until their mouths touched.

  It wasn’t like the intense kiss they had shared before. This was warm and made her feel like things really would be better here soon.

  When he pulled away, she stared into his brilliant green eyes.

  “Go pack a bag,” he whispered.

  Alyssa nodded and took the bag out from under the bed.

  She made her way around the room and packed various things. She stopped in the bathroom and gagged when she picked up her wet toothbrush.

  “He used my toothbrush.” She shuddered and tossed it into the trash

  She found Finn in the living room staring at the flower mess on the floor. Alyssa went over to the table and picked up the single untouched rose.

  “Well at least your rose survived.” She smiled at him.

  Finn stared at the rose in her hand and then looked back at her face.

  “How did you get that rose?” he asked slowly.

  Her knees began to shake as she stared down at the rose.

  “We fought, remember?” she said quietly. “You put it on my door for when I got home.”

  “I didn’t put that on your door or order them,” he said.

  Alyssa dropped the rose on the floor and shook so hard she could barely stand. Finn rushed over to her and held her in his arms.

  “Who would do this?” she said into his chest.

  His arms wrapped around her. “I don’t know, but I’m sure as hell going to find out.”

  Finn ushered her back
into the elevator and down to his car. He was worried about her. She was shaking so badly and hadn’t been getting near enough sleep. Conor and a few men were just arriving when he shut the car door.

  “What’s going on?” Conor asked.

  “Someone broke into her place,” he said. “None of it makes sense. The Russians can be brutal and destructive, but this is so specific. It feels off. And you know my brother. Terrorizing woman isn’t something he does.”

  Conor nodded. “What should we do?”

  “Have the men clean up this mess. Throw away all the clothes.” He glanced back to look at Alyssa through the window. “I don’t think she’s be interested in wearing it even if she could.”

  “What about security?” Conor looked at the building. “Did you have time to install the cameras yet?”

  Finn shook his head. “No, but I want it done first thing in the morning. That son of a bitch isn’t getting away with it again.” He clenched his fist and tried to control his anger. It wouldn’t do her any good if he got emotional now. “Reinforce her door. I want it to hurt next time he tries to kick it in.”

  Conor nodded and went with the men in the building. Finn scanned the area. If he knew this guy, he’d be watching somewhere.

  But there was nothing. The street was empty, and if he was out there, he was well hidden.

  Finn pulled out his phone and called Claire. “I need you to do me a favor. Go buy Alyssa some undergarments and clothes.”

  “Moving a little fast aren’t you?” she said. He could hear the smile in her voice.

  “Her place was broken into, and the fucker messed with all her things.”

  Claire gasped into the phone. “Is she all right?”

  “She wasn’t home, but she’s having a hard time.”

  “I’m sure,” Claire said, her voice sad and sympathetic. “I can go in the morning before our meeting.”

  “Thanks. Just pick up a card from Conor,” he said. “Oh, and she’s got scars that are bothered by straps and clothing. Can you get some things that wouldn’t bother her?”

  “Yeah,” she said softly.

  “Thanks.” He hung up.

  Claire could be a smartass sometimes, but she was equally as caring.

  When he climbed into the car, Alyssa was snoozing peacefully against the door. He brushed a hand against her brow. Her soft blonde hair sifted through his fingers.

  She wasn’t saying it, but he knew this had all been difficult on her. Alyssa was strong, but this was more than he could have ever guessed it would be.

  Finn drove carefully home, trying not to disturb her sleep. When they parked outside his house, he went around to her side and lifted her easily from the car. She stirred a little in his arms and nuzzled into his chest.

  He just wanted to keep her safe from everything.

  Liam was waiting at the door.

  “We knew she wouldn’t come easily, but did you have to knock her out?” He chuckled at his joke.

  “Go make yourself useful, asshole.” He glared at Liam. “Her bag is in the car.”

  Liam nodded and went off to the car.

  He trekked up the stairs and stopped outside the guest room next to his. It would be wise to put her in there. She would be safe. He glanced down at her sleeping form. She sighed and turned toward him.

  Finn grunted and opened the door to his room. It wasn’t right, but he needed her there, and she seemed to want him around. He didn’t know how he was going to make this work, but he did know that there wasn’t a thing he wouldn’t do to keep her safe.

  He took off her shoes and placed a blanket over her.

  Finn leaned down and kissed her softly on the head.

  Chapter Twelve

  Groggy, Alyssa woke still wearing the clothes she had been last night. She’s in Finn’s room, but it’s empty, and the house was quiet.

  She yawned and was thankful her shoulder was starting to feel a little better. If she had known it would make that much of a difference, she would have gone to the doctor sooner.

  As she sat there, all the horrors of the previous day came back to her. None of it made any sense. All she wanted was to live a normal ass life. Was that really asking too much?

  She glanced around the room and smiled. Well, maybe a normal life wasn’t all it was cracked up to. After all, there wouldn’t be any Finn in a normal life.

  “Can’t stay in bed all day,” she said to herself.

  Alyssa went into the bathroom and was surprised to find the toothbrush she used the night before, sitting in the holder, as well as her make-up and brush lined up on the counter. She opened the shower and found her hair products sitting next to his.

  It shouldn’t have made her so happy, but it did. She smiled as she showered. It had been a long time since she felt happy like that. It helped that her arm felt so much better. She could move it around, and although it was still slightly painful, she was able to lift her arm over her head.

  If things kept up, she might even be able to go without the sling. Tomorrow was therapy again, and she was looking forward to seeing what the verdict would be.

  She slipped on her clothes from the bag and made her way downstairs. Noel sat at the counter. She smiled at him and sat down.

  He pushed a pill bottle her way. “You’re supposed to take two of these,” he said.

  She looked at the antibiotic prescription. It astonished her how Finn had even been able to get it filled. She wondered if the doctor had given it to him when she was sleeping.

  “Is he at work already?” she asked.

  Noel nodded.

  “Went in a while ago,” he said.

  Alyssa went to the cabinet and pulled out a mug for coffee.

  “Do they know who broke into my apartment?” She grabbed two of the pills, popped them in her mouth and chased them down with coffee.

  Noel shook his head. “Liam is looking into it. He and Reed’s men are pros at this.”

  She nodded. They had been able to figure out that Ennis was behind the missing money at the club.

  “I’d like to finish breakfast and then go to the club,” she said. “We’ve got inventory, and I need to catalog everything.”

  Noel nodded and went back to looking at his phone. She had noticed he wasn’t a man of many words.

  “Are you single?” she blurted out.

  Noel nearly dropped his phone as he turned to look at her.

  “I don’t think…” he stammered.

  Alyssa laughed. “Not for me.” She smiled. “My friend.”

  Noel blushed and looked away.

  “Your friend should find a different kind of man to be interested in,” he said.

  Alyssa threw her hands in the air. “What is it with you men? You all think you know everything.” She groaned. “What’s so wrong with someone liking you?”

  Noel looked her in the eye. He seemed somewhat older than she ever remembered him looking.

  “People around us either end up getting hurt or end up being corrupted. Would you want to see that happen to someone you care for?” He stared at her for a moment. “We come with baggage, and it’s not fair to the other person.”

  “Oh, who gives a shit?” she said and slammed her hand down. “We all come with baggage. Having someone else around to deal with it is what makes all this worthwhile.”

  He shrugged.

  “It doesn’t matter.” She smiled at Noel. “Haley isn’t one to give up easily.”

  Noel laughed. She was surprised to hear it.

  “She’s such a little thing,” he said. “I think I can handle her.”

  Alyssa smiled. “I’m going to enjoy watching that play out.”

  Noel frowned at her, and she was fairly certain that he was trying to calculate if he’d be able to avoid the fiery little redhead.

  * * *

  “I can’t believe you bought all of this in just an hour,” Finn groaned as he tried to find the reports sitting on his desk amid all the bags of clothes.

“You said buy clothes,” Claire said from the couch. “Besides she’s a girl, and the thought that some perv was going through her things is the last thing she needs to think about.”

  He sat in his chair. “I just hope she’ll stay at the house tonight,” he said.

  “I bought something just for the occasion.” Claire grinned and pulled out a black skimpy outfit.

  She held it up to her body. Finn groaned.

  “I just want you to know, that is the last thing I want to see,” he said. “I think I might be scarred for life.”

  She tossed the nighty back into the bag and rolled her eyes. “You’ll live.”

  “So any news?” Finn sat in his seat.

  “Her accounts don’t match up. She’s just transferred in a large sum of money about four weeks ago. Harriet Slone is hiding something.” Claire grinned.

  “Good,” Finn said. “I can work with that. I’m betting Ennis is behind this. We know he cashed in all his funds before leaving.”

  “So now the question is what do we do with this information?” Claire asked. She watched him, and he knew she was looking to see what kind of a man he really was.

  “I think we should give it to Reed,” he said. “I don’t need to kill her in order to deal with this. If she’s found guilty in the public eye, I doubt there will be anyone standing in between us and the permits.”

  Claire smiled. “I knew there was a reason you were my favorite cousin.”

  “Glad to hear it,” he laughed. “So you get me those files, and I’ll give them to Reed. Just remember, they need to be clearly from her. Are you willing to be named in all this as the whistle blower?”

  “Ready? It’s what I’ll build my bid for her seat on.” Claire winked.

  Finn smirked. “You always were a girl with a backup plan.”

  “It’s how I’ve gotten through life.” She smiled. “Well, I had better head on to the office. Need to measure the windows to pick out my curtains.”

  Claire grinned and gathered her things.

  “I’ll have the documents to you as soon as I can,” she said.

  Finn waved.

  * * *


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