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Love at the Italian Lake

Page 13

by Darcie Boleyn

  ‘Here.’ Joe passed her two plastic cups, then uncorked the Valpolicella he’d picked up with the food. Sophia held the cups still while he poured some wine, then waited while he pushed the cork back into the neck of the bottle.

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Here’s to happier times.’ He raised his cup.

  ‘I had a very happy day, you know.’

  ‘You did?’

  ‘Even taking into account the fear factor. It was good to do something I’ve never done before. I enjoyed the challenge.’

  He smiled. ‘I was quite worried, you know? That I might not be able to get you out. You were so slippery.’

  ‘You didn’t let on.’

  ‘If I had, you’d have panicked even more. Besides, I like to think I’d have got you out somehow or other. Even if I’d had to dive back in and push you out.’

  ‘That would’ve involved putting your hands in certain places.’ Sophia peered at him from beneath her lashes.

  ‘Damn it! I really should’ve dived back in.’ He winked.

  They sat in silence for a bit as they enjoyed their wine and Sophia tried to dispel the image of his hands on her bottom. It was having a strange effect upon her; a rather enjoyable one.

  ‘I brought bread, cheese, fruit and some olives,’ Joe said. ‘Is that okay, because if not, I can go and get some other things.’

  ‘That sounds perfect. I’m not that hungry, to be honest, but I suppose I should eat something.’

  ‘You should always make an effort to line your stomach however bad you feel.’

  ‘Spoken like a man with an Italian mother.’

  ‘It shows?’

  ‘I have one too, remember.’

  Joe laid out the food he’d brought on the blanket then handed Sophia a chunk of bread. She nibbled at it while he opened the packet of olives and cut some cheese.

  ‘You know, you’re really kind.’

  ‘Pardon?’ His eyes creased up at the corners.

  ‘You’re not like other men I’ve known.’


  ‘Well, my ex-boyfriend, Lee, would never have done something like this.’

  ‘What, put together an impromptu picnic?’

  ‘Nope. Nor would he have thought to hold me if I was upset, or to take me out somewhere for dinner.’

  ‘Well I didn’t exactly get to do that, did I?’

  ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘No, don’t be. What I meant was that I wanted to take you out somewhere nice. But you clearly weren’t up to it, so I thought this might be a quieter alternative.’

  ‘I’m really grateful.’

  He waved a hand dismissively. ‘It’s nothing, honestly. Sophia… do you mind if I ask you then… why did you stay with Lee if he was that…’

  ‘Uncaring? Ignorant of my feelings?’

  ‘Well, yes. I mean, what did he have that kept you with him for so long?’

  She took another sip of her wine and thought about her answer. ‘We just stayed together out of habit. Sad, right?’

  He shook his head. ‘I don’t think so. I can understand that and how it would happen. I got into a relationship once when I was very young and we stayed together for all the wrong reasons.’

  ‘It happens, I guess.’

  ‘It does. But as you get older, you’re more cautious.’

  ‘Is that what we were this evening? Cautious?’ She watched his face fall. ‘Sorry! That slipped out.’

  ‘You mean when I kissed you?’

  ‘I think I kissed you too.’

  ‘I didn’t mean to do that.’ He gazed out at the lake where a boat cut through the water then up at the sky that was rapidly turning a deep, rusty orange.

  Sophia’s heart plummeted.

  He didn’t mean to do that. It was a mistake. You were a mistake. I knew this was too good to be true.

  He turned back to her. ‘That came out wrong. I wanted to say that I would never take advantage of you when you’re upset. I wanted to kiss you, I really did. But not when you were so vulnerable. That’s what my mother would call taking advantage.’

  Sophia nodded. ‘Mine too, probably. But, Joe, I didn’t feel like you were taking advantage of me. In fact, I’m pretty certain that I lunged at you.’


  ‘Well, you know, threw myself at you.’

  ‘Sophia, if the worst thing about this afternoon was that an incredibly beautiful woman threw herself into my arms, then in my opinion, that was a very successful afternoon indeed.’

  Sophia’s stomach somersaulted as she held his bright green gaze and her heart began to open like a flower under a warm sun. Joe liked her, actually liked her and fancied her. He said she was incredibly beautiful.

  ‘What does this mean, Joe? I’m not good at all this romantic stuff. I don’t know what else to call it. I mean, we seem to have a mutual appreciation and we’re enjoying spending time together…’ She bit her bottom lip, wondering if she should have asked.

  He took her hand and brought it to his lips, then kissed each one of her fingertips in turn before lowering it again.

  ‘I think it means, Sophia, that we should make the most of this.’

  ‘I was hoping you’d say that.’


  Her heart froze and her mouth went dry. There was a but?

  ‘But I think… I know, rather, that we both have a lot going on in our lives right now. We’re both in a kind of stasis, wondering where we go from here job-wise and in terms of our families. So perhaps we should just agree to enjoy our time in Italy.’

  Sophia was relieved that Joe wasn’t expecting too much from her. What he said made sense. ‘We can have some fun without any pressure?’ It sounded appealing, the idea of being with Joe without worrying about tomorrow or next week or next year. She wanted to spend time with him, she knew that for certain, but as for anything more, she wasn’t sure. Joe wasn’t Lee and she wasn’t the old Sophia who’d allow a man to take what he wanted and to walk all over her, but she still didn’t think she could handle anything long term right now.

  He nodded. ‘You’ve just come out of a dreadful relationship and you’ve quit your job. I’ve got things going on back home that I’m going to have to deal with sooner rather than later. Neither of us is in a position to commit to anything more than the summer.’

  ‘Let’s have a great summer together then, Joe.’ Sophia raised her wine.

  ‘I can think of nothing I’d rather do.’

  They clinked their drinks then Joe kissed her. His lips were soft and warm and tasted of wine and Sophia was amused to feel desire surging inside her again. Joe wanted to spend the summer with her and if he kept kissing her like this, what a summer it would be.

  ‘Now come on, eat up before the ants steal all our food.’ He held out the pot of olives, so she took one and popped it into her mouth, savouring the tangy saltiness with the firm, smooth texture.

  It had been an eventful day; a day of learning new things – about herself and about other people. In many ways it had been a good day.

  And Sophia knew that the man sitting next to her, handing her chunks of cheese and slices of apple at regular intervals, was responsible for the smile that – in spite of everything else that had happened – kept finding its way to her face.


  The following morning, Sophia made her way down into town to meet Phoebe. They’d agreed to get together again for a chat over breakfast. Nonna was, surprisingly, still sleeping, so Sophia washed and dressed in white Stella McCartney jeans, a white sleeveless linen shirt and brown leather Chloé gladiator sandals, then headed out into the sunshine.

  The streets were quiet as she strolled through them and she delighted in the tranquillity as she passed between old houses painted in pastel shades, some with their shutters still drawn, and trod carefully over cobbles that had been buffed to a sheen by the passing of hundreds of feet over the years. In stone pots and planters fragrant rosemary grew, its woody camphor scent mi
ngling with that of the bay trees as she passed. The shop windows were dark, as some of them didn’t open until at least mid-morning, and she took advantage of the opportunity to browse the window displays without being jostled by tourists, or feeling the need to move out of the way to let someone else take a look.

  When she found herself at the small harbour, in front of the cafe where she’d come with Phoebe, she sat down on the stone steps and gazed out at the lake. An engine hummed out on the water and she wondered if it was a speedboat. She cringed as she thought of herself stuck in the water, and with her streaky tan, but she couldn’t help smiling at the thought of how she’d laughed about it with Joe. He was so easy to be with and she was able to relax in his presence. But he also made her feel other things that she’d never experienced in all her years with Lee; he made her feel desire, and she couldn’t stop herself watching his lips when he spoke and tumbling helplessly into the depths of his eyes. Before he left her outside her grandmother’s after their picnic, he’d kissed her again. A long, lingering kiss that made her toes curl with need. She’d even dreamed about him last night, waking tangled in her sheets and breathless after being embraced by him, disappointed that whatever had woken her had dragged her from his strong arms. It was as if, now that she knew how it felt to have his soft, warm lips against her own and how exquisite it was to have his arms wrapped around her, she couldn’t get enough of him. She shivered with delight at the thought that it could happen again, that she could explore his mouth with her own and be held by him again.

  But was this madness? Agreeing to a summer fling with a man she might never see again after they returned to England…

  This could be the start of a holiday romance that would fade as soon as she left Malcesine, just as her tan would fade. Yet she was convinced there a genuine connection between them; and perhaps it was okay to enjoy that for what it was.

  ‘Penny for them!’

  Sophia jumped and looked up to find Phoebe smiling down at her.

  ‘Oh hi, Phoebe. Sorry, I was miles away then.’

  ‘So I noticed.’

  Phoebe sat next to Sophia and stretched out her long tanned legs in front of her, so that her navy court shoes almost touched the water that lapped at the bottom step.

  ‘I had a lovely walk from my nonna’s. I don’t think I’d ever tire of being able to stretch my legs in the sunshine.’ Sophia lowered her sunglasses and peered at her friend. ‘Are you all right?’

  ‘Kind of. I mean… I’m a bit stressed but I’m sure it will all work out for the best.’

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Sophia noticed that although Phoebe’s hair shone in the early morning sunlight and she was immaculately attired in her navy skirt and white blouse, she had dark shadows under her eyes and her mouth had a pinched look as if she’d been chewing her lip.

  ‘I have a big wedding on Saturday. It’s a couple from Birmingham. They’re just so lovely and I’ve so much to arrange for them and my business partner, Analise, who has been with me since we opened, has just been taken into hospital. They’re not sure what it is but she’s been having stomach pains. Could be her appendix or maybe something else so they have to run some tests. Obviously,’ she ran a hand through her blonde hair and pushed it back from her forehead, ‘I’m deeply worried about her. But I also have to keep things ticking over.’ Phoebe sniffed hard and closed her eyes, then waved a hand in front of her face.

  ‘It’s okay.’ Sophia reached out and placed a hand on Phoebe’s shoulder. ‘I’m sure Analise will be fine. If it is her appendix then they can treat that. Just whip the darned thing out is probably best.’

  Phoebe opened her eyes and stared at Sophia and she winced. Had she said the wrong thing?

  ‘Oh my god!’ Phoebe started to laugh.


  ‘I’m sorry. This isn’t funny at all but it’s the way you said just whip the darned thing out…’ She covered her mouth. ‘I just hope they do. I’m sorry, Sophia, I giggle sometimes when I’m nervous.’

  ‘I’ve been known to do that too. It’s one of those awful reflex thingumijiggies…’

  Phoebe nodded. ‘That’s the ones. My awful reflex thingumijiggy. I’ll remember that scientific term.’

  ‘So what are you going to do in the meantime?’

  ‘I have no idea. Manage, I guess. Although she is our photographer, which kind of causes a problem as I’ll have to try to find someone else to do that now and it’s quite late in the day. Most of the wedding is planned well in advance but there are things to check and last-minute phone calls to make, plus I need to speak to the couple as they’re arriving this afternoon but I also need to man the office and I just don’t know how I’m going to do that and—’

  ‘Breathe!’ Sophia held up a hand. ‘Slow down and breathe. Look, I can help out. How does that sound? I could sit in the office while you go and check on things. I can answer the phone and take queries, or do whatever it is you need me to do.’

  Phoebe shook her head. ‘No, I couldn’t ask that of you, Sophia. You’re here on holiday and it’s too much.’

  ‘I’m here for a break, yes, and to spend time with my nonna but I’m also meant to be taking time to think about what I’d like to do. You make wedding planning sound like lots of fun so I can find out what it is you enjoy about it. What do you think?’

  ‘Well… if you’re sure you don’t mind. I’ll pay you of course.’

  ‘No need.’ She shook her head. ‘But I’d love to help out on Saturday. If I could?’

  ‘You’d like to help me with the wedding?’

  Sophia nodded. ‘I’d love to see a service in the castle. I bet it’s amazing.’

  ‘Oh it is. Every time, it gets me right here.’ Phoebe patted her chest. ‘Every single time.’

  ‘So it’s a deal?’

  ‘Yes please.’

  ‘Well I’ll have to pop back to the house and let my nonna know but I can come straight back.’

  ‘No rush, Sophia. I hadn’t intended opening today until noon anyway. I was just going in early to sort through some paperwork and to try to get on top of things. But I think we should enjoy our breakfast as planned first.’

  ‘That sounds good to me.’

  They got up and walked across to the cafe where they’d eaten before. It was just opening and the waitress gave them a warm smile as they took a table in the sunshine, then mimed five minutes at them with her hand. Sophia and Phoebe nodded.

  ‘Do you mind if I ask what you were smiling about when I found you?’ Phoebe asked. ‘I’d like to hazard a guess that it was the look of love.’

  ‘Oh I don’t know about that,’ Sophia said, suddenly finding her painted toenails interesting. She willed her sudden flush to subside.

  ‘You don’t have to tell me. I’m just here if you’d like to talk about anything.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Sophia smiled. ‘I’m just… happy. I still have things on my mind, but I can feel myself changing. I don’t think I’ve been truly happy in a long while and coming out to Lake Garda has lifted me. If that makes sense.’

  ‘It does.’ Phoebe nodded.

  ‘I think I’d accepted that my life had come to a point and it wouldn’t be changing any time soon. That sounds quite sad, right?’

  ‘It does but it’s easy to get stuck in a rut.’

  ‘But I suddenly feel free and… optimistic. I have no idea what I’m going to do, where I’m going to live or what the future holds, but I have hope.’

  ‘Like I did when I came here after I’d been travelling.’

  ‘Yes. I have another chance. To make something of myself and to be who I want to be, not who Lee or the bank or anyone else says I should be.’

  ‘You can do anything if you put your mind to it. And do you think that this mystery guy… that you don’t want to talk about… could have a role to play in your future?’

  ‘I doubt it. I hardly know him. I really like him… but he’s… oh I don’t know. I swore I wouldn’t end up getting involv
ed again for ages and I don’t want to, I really don’t. I want to find myself and to develop me to be the best version of me that I can.’

  ‘A man doesn’t need to get in the way of that, Sophia. Not if he’s the right man for you. If he is, he will help you to flourish and to become who you want to be. A good man won’t stand in the way of that because he’ll grow along with you.’

  ‘That would be nice. But I’m also keen to have some fun and let my hair down this summer.’

  ‘Good for you.’

  They browsed the menus for a while and Sophia thought about what Phoebe had said. Perhaps she was right. Sophia was so certain that she wanted to be single now, that a man would ruin her plans and hold her back, but when she thought about that type of man, it was Lee who came to mind. Lee had held her back but she had allowed it and she had probably held him back too. They were negative forces on one another, the wrong combination, and heading nowhere. She was lucky that they hadn’t been married or had children, as then it would have been even harder.

  And now there was Joe with his sweet smile and compassionate heart; with those green eyes and incredible body. She knew he’d have a past of his own and that he had things going on in his own life but what they wanted from each other didn’t have to involve all that.

  She knew nothing of Joe’s life really, or about his past. They’d shared some details but not discussed a lot of things.

  She placed her fingers on her lips where Joe’s had been just the previous evening. She had agreed with Joe that they both should keep things casual, but she knew, deep in her heart, that for her the sweet kisses had affected her more than they should have done.

  Chapter 15

  Sophia closed the door, then stepped into the hallway of her grandmother’s house.

  ‘Hello? I’m home.’


  ‘Yes, Nonna. Sorry I took a while but I met Phoebe for breakfast as planned and, well, we got chatting and I lost track of time.’

  Her grandmother appeared in the lounge doorway. ‘It’s nice that you can spend time with a friend, bella.’

  ‘She was in a bit of a state, to be honest. Her business partner has been taken ill and she needs some help, so I offered to man the phones for her.’


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