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Wilder, Lauren - Her Heart's Desire [Highcroft Saga 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 7

by Lauren Wilder

  He hadn’t got any vibes from her, but maybe after a few glasses of champagne and his charming company, she would be a little more interested in getting to know him better.

  He knew he had better go careful, though. He certainly didn’t want to upset her. She was so sweet and sexy, and he knew James thought a lot of her. He decided to see how the evening went before making his move. He wondered if James was keen on her himself. He certainly talked about her a lot. Hmm, surely not so soon after Corinne? William was sure that wouldn‘t impress Marisa at all, being one in a succession of secretaries to shag his brother. No, that wasn’t her style, no way.

  William knew he had a chance. She was definitely interested, otherwise, why ring him?

  He rang Langan’s and reserved a table in the main dining room for Friday at eight. Oh, well, he thought. May as well push the boat out. He grinned, feeling very pleased with himself. Marisa would love the traditional and elegant restaurant famed for its celebrity clientele. She couldn’t fail to see he had made a big effort for her. She was going to get the full treatment, wined and dined then seduced in his fantastic bachelor pad overlooking Trafalgar square. How could she resist?

  * * * *

  James glanced up from his computer screen as Marisa entered. He hadn’t seen her for a few days, and he caught his breath. She looked lovely, as always. She was wearing a pretty pink silk blouse, and her grey pencil skirt was tight around her bottom, accentuating her curves.

  He felt his blood temperature rise. She smiled at him warmly, and he made an effort to look cool and professional. He smiled back and said hello then went back to his screen, trying to concentrate on something other than her. Realising he couldn’t, he switched his computer off and stood to leave.

  ‘I’m going up to London on Friday. I’m meeting up with William. He’s going to show me around a bit,’ she said suddenly as she busied around organizing files over-spilling with pages of menus.

  His jaw tightened as jealously overwhelmed him.

  Not William, the Playboy of Mayfair! He loved his brother dearly, but he wasn’t about to allow him to seduce Marisa and toss her aside like all his other conquests. He had to think quickly. He cleared his throat and smiled at her.

  ‘Oh, I see. Well, that’s a coincidence because I was in fact going to ask you to come up to London with me tomorrow. I think it’s high time you met the London team.’ James waited for her reaction.

  ‘Right, I see. Well, I suppose two trips to town in one week are better than none.’ Marisa seemed pleased, but James felt deflated. She was still going on Friday! He couldn’t have that. William fawning all over her? It just wasn’t on. He decided to try something else.

  ‘Is William picking you up on Friday?’ he asked casually, watching his computer screen, pretending to be otherwise engrossed.

  There was an edge to his usual soft, deep voice, and he wondered if she could tell he was reacting strongly to her date with his brother.

  ‘No, I’m meeting him in London, at the station,’ she replied. He gazed at her, his mind working rapidly for a logical solution.

  ‘Well, that won’t do at all,’ he said. ‘If you are so eager to see London, may I suggest that you forfeit your plans with William and I take you to London myself on Friday instead?’

  Marisa’s face lit up. ‘Well, of course if that fits in better with your plans, I can change my evening with William to another night. I’m sure he won’t mind,’ she said gently.

  James clenched his jaw. He had to stop himself from telling her he didn’t want her to go out with William ever. That William was entirely unsuitable for her. He was crazy with jealousy; he couldn’t stand the thought of another man touching her, let alone his own brother!

  ‘Very well, Friday it is then.’

  ‘Great, it would be useful to familiarize myself with the London office, in case you ever needed me to go there alone,’ she said.

  ‘Yes, you’re quite right, Marisa. I should have taken you long ago. it‘s important you know where it is.’

  ‘Okay that‘s great. I will look forward to it.’ She smiled.

  ‘Well, that’s settled then,’ he said, gazing at her, feeling like a lovesick fool.

  * * * *

  Marisa practically skipped out of the office. She was bursting with joy. He wanted her, he really wanted her. She hadn’t been imagining it. He was clearly jealous about William. She could tell! She felt all warm and fuzzy, as though she were floating on air. She glided towards the lounge, rehearsing what she would say to William in her mind.

  William sounded pissed when she told him. Silence hovered over the phone line. Marisa felt uncomfortable, She hadn’t realized it meant so much to him.

  She felt bad when he told her he had reservations for Langan’s restaurant and VIP passes for Whiskey Mist, both exclusive London venues!

  All she could do was apologize when he said he had been looking forward to seeing her and showing her the town.

  She felt real bad, and it was obvious he was trying to make light of it when he joked that she should think herself lucky, women were falling over themselves to date a handsome young aristocrat!

  She finished the call by promising to catch up with him soon.

  Marisa hoped they would still be friends.

  She thought about James’s reaction and his obvious jealousy. He had been so eager to get her to change her plans; surely he wouldn’t just take her to the office and back to Highcroft?

  No, he wanted her. She was sure of it. Friday night could be the night. She felt a sudden rush of excitement and hugged herself. If things went her way, she hoped she would be spending the weekend in James St. John’s arms!

  Chapter Six

  Marisa dressed for the London trip. She was bursting with excitement as she got ready. She chose a smart figure-hugging dress with short sleeves and a deep V-neckline, serious and sexy. She made sure her makeup was perfect. She wanted him to notice her, to see she was making herself pretty for him. She wore her hair loose, trying to look sexy and elegant—a perfect balance. She wrapped up in a full-length cashmere coat, coveted from last spring’s Barneys sale.

  He smiled at her when she walked into the room, and she could see he was a bit flustered as his eyes travelled all over her body. He was openly staring, and she shivered with excitement seeing his reaction was thrilling to her. He fancied her, it was obvious!

  He was quiet on the drive up, and Marisa felt the attraction between them as strongly as ever and wondered if he felt it, too. She hoped he would make a move on her soon or she would explode with the tension!

  They left the car at the back of the office in his private parking bay and took the lift to the fifth floor. The office was a swish and corporate affair, gleaming and sedate. The receptionist was pretty, and Marisa felt a twinge of jealousy. Did he have other interests here, she wondered.

  He introduced her to the small team who ran the London hub, and she thought they were all charming. They clearly adored him, but then who wouldn’t?

  ‘Right, Marisa, I expect you would like to see the sights now?’ he said.

  ‘Oh, really?’ She smiled broadly, feeling excited like a little kid at Christmas.

  ‘Yes, really. I have been very selfish; I should have brought you up to town last week. It won’t take long to have a peep at the Tower and London Bridge at least, as they are on our way to the restaurant.

  ‘OK, sounds great, thanks.’ Marisa was delighted and could barely contain her glee.

  He left his car behind the office and they took a black cab across Tower Bridge. She marvelled at the sight of the Tower of London, lit up in the evening dusk.

  It looked amazing, and she could barely believe it was in such fantastic condition. She knew it had been built over a thousand years ago, yet it had been preserved and reconstructed over centuries and remained perfect in every detail. They passed Tower Bridge with its blue trim and high walkways across the top, she stared in awe and made a mental note to return and have a look

  ‘Meets your approval, I hope.’ James smiled at her.

  ‘Oh, yes, it’s fabulous.’ Marisa felt giddy with joy. She was beyond excited.

  ‘I sometimes forget how wonderful London truly is,’ James said as he gazed out of the window.

  The taxi pulled up in front of Shad Thames, a narrow cobbled street leading to the river lined on either side by stylish warehouse conversions.

  James explained that years ago the warehouses were the riverside hub of London, where the traders stored their wares and traded from barges along the Thames. Now they were city crash pads for the wealthy financiers of London. Marisa thought it was gorgeous, and she marvelled at the history. She longed to know more.

  James paid the cab, and they walked along the cobbles. A mist came off the river, and Marisa shivered. It was a little bit creepy, and it put her in mind of the old Jack the Ripper movies. She moved closer to James and wished she could feel his protective arm around her.

  She clip-clopped awkwardly beside him. Her heels were totally unsuitable for the slippery path. She was glad they didn’t have far to go.

  ‘Those heels are no match for the cobbles, I’m afraid,’ he said.

  ‘No, they aren’t at all.’ Marisa hobbled alongside him, anxious to keep up. He offered her his arm.

  ’Here, grab hold. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for you falling.’

  Marisa took hold and held on tight. She leaned into him, revelling in his closeness. It’s too late, I’ve already fallen.

  They soon reached Pont De La Tour, an elegant French restaurant beside the river. Marisa recognized it from the many magazines she had read about England. It was one of London’s best restaurants, favored by the ‘in crowd.’ She wondered if they would see anyone famous.

  James held the door open for her, and they were instantly approached by the maître d’. He seated them in a discreet corner facing the river, near to a grand piano.

  ‘Oh, how lovely,’ Marisa said, enthralled by the front view of the Tower of London as it stood majestic, brightly lit up on the banks of the Thames.

  ‘It’s quite spectacular from here, isn’t it?’ James said.

  ‘Oh yes, it’s just fabulous, thank you so much for bringing me.’

  Marisa wanted to kiss him, she was so happy. She looked around the restaurant. The place had a wonderful ambience, cozy and expensive with impeccably dressed tables, covered with crisp white linen cloths and silver cutlery. Candlelight flickered in the low lit room, and the reflections danced on the river, shimmering through the floor to ceiling windows.

  She felt giddy with excitement to be there with him. She gazed at his handsome face and blushed when he met her eyes. She could hardly believe it, what an absolutely perfect evening it was. She felt like pinching herself to check it was all real.

  He ordered a bottle of their finest red wine to go with the meal, and they made their choices, opting to dismiss a starter in favor of a pudding, as James called it, which she found very cute.

  They chatted as they enjoyed their meal. The food was delicious and the wine exquisite. Marisa felt the alcohol go quickly go to her head; she began to relax and flirt a little, teasing him about other English words that made her laugh.

  ‘What about motorway.’ She exaggerated the two syllables.

  ‘Ahh, you are making fun of me, Miss Lowell, I think,’ he said, grinning sexily, making her melt.

  ‘Yes, I am just a little bit, sorry. I just find your accent so wonderful, and everything’s so new to me. England, the words, the customs, everything, I have a lot to learn, but I also find it very appealing.’

  ‘I’m pleased to hear that.’ James took a moment, pausing before he continued, ‘And what about me, Miss Lowell, do you also find me very appealing?’

  His bluntness took Marisa by surprise, and she was instantly excited. She took a sip of wine to calm her as he gazed at her intently, the attraction undeniable now to both of them.

  He reached across the table and touched her hand gently, his fingers stroking hers suggestively as he gazed into her eyes. She responded by curling her fingers playfully around his.

  ‘What are we doing?’ she whispered, nerves jumping through her body, making every stroke of his fingers send tremors of lust coursing through her.

  ‘I think you know the answer to that question, Marisa.’

  ‘I don’t, I don’t know.’ She wanted to hear him say it, voice his intentions, make it clear to her. She couldn’t bear to go into something with him only to find it was just one night of sex.

  ‘We are falling for each other,’ he said. She felt herself swoon, squeezing his hand.

  ‘Yes, I believe we are,’ she said quietly, their eyes never faltering from each other’s gaze. Her heart was hammering with lust as he kept stroking her hand, his eyes never leaving hers.

  ‘I think it’s time we got to know each other a little better. Come on, let’s get out of here.’ He signalled for the waiter and paid the bill, helping her into her coat. He took her hand and led her out of the restaurant into the cold London night.

  He wrapped her collar up to protect her from the chilly wind blowing in off the river. She smiled and wished he would kiss her hard on the lips and never stop.

  ‘Righty ho, time to get you home and tuck you into bed, I think!’ he declared with a wink as he grabbed her hand again and strode purposefully ahead, making her skip a little to keep up with him.

  ‘Oh.’ She giggled. ‘Are you sure that‘s all you want to do?’

  He smiled and stopped, looking intently at her as he hooked a strand of long silky hair in his elegant finger and tucked it behind her ear.

  She shivered at his slight touch, aching to feel his kiss. Unable to restrain himself any longer, he cupped her face gently in his strong elegant hands and kissed her.

  She felt breathless and dizzy with lust, overcome with passion as she finally knew how it felt to have him touch her, kiss her, and desire her.

  He looked into her eyes then fumbled in his jacket pocket. Producing a key, he held it up to her.

  ‘I have a place here on the Thames; I use it when I’m in town on business.’

  ‘Let’s go,’ she stated without hesitation, giggling as he took her hand again, and they hurried along the narrow moonlit streets.

  Marisa felt as though she were floating on air. Her heels now seemed to dance effortlessly over the cobbles as she held onto him, revelling in the newfound intimacy between them.

  James strode purposefully alongside her, practically lifting her off the cobbles as he hurried along.

  They stopped outside an expensive-looking building, a warehouse conversion facing the river. Once they were inside the lift climbing to the penthouse, he wasted no time in showing her his true intentions. He took her in his arms and kissed her passionately, pulling her to him with fervor, he covered her face, neck, and mouth with his desire.

  Marisa held onto him, weak with lust, and she could feel his hardness pressing into her groin, making her desperate to feel him inside her!

  They entered the apartment, and he took her coat, ever the gentleman.

  She stared at him, transfixed with longing, as he hung her coat and walked back towards her, his eyes never leaving hers. She could see immediately that he was very aroused, his cock rock hard and clearly defined in his smart chinos.

  ‘I don’t want to rush you,’ he whispered as he stroked her face and neck, caressing her with his eyes. His hands moved down to her breasts, touching them lightly, making her shudder with delight.

  ‘I didn’t mean for this to happen so quickly.’ He kissed her softly, barely touching her with his lips, teasing her as his stroking fingers made her nipples poke through the thin fabric of her blouse.

  ‘I don’t feel rushed. I want this, I want you,’ she whispered, watching him with anticipation, his eyes gazing into hers, mesmerizing her.

  ‘Then may I show you the bedroom now?’

  ‘Oh, yes, please,’ she replie
d. She couldn’t wait to feel him naked next to her. The chemistry between them was electrifying.

  She shrieked as he swept her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. He laid her down gently on the bed then pulled her to him tightly, crushing her to his chest. She could feel his heart thumping against hers, and she moaned as he kissed her neck. His soft lips on her flesh made her wet, and she ached for him. She felt his cock, rigid and urgent, pressing against her thigh, and she longed to touch him. She knew there was no going back. Tonight they would become lovers.

  He kissed her and teased her as their tongues entwined, their mouths hungry, anxious to be filled.

  She groaned as hands went up under her top, caressing her tits through her lacy bra. The nipples hardened instantly, and she ached for him to touch her everywhere. She writhed, stretching, luxuriating under his exquisite touch as he made his way down her body, kissing her all over with light, tantalizing pecks until he reached her thighs. He continued his seduction by kissing and licking her inner thighs, causing her to spread her legs wide for him.

  His tongue snaked around her knickers, and he slipped a finger under the elastic, stroking her gently, and she was instantly wet beneath his touch.

  ‘Oh, God,’ she moaned as she grasped his hair in her fingers and tugged his head down.

  ‘Patience,’ he teased, as he took her hands and held them above her head, holding them there momentarily. Her heart raced as she struggled for breath. Never had she known such excitement. She was so turned on she felt she might pass out.

  He continued making a trail with his tongue all around the sensitive flesh exposed at the tops of her thighs, nudging and edging around her panties before finally dragging his tongue across the silky fabric covering her pussy. She gasped in ecstasy as he groaned and hooked the panties down with his fingers.

  He licked at her gently, teasing her clit before burrowing his tongue deep inside her, driving her crazy with the tremors of pleasure he was causing within her. She put her legs around his shoulders for leverage and cried out as he allowed his probing tongue to flutter all over her most secret places, driving her wild with lust!


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