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Tesser: A Dragon Among Us (A Reemergence Novel)

Page 18

by Philbrook, Chris

  Matty looked up at the window of her apartment and saw Mr. Host leaning out of the window she'd leapt through. He looked upon her as if she were a petulant child. He was absent of malice and that worried her more than if he'd shown anger. She could understand anger or madness. This was worse.

  "Miss Rindahl, please think of your baby and come with us peacefully," Mr. Host said a final time.

  Matty's mind fractured in that moment as her eyes connected to her mind and she saw Mr. Host's true faces.

  His legion of faces.

  A kindness came to her as she blacked out.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Tesser made it home from the café without having anything else thrown in his face, which he considered a notable win when compared with his meeting with Matty. The expectant father had returned home to the brownstone that he shared with Abraham and Mr. Doyle and had gone straight to his room. He needed time to sort out his thoughts and to plan a way to tell her the truth without being bludgeoned or soaked with a drink. Matty and their unborn baby were far too important to him.

  Like each other dragon on Earth, Tesser had a singular role that maintained the balance of all existence on Earth. As strange as it had been, Tesser had told her the truth. He had in fact copulated with hundreds of thousands of living creatures over the years. The vast majority of which were wild animals and now extinct species. It was his mission, his task. It was the very meaning of his existence to propagate life, and in order to assist certain species in their quest for success, Tesser bred with them. He was made for it. Everything about him made his accomplishment of that task easier.

  Every creature that gave birth to a baby of the dragon of life had advanced their species, for their offspring were improved in every way. A better size more suited for success was the change at times, but at other the babies developed more cunning, or evolved longer legs, or had a sudden desire to leave the ocean and walk on land. These small incremental, carnal steps taken over hundreds of thousands of years changed life on Earth. Tesser's cultivation of Earth's life forms was an artistic epic that spanned millions of years, and was still unfinished. Tesser doubted he'd ever finish. This was a journey, a rewarding and orgasmic way of life for him.

  Sleeping with Matty had been more than just sex for the dragon. He was entranced with her. She was smart, pretty, interesting, and funny. She had all the physical and mental traits that attracted him to a mate. He knew she was biologically damaged. He knew it the moment he'd sat her down in the nightclub. He could sense it the same way a predator can sense sickness in diseased prey, or how a migrating bird knows which way is south. Tesser didn't care that she was flawed. He simply wanted her. Wanted to be with her.

  She became pregnant because sleeping with Tesser meant just that. It was an act to make life, not simply one for pleasure. Biological damage be damned, the primal force of Earth's life would find a way to spread itself.

  Tesser reminisced and a warm feeling came over him. The memories of their night together made him want to shuck his human body and fly high, the mist of the clouds covering his face, forming rivers of moisture down his scales. He wanted to let loose the fire within and belch it into the night sky, turning the dark into light. A draconic celebration not remembered in the oldest of human living memories.

  But first he needed to figure out how to make Matty want him in her life again.

  Tesser left his bedroom the following morning and trudged downstairs, his mind still full of questions and devoid of answers. Sorting out the modern world had been difficult. Sorting out the modern woman was seemingly impossible.

  "Hey, buddy," Abe said from the dining room table. The young man was reading something on a tablet device and drinking a cup of what smelled like coffee.

  I feel asinine asking Abe for any kind of relationship advice. In terms of sex and seduction, that's akin to a lion asking a tree how to better hunt for gazelle. But, I need to start somewhere, and I trust his intentions.

  "Good morning, Abe. Is there more coffee?"

  Abe sipped his drink. "Yepper. Most of a pot still."

  "Be right back," Tesser said and then walked into the kitchen. Tesser made a large mug of the dark brew and sweetened it with several of the British man's sugar cubes. He poured a dollop of cream in and stirred the drink. A sip told him it was sweet and savory. Just how I like it.

  "I would've thought a dragon would take their coffee black," Abe said as his finger flicked a page on the tablet.

  "I'm sure others of my kind drink their coffee that way. I prefer sweet things when they are available to me. What are you reading?"

  "I'm just trolling some forums. Nothing sorcery related, mostly hobby stuff. I need to stay on top of developing decklists for FNM. Although, I'm not sure when Mr. Doyle will let me go to play again. Short leash is the rule lately."

  "Boys and their toys. Speaking of sweet things, I would like to… I guess drop a bit of a bomb on you. I need to bounce some thoughts off of you."

  Abe looked up with faint surprise. "An ancient and ageless being of incredible power seeks the council of lowly and sarcastic Abraham Fellows? This one is getting marked on the calendar as a life event. I am honored. What can I do for you?"


  "Correct. Again, what can I do for you?"

  Tesser cleared his throat. "I've had a bit of a falling out with Matty."

  "Oh no. You were totally into that chick too. She was hot shit. What happened? You say something stupid? Tell her you love her? Tell her you didn't love her?"

  Tesser grinned. He may know something about this after all. "I wish it were that plain. The elephant in the room with her and I is the fact that I've gotten her pregnant."

  Abe's mouth drooped slowly open in shock. "You what?"

  "I got her pregnant. Natural consequence of sex? How you were born? Pregnancy?"

  "I'm aware of what sex does, Tesser, thanks. Please tell me if I'm correct in hearing you. Right now, in modern day Boston, there is a woman walking around that is carrying, in her womb, the baby of an ancient dragon?"

  "Can you not say ancient again? It's making me self-conscious about my age. And yes, Matty carries my child. It was bound to happen sooner or later." Tesser took an angry gulp of his coffee.

  "How does that even work? Is she going to lay eggs? Will the baby be a dragon like you? How big is a baby dragon? Sorry, man, but these are questions that need answering," Abe was on the edge of his seat with interest. His tablet was discarded.

  "She'll have a normal human baby via a normal human birth. There have only ever been seven dragons, and there only ever will be seven. We are, for all intents and purposes, immortal, and there can be no more of our kind. The balance must be maintained."

  "Fascinating. Wow. Will the birth of this kid make the world cooler? Like how we can do magic easier when you're around?"

  Tesser contemplated before answering, "I don't know. There is a strong chance of it."

  "Then hear, hear, friend!" Abe raised his cup of coffee in a toast, "May her pregnancy be easy, the birth swift, and the life of your child magnificent."

  Tesser raised his cup and toasted with Abe. After taking a sip he continued, "I'm not sure Matty intends to keep the baby. She asked me if I wanted to be a part of its rearing, and I made some… ignorant and obtuse comments."

  "Ignorant and obtuse? Can you go into more detail?" Abe had a smile on his face.

  Let the humiliation begin. Tesser told Abe all about the exchange, focusing heavily on the joyous errors of telling Matty that he'd slept with an unending amount of females. After spitting up most of several mouthfuls of coffee, Abe held his sides from the pain of laughing.

  "I realize my choice of words, and especially my lack of restraint, leaves me in a bit of a pickle. But, I am where I am at, and I've run out of good, informed ideas on how to move forward. Any advice you have would be appreciated."

  Abe leaned back in his chair, a serious expression replacing his grin. "This
does suck. Had you told her you were a dragon, at least she'd be less likely to get an abortion. Right now, there's no reason for her to keep it. Shit, if I were her, I'd be thinking about getting rid of it out of impulsive anger just to get some kind of petty revenge. But then again, I'm not a woman, and I'm kind of an immature asshole."

  "Fair statement."

  "I know my limits."

  "Not sure about that one. But seriously, Abe, what the hell do I say? What do I do? The last time I had sex with a human all I had to do was woo her with strong, bold words, and drag the carcass of an elk into her village for her family. It's all so different now. I'm too clouded by emotions for Matty as well. I feel like I need to come clean and tell her everything. Show her what I am and hope she accepts me for me and the beauty of what we've done."

  "She could also realize that she's had sex with a shape-shifting mythical monster of legend that looks like it's related to a flying dinosaur on crack that can breathe fire. Which, by the way, I'm still waiting on visual confirmation of. Bro, you got mad issues."

  Tesser swirled his coffee cup. I feel defeated. I don't like this feeling. I am a creature of action, not hesitation.

  "I tell you what, dude. I'll call Alexis when she takes lunch and touch base with her. We'll put her on the case. You're a good guy. Alexis likes you. I think I can get her on the case."

  That might work. "Thank you."

  "You get yourself into the strangest predicaments, Tesser. It's like a gift. No one fucks themselves over quite like you."

  "No argument."

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  "No shit? Pregnant?" Alexis asked. She was on the phone with her young man and was hearing for the first time the details behind Tesser and Matty's drama. It was delicious stuff, but Alexis was genuinely concerned for Matty.

  "Yeah. How about that luck right? First time and they get the recipe just right. Bun in the oven," Abe said to her.

  He's so cute with his silly expressions. "So what happened? Huge argument at the Starbucks? He said some dumb shit and now what? He needs help sorting it out?"

  "Yeah, really dumb shit. Like, were you born in a different century dumb shit," Abe said laughing. "It wasn't his fault, really. It was numbskull stuff."

  "Alright, alright. I'll give her office a call in a few minutes. Tesser just wants to talk to her? Or does he want to see her again?" Alexis asked. She took a small bite of her bacon cheeseburger and relished it.

  "Both, I'm thinking. He just wants to apologize and explain the real story behind what he said. He said some stuff that really, really doesn't make sense unless you know some of his, well, some of his really old history. Alexis, Tesser is a special person. Unique. Sort of a one-of-a-kind. He's really new to American culture, and our language, and I think he muffed it up like a boss with Matty. He likes her a lot. I think he might love her."

  Alexis sighed softly while chewing. Love. "He seems really nice. God, he's handsome too. The things I would do to that man's body."

  "You said that out loud," Abe said regretfully.

  "Oh babe, it's nothing against you. You're a handsome devil. My handsome devil. He's just… well. They don't make guys like him very often."

  "You have no idea, but I get it. I live with the guy; it's infuriating. You know he doesn't exercise at all? Sits around reading all damn day, learning about the world. And he's cut like an MMA fighter."

  And smart too? Lord have mercy. "Interesting. Look, I'm gonna give Matty a call. You tell your buddy he owes me one. And you sugar, you owe me one too," Alexis teased.

  "Just one? Can't I owe you two?" Abe pleaded.

  "Well, we'll see if you've been a good boy or not. Play your cards right, and it won't matter which you've been. Muah, baby, I'll call you later with what I find out," Alexis smacked her lips making kiss noises repeatedly as Abe said goodbye. She hit the “End” icon and sat her phone down.

  I'm gonna power through this greaseburger and give Matty a call in her office. Hopefully, she listens to the sense I'm gonna make. Men like Tesser only come along so often, and she'd be a fool not to jump all over it. For my sake, at least. Plus, if she's pregnant… gotta make that work baby.

  Alexis bit off a mouthful of her burger and chewed the smoky, cheesy, meaty goodness.


  It was nearly time to go home. The afternoon sun was heading towards the horizon at a good clip, and the yellow-gold line on the wall of her office told her exactly how long it'd be before night. She'd be stuck in traffic on the way home before the sun set, but she still needed to get in touch with Matty.

  I keep getting her voice mail. Alexis dialed the number for Matty's office again, and let it reach Matty's voice mail. The recording of Matty's voice sounded hollow and old.

  “Hello you've reached the voice mailbox of Matilde Rindahl in research assessment. I'm sorry I couldn't take your call. If you'd like, please leave your name and phone number or extension and a short description of the matter of your call, and I'll get back to you as soon as I am able. Thank you and have a great day.”

  There was a tone, and Alexis left a message. "Hey, Matty; this is Alexis. I'm just calling to touch base with you about some stuff. I talked to Abe earlier, and he was passing the message along that Tesser was worried. Your man wants you to call him or meet up. Give me a shout when you get this message. I'll try your cell after work hours. Love you! Muah!" Alexis hung up her office phone and went back to the process of closing down her desktop. Each application was saved and closed independently, and all the pens and papers on her desk were placed in their overnight homes in her desk drawers.

  This doesn't feel right. I wonder if she called out sick? It’s Tuesday. No one uses a sick day on a Tuesday. Of course, if she is preggo, there's a damn good chance she's sick as hell. Wait, I got an idea.

  Alexis had her purse in one hand and she snatched up her phone with the other. She dialed Matty's number again, but when she had the chance, she dialed 0 repeatedly to get to the operator. After a few second's pause, someone picked up.

  A young woman's voice spoke, "Thank you for calling Fitzgerald Industries. How may I direct your call?"

  "Hey, this is Alexis Banks from the Boston office. I've been dialing Matty Rindahl's office all day, and she hasn't called me back. Can you tell me if she's in the office today?"

  The operator answered immediately, "Miss Rindahl is listed as out today, Miss Banks. Would you like her voice mail?"

  "No thanks, dear. I've already left her a message. I'll try her cell phone. Thank you. Have a great night."

  "Same to you, Miss Banks," the operator said back as the call ended.

  Okay, that's good. I'll call her when I get out of the parking garage.


  The Fitzgerald Industries parking garage was shared with several other businesses in the area. Part of several colleges shared space in the eight-story concrete structure as well as many private companies. Alexis had the dubious honor of an eighth-level parking spot. It meant she had a commanding view of the Charles River and the city as she arrived at and left from work, and it gave her a much shorter elevator ride to her office. However, it meant she had to fight through all the traffic in the garage on the way in and out each day. When her coworkers were being ignorant twats (a surprisingly common feat for a bunch of people who were all graduate school educated), it took her upwards of twenty minutes just to reach street level. Worst of all, once she left the uppermost level of the garage, there was no cell service until she emerged on the street far below. Not even text messages.

  Cunts. Jesus. Get out of my way. I gotta take care of my girl.

  Alexis pulled out onto the street in her Acura and immediately did a brake stand. Traffic was already piled up. It'd take her at least another twenty minutes to even get on to Storrow Drive and start heading home.

  I'll kill the time talking to Matty. Bitch better answer. Alexis pored through her contacts and dialed Matty with nothing but her thumb. The car edged fo
rward ten feet, and the call went directly to Matty's voicemail.

  Well shit on a shingle dammit. She must be on the phone. Alexis sat her phone in her lap and fought the urge to call down God's judgment on the idiots in the road in front of her. She was surrounded by tools. A few minutes later, she dialed Matty's number again. The voice mail greeted her.

  You know, Matty lives in Beacon Hill. That's not that far, and the traffic is fierce. Maybe I'll just sneak a lane or two over and shoot down the city streets to her place. I'll see what she wants for dinner, and we'll get takeout. I'd like to see her; plus, if she's not feeling well, she could use some company.

  Alexis put her blinker on and waited a minute for the truck beside her to let her merge. He inched closer to the car in front of him, blocking any access to his lane. Alexis waved at the man in the truck and made her best effort to look sultry. The aging man in the needlessly large Cadillac truck (clearly compensating for a boring lifestyle, a loveless marriage, and shitty kids) looked at her with a mix of irritation and disgust.

  Motherfucker. Alexis powered her window down and leaned out. She put on her crazy bitch face. "Hey asshole! Let me in! I'm on my period, I got good insurance, and I don’t care about your damn truck!"

  The older man's eyes went wide with shock. A nut job redhead was a powerful force for change. The man stopped his truck and once the vehicle in front of his had moved, Alexis fit her smaller car into the gap. She waved and smiled like she'd never cursed like a sailor. She escaped down the main city street, avoiding the throngs of cars all funneling towards Storrow Drive.


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