The Japanese Master

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The Japanese Master Page 3

by Mark Andrews

  Eventually the water ran out and while the bosun lowered Davey’s bright red body to the deck and released his wrists from the manacles, Kahei recharged the tank in preparation for its next victim, although of course he didn’t reheat it this time.

  The pair of them were now totally smooth from their eyelashes down, Davey’s beard and moustache being permanently obliterated. Both admired each other but then Akira stepped up and slapped their faces again. “No time for mutual admiration. Come, it is time to begin your education ...”

  They returned to the gym and the two youngsters hoped they were going to be fed for both were really hungry now, their bellies gnawing at them like rodents. No such luck and neither dared to ask. Their tongues were too precious to risk losing ...

  No, now they were to be subjected to an even more painful time of it.

  A huge plasma wall screen was now revealed on one wall of the gym and in front of it was a framework of steel that supported two horizontal wooden rods that had Davey and Jill mystified - until they were set up on them.

  They were made to climb up onto the lower of the wooden rods. It was about a centimetre thick and two metres long and was about two feet up from the deck. The rod fitted into the little hollow immediately below the kneecap and were kept there by their ankles being locked into small stocks set right behind the rod supporting their knees.

  The pain of kneeling on the thin rod began to bite into them straight away but this wasn’t all. Their wrists were now manacled behind their backs and attached to cords that led up to a pulley right above them and set into the deck head. As the cords were pulled, drawing their arms back and then up towards the ceiling, the strain on their shoulders forced them to bend forward to avoid dislocating their shoulders and now the second horizontal rod, above the other one and right in front of their mouths became useful to rest their chins on.

  To ensure they kept them there, Dr Kahei made the second modification to their bodies (the depilation had been the first). He moved up to Jill holding a small surgical device in his hand. He held it against the septum of her nose and pressed the trigger. A laser beam leapt out of the point and drilled a neat hole through her nose. And while he moved across to Davey, the bosun fitted a beautifully crafted nose ring through the hole.

  She screamed of course. The laser was highly efficient and much less painful than a red hot needle or a punch might have been but it was still very painful.

  The rings were designed with a hinge and clasp so that once closed they could not be opened and would need to be cut off. But even this was nigh impossible since the rings were crafted of the hardest titanium steel and would need very special equipment to remove them and so for all intents and purposes, once in place and locked shut, they were there for good.

  To ensure they didn’t move their chins off the upper bar, a snap clip was passed through the new nose rings and over the bar. They were thus locked onto the lower and upper bars and bent uncomfortably forward with their arms pulled up behind them and their heads forced down onto the upper bar.

  It was a horrible position but it was perfect for the next stage of their indoctrination as slaves.

  They were about to watch a carefully produced video but first there was one more refinement to underline to them the horror of their new lives. The two black American eunuchs were now brought in and ordered to lie face down on the deck in front of them but out to the sides a little.

  The crew members who had brought them in now reached up to grasp the manacles now descending from winches operated by the bosun and Kahei and snapped them around the boy and girl’s ankles at which the other two reversed the winches, drawing their feet, their legs and then their magnificent bodies up towards the deck head, upside down, so that they swayed back and forth with the gentle movement of the ship through the water. Their ankles were up high so that their hands were a couple of feet clear of the deck and there they stayed, in full sight of the newcomers who now stared at their beautiful but so terribly desecrated bodies in fear - no, in real terror that this was to be their fate also.

  But then the plasma screen came to life.

  And as its story unfolded, the pair of naked, newly depilated and nose-ringed slaves watched in utter horror. For this was a replay of Dr Kahei’s operations ...

  First, it showed him removing the tongues of the pair of naked blacks who already wore the nose rings and who were even now dangling upside down only a few feet from them. In the video, they had been brought in to the doctor’s clinic, first one and then the other and there fixed to the stainless steel frame he used to operate on his unwilling victims.

  This was actually a frame within a frame, the inner part able to rotate horizontally to expose to him whichever part of the slave’s body he wished to access. The girl was done first and she was spread-eagled tightly inside the inner frame which was then rotated until she was horizontal.

  He forced her mouth open by the simple expedient of squeezing her cheeks and then pushed a clamp into her mouth that kept it wide open - painfully so, obviously, from the expression on her face.

  Then, in full view of the camera, expertly wielded by a professional, he grasped her tongue and pulled it out of her mouth as far as he could. Then he reached into her mouth with a laser scalpel (used to prevent blood loss as it cauterised as it cut) and sliced off her tongue, right at its very root. The whole operation, from go to whoa, had taken no more than ten minutes.

  She was now rotated back up to the vertical and released and the boy brought in and similarly dealt with.

  The next segment showed the same girl being neutered.

  She was brought to the same room and secured in the same manner as before. Dr Kahei then opened up her lower belly and performed a full hysterectomy on her, removing all of her reproductive organs and also a clitoridectomy so that she could never again feel pleasure from her groin.

  When he had finished he sealed off what had once been her vaginal opening entirely, leaving only a tiny bud, rather like a smaller version of her navel out of which to urinate. She was now almost entirely flat down at her groin ...

  Was she anaesthetised? No, not properly. He deadened her groin and gave her a strong sedative but she wasn’t really out of it as she should have been and so she was aware, deep down of what was happening to her body but bound tight as a whipcord, she could hardly move her toes, let alone her body and there was nothing - nothing at all she could do about it.

  Then it was the boy’s turn. In his case, it was a much quicker operation, the testicles being removed in a flash although his penis took some time.

  Of course he struggled mightily as two very muscular, naked-to-the-waist crewmen dragged him in and he pleaded with Akira (who was present at all these operations) not to castrate him.

  Akira had just stared at him. “But it is my wish,” he explained, as if that was all that mattered. “Two eunuchs, a male and female formerly, will be a most pleasing addition to the crew of this ship ...”

  And that was it. It was whim, nothing more and the two black Americans, handsome and beautiful as the case may be, were neutered.

  Kahei sliced off his scrotum and with it his testicles in one cut then used the nifty little laser scalpel to clean up the remaining arteries, veins, tubes and nerves before sewing up the remnants of the scrotal sac so that it appeared to be a continuation of his perineum, that little fold of skin between the anus and scrotum.

  His penis was a little more complicated since they wished to remove the organ in its entirety, including the root which began an inch or so inside his body. To do this, the doctor needed to open his lower belly for it was also necessary to protect the urethra and allow it to exit from the body via the same tiny navel-like structure as the girl now had.

  Watching him work, the newcomers realised he was a most expert surgeon, even if the operations he performed were way beyond the pale.
br />   They had now been kneeling on the rods for over an hour and their knees were in terrible pain. But so were their shoulders and noses and their whole bodies ached from the unnatural pose they were forced into.

  But their travail had only just begun. After this recording, another disk was fed into the DVD player and they were forced to watch, in minute detail, as Kahei performed other, even more dreadful operations. What could be more dreadful than a totally gratuitous and unnecessary castration and spaying of the two blacks?

  Try total removal of all limbs - as well as neutering? You don’t believe it? Let me describe it as Davey and Jill witnessed it on the huge screen in front of them ...

  The removal of his limbs was performed on a white boy who had been ordered by a particularly nasty Arab who desired a living human pillow to rest his head on at night. That this individual had some reason to hate America was little excuse for the barbarity he caused to be perpetrated on an innocent American citizen.

  His family had lost heavily when the State of Israel had been created out of former Arab lands but although he had become wealthy by other means, he never lost his hatred for America and Americans who had so heavily supported the creation of the Jewish state. As he laid his head down on his torso to sleep, this boy’s dismemberment was going to be his nightly revenge on the American nation and its people.

  Not that Davey and Jill were informed of any of this of course. The lesson Akira wanted to impart to them and to the hundreds of other slaves he had kidnapped and trained since embarking on this terrible course was to show them what was possible. What might happen to them if they didn’t knuckle down, learn their lessons and behave as good little slaves ought to.

  There were brief excerpts as the boy was first castrated but on him, the urethra was totally closed off. Later shots, taken after he had healed, showed that he had nothing down on his lower belly. Not even the tiny navel that the two black slaves now dangling upside down in front of them had. There was nothing at all down there! His groin was quite smooth although now very nicely muscled.

  The cameraman took pains to show off just how athletic the boy’s muscles were, including those on his arms and legs. He also showed images of a metal nipple that had been inserted into his perineum, just in front of his anus and later shots showed how this could be connected to a bottle to release his waste water.

  The narrator explained how this nipple was actually an automatic valve that had been inserted through the skin and attached to his urethra. When his owner, or rather his owner’s valet decided the boy needed his bladder emptying, he brought out the bottle and its tube and snapped the female coupling at the end of the tube onto the nipple, thereby enabling an evacuation of the bladder.

  The next scene showed the boy strapped down onto Dr Kahei’s frame once more and this time his target was his left leg - all of it. As the two new slaves watched in total horror, Kahei made an incision along the junction of the left thigh with the torso, cutting deeply while the unnamed boy lay there, screaming out his protests mingled with pleas to at least be left his leg ...

  It fell on deaf ears. Kahei didn’t even look at his face, concentrating instead on his work. He really was a good surgeon. His cuts were deep and clean and he had clearly planned the operation carefully, saving muscle tissue and skin to form a flap over the empty hip socket. Still, it took more than an hour to perform the whole operation.

  There were clearly long time gaps between the various parts of the film for the next shots showed the boy with his left leg gone and the hip empty - and of course his groin also fully healed and smooth since the little nipple could not be seen unless he was lying down. The shots showed him hopping around on his remaining leg for they hadn’t allowed him a crutch with which to walk.

  All the shots of him were of course with him quite nude. They showed off his beautiful body including his muscular thighs and biceps - soon to be gone.

  His right leg was next and that operation was carried out exactly the same way as with his left leg. Davey and Jill cried as they watched his beautiful legs so senselessly removed. The boy had been an athlete. There was no doubt about that. All this was merely at the whim of Akira and his mad doctor, or so they thought, not yet being aware of his slave-trading activities in all their detail.

  The next few shots were of the boy out on the deck in the sun, exercising his remaining muscles, both hips now empty sockets although very skilfully covered with flesh and skin and without any seams being apparent. It looked as if the boy had been born without legs.

  The exercises worked his back and belly muscles and, for the moment, his arms and shoulders and they ensured his body retained its Adonic-like perfection.

  Then it was back to the clinic where the left arm was removed.

  The boy no longer protested. He appeared resigned to his fate although of course he hardly showed any cheerfulness. Yet he wasn’t morose, either. Somehow, they had persuaded him that his future wasn’t all bad, God knows how ...

  This operation was similar to the removal of the leg except that as the slave’s new owner wished to preserve the shape of his shoulders, the upper arm had been removed below the shoulder and subsequent exercising of the stump with heavy weights attached ensured it retained the boulder-like appearance that was so pleasing ...

  More interval shots, mainly of him being exercised and now with only his right arm remaining and then it too was removed.

  He was now a human pillow, armless and legless and had to be carried, usually tucked under a crewman’s arm, around the ship to and from his exercise sessions. There were a few shots of this and the two watchers, still kneeling on the painful rods in their diabolical bondage, cried again as they observed the so handsome boy in this pitiful position.

  The last shots were of him in the Arab’s palace. They did not show his new owner but they did include a couple of the boy lying on the bed, acting as a pillow while the master’s valet demonstrated how effective a pillow he really was, fondling the warm flesh, using chest and belly for his head and even kissing the boy on his mouth, although the narrator said he had been formerly totally heterosexual ...

  Davey and Jill were released then and although they had difficulty in walking they managed to make it to their cells, formerly crew cabins but now quite bare of any furnishings to sit, naked still, on the bare steel deck and lick their imaginary wounds while they reflected on the two video disks they had just been forced to watch, the one on the two blacks who were still on the ship; the other on the poor boy who had been castrated and then de-limbed to act as a pillow.

  Although it was now nearly two days since they had eaten, they couldn’t have anyway, right then and so Akira left them for another twelve hours to contemplate their futures.

  But then they were fed. Plates of mush were pushed through the slots at the base of the steel doors to their cells. These, while looking like grey porridge and tasting so bland they couldn’t really discern any real flavour in the food at all, were nourishing and they cleaned the plates up in no time.

  They were given an hour to let this settle and then were taken up on deck where, in bright sunlight, for the next two hours, they were put through the most rigorous exercise routine that could be devised for them. Their physiques were already fine examples of young man and woman but Akira knew they could be improved. Few of his clients wanted real muscle-boys or girls. Athletes, yes, with finely wrought muscles that were defined to the nth degree, but not with overdeveloped muscles that looked freakish. Kahei’s exercise programme was therefore designed to hone and tone the slaves’ muscles and in only a few cases, to actually develop them.

  Then it was more horror.

  More pain.

  The rings in their noses were still painful but were now bearable. They were now going to discover there were other places in their bodies where pain could be quite exquisite and which could be applied for long peri
ods in waves of intensity that gave them little respite but which allowed them just enough time to recover before the next wave rose to full intensity.

  The target of this torture was their sexual organs and the medium used was electricity.

  The use of electricity has been a favourite method of torture ever since its effects on the human body became known early in the Twentieth Century. Since then, it has been become a highly developed form of torture and extremely sophisticated devices have now been devised to make its application even more effective.

  As always, Akira tortured one of the pair while the other was secured and forced to watch, knowing that he or she would soon follow. This time it was Davey first and he was spread-eagled out in a wide ‘X’ between two steel uprights in the gymnasium. Jill was locked to another pole nearby by the simple expedient of cuffing her hands together behind it.

  There were four electrodes to be applied to his body but first Akira showed them another video disk. He didn’t make them climb onto the rod this time but brought over a TV/DVD unit and placed it where they could both see it.

  When he started it, they were horrified - and terrified - to see another black boy (American of course) spread-eagled as Davey now was and to whom the technician, in a white coat, was now attaching his horrible wires. He held each one up to the camera before attaching or inserting it.

  The first was a big thick long steel dildo that was three inches wide except for a much smaller part down near the bottom and this, after holding it up and grinning widely, he forced up into the boy’s anus until it closed over the smaller part.

  The next was an ultra-thin rod about an eighth of an inch thick and it had a tiny, very short chain at the base to which was attached a small hook. This silvery rod he also displayed for a few seconds and then pushed it up the boy’s penis until it reached the tiny chain. He kept the rod in place by piercing the small hook through the fraenum on the underside of his penis glans.


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