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Love Contract (The Match Broker)

Page 14

by Watson, Lisa

  “I try not to leave a mess if I can help it. That way, if I’m tired after dinner, cleanup is no big deal.”

  “Muy práctico,” she replied, and then went to the sink to wash her hands. “Puedo ayudar.”

  “How about you pick out the wine? We’re having Ahi tuna, roasted baby potatoes and asparagus with a lemon dill sauce.”

  “Por supuesto.” Milán chose a bottle of pinot grigio and placed it in the ice bucket he gave her.

  Adrian set a sampling of puffed pastries in front of her moments later. She inhaled the aroma.

  “This smells delicious.” She gazed at the food with avid interest.

  “Dig in.”

  They conversed while Adrian finished preparing their meal.

  When he started taking out serving dishes, Milán stood up. “Are you sure I can’t help? I feel awful sitting here stuffing my face when you’re working.”

  “¿Quieres relajarte? Entra en la habitación de comedor. Me reuniré contigo en un minuto.”

  She gazed at him a second with uncertainty before doing as he asked. When she went into the dining room, Milán couldn’t contain the smile teasing the corners of her mouth. The room was amazing. Adrian had candles lit on the fully decorated table, and others interspersed around the room. A pink and white lotus flower floated lazily in a water-filled crystal bowl.

  Adrian entered with two covered dishes and placed them on the table.

  “You outdid yourself,” she complimented as he pulled out the chair for her to sit down. “Es muy bonito, Adrian. Gracias por la cena.”

  “De nada.” He sat the dishes down, uncorked the wine bottle and poured them both a glass before sitting across from her. “Quería hacer algo especial para usted, Lani.”

  Before she could stop herself, Milán leaned over and kissed him softly. Adrian responded in kind. His lips brushed over hers at an unhurried pace. His hand stroked her cheek.

  When the kiss ended, they both were breathing heavier than normal.

  “¿Qué fue eso?” he grinned.

  “That was for cooking dinner—and something special.”

  “You haven’t tasted it yet.”

  “I know, but you’ve never cooked for me before,” Milán told him. “It’s a big deal.”

  “Yeah? Well in that case, I made dessert, too. What does that get me?” He winked.

  “That depends on how good it is,” she shot back.

  Taking a bite of food, Milán closed her eyes. “It’s delicious,” she said between bites.

  “Glad you’re enjoying it,” Adrian replied. “So, have you found out where you’re going on vacation?”

  “Not yet, and we leave in two weeks. I’m so excited. I can’t wait to spend time with my sisters and hang out. I haven’t seen either of them since I moved here.”

  Adrian picked up on the throb in her voice. “You miss your family a lot, don’t you?” he said softly.

  Milán nodded. “Yes, I do. I’ve tried to speak to them as often as I can, but I really miss seeing them. We would get together for dinners, game night or shopping trips. Minus my dad, of course.” She laughed. “He’s not into shopping—at least not with my mother,” she clarified.

  He sat back in his chair. “I know the feeling.”

  “What about you? You told me you were heading out of town as well—business, right?”

  “It’s mostly business, but I’m adding some pleasure. An investor friend of mine has been trying to get me to look into an opportunity he has to renovate and purchase an existing resort in the Bahamas.”

  “That sounds exciting,” she exclaimed.

  “It could be a very good investment for me.”

  “Have you ever been to the Bahamas?”

  “No. That’s another reason why I don’t mind mixing a little pleasure with business,” he told her. “I could use a mini-vacation right about now.”

  Milán was about to comment when she turned her head and glanced across the room, and then back to Adrian. “Eso la radio?”

  “No. ¿Por qué?”

  “Escucho música. ¿No?”

  Before he could answer, the sound grew louder.

  “I know I’m not hearing things now,” she said standing up. Milán walked into the living room and skidded to a halt. There in front of her were three men strumming guitars and a woman singing a soulful melody. Startled, Milán stood there dumbfounded. The beautiful woman walked up to her and presented her with one long-stemmed red rose.

  Milán’s fingers automatically closed around the stem. Unable to help herself, she lowered her head and sniffed the flower’s heady aroma. When she finally glanced over her shoulder, it was to find Adrian observing her.

  “No sé qué decir,” she admitted, her voice thick with emotion.

  “You mentioned the mariachi band fiasco on one of your last dates.” He sauntered up to her. Taking her hand, Adrian drew it to his lips for a kiss, and then spun her around and into his arms. They swayed in time to the music.

  “So you thought you’d go one better, huh?” she inquired, her eyes shining with excitement.

  “I definitely saw it as a challenge,” he admitted twirling her around again. With his arms wrapped around her middle, Adrian held her in a close embrace. “Así, Lani.” His voice had a seductive edge. “¿Está funcionando?”

  Milán’s skin tingled at the timbre of his voice. She closed her eyes and inhaled the intoxicating, incredibly masculine scent that was pure Adrian. Her toes wanted to curl. Oh, yes, it was most definitely working! The dinner, the music and his appeal were definitely making her “just friends” mandate hard to stick with. That would never do.

  She opened her eyes and pulled away abruptly. “Wow, all of the sudden I’m starving. It must’ve been the dancing,” she said cheerfully.

  “Must have been,” he replied with a knowing smile. “Let’s go finish dinner.”


  Milán lowered her fork to her plate. “I don’t think I could eat another bite. Everything was delicious.”

  “Thank you. My mother would be elated to hear your praise. She never misses an opportunity to mention that she taught me almost everything I know about cooking.”

  Milán’s eyes widened. “I didn’t know that.”

  “Then I’d say Norma Jean is seriously slipping. That’s usually the first thing she tells anyone that’ll listen.”

  “Are you sure she doesn’t just tell that to your respective dates? If so, that explains why I wasn’t let in on this best kept secret.”

  “Maybe, considering we didn’t start off dating.” Adrian’s eyes held a glint of challenge. “That’s not the case now though—is it.”

  “No suena como una pregunta,” Milán countered.

  “It wasn’t. Unless you’re back to denying you want me?”

  With a shake of her head, Milán got up and retrieved her dish. She went to grab Adrian’s, but he batted her hand away. Standing, he picked up his plate. When she walked into the kitchen, he was right behind her.

  She started loading the dishwasher. “It’s not that I’m denying the obvious—”

  “But what?” Adrian set his plate aside and pulled her closer. “What are you afraid of, Milán?”

  She reared back. Her eyes held a hint of defiance. “No tengo miedo.”

  The look Adrian gave her indicated he thought otherwise.

  “You didn’t ask me what was for dessert,” he said changing the subject.

  Her eyes twinkled with delight. “What?”

  “Pound cake—your favorite.”

  “Don’t tell me you bake, too?”

  Adrian laughed. “I’m spectacular, but not when it comes to baking,” he joked. “A friend of mine is a closet chef. He made it for me.” He sauntered over to the refrigerator and removed a white cardboard box from the top shelf. “Could you grab the plates and knife I have on the counter?”

  “Sure,” she replied.

  “¡Venga conmigo!”

  Milán followed Adrian. “
Where are we going?” she asked when he moved past the dining room table.

  “Change of scenery.”

  She followed him to the courtyard and was again pleasantly surprised.

  Adrian had practically engulfed the area in flowers. It had been transformed into a miniature garden paradise. Even the fountain had tea lights floating in the water on lily pads.

  “Where did you find the time to set up all this?” Milán inquired.

  “Anything can be accomplished with enough imagination.”

  “Y el dinero,” she added.

  “That too,” he replied, placing the box on the wrought iron table.

  Milán set down the dessert plates and knife before Adrian held out her chair.

  He sliced a piece of pound cake for her, and then sat down. He picked up a plump strawberry from a bowl inside the box. He held it inches from Milán’s mouth, and when she leaned in and claimed a juicy tidbit of fruit, he grinned. Unable to help himself, he kissed her. The taste of lingering strawberry on her lips made him want more. His tongue slid into her mouth to duel with hers. The moan that escaped her lips was surpassed only by her bold move to repay him in kind.

  Milán captured his bottom lip and nipped at it playfully with her teeth. At that point, Adrian was more than ready to knock the barrier his table had become onto its side and pull her into his arms. Instead, he lowered his lips to her neck giving a sensitive spot his full attention.

  “Is there no end to what you’re willing to do to wow me?” She shuddered.

  “Sweetheart, I’m just getting started,” he growled in her ear.

  Chapter 21

  Adrian was not sure how they did it, but somehow they managed to tear themselves away from the dessert interlude on the patio. After he paid the musicians, he convinced Milán to stay longer and watch a movie with him. She curled up on the couch with a bowl of microwave popcorn while Adrian placed a DVD in the player and turned on the television.

  “So, what are we watching?” Milán asked between bites.

  “You’ll have to wait and see,” he told her before he settled next to her on the sofa.

  The black screen gave way to music and then a man sitting behind a desk in a newsroom announced that he had late breaking news.

  Baffled, Milán stared at the screen.

  “We have breaking news at this hour,” the man began. “Sources tell us that Adrian Anderson has been planning to reveal his feelings for Milán Dixon for quite some time. There’s no word yet on whether Miss Dixon reciprocates his feelings, but after all of the planning that went into tonight’s date, we’re hoping that we’ll have some good news to report back to you soon. We will keep you updated on further developments as soon as we hear more. Now we return you to this evening’s festivities.”

  Milán turned to Adrian. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, the anchor on the television began speaking again. This time in Spanish. He implored her to give Adrian a chance, and that he was a man that cared a great deal about her.

  Enthralled, Milán sat glued to the screen as the man reiterated Adrian’s commitment to her and his hopes that all would work out well between the two.

  After that the screen went black. Milán set her bowl of popcorn down. She turned to Adrian and burst out laughing. “I can’t believe you did that,” she said in awe.

  Uncertain of how to take that, Adrian shrugged. “I told you I was just getting started.”


  When Milán remained silent, Adrian tried not to appear bothered. Instead, he turned to face her. “Does that mean you didn’t like it?”

  “¿Te gusta? No, no me gusta,” she told him flatly.

  His smile faded. “Milán, look, I hope you didn’t—”

  Unable to help herself, she dove at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She alternated between laughing, crying and hugging him. “I loved it,” she sniffed.

  Adrian let out an “umph” as he was propelled back against the couch by her exuberance. He closed his eyes and buried his head in her hair. “I’m glad.”

  Kissing his cheek, Milán let him pull her into his lap. “I can’t believe you did that for me—all of it. Tonight has been so special, Adrian. Because of you.”

  He kissed the bridge of her nose. “You deserved it.” He cupped her face with his free hand and brought his lips to hers. “I meant every word he said, Lani.”

  “Who was that?” she asked.

  “A friend of mine. I called in a few favors.” He grinned.

  “Dile que me encantó esta.”

  She tilted her head and kissed him. Seconds later, the kiss deepened. Adrian pivoted and leaned her back against the cushions. He traced patterns over her rib cage with his right hand. “What else should I tell him?” he said against her lips.

  She ran a finger over his mouth and down his jaw line. “Tell him it worked.”

  Adrian’s eyes raked over. “¿Lo hizo?”

  “Yes. Did you even have a doubt?” she teased.

  “You had me going for a moment. I was about to toss that thing out the window,” he admitted. “I have one more question for you.”

  Milán’s eyes glowed. “Yes?”

  Adrian gave her the smile that never ceased to quicken her pulse. “Will you spend the night?”

  She sat up slightly; a blush spread quickly across her face. “Wow, you really are formidable.”

  “Only when I really want something—or someone,” he stressed.


  “I’m not ready for tonight to end, Milán. Say you’ll stay.”

  “I’m sure you could turn up the charm and I’d be agreeing in no time flat,” she told him.

  “That’s true,” he agreed. “But I want you to agree without me having to employ my…persuasion techniques.”

  “Really?” she said laughing. “And just how…extensive is this coercion of yours?”

  Without another word Adrian rolled on top of her. He rained kisses down her neck and along her collarbone. With slow deliberation, he made it up to her mouth and tried his best to devour it. In less than six seconds, Milán’s fingers were buried in his hair, and her leg was resting against his waist.

  “Yes,” she said in a raspy voice.

  “Yes, what?” he demanded in a harsh whisper.

  “Yes, you should patent some of these coercion techniques.”

  “So,” he said with humor in his voice. “You finally admit that you want me.”

  “Yes,” she said readily. “Me quieres te, Adrian.”

  Adrian’s eyes burned with desire at her admission. “Así que pasar la noche conmigo.” He ran his thumb over her lips. “Because there’s no way I’m letting you go home tonight.”

  Milán peered into his eyes. Their intensity must have tipped the scales because she immediately nodded. “Yes. I will spend the night, but,” she added when a smug look crossed his face, “I’m not ready to sleep with you.”

  Seconds later, Adrian was roaring with laughter. He buried his head in the crook of her neck. “You’re killing me.”

  “Te vivir,” she smiled sweetly.

  He stood up and pulled Milán quickly to her feet. A little too fast because she swayed against him.

  “True enough,” he chuckled, reaching out to steady her. “But I think it fair to warn you that I won’t stop trying to get you to see things my way.”

  Milán got up on her tiptoes and kissed him. “I’d have been surprised if you did.”

  They did end up watching a movie and after it was over, Milán sleepily stood up and inquired about the sleeping arrangements.

  “Follow me,” Adrian replied taking her hand in his.

  He doused the lights and together they made their way upstairs. Adrian ushered her down a hallway right off the master bedroom. She stood transfixed staring at the wall-to-wall drawers and cabinets. “You have a walk-in room?”

  “More like a hallway,” he dismissed.

  “Whatever you call it, it’s fabulous,” s
he told him taking in the narrow, but efficient closet. Her hand moved reverently over the rich cherry wood. “All the times I’ve been here I can’t believe I’ve never seen this.”

  “As much as you covet orderliness, I should’ve realized this would be your pièce de résistance of the whole house,” he said drily.

  Adrian stepped past her and opened a few drawers. “My wardrobe is at your disposal. Pick whatever you’d like.”

  Milán eyed several rows of neatly folded pajamas. She pulled out a wine-colored nightshirt and ignored the pants. “This will work.”

  “Great,” Adrian replied closing the drawer behind her. He stepped inches closer to Milán until her back brushed up against the wall. “Now comes my pièce de résistance.” He grinned lasciviously. His right hand rested lightly against her waist. “The sleeping arrangements.”

  Eyeing him warily, Milán held her ground. “Adrian—”

  “What? Stop thinking the worst,” he told her. “While it is true, I do want you in my bed, I’m willing to wait until you’re ready. I was simply going to say that the guest room is down the hall and on the right. It’s stocked with toiletries so help yourself. When you’re done changing, come back into my room. I want to show you something.”

  Milán agreed. Adrian watched her leave his room. He sat on the bed and eventually leaned back. This wasn’t exactly the way he had hoped the night would end, but it was a move in the right direction. He wasn’t sure why Milán was so adamant that they not take their relationship to the next level. What was she afraid of? Granted, this was the longest Adrian had ever waited to consummate a sexual relationship—with anyone—under any circumstances. However, if Milán was still uneasy about making love with him, he would wait. “This relationship stuff is seriously going to kill me,” he muttered.

  Just then his cell phone rang. He retrieved it from his pocket. Looking at the number, he answered it. “What?”

  “Is that any way to talk to your best friend?” Justin griped.

  “I’m kind of busy right now,” Adrian countered.

  “How’d the date go?”

  “We’re still on it. As a matter of fact, you’re interrupting.”


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