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Page 17

by Lorna Jean Roberts

  Hanna lay against Marcus’ chest as he held her on his lap in front of the open fireplace. They were back in his suite of rooms at Silverton. It wasn’t cold enough for a fire, but she hadn’t been able to stop shivering even after a long, hot bath where Marcus had washed every inch of her.

  She still felt dirty.

  Hanna could still feel Reginald touching her, the feel of his oily skin against hers, the look of madness in his eyes. He would have raped her, killed her.

  A shudder ran through her body.

  “Hush, baby, you’re safe. I have you.” Marcus ran his hand up and down her back.

  “Where’s Jesse?” she asked, wanting to think about something else. Anything else. “He didn’t disappear, did he?”

  She still couldn’t believe that Jesse had seen Reginald stuffing her into the trunk of a car just outside Silverton territory. Apparently Jesse had been camping out in an old abandoned shack nearby.

  Jesse had raced off to grab his motorbike and followed them.

  “No, baby, he’s resting in one of the spare bedrooms.”

  “Good. I owe him big-time.”

  Marcus kissed the top of her head. “We both do. I’m so proud of you. Jesse told me how you kicked that bastard’s ass. My warrior woman.”

  “Guess I owe Rafe an apology for every awful thing I ever called him while he was teaching us self-defense. It really paid off.”

  She yawned. She’d been awake for more than twenty-four hours and yet she didn’t want to go to sleep, was too afraid Reginald would join her in her dreams.

  “You need some sleep, Hanna.”

  Shuddering, she shook her head. “No, I want to stay here.”

  “He can’t hurt you anymore.”

  “I know. I know I’m being stupid, but I don’t want to close my eyes. I can still feel him touching me. I-I—”

  “Shh, Hanna, you don’t have to sleep. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” he soothed. His arms held her safe, protecting her, sheltering her. A slow warmth infused her, fighting back the chill.

  “I can’t believe everyone knows who I am and they’re okay with it.”

  She’d been shocked when Marcus had told her that the pack knew their secret. The others had been quick to reassure her that they considered her family now. Pack.

  “They really care about me,” she said with wonder.

  “Of course they do. You’re a sweet, wonderful, gorgeous person, Hanna. And I won’t hear a word against you.”

  Hanna’s lips twitched. “You’re kind of biased.”

  He placed a finger under her chin, raising her face. “Do you know how many of the pack volunteered to come with me after you?”

  She shrugged.

  “Everyone over the age of ten.”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Oh yes.” He stared down at her, sincerity in his eyes. “You’re loved, Hanna. You are wanted. This place is your home.”

  “And you? Is it your home?” She stared up at him, scared of his answer.

  “Yes, baby. It’s my home too. This is my pack.”

  She drew in a deep breath, relief making her feel dizzy. “Your pack?”

  “I’m Alpha. I’d been fighting it. But Silverton is my pack. All that needs to happen is the swearing in.”

  “Oh Marcus, I’m so glad.” She wrapped her arms around him.

  He squeezed her tight. “You’re happy about it?”

  “Oh yes.”

  “So you won’t mind being mated to an Alpha?”

  She stared up at him, eyes welling with tears. “Really?”

  “Yes, little one, really. I intend to never be parted from you again. As soon as you’re well, I will be mating you. So say now if you can’t be mated to an Alpha and I’ll tell the pack they need to find someone else.”

  Her jaw dropped. “You’d do that for me?”

  Marcus brushed his lips against hers, making them tingle. “I’d do anything for you.”

  “Then I guess I’m going to be an Alpha’s mate.”

  Marcus grinned.

  “Make love to me.”

  His smile faded. “Baby, you’re recovering from an assault. We have all the time in the world—”

  “No,” she interrupted. “I want you now. I need you. All I can feel is his touch, crawling over my skin. Please, I need your touch to chase away his. Please.”

  Marcus stared down at the woman in his arms. He wasn’t sure he could ever let her out of his sight again. He’d come so close to losing her.

  His wolf rubbed against his skin, teasing her wolf. There was a tentative reply.

  Hanna stared up at him, her violet eyes begging him.

  “You’re sure?” he asked.

  “Please, I need this. I need you.”

  “Then you’ll have me. But,” he placed a finger over her lips as she tried to speak, “we’ll do this my way. I will not have you hurting yourself so we are going to be very careful and you are going to tell me the instant you feel any discomfort. Understood?”


  “Good.” Marcus stood, holding her in his arms, and carried her to his bedroom. He laid her out on the bed, unwrapping her from the thick, fluffy blanket he’d wrapped her in after their bath.

  “You’re so beautiful.” His eyes were eating her up.

  Hanna snorted. “I look like a patchwork quilt.”

  Bruises marred her beautiful, pale skin, along with large, red scratches. But they in no way detracted from her beauty.

  “Doesn’t matter. You’re beautiful no matter what, because your beauty comes from the inside.” How she’d managed to survive her childhood and still come out as loving and sweet as she was, he’d never know.

  Hanna grinned. “Why, Marcus, you’re practically poetic.”

  He mock growled. “Wash your mouth out, woman. I’m all man. Hard. Gruff. Manly.” He puffed out his chest and she giggled.

  “Part your legs for me, Hanna.” She drew them apart and he caught his breath as her lush, wet pussy was exposed to his gaze. Damn, he wanted her, but he fought back his own needs. This was for her. She needed him now. “I want you to lie very still, understand me?”

  Pouting, she stared up at him. “But I want to touch you.”

  “You can, baby. But first I need to do this for you. Trust me?”

  She nodded without hesitation, loosening a tight knot within him. He’d worried she’d blame him for what happened, for not taking care of her, protecting her.

  “You look gorgeous, Hanna. So hot. I can’t wait to lick that pussy, to suck on your sweet little clit and drive my fingers deep inside you. Would you like that?”

  “Yes, yes, please, Marcus.”

  He sat beside her, taking her mouth in a deep kiss as he rubbed one firm nipple between his finger and thumb. Kissing his way down her neck, he reached her breast and took one nipple into his mouth, sucking strongly while he continued to play with the other.

  Hanna ran her hand over his head.

  “Please, please, please,” she begged, thrusting her hips up against him.

  He stilled.

  “No, don’t stop,” she demanded. Grabbing hold of his shirt, she held on tight.

  “It’s okay, baby. I’m not going anywhere. Let go of me now. I’m going to make you feel so good, I promise.”

  He pried her hand off his collar and kissed down her stomach until he got to her pussy. Moving off the bed, he knelt on the floor.

  “Scoot toward me, Hanna,” he directed.

  Hanna shuffled down until her butt hit the end of the bed. Marcus placed her legs over his shoulders. Drawing her pussy lips apart, he took one long lick of her sweet folds coated with her honeyed dew.

  “You taste so good. I could eat you all day and never get sick of the taste of you.”

  He was intent on getting every drop of her sweet essence. Placing his lips around her clit, he sucked hard. Hanna cried out, arching up. He slowly released her, tapping at the swollen bud with the
tip of his tongue. Her breath came in sharp pants, her thighs trembling next to his face.

  “That’s it, baby. Relax and feel.” He pushed one finger deep inside her. Fast then slow, he varied the rhythm, keeping her on edge. Her pleasure was visible in her expressive eyes.

  He drew his finger from her pussy and slowly, using her own juices as lubricant, pushed it into her tight asshole.

  Marcus pumped his finger in and out of her ass as he returned to tonguing her clit. Sucking the tight bud into his mouth, he listened to her cries as her ass clenched around him, her orgasm overtaking her.

  She screamed, the sound filling the room music to his ears.

  Marcus brought her down, licking her clit before he moved back and stood.

  “How was that, baby?” he asked her.

  Hanna didn’t answer. Instead, he was met with soft, steady breathing. He smiled. His mate was fast asleep, her face relaxed in her slumber.

  “Sleep, Hanna. You need it.”


  Nerves danced in her stomach as she looked in the mirror, turning from side to side to inspect her naked body. Her bruises had almost faded. Changing a few times had helped speed up the healing.

  She still got killer headaches though, and was really tired a lot of the time. Seemed being kidnapped could really exhaust a person. The nightmares didn’t help. But having Marcus with her did. When she woke up screaming and sweating with the memory of Reginald’s touch churning at the back of her throat, Marcus would pull her close, rock her, talk to her quietly until she fell back asleep.

  Of course there had been a lot going on in the last week. Her kidnapping and rescue. Jesse’s return. No longer having to hide who she was or her relationship with Marcus. Everyone still gave her hell about her poor acting skills.

  Then there was Olivia and her betrayal. Marcus wouldn’t let Hanna see her. Hanna knew that there was only one penalty for betraying a packmate. Death. She had to admit she didn’t really feel bad about it, not when she remembered how afraid she’d been in Reginald’s hands, how she’d seen her own death in his eyes. No, she couldn’t feel sorry for Olivia.

  But she did worry about Marcus. She knew it haunted him, had seen the shadows in his eyes. It had fallen on him and Ryder, as his head enforcer, to deal with Olivia.

  A shiver of awareness ran up her spine and she raised her eyes, meeting Marcus’ dark gaze in the mirror.

  “Hello, Alpha,” she said in a low voice.

  His lips turned up into a grin and he leaned against the doorway, crossing his arms over his wide, muscular chest.

  “Not yet, baby.”

  “Well, in a few hours you will be.” Turing around, she reached for her robe.

  “Stop,” he ordered.

  Hot arousal burned in his eyes. Marcus had resisted her attempts to get him to make love to her, being concerned about her fatigue and injuries.

  Hanna was determined to change all that.

  She cocked a hip. “Like what you see?”

  Marcus raised his brow, running his gaze over her body as though it were a lazy caress. He twirled a finger. She slowly turned.

  “Look at you. So beautiful,” he told her. “Simply breathtaking.”

  Hanna wrinkled her nose. “If you like ugly, splotchy bruises.”

  Marcus narrowed his piercing eyes. “Come here,” he told her. Hanna stepped toward him and, when she was a foot away, he reached out and cupped a hand around the back of her neck, tucking his other hand beneath her chin to raise her face.

  “You are beautiful, understand? No matter what marks cover your body.”

  “Then why haven’t you touched me since I was kidnapped?” she countered.

  “You know why. You’ve been healing, you’ve been exhausted, and I am not about to risk your health.”

  “Don’t you know that an orgasm is good for what ails me?” she sassed.

  The lines around his eyes crinkled as he smiled. “That so?” Leaning down, he kissed her, nipping at her lip.

  “Yes, it is,” she said breathlessly. “So what are you going to do about it?”

  “Well, I guess I’m going to have to fuck you. For your health, of course.”

  “Oh, of course,” she teased. She squealed when he scooped her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her to bed.

  Marcus stripped off his shirt and Hanna licked her lips, enjoying the view. Rippling muscles, wide, strong shoulders down to his ridged stomach, tapered waist and—oh hell yeah—his long, thick cock.

  Sitting up, she reached for his shaft, running her hand up and down. A drop of creamy pre-cum appeared at the slit. She licked up that white dot, humming as she did so.

  Marcus threw back his head and moaned his approval.

  Holding one hand around the base of his thick erection, she took him inside her mouth. He was so long she couldn’t manage all of him. Sucking strongly, she pulled back on him. With her other hand she reached down and cupped his balls, squeezing lightly.

  “Hold still, Hanna,” he hissed, clasping her face between his hands and thrusting his hips forward. “Keep your mouth open nice and wide. That’s it. Good girl. Your mouth is heaven. Pure, sweet oblivion.”

  Suddenly he drew back. She whimpered and tried to follow him.

  “Stay still,” he ordered.

  “More. I need more.” She was mindless, driven by need, by the taste of him in her mouth. Salty. Masculine. Mine.

  “I want you too, gorgeous. But I want to come inside you. I want drive myself into your slick pussy and truly make you mine. My mate.”

  Her whole body froze before she shook herself free and looked up at him. “Really? You’re sure?”

  “Hanna, I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. Are you ready for me? All of me?”

  Hanna’s wolf shone through her eyes. “Yes, I’ve never wanted anything more.”

  Marcus’ eyes glowed amber. With a soft growl of pleasure, he leaned in and took her mouth in a deep, hard kiss. He cupped her breasts with his hands, his thumbs teasing her taut nipples as he licked and nipped her lips.

  Hanna’s need grew in leaps and bounds. Cream coated her folds, her clit throbbed. He knelt between her legs and bit one nipple, then the other. Pleasure raced up and down her body. She shuddered under the sensations swamping her, threatening to drown her in their intensity.

  Abruptly he stood and, grabbing two pillows, placed them on the edge of the bed. He held out his hand and Hanna took it, letting him help her stand.

  “Turn and lie over the pillows,” he directed her, waiting until she’d positioned herself. “Fuck, that is one beautiful ass. Now spread your legs. Wide. Wider.”

  Hanna pushed her feet apart until they could go no farther. With her stomach resting on the pillows, her arms resting out in front of her, she was open, exposed.

  At his mercy.

  And damn if that didn’t make her hotter.

  “Touch me, Marcus.”

  He smacked his hand down on her ass. Once. Twice. “Your ass blushes so prettily.” He rubbed the heat into her cheeks. His fingers dipped down to her folds, slipping inside her pussy. “So wet. That turns me on. I get so hard knowing how wet you are for me. Knowing that all I need to do is send you a look and your pussy will start readying itself for my cock. That’s true, isn’t it, Hanna? Do you want my cock?”

  “Yes, yes!”

  “Lie very still, Hanna,” he told her as she wiggled, trying to find more friction. He slapped her ass again. “Don’t disobey me on this.”

  Hanna let out a loud, long groan.

  “Keep your hands out in front of you.” He parted her butt cheeks and licked from the top of her pussy to the end of her butt crack. “So damn sweet.”

  Then he prodded her back entrance with his tongue, sliding its warmth inside her. Hanna gasped, grasping hold of the bed cover as the deliciously dark feeling almost shot her straight over the edge. He took his time, playing with her, thrusting into her before pulling back and licking her ent

  With an expertise that took her breath away, he tied her up in knots of anticipation. She needed more. Marcus stood back and she turned her head to see him open the bedside drawers. He pulled out a tube of lube and an anal plug.

  Hanna whimpered.

  Marcus turned to stare at her. “I’m just going to prepare your ass for my cock, but if you’re not ready then say the word and we stop.”

  Hanna drew in a deep breath. Stop? No way. She wanted this, wanted all of him. “I’m ready.”

  “Damn, I think I love you more each day,” he told her. “Reach back and pull your cheeks apart. Good girl.”

  Hanna held her butt cheeks apart, heat flooding her despite the fact that he’d just had his tongue deep inside her ass. He drove a damp finger in.

  Nerve endings flared to life deep inside her. “That feels so good.”

  “It’s going to feel even better when I get this plug inside you, when I make you come with my mouth then drive my dick in as deep as I can go.”

  Hell, she was about to come from his words alone.

  “Another finger.” With two fingers, he speared her, stretched her, prepared her. “Now take a deep breath, relax and push out. Remember, if you want me to slow down say yellow.”

  “I remember.”

  He pushed the plug inside her. It burned and felt weird, filling her. She immediately wanted to push it back out but forced herself to relax, letting him press a bit more inside her.

  “Good girl, relax for me, almost there,” he crooned, running one hand over her lower back, soothing her. “There you are. Shit, your ass looks sexy filled with my plug. And you were so good for me. Hands back in front of you.”

  As soon as she placed her hands above her head, he dove into her pussy. Sealing his lips on her clit, he drove two fingers deep inside her weeping passage. He devoured her, his lips, his tongue. Even his teeth seemed to work in symphony. Such overwhelming need pumped through her veins that she screamed out his name.

  Every nerve in her body came alight, set on fire, roasting within the flames of arousal and need. Orgasm stampeded toward her with a ferocity that she was certain was going to tear her to bits. He ate at her like a man devouring his last meal.

  Fierce ecstasy overcame her and she tumbled over into sweet heaven, her breathy pants turning into one low, long moan. Marcus pulled back, blowing softly on her slick folds.


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