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Wilder, Lauren - Her Heart's Desire [Highcroft Saga 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 5

by Lauren Wilder

Every time she looked at Felicity, she cringed as she remembered the erotic show by the fire and Marcus’s most recent flagrant display in the maze. She wondered if Felicity knew he had a lover.

  Upon returning to Highcroft, Marisa excused herself and decided to take a nap before dinner, figuring she had seen enough excitement for one day.

  ‘Phew,’ Marisa let out a long sigh and made for the sanctuary of her room. Once inside, she lay down on the beautiful bed and swept her arm across the delicate silk quilt, relishing the softness of the plump feather pillows and the luxurious Egyptian cotton pillowcases against her cheek. She drifted off with thoughts of Lord St. John, cakes, and sex on her mind—a heady concoction.

  * * * *

  ‘Please, kiss me, kiss me now,’ she said breathlessly as James St. John gazed into her eyes, his blue eyes dancing as though mocking her, as though he knew the strength of the effect he had on her.

  ‘You’re mine, my beautiful, sexy, American darling,’ he whispered as he trailed gentle kisses along her neck, causing her to writhe in passion, her heart beating so fast she felt as though it would explode.

  She gasped, struggling for breath as he slowly undid her shirt with his elegant, sexy fingers, and all the while his eyes never left hers. He stroked the swell of her breast and caressed the nipple through the sheer fabric of her pretty lace bra.

  His head bent and his tongue snaked out, licking the nipple gently, his eyes penetrating hers, she felt herself swooning. Her heart raced, as heat rose up from the tips of her toes to the top of her head as he sucked gently on one nipple then the other.

  He groaned deeply as he sucked gently, making her feel wild and wanton, his hardness pressed against her groin as she wriggled, thrusting herself up to him, crying out as he pressed himself into her. She caressed his face and held on tightly as his lips covered hers...

  ‘What the—huh?’ Marisa mumbled as she woke with a start upon hearing a loud knocking at her door.

  Feeling disoriented, she roused herself from her sexy dream. The persistent knocking continued, and she leapt off the bed to open the door. Mrs. Reed was standing there.

  ‘I wondered if you would be coming down for dinner, Miss Lowell. Mrs. Rose is ready to serve up now.’

  ‘Oh, God, yes, I’m sorry, I fell asleep. I’ll be right down.’

  Mrs. Reed glowered at her, and Marisa was quite taken aback.

  ‘Please make sure this doesn’t happen again. We have a routine here at Highcroft, and I expect everyone to adhere to it. There are no twenty-four hour diners here, Miss Lowell.’

  How nasty, thought Marisa. She could see Mrs. Reed had taken a strong dislike to her, but why?

  When she reached the dining room, she was surprised to find Marcus sitting there alone.

  ‘Hi, Marcus, is it just us?’ She felt awkward being alone with him; she wondered if he was aware she had twice witnessed his naughty shenanigans.

  ‘Hello, Marisa. Yes, Felicity has retired early, and James is still up in London, of course.’ He gave a slow, lazy grin as his eyes travelled all over her body. She wished she was dressed a little more conservatively. The thin fabric of her jersey dress suddenly felt insufficient. She felt as though it was revealing every detail of her figure and was probably turning him on.

  ‘You’re a very attractive woman, Marisa, if you don’t mind me saying so.’ He continued to undress her with his eyes, and she felt her cheeks heat.

  ‘Oh, I—’ she murmured, feeling tongue-tied.

  ‘Don’t be embarrassed. I’m not hitting on you. Isn’t that what you Americans say? Rather a strange way to verbalize your attraction. I much prefer our version of seduction. If I were to seduce you, Marisa, you would be left in no doubt of my intentions.’

  Marisa didn’t know where to look. She felt very uncomfortable. She could imagine him pouncing on her at any moment; she wanted to turn around and walk out but felt that would be a little dramatic, even for an American, so she took a seat at the table.

  He stood and walked slowly around the table as her heart hammered in alarm. He placed his hand on her chair and leaned in, whispering, ‘If you ever feel lonely, let me know.’

  With that, he left the room, and Marisa let out a huge sigh of relief. She wished Felicity was there. Anything was better than being alone with Marcus.

  She ate quickly, anxious to get back to the sanctuary of her room. She took a hot bath and tried to relax. Thoughts of James consumed her, and she felt excited remembering her erotic dream. How she longed to know what it felt like to be kissed by him, his soft lips on hers, those amazing eyes watching her as they made love. She stepped out of the bath and froze as a shadow flitted across the room. She grabbed her robe and wrapped it tightly around her.

  ‘Who is it, who’s there?’ she called out in panic.

  Marcus appeared in the doorway, a lecherous grin on his face.

  ‘Oh, my God, what are you doing in my room?’ Marisa stared at him in shock.

  Marcus smiled. ‘Hey, don’t panic, I was just passing and wanted to make sure you were all right, just being hospitable.’

  ‘Look, I brought a nightcap.’ He held up a bottle of wine and set it down on the dressing table. Marisa wasn’t quite sure how she should play this. She didn’t think he would force her into anything, but this wasn’t good. She just wanted him to leave.

  She walked slowly around him towards the middle of the room, keeping the bed behind her. He stepped towards her, and she glared at him.

  ‘Come on, Marisa, lighten up, that’s what you Yanks say as well, isn’t it? Now, what does that mean exactly?’ Marisa backed up as he continued to move towards her.

  He looked her over with a sly, dirty grin.

  ‘Marcus, I want you to leave. I don‘t want you here.’

  He ignored her as he advanced, closing the space between them. Marisa stepped back until she was wedged up against the edge of the bed. She looked behind her at the huge four-poster and groaned at her predicament. Trapped.

  He reached out and stroked her face. ‘Oh, dear, nowhere to run now.’

  Marisa brushed his hand away and steadied herself against the bedpost.

  ‘Come on, it’s just a bit of fun.’ She could feel his breath on her face as he moved closer still, stroking her hair. When he bent to kiss her, she quickly pushed him away.

  ‘Get out, I don’t want this!’

  His demeanor immediately changed, and he stepped back and cleared his throat. He held his hands up in front of him.

  ‘Fine. Obviously this is a simple misunderstanding. I thought you were up for it. No need to freak out.’ He emphasized the Americanism with dripping sarcasm and strode out, leaving the door wide open behind him. Marisa rushed to close it. Turning the key, she checked the door was firmly locked and sighed with relief.

  Chapter Four

  The next morning she was woken by the sound of little voices laughing and chattering along the corridor from her rooms. She got ready quickly, curious to see the little visitors and get some breakfast before creepy Marcus made an appearance. He was one person she really didn’t want to see.

  She left her rooms, and as she reached the staircase, she was accosted by two very boisterous children.

  ‘Hello, are you going to come and play with us!’ They trilled with excitement.

  A pretty girl of about five grinned innocently. Curly, dark hair framed her chubby face, and her big blue eyes watched for Marisa’s response.

  ‘Don’t be daft, Emily; you know we’re not allowed to play with the staff.’ The little boy chipped in. He was a little older, maybe six, with dark, unruly hair and the same big blue eyes, just like Daddy’s.

  ‘I’m Marisa, your daddy’s assistant. Nice to meet you both. I guess we could play sometimes…’ She was flustered by their sudden ambush and uncertain of how to behave with them in front of the frosty Mrs. Reed.

  ‘Children, come here at once, and leave Miss Lowell alone!’ Mrs. Reed trilled out as she came along the corridor, her heels c
lacking on the wooden flooring.

  ‘Apologies, Miss Lowell. Meet Tom and Emily. I’m afraid they are very excited. It’s their first night home after the holidays.’

  ‘Oh, that’s all right, no problem’

  Marisa stood aside as they all swept past her and the children skipped down the stairs, shooed on by an annoyed Mrs. Reed. She smiled as their busy little voices grew dimmer until they had disappeared.

  Oh, what sweet little children, she thought. So adorable.

  * * * *

  Marisa was anxious to get to the office, so after checking Marcus wasn’t in the dining room, she had a light breakfast of coffee and croissants and went straight in to work. James was already at his desk, and Marisa felt an overwhelming desire to throw herself into his strong arms and hold on tight.

  His face lit up when he saw her. ‘Hello there!’

  ‘Good morning,’ she answered quietly and took her seat at the opposite desk.

  ‘Is everything all right, Miss Lowell?’ he asked, looking at her over his PC. She wished he would call her by her name. She felt as though she was back in school.

  ‘Yes, yes, fine.’ She lied, unsure of how to proceed. Should she tell him about Marcus?

  ‘You just seem a bit quiet today. Are you absolutely sure nothing’s wrong?’ he inquired gently.

  ‘Oh, just finding my feet, trying to settle in, that’s all.’

  ‘Okay, well, it’s an easy day today. I just need you to familiarize yourself with the client portfolio and chase up some menus for forthcoming functions. You’ll find everything you need under the Client doc on your desktop. If you need any help, just shout.’

  ‘Right, no problem, I‘ll get on with that.’ Marisa decided to keep Marcus’s antics to herself. No harm was done, and she was sure he’d got the message.

  * * * *

  James felt Marisa was hiding something. She seemed very subdued, not her usual cheery self. It had only been a few days, and he hoped she would soon settle in. He liked her a great deal. He remembered she said the bed was uncomfortable. Maybe that’s all it was?

  ‘How was the bed last night, still not comfy?’ he asked.

  ‘No, not really, it’s very hard on my back; I’m used to a softer mattress, that’s all.’

  He looked at her with concern. ‘Well, we can’t have that. Please order yourself a new mattress from Sanderson’s in Marlow. We have an account, just go and choose something suitable for you. Take the staff car after lunch. Mrs. Reed will give you the keys.’

  ‘Oh, thank you, I’d like that. I will go at lunchtime, though, no need to go during office hours,’ she said.

  He wondered if maybe he should take her himself. Would that be appropriate, or was he being too familiar? He couldn’t stop himself. Seeing her so tired and anxious made him feel uncomfortable. He stood suddenly and grabbed his car keys.

  ‘Tell you what, I’ll take you myself now, then that’s out of the way. Hopefully they will deliver it today.’

  ‘Oh, that’s very kind of you, Lord St. John, that’s wonderful, thank you,’ Marisa said, smiling.

  He loved the way her face lit up when she was excited. He found her very endearing, and he felt himself soften.

  ‘Please call me James. No need for such formalities here, and I shall call you Marisa.’

  ‘Okay, sounds good to me.’ She smiled as he placed his hand on the small of her back and steered her towards the door. He liked the feeling of touching her. His fingertips lingered on the gentle curve of her waist for a moment, but not for so long as to be deemed inappropriate. He did not want to appear too familiar.

  * * * *

  They went straight to town, and Marisa had fun trying out the beds. She found the perfect mattress but was horrified by the price tag.

  ‘What’s wrong, I thought you liked that one?’ James asked as she got off the bed and went to a cheaper one.

  ‘Yes, I do, but this one looks just as good.’ She bounced on the cheaper bed, knowing instantly why it cost less. ‘Marisa, please don‘t be concerned with the cost. It‘s a company account, and everything is tax deductible against the business, so it‘s quite irrelevant what’s on the price tag.’

  He sat down on the expensive bed. Stretching out horizontally, he put his arms behind his head and closed his eyes, smiling.

  ‘Ah, yes, I can see why you like this one. It’s very comfy, divine. I may have to get one for myself!’ He sat up, patting the bed. ‘Come on, try it again.’

  She sat beside him, and he bounced a bit, making her fall backwards. She giggled as she struggled to get back up, and he continued bouncing until they both fell back laughing.

  ‘Ah, that’s better. Nice to see you smiling again.’ He stood and reached for her hand. She allowed him to pull her up, and when he did, she came right up against him, almost touching. Their eyes met for a moment, and Marisa felt herself blushing as her cheeks grew hot. He had such an effect on her, it was crazy!

  He cleared his throat. ‘Come on let’s sort this out, then there’s one more thing I’d like to show you before we head back home.’

  He smiled gently, his eyes twinkling with warmth, and she knew he was doing all this to cheer her up, and she thought he was adorable.

  ‘It’s such a nice day today and as the sun is actually shining, I think I’ll take the top down on the car, you don’t mind, do you?’

  ‘Oh, no, that would be lovely!’ she replied as he began winding the soft top back.

  He smiled at her, and her heart leapt again.

  As they drove along leafy country lanes, the wind whipped her hair around, and she struggled to keep it out of her face, hoping she didn’t look too messy.

  ‘Oh, is it too windy, shall I put the top up? Seeing you being lashed by your hair wasn’t the effect I had desired.’

  Her pulse raced, and she thought he was getting more handsome by the minute. She actually couldn’t believe a man could be so good- looking and so nice, too!

  ‘No, no, it’s fine. It’s not too windy at all.’

  ‘Ah, very good. Nearly there.’

  * * * *

  He wasn’t oblivious to her feelings for him. He glanced at her as they drove along, taking in her pretty face, full lips, and high cheekbones. He liked the way she wore her hair loose and wavy, and even with her hair flying wildly all over her face, he still thought she looked really beautiful.

  She looked at him and smiled. Did he see a glimmer of mischief in those pretty green eyes? He guessed she could be gutsy underneath all that delicate femininity. He had been struck by her the first time they met. He knew instantly he would give her the job, despite a niggling worry that it may be for the wrong reasons.

  ‘Here we are.’

  He pulled into a leafy lay-by and leapt out, opening her door for her. She stepped from the car, trying to tame her tangled hair as she followed him through an old gate and into the woods.

  ‘Oh, I’m not really dressed for this,’ Marisa said. He saw she flinched as her high heels sunk into the mud.

  ‘Oh dear your poor shoes. It’s not far, I promise you, just up there through the trees.’ James pointed ahead then strode on, and she quickened her pace to keep up with him.

  * * * *

  Marisa cringed as she felt the mud sucking her heels in as she plodded behind him, trying desperately to maintain her balance.

  The trees cleared and gave way to the most wonderful view; they were high on the hills opposite Highcroft, and she could see all across the verdant valley, taking in the vastness of the house and grounds. She spotted the maze and blanched, deciding she wouldn’t go wandering in there in a hurry, just in case Marcus was lurking.

  ‘It’s splendid, isn’t it, Miss Lowell?’ James breathed the fresh air deeply as he surveyed the view. ‘When I was a little boy, I imagined that I was a king and this was my kingdom. I used to come up here all the time and play. Sometimes it was easy to forget life went on outside Highcroft. I do so love it here.’

  Marisa watched
him as he sat on a large, flat rock, his long legs apart and his hands resting on his knees. He smiled at her.

  ‘Come, sit with me for a moment. Give your heels a rest.’

  She perched beside him and was so close she could smell his lovely aftershave, a masculine musky scent that made her want to lick his neck. Stop it, Marisa. The voice of reason inside her head spoke and brought her back to earth.

  ‘I’m sorry if you feel I have been neglecting you. I rather threw you in at the deep end with disappearing off to London straight away. I do so want you to like it here.’

  He smiled at her warmly, his eyes searching hers for a moment, then he looked quickly away. He stared out towards Highcroft.

  ‘I think we get along very well. You’re very easy to be around, Marisa. It makes the working day very pleasant, don’t you think?’ He looked at her again softly as she watched his lips moving. She was enchanted by him, by his eyes, his face. His skin looked so touchable...

  ‘Yes, I feel very comfortable around you; it certainly helps if you get along with your boss.’ She laughed lightly.

  ‘It does indeed,’ he said.

  His gaze lingered on her, and she instinctively shifted a little bit closer to him, drawn like a magnet.

  For a heart-stopping moment, his face moved closer to hers, and she instinctively tilted her chin up to him.

  He cleared his throat suddenly and stood up, much to her disappointment.

  He thrust his hands into the pockets of his smart chinos and paced back and forth. She wondered where this was going. He turned around and flashed his Hollywood smile again, and she felt herself responding instantly. She felt hot, and her heart stampeded, making her catch her breath. She felt like a teenager deep in the throes of her first crush.

  ‘I was thinking it may be a good idea to take you up to London soon.’

  ‘Oh, yes, I’d like that a lot.’ Marisa beamed at him.

  ‘Well, then, that’s settled. I was starting to worry you were about to run off. You looked so unhappy this morning. I’m glad we are all right. We shall go up to London as soon as possible. It’s about time you met the city team.’


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