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Love at the Italian Lake

Page 15

by Darcie Boleyn

  ‘So when you get back to your grandmother’s, will your mum be there?’

  ‘I think so. She texted to say her flight had landed and that she was about to board the bus from Verona.’

  ‘Will you be okay?’

  Sophia nodded. ‘I just want all of my family to be happy. I love them so much.’

  Phoebe pulled her into a hug. ‘Now, promise me you’ll enjoy tonight and that you’ll give me all the details tomorrow.’

  ‘I will. See you in the morning.’

  They parted and Sophia headed for her grandmother’s house, her stomach a ball of tension as she wondered how her mother would be feeling right now. She didn’t have to wait long to find out because, when she arrived at the house, her mother was already there.

  ‘Hello, bella. Gosh, I’ve missed you.’ Her mother enveloped her in a floral-scented hug as soon as she opened the door and Sophia felt lightheaded as the full reality of the situation hit her. The next few days would not be easy for her mother or grandmother.

  ‘I missed you too, Mum. How was your flight?’

  ‘Not bad. The bus journey from the airport wasn’t great but that’s mainly because I hate travelling on buses.’

  ‘Where’s Grandma?’

  ‘Making coffee.’

  ‘Dad and the boys all right?’

  ‘They send their love.’

  ‘You’re looking well.’ Sophia appraised her mother’s outfit of khaki linen trousers and black vest top with a short-sleeved black shirt over the top. Her mother always made the most of her curves and her beautiful, clear skin. Her dark curls were sleek and shiny and tiny silver studs sparkled in her ears, while her lips were painted a bright red that lit up her face. ‘Gorgeous, in fact.’

  ‘You’re too kind. Your father said the same thing before I left this morning. He made me promise to return to him soon and not to let any Italian charmer sweet-talk me into staying out here.’

  ‘Sounds like Dad. He didn’t want to come?’

  ‘He couldn’t, bella. You know how he is and he just doesn’t trust the boys to run the restaurant without him. Only he can make the pasta the right way. Only he can slice the garlic thin enough so it melts in the oil. Only he can whip the cream just right for the tiramisu. How he’ll ever retire I don’t know. Shall we go and sit down?’

  ‘Oh… Mum, I’m really sorry but I can’t. You see I have… oh I feel so awful, but I have plans this afternoon and this evening.’

  Her mother’s eyes widened. ‘You do?’

  ‘Yes.’ Sophia lowered her eyes to her feet and cursed the blush rising up her throat.

  ‘Plans as in?’

  ‘With a man. A friend.’

  ‘With a man?’


  ‘Oh come on, Sophia, you’re a big girl now. You don’t have to act like an embarrassed teenager just because you’re going out with a man.’

  Sophia met her mother’s smiling eyes and sighed. ‘I know, you’re right, it’s just that it’s quite soon after Lee and I was worried about what you’d think and I don’t really like going out and leaving you when you’ve just got here but—’

  ‘Shhh!’ Her mother placed a finger over her lips. ‘Take a breath, bella. Look, I didn’t come here to interfere with your time out, you know. I wouldn’t have come had it not been for finding out what I have. Oh that sounded wrong. It’s high time I visited my moth— I mean my… oh I don’t know what to call her now.’

  ‘She’s still your mother. Even if not biologically.’

  ‘I guess so but this has been a shock. It kind of shakes everything up. Of course you know, it’s the same for you in a way but she’s your nonna rather than your mother. Anyway, you need to get ready for your date and I need to have a good long talk with… Nonna. So you go and sort yourself out and we can catch up tomorrow. I am happy for you, bella. Honestly.’

  ‘Thanks, Mum. We’re just going shopping, for some food and to the opera.’

  ‘The opera, eh? Sounds like he’s a keeper.’

  Sophia swallowed another sigh and went up the stairs. Why couldn’t anyone see that this wasn’t anything serious with Joe? What was it with them all being so keen to see her with a man? It was a good job that she was being practical and sensible about it or their enthusiasm over her love life might well have made her giddy with anticipation.

  But how could she tell her mother that she only intended having fun with Joe? That they’d agreed to enjoy each other and a summer fling. The more she thought about it, the harder it was getting to stop her thoughts dancing forwards a little, to the possibility of seeing Joe after the summer. Because that wasn’t what either of them wanted. Was it?

  Chapter 16

  Joe had to try hard to keep his eyes on the road as he drove to Verona in his uncle’s cherry-red 1966 Alpha Romeo Spider. But it was difficult. Very difficult when Sophia was sat in the passenger seat looking absolutely gorgeous. When he’d picked her up at her grandmother’s, his jaw dropped and he’d had to force his mouth shut because he’d been bowled over by her beauty. Her mother had been there too and probably thought he was a gibbering idiot because he’d struggled to make his way through the most basic of pleasantries.

  ‘Ooh, a CD player. What music do you have in here?’ Sophia asked him, leaning forwards to look in the glove compartment.

  ‘I’m not sure what you’ll find in there. It’s not my car, but I try to take it out when I can. It’s old but it’s been kept in great condition and modernised over the years.’

  ‘Oh that’s right, you borrowed it from your uncle.’

  ‘He doesn’t drive far but said I can use it whenever I want.’

  ‘That’s kind of him.’

  ‘He is very generous. But I think he was glad that I’m going out with you today.’

  ‘He was?’

  ‘I could stretch to saying that he seemed excited. A bit over the top considering we’re just spending some time together this summer.’

  He peered at her from the corner of his eye. They were sitting close together in the low seats of the classic sports car and he was acutely aware of her proximity. If he stretched out his little finger, it would meet her leg and that thought made his pulse race. Every moment he spent with her made him question his decision to enjoy a summer fling with her. Would he really be able to walk away at the end of the summer and never think of her again?

  That maxi halter-dress she was wearing was having a strange effect upon him. It skimmed her curves and the white crinkle cotton made her skin positively glow. She’d pinned some of her dark hair up and left a few curls hanging down around her face, and it was taking a lot of effort not to touch them to see if they were as soft as they looked.

  ‘Ah, here we are!’ She held up a Best of Take That CD.

  ‘Take That?’

  ‘Why not?’ She slipped it into the CD player and the opening chords of a familiar song rang out.

  ‘I didn’t know my uncle liked them.’

  ‘I thought everybody liked a bit of Gary Barlow and Co.’

  Joe smirked. ‘But an Italian man in his sixties?’

  ‘He has good taste.’ Sophia shrugged.

  ‘I did wonder why there was a Take That calendar behind the bar, but assumed one of the female bar staff had put it there.’

  ‘That’s classy.’

  ‘You like these?’ He glanced at her.

  ‘I grew up listening to them. One of Mum’s favourites. She even went to a recent concert with some of her friends.’

  ‘Which one’s her favourite?’

  ‘Which friend?’

  ‘No… which member of the band?’

  Sophia shrugged. ‘I think she changes her mind all the time. Besides, she always says that as sweet and sexy as they seem, she’s only got eyes for my dad.’

  ‘That’s nice.’

  ‘It is, isn’t it? To be so in love after such a long time together.’

  ‘So you think that’s possible then?’

  ‘Love l


  ‘I guess so. But it has to be right from the outset. I don’t think a relationship can work if there’s not something special there. Mum and Dad fell madly in love as soon as they met. When I was growing up, they always made time for each other. Took the time to appreciate each other. It’s important.’

  ‘I agree. And I agree that if it’s wrong at the start then it shouldn’t continue.’

  ‘The voice of experience?’

  He inclined his head.

  ‘So have you ever had a big relationship? I mean… I haven’t asked. We seem to have talked a lot about me and not so much about you.’

  ‘Not much to tell.’

  ‘So you’ve never been in love.’

  ‘That’s a difficult one. I think I was in love once, but I was a lot younger and the way I felt was affected by a lot of different factors.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘Our age, for starters. Then how quickly things progressed. Charlotte…’ He bit his lip, not knowing how much he wanted to talk about his life so far, when he was about to have what he hoped would be a great time.


  He shook his head. ‘It’ll keep. Let’s not talk about other people today? Can we… just…’

  ‘Enjoy the opera?’

  ‘Yes. If that’s okay with you. I don’t mean to clam up, I just would prefer not to get into a conversation that might dredge up some negativity and ruin what should be a pleasant afternoon and evening. I just want to enjoy your company.’

  Sophia put her hand on top of his where it rested on the gearstick. Her touch was cool and light. As she moved, her scent of vanilla and peaches drifted over him and he licked his lips.

  ‘It is completely okay with me. I want to enjoy being with you too. So, about the opera?’


  She removed her hand and he missed her touch instantly, as if being physically connected to her was something he needed now.

  ‘I have to admit that I’ve never been before.’

  He laughed then. ‘I’ll let you into a secret. Neither have I.’

  ‘You’re an opera virgin?’

  ‘I am.’

  ‘So we’re kind of going to lose our virginity together!’

  Joe straightened in his seat then glanced at her and saw that she was blushing.

  ‘That sounded very suggestive, Joe. I’m so sorry.’ She started to giggle and he joined her.

  ‘Don’t worry about it. You’re right and I’m delighted to lose my opera virginity with you.’

  ‘So what made you want to go tonight?’

  ‘I’ve been meaning to go for years but never got around to it. I suppose I’ve never had anyone I wanted to go with. But I kind of want to do everything with you. I mean… that sounded even more suggestive, didn’t it? It’s like innuendo bingo in this car.’

  She giggled. ‘Well I’m honoured. Thank you.’

  ‘Although… I’m not saying that those thoughts haven’t crossed my mind. You look incredible today and I’m only human.’

  ‘You’re making me blush, Joe!’


  ‘No, don’t be. I’m just not used to compliments but please don’t stop. I did have some help with choosing the outfit and with my hair, from Phoebe.’

  ‘I do like that dress.’

  ‘I never used to care much about clothes but I really like it too.’

  As Joe searched for somewhere to park the car, he thought about what Sophia had said. She wasn’t used to compliments. That was so wrong! The guy she’d been with must have been a complete idiot. What kind of man had a girlfriend as beautiful as Sophia was, inside and out, and failed to let her know it? If Joe had a woman like Sophia on his arm, he’d be sure to let her know how special she was every minute of every day.

  Well they wouldn’t be together every day, but she was here for now. So he’d do his best to make her feel special, even if it only was for the summer.


  ‘What did you say this street was called again?’ Sophia asked Joe as he looked at the map on his phone.

  ‘The Via Mazzini. It’s the most fashionable street Verona has to offer according to the tourist leaflet and the travel blogs.’ He swung the rucksack he’d brought with him onto his back and Sophia wondered again what he’d needed it for and what was in it, but she hadn’t liked to pry.

  She looked around at the luxurious shops with their windows full of the latest fashions that were probably eye-wateringly expensive, and the like of which she’d never have considered buying before but was actually considering browsing now with the intent to buy. Every so often there was a souvenir shop selling miniature statues and amphitheatres, Romeo and Juliet paraphernalia from t-shirts to pillows to signs, and a variety of scarves, hats and jewellery. As well as the shops, her attention was captured by the colourful decorated balconies above the storefronts, the painted shutters that adorned the windows of upper rooms and the architectural features of the older buildings that hinted at the secrets of Verona’s history.

  ‘It’s amazing, Joe,’ she said, instinctively clutching his arm and feeling his muscles tense beneath her touch. She’d tried not to stare at him when he’d arrived to pick her up but he looked so good that it was a challenge. He’d combed his damp hair back from his forehead and was clean-shaven. He was wearing navy chinos with a pair of boat shoes and a pale grey shirt. The shirt-sleeves were capped and fit snugly around his biceps.

  ‘Tell me about it.’

  ‘So is there a particular shop you want to go into?’

  ‘I’m open to suggestions. You choose and I’ll go with you wherever you want to go.’


  ‘Of course.’

  Sophia took a deep breath and peered around her. Everywhere she looked, people were hurrying along, pointing at wares in windows or rushing to be someplace. She rarely gave much thought to her appearance beyond looking professional, and now here she was in a very fashionable street with plenty of choice and a handsome man willing to accompany her but she had no idea where to start.

  ‘You okay?’ Joe touched her shoulder and she met his green eyes.

  ‘Yes. I just… I’m not used to this, Joe. I know that makes me seem weird but Lee would never have come shopping with me and I’m not much of a fashionista. My wardrobe was filled with…’ She stopped herself.


  ‘Oh I’ll sound like a right weirdo.’

  ‘No, you won’t. Tell me.’

  ‘I bought multiple versions of the same suit and shirts – courtesy of a personal shopper at Harrods – so I never had to think about clothes for work. I never bothered with nice clothes up until my mother and sister-in-law took me shopping before I came to Italy.’

  ‘Nothing wrong with not being bothered about fashion.’

  She scanned his face for signs of mockery but found none.

  ‘I just never cared about all that, Joe.’

  ‘You would be stunning in a potato sack, Sophia, so don’t worry about it. However, while we’re here, let’s have a nosey around, shall we?’

  He took her hand and squeezed it and a bolt of heat shot up her arm then spread through her entire body rendering her temporarily breathless.

  ‘Uh… Let’s go in there first.’ She pointed at a shop window where the mannequins wore an array of garments and trendy-looking brown leather cowboy boots.

  ‘Wherever you want.’

  Joe tugged on her hand and Sophia allowed herself to be led. And as they entered the shop, she couldn’t help noticing the admiring glances her companion got from the two women behind the counter, and she enjoyed the fact that he was still holding her hand. And holding it rather tight indeed.

  Chapter 17

  Two hours later, Sophia and Joe had been into every shop that the Via Mazzini had to offer. Sophia had been a bit reluctant to try anything on initially, but Joe’s enthusiasm and encouragement soon led her to try – and buy – a p
air of knee-high taupe suede Gucci boots. This was followed by a vintage cerise Laura Di Maggio handbag.

  Having never been shopping with a man before, it was an interesting experience and she had thoroughly enjoyed herself. She’d also persuaded Joe to buy a shirt.

  ‘I think it might be a good idea if I put these in the rucksack. I’d hate to put the bags down and forget to pick one of them up by mistake.’

  ‘Good idea.’ Sophia took the shopping bags while he removed the large rucksack from his back and opened it, then pulled out a camera with a strap attached to it. He slid the strap over his neck so that the camera rested against his chest, then folded the bags up and tucked them into the rucksack.

  ‘You don’t have to carry mine, though, Joe. I can manage.’

  He flashed her a grin. ‘I know I don’t have to but I want to.’

  ‘Well, thank you.’

  Again, Sophia marvelled at the difference between Lee and Joe. She knew she shouldn’t compare them but it was hard not to. The times she’d been forced to carry bags from the supermarket to the car – when she’d forgotten to place a home delivery for groceries – or to push the trolley with a wonky wheel as Lee had dawdled along behind, eyes glued to his phone, now came rushing back. And that was when he’d bothered to go grocery shopping with her. Yet here was Joe, carrying her shopping and insisting on doing it.

  ‘It’ll be handy to have my camera out anyway as we’re off somewhere special next.’ Joe had explained to Sophia that they wouldn’t go to the opera till later that evening so they still had plenty of time for dinner and sightseeing.

  ‘Are we going to Juliet’s house?’

  ‘Well it’s rumoured to be that of the real Juliet.’

  ‘How exciting! How far is it?’

  ‘If I’m correct, it’s just along here on the right.’ He took her hand again and they made their way along the busy street. ‘And there it is. If you look carefully you can see the coat of arms on the internal archway of the courtyard that shows that the house belonged to the Dal Cappello or Cappelletti family.’


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