The Japanese Master

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The Japanese Master Page 2

by Mark Andrews

  The boy screamed in utter agony: “Aaagheeeaaaghooowwwghaaagh!” and his athletic body now described weird contortions as he tried to come to grips with the worst pain he had ever felt in his young life.

  “Walk,” snarled the bosun in his guttural accent, “and get those hands up where they belong or I shock you again ...”

  Davey hurriedly place his hands as ordered, now feeling even more ashamed of himself at his impotency to help poor Jill. Akira had seen the boy’s punishment out of the corner of his eye and now backed away from his subject a couple of feet.

  “And now you will rut, slut. Pretend your boy is standing here, poking you with his nice bog cock ... I want to see you mock-fuck ... Do it!”

  She refused. Enough was enough, she thought.

  She was very sorry she had, though. Akira had his prodder out of his belt, charged and its tines digging into her labia in a trice. Now it was her turn to scream and her shriek of agony was even louder and longer than Davey’s.

  Akira made as if to thrust the two long and very sharp prongs into her left breast but she quickly assumed the stance he had ordered and began to make fuck motions with her loins, thrusting them forward and back in very realistic action while Akira smiled grimly. He kept her at this so shameful act for a long time while Davey stared in at her from his position walking around the perimeter of the gym, desperately wanting to spirit her away from these foul bastards but knowing he was powerless to do so.

  “Now raise your left leg out sideways, horizontal. I wish to see your sluttish cunt fully open ...”

  Again she cringed at his choice of words but this time she obeyed without a murmur. She was learning and after she had raised her leg right out, balancing on the right one quite easily, now he moved closer, delving into her exposed vulva with his fingers, seeking out her little love bud and expertly rousing it until she gushed. She made as it to let her leg down then for, athlete as she was, it was very difficult keeping her leg up, especially in the throes of a violent orgasm, but he jammed the tines of his prodder up into the soft inner meat of her upper left thigh. “Get it back up, slut - and keep it there until I say you may lower it ...”

  Added to the physical pain, she felt a new wash of humiliation as he masturbated her to another most unwanted climax. But her shame wasn’t over yet. He let her put her leg down but now he made her spread her legs even wider and bend over double so her torso was parallel with her thighs and legs and her head right down between her ankles. In this position, both her anus and her vagina were well exposed and he now delved into the former, poking one finger, then two, then a third into her virginal rear opening while she moaned and screamed in pain and humiliation, aware that Davey could see it all.

  See it he could, but with the bosun marching along behind him, prodder at the ready, there was nothing he could do to help her. Akira poked around inside her anus, feeling, stretching, working his fingers ever deeper while she continued to scream and to cry at the horrible intrusion.

  Every now and then, he withdrew his fingers from her anus and instead, delved into her vagina, again teasing her clit but also poking further into her vaginal tract in the most intrusive and horrible inspection she could possibly have imagined. And he kept it up for an hour. A whole hour while Davey was forced to march around the room, stark naked, hands up behind his head, elbows kept right back, watching as his girlfriend was so indecently fondled ...

  But then it was his turn. Jill was given a smart slap on her bottom and ordered to take his place marching around the gym while he was summoned over to be inspected, first by the doctor but then by Akira. The surgeon was as professional with him as he had been with Jill - and Akira was just as lewd in his examination of the boy’s body. He caressed his flesh as a homosexual would, clearly delighting in his muscles before moving on to his genitals.

  Once here, he hefted and then fondled his balls, skinned back his foreskin and manipulated the shaft of his cock until it was fully erect. And Davey stood there, legs apart, hands still up behind his head which was blushing a violent crimson as his body was so horrible caressed. He loathed homosexuals. A man had once touched him ‘down there’ and ever since, he had had an unreasoning fear and hatred for such people. Now he had to take it; stand still and accept this Japanese man’s hands feeling and fondling his flesh, just as he had caressed Jill’s body - and he seemed to be enjoying it every bit as much as he had with her! Ugh!

  And then, after exciting the boy to orgasm, which, to Davey’s eternal shame, was a full and copious one, sending great ropes of come up and out from his rigid cock, he made him spread his legs wide, bend over and open his anus for the same inspection as Jill had suffered.

  But their shame and horror wasn’t over yet.

  Akira asked if they were hungry, at which they nodded violently. In fact they were starving. They hadn’t eaten for twenty-four hours although they had been given water to drink. “Too bad,” he said. “First I wish you to see my eunuchs ...”

  At his signal, a pair of blacks entered the room. They had been Americans, too, Akira told the pair, but now they were nothing more than slaves. As the pair approached the two newcomers, now standing together in the centre of the large room, they cried out in horror. For it was clear they were indeed eunuchs, both of them. They both had rings dangling from the septums of their noses but there was something else, too. The male was quite bare down there. Only a tiny bud, like a second navel right down between his legs to wee from. No balls but no cock either, his lower belly as smooth and as muscly as his upper abdomen. In fact, he, like his female companion, was a real muscle boy with broad shoulders, a well-muscled chest and belly and obviously powerful thighs and calves. He was more muscular than Davey although about the same age, they guessed.

  But the girl was also a eunuch, if there is such a thing as a female eunuch. She was as bare of sexual organs down between her legs as the boy was. There was no vaginal slit; not even a mound or at least not a very prominent one. Her lower belly was as smoothly naked as her companion’s, with just the same tiny, navel-like bud to urinate from, although with firm full breasts she was clearly female even if her muscular development was rather more than was usual on a girl.

  The pair of them were very good looking though, he as handsome as a young Denzel Washington, whom he resembled and she as any black female film star with long flowing tresses that hung down her back and flashing brown eyes.

  “Open your mouths, slaves,” Akira commanded and Davey and Jill screamed again as the pair of blacks complied, only their eyes showing their horror at revealing the terrible thing that had been done to them. For their mouths were empty - at least of a tongue ...

  “These two failed to learn the prime lesson and have had their tongues torn out of their mouths. They are my work slaves and clean and polish this ship and do all the hard work. They work from four in the morning until nine at night - non-stop and will continue to do so for the rest of their lives, until I decide they are no longer sufficiently attractive to bother keeping and turf them over the side to be eaten by the sharks.

  “Be warned,” he went on, pointing to their still open mouths, “this is the fate that awaits you both if you don’t learn the prime rule - be silent unless invited to speak ...

  “As for their genitals, I decided it would be pleasing to have two eunuchs as my personal work slaves. Without sex to distract them, they work harder although of course we still have to whip them from time to time ... Let me demonstrate.”

  He gestured to the pair of beautiful and handsome blacks slaves to take up a position which they did although their faces showed their fear and horror of what was about to happen.

  They spread their legs wide and placed their hands up behind their heads and then tensed every muscle in their fabulous bodies, their biceps, yes on her as well as him, assuming a perfect round ball that seemed to leap out of their upper arms and every other mu
scle prominently displayed as they forced them into a fully flexed position.

  The bosun then handed his master a stout rod about a centimetre thick and a metre long. Akira prowled slowly around the male a few times and then, quite without warning, and from the rear, lashed the rod up between his legs. He had used all his force and the newcomers cringed as they imagined the agony in the boy

  He howled. A long, banshee wail of pure agony and leapt around on the deck while the hated Akira stood and watched until he had settled down. He then did the same with the girl, the so beautiful and yet so muscular black girl who now fidgeted in terror as she waited for a similar attack. When it came, she danced around with just as much energy as had her male companion but then she too settled down and the pair of them stood there, still in the same pose, every magnificent muscle on their two bodies standing out in stark relief but even better now as the pain of those two blows up between their legs had caused them to sweat and the moisture now gilded their dark-chocolate coloured flesh, giving it a god-like appearance.

  Akira looked at his two new slave recruits speculatively for a few moments and then spoke: “I think it is time you two tasted a dose of the same pain. You are required to stand as they did and accept the coming agony. If you can do this, there will only be the one stroke; if not however, and you resist the punishment, there will be three such strokes and believe me, you will not wish for that ...

  “You first, boy.”

  Davey spread his legs wider and set his face. He still had his balls and he knew this was going to be a terrible punishment. But then Jill’s would be, too. The cane, snapping up against her vulva would be utterly devastating.

  Davey was alone now, standing in the pose, his fine biceps muscles hard and standing up from his doubled over arms like apples, his legs spread wide while the Japanese prowled around him, just as he had with the black pair.

  When it came, it was as bad as he had thought, but he had decided he wasn’t going to give the monster the satisfaction of hearing him scream and he didn’t. It took every last fibre of his courage to stay still and keep his mouth shut but he managed it.

  Akira was impressed but he said nothing and showed no animation on his still inscrutable face, merely gesturing for Jill to take up the same pose. Now it was her turn to stand there in a sheer funk, waiting for God knows how bad a pain while this dreadful man walked round and round her body.

  She had felt so proud of Davey as he had resisted the overpowering urge to scream and had decided she would emulate him. She knew it was going to be bad but she also knew it was worse for him as the testicles on a male were the most vulnerable and sensitive parts of his body.

  It came. Akira had not pulled the blow with her. This was part of their treatment. He did it with all new slaves. Davey was the first in a long line who had not screamed. He was sure though that the girl would.

  She didn’t. As with her man, she had decided to show the despicable Jap how courageous an American could be and although, as with Davey, it took everything she had, she managed to bite back the awful scream that welled up in her throat.

  The pair of mutes watched in astonishment as the two newcomers showed such courage but they knew it was all for nought. Akira would beat them. He had beaten every new boy and girl he brought to this hell-ship and they were no different. It would just be more painful for them, that was all ...

  Akira was excited although he didn’t show it. This pair showed a lot of promise. He liked it when they resisted. It was something of a challenge for now that he had the destruction of a boy or girl’s personality down to a fine art, it had become rather boring. When they resisted, as this boy and girl were doing, albeit it by implied disobedience rather than any overt acts of rebellion, it made the game that much more delicious.

  He gestured to the two blacks and they scurried out, hands still held up behind their heads to resume whatever it was they had been doing before being summoned to play their part in the new slaves’ initiation.

  But it was now time for the next stage. This would be both painful and instructional, as of course had the last but this time the pain would be gradual - a slow increase until it bit at their very souls while the lessons imparted by means of the large screen video display on the wall, would have them shaking in their very boots - if they had had any to shake in, that is ...

  But first they were to be depilated.

  Chapter 2

  Dr Kahei, who was something of an amateur chemist, had developed a substance that worked very well on human hair follicles, killing the hairs at their roots. Unfortunately (for the victims) it only did so when it was very hot, far hotter than a comfortable shower temperature but neither he nor Akira was concerned about a slave’s comfort and it did work very well indeed - and was permanent. Once treated, that part of a slaveboy or girl’s anatomy was now permanently perfectly smooth and glabrous.

  In place of one of the shower cubicles in the former crew quarters of the ship but now reserved as slave accommodation, the plumbing had been modified to allow for a recirculation of the chemical out of its own tank which was in fact a small hot water service that had been adapted to heat the liquid to optimum temperature.

  Jill was first issued with a rubber skull cap that was actually an old-fashioned shower cap and this was tightly fastened under her chin. They also placed pads over her eyes to protect her eyelashes and then she was then forced into the little cubicle and her wrists locked to manacles that dangled from a chain hanging from an electric winch right beside the shower rose on the deck head. The chain was then drawn up until she was standing up on her tip toes.

  The bosun then retreated out of the cubicle and Dr Kahei turned on the pump that circulated the chemical out of the hot water service to the shower rose to spray down all over her body and then to be collected, filtered and eventually restored to the hot water service to be reheated for the next victim.

  It took a whole half an hour to use up all the water and for all that time, Davey was forced to stand there watching as his girl was battered by the powerful spray, her body swinging this way and that as she tried quite unsuccessfully to avoid the very hot water slamming down on her whole body. He looked on in horror as her body now assumed a violent red hue - all over.

  The reason for the heat was that it caused the pores of the skin, including the hair follicles, to open to allow the chemical easier entry so it could do its work of killing off the hairs at their very roots. The thirty minutes’ treatment was a real torture - was utterly horrible for its victims. She hung there, constrained in the metal cuffs around her wrists that kept her up on tiptoes while the hot chemical lashed down in needle-sharp lashes all over her body, and as she contorted her body into fantastic poses, struggling to avoid the scalding spray, it worked its way into all her bodily crevices, including the crack between her buttocks, working to ensure that everywhere on her, except the crown of her head, her eyebrows and lashes were treated.

  Davey was made to stand and watch as Jill suffered this so painful process. Not that there was much change apparent in her body for, like most girls these days, she kept the hairy parts of her body shaved or depilated anyway.

  It was different for Davey however. After the water had run out, (and Dr Kahei operated the controls that sent the now filtered chemical back into the service and switched it on to reheat), the bosun lowered her to the deck and then went in and detached Jill from the manacles.

  Davey had the cap and pads placed over his head and eyes and was now forced in to take her place and prepared just as she had been. He resisted of course but the men handling him were stronger than he was and they had little difficulty in getting him into the cubicle and his wrists encased in the manacles.

  He was considerably more hairy than she had been, with a beard and moustache, tufts under his armpits, the first signs of a manly growth on his chest and belly, a luxuriant growth at his pubes and a s
mattering on his legs.

  All this would soon be gone and while the bosun operated the switch that raised the manacles high above his head, drawing him up onto his tiptoes and thus exposing his whole body to the shower, Dr Kahei checked the water temperature in the service. It wasn’t quite up to par yet and so, as the boy hung there, Akira ran his hands over Jill’s still reddish body, admiring its new smoothness for it had been a few days since she had shaved her legs and armpits and pubes and the first signs of a stubble had been just apparent. Now it was all gone and she was permanently naked of every last hair on her body and limbs

  Kahei spoke to Akira and the boss grunted and desisted in his obscene fondling of the newly smooth girl’s nakedness and nodded to his surgeon. Kahei pulled the lever and down it came, in the same torrent Jill had just endured, battering his whole body except for the top of his head with the steaming spray.

  He struggled just as his girl had, kicking his legs up, twisting his torso this way and that - and in the process showing off his already fine muscles wonderfully, and of course opening his buttocks so the chemical could find its way in between them to attack the hairy growth around his anus.

  His skin quickly assumed the same lobster hue as hers had and as she stared in at him, her heart went out to him for she knew exactly what he was going through.

  The water streamed down over his beard and the hairs there gradually fell out as they did at his pubes and everywhere else on his lithe, athletic body and as Jill looked in at him she understood the reasons for this treatment, terrible though it was. Davey’s body now looked stupendous, red and all as it was. She had adored it before but now that it was slowly becoming quite naked of its natural hair, she marvelled at how much more beautiful he looked. No wonder women went to such lengths to remove the hair from their bodies, she thought.


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