The Japanese Master

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The Japanese Master Page 4

by Mark Andrews

  The last two wires had simple but very large crocodile clips on their ends and these were clipped onto the boy’s testicles. The springs were not powerful enough to pierce the scrotal flesh but were enough to keep them in place.

  Davey had gone white as he had watched these preparations on the TV screen and glanced from time to time at the machine, identical to the one in the film that was standing only a few feet from him.

  Now, as he and Jill watched in terror, the technician activated the machine. It had been designed with only one thing in mind: the exquisite torture of the male and female human bodies and it proceeded to do this now, without fear or favour ...

  It sent a series of pre-programmed shocks to pairs of the four electrodes, now using the anus or penis as a base and shocking one or the other of the boy’s testes; shocking him between the pair of them or delivering the violent, painful, red-hot convulsions to the sensitive inner lining of the penis and the anus.

  Davey’s skin was cold and clammy now, sweaty all over and his face was haggard as he watched the boy convulse in terrible strictures of real agony as the shocks tore into his genitals. What he didn’t know was that this boy was about to be castrated anyway. His sexual organs would not survive the ‘punishment’ and that his own, while horrible in the extreme, was not going to be anything like what the pair of them were now observing.

  The film finished and now the technician, the same one as he had just seen in the film, squatted down in front of him and attached the electrodes in exactly the same way as he had to the other boy while Davey stared down at him in fascinated horror at his actions.

  He wanted to plead that he would be good and obey all their commands but he couldn’t form the words and while his mouth opened and shut a few times, nothing came out.

  Akira watched, smiling (inwardly) as he noted Davey’s emotions. He knew exactly what was going through his mind and the girl’s for that matter but he wouldn’t relent. He knew they would be obedient just from the threat of this torture after having seen it on the disk but that obedience would soon wear off.

  He knew he had to break the pair of then down completely before they would be real slaves ...

  He stood in front of the athletic-looking boy, drinking in his fine physique as he hung there stark naked, his body now permanently stripped of hair and with a permanent ring in his nose.

  “This is going to hurt, boy ... I want you to hurt. It is part of your training. Afterwards, we will hurt your girl and you will watch as she suffers as you are about to ...”

  He nodded to the technician who had previously set the machine on a much lower pain setting than that used on the boy in the film - and pressed the start button.

  Davey felt it immediately. It hurt all right ... that terrible griping, searing, series of shocks that caused his body to spasm uncontrollably; to burn with a horrible intensity; to quiver and shake violently in his bonds, as if every muscle in his fine body was being shocked.

  The machine was programmed to make the active electrodes appear to work at random but in actuality, they were following a highly technical routine that would give him maximum pain without damaging his tissues.

  In these sensitive parts of his body, quite low voltages may be used with quite startling - and sparkling - effect and if the current settings are also low, may be continued for quite some time. This was what had been learned in recent years. Use low voltages and amperages on sensitive nerves and you may give exquisite pain for extended periods without actually damaging the body.

  This was what they did to Davey now. The programme went its course and when it finished, he was just about unconscious. They removed the electrodes and released him and placed him in her place while Jill was placed in the frame and different electrodes fitted to her body.

  In her case, while she had the same anal probe as he boy had had inserted in his body, other appropriately sized clips were attached to her clit and to the inner lips of her vagina. The technician made the necessary adjustment to the programme to cater for her different sex and then started the machine once more.

  Davey stared at his girlfriend without really comprehending what was happening to her except that she was, for some reason, screaming at full volume and her so beautiful body was shaking violently.

  She looked fabulous, if you like looking at beautiful girls being tortured. Every muscle in her athletic body was shaking or contorting, straining to pull free of her bonds, her thigh and belly muscles writhing horribly, her arms straining, her head snapping from side to side, her beautiful and so naked breasts shuddering wonderfully as the shocks tore into her so sensitive inner membranes or caused her anus to spasm around the massive dildo up inside her rectum.

  But Davey wasn’t really aware of her troubles. His own body refused to obey him and his mind was in neutral. He could see what was happening around him but he didn’t really comprehend it.

  And it was the same with Jill when her session was over and they released her and dragged the pair of them back to their cell to spend the next twenty-four hours in total blackness, terrified and abandoned ...

  Chapter 3

  At the end of the twenty-four hours, both of them were near mental collapse. The appalling treatment had worked its havoc on their minds to such an extent that they were hardly even aware of where they were, and stared vacantly at their captors when they eventually regained the use of their eyes after blinking sightlessly at them when the cell door was thrown open.

  They were brought up on deck and again put through a mindless battery of exercises that were designed by Kahei to work every single muscle in their fine bodies.

  Then they were brought back to the gym and fed again - but as animals.

  “Down on your knees, filth!” Akira screamed at them and, again horrified and terrified, they dropped to their knees, staring up at their captor in a sheer funk as he now towered over them, his face showing an unreasoned hatred.

  “Hands up on heads!” he screamed again while dog bowls of the mush were placed on the decks before them. They eyed them hungrily but remained erect, scared witless of this man and his minions and of what they had done to them.

  “Knees wide ... wider ... all right, now keep hands on head ... FEED!”

  He watched in pleasure as they struggled to get their faces down into the mush without overbalancing. It was impossible, of course. The weight of their upper bodies was much greater that the counterbalance of their lower legs and once that weight had passed over the fulcrum of their knees, down they went, face first into the mush.

  But both were too frightened to release their hands to catch their falls, a point Akira noted with satisfaction. So his methods had already paid off, he thought. And he actually smiled as their faces went down into the mush, covering them with the grey, tasteless stuff.

  But they were hungry. Very hungry, and they eventually found that they could turn their heads slightly sidewards, balance their cheeks on the rim of the bowl and eat the mush from that position.

  Of course they were conscious that with their legs spread as wide as they could get them and their bums up high in the air, they were displayed in possibly the most obscene pose it was possible for them to be in and this shamed them horribly, even through their now somewhat warped minds, but their hunger overrode their natural modesty and their bottoms waved back and forth like hungry ducks wagging their tails as they fed.

  Akira kept up the pressure, however. He knew that cowed and all as they were right now, they would soon recover if allowed a day or so of normality and so he didn’t give it to them.

  The moment the bowls were licked clean, he had them up and on their way into the slave cleaning room, previously the crew bathroom. The pair remembered their treatment in the depilation cubicle and hung back but they were pushed in by the two muscular crewmen anyway.

  Akira wanted them to fear him and his cre
w and to this end, those members of the crew who had the current duty as guards for the slaves always now dressed in a weird costume that underlined their status. Their heads were encased in a leather and metal Samurai helmet while their genitals were covered by a clip-on pouch made from the same materials and decorated to resemble the head mask - and that was it! The rest of their athletically muscular bodies were quite naked, underlining to Davey and Jill their superiority in strength and even more importantly, their domination over them.

  These guards, who all delighted in creating fear and terror in the slave recruits as much as Akira did, vied for this duty and far from feeling shamed at being asked to wear such a revealing costume, actually relished it. The Japanese do not have the same modesty as far as their bodies are concerned as Western people and even if, as would be the case shortly, they were required to go stark naked before the new slaves, it would not faze them in the slightest.

  They now manhandled the naked pair to another converted recess, this one devoted not to the depilation of their bodies, but to cleansing them - internally.

  As well as the adjustable shower rose above their heads, there was also a hose fitting on the end of which was a large dildo, shaped like a very realistic human penis - except that it was huge. At the back of the recess, two very large hooks had been screwed into the wall. These were set three feet up from the floor of the recess and were two feet apart. Above them, another eighteen inches up, two more similar hooks poked out of the same wall.

  Jill was pushed into this recess while Davey was secured outside it so that he could see what was happening inside. The two muscular guards now hoisted her up, each holding an arm and a thigh and set her thighs up on the lower hooks, spreading her legs painfully wide, almost parallel in fact so that her lower legs dangled down outside the hooks. Her arms were then hooked over the upper hooks, allowing her forearms to dangle down just as her legs were and then each wrist and ankle was snapped into manacles bolted to the wall at convenient locations.

  Her anus and vulva were now on full and open display and now Dr Kahei moved in, grinning horribly at the girl who stared up at him fearfully.

  “Got to clean you out inside, slave-slut,” he said in the usual staccato Japanese manner and then took up the dildo and turned on the hot tap of the pair that fed it and brought it up to her anus.

  “Not used to anything in here, I’ll be bound?” he said but she didn’t answer. She knew the question was rhetorical and in any case she was so frightened, his words hardly penetrated her terrified brain.

  Here she was, perched painfully and so indecently on these hooks with her arms and thighs spread wide open and her now so naked sex and her bottom horribly exposed and this fiend who had perpetrated such horrors on those other boys and girls was now going to do something to her. What it was she wasn’t all that clear about although the hose with the metal but human-looking cock on the end of it told her it had something to do with her sexual orifice. That it might be destined for the other one didn’t even penetrate her still befogged mind.

  Kahei pressed the button on the base of the dildo until the water running out in a fast trickle was hot and then he approached her. She stared from his face to the horrible thing in his hand in terror. “No!” she cried. “Don’t stick that thing into me ...! Pleeeaaase!”

  He merely smiled. So did Akira, watching from outside the stall. Davey didn’t. A little more worldly-wise than his girl, he had an idea of what the doctor was going to do to her and he pleaded with Akira not to do it.

  Akira turned on him - and slapped his face hard, twice. “Be quiet, scum. Soon it will be you who is hanging there. Until then, watch and fear what is going to happen to you ...”

  Kahei moved right up to the girl and reached out with his other hand to fondle her beautiful vagina for a few moments but then moved down to her anus, now pulsing in fear as she wondered what was going to happen to her. He pushed the still-hot rounded metal tip against her anus and then simply pushed until he forced it passed the outer sphincter.

  “Aaagheeeaaaghooowwwghaaagh!” she screamed, partly from the burning heat of the metal, but also from the pressure on her anal sphincter as the ring of muscle was stretched wider than it ever had in her whole life. Outside the cubicle, Davey, who had guessed what was going to happen, still went cold with horror - and fear in the knowledge that it was soon going to happen to him, too.

  Kahei kept pushing the long, knobbly, cock-like metal thing right up into her rectum and then pressed the button, watching the little gauge on the wall that measured the quantity of water being pumped into her entrails.

  When it reached the four pint mark and her belly was distended as if she was about to give birth, he let the button go but kept the dildo in place. In fact, he took an S-shaped metal hook offered him by a guard and placed one end over the tube at the base of the dildo and the other up and over the top of her inner thigh. The dildo could not now be extruded by her internal muscles.

  He then reached up and began to palpate her swollen belly making her agony even worse and causing her to moan even louder as she stared up at him with piteous eyes and a lack-lustre expression.

  Kahei kept up this massaging of her belly for some time, explaining that it would work the fluid inside her bowels and help the very hot water to dissolve all the nasties inside her. It was a fatuous statement and she knew it as did everyone else there. In fact, it only underlined to her the lack of any proper reason for the treatment but then he ceased, unhooked the s-shaped hook and yanked the dildo forcibly out of her body, stepping right back very quickly at the same time. He didn’t want his spotless trousers spattered with her filth.

  Out it came and as it did, she screamed even louder than before for now the heat of the water, only slightly cooled by her body, scalded her anus as it exited from her rectum. She twisted and struggled in her bonds but all she could move was her torso ...

  Still, the picture of her muscles straining and rippling was a delight to Akira and his men and they drank in the spectacle she presented with eyes wide with pleasure. Davey just stared in at his girlfriend’s distress with the same horror he had displayed from the beginning of this new torture.

  It took quite some time for the smelly brown liquid filth to stop squirting in fits and starts from her wide open anus and all through it, Akira and his men (and Davey) stood and watched, the Japanese all grinning fatuously at her distress, Davey still appalled. Jill felt only horror, terror, shame and humiliation as her body, still displayed in this most horrible of positions, betrayed her to these men.

  The crewman responsible then worked one of the valves that controlled the shower. These had been relocated near the entrance to the cubicle and a blast of icy cold water now streamed down on her, bathing her in its cold embrace and reversing the former burning at her anus. In only a minute she was shivering in her bonds as the water coursed down all over her body and also cleaned her filth from the floor of the recess.

  But then Dr Kahei moved forward again and took up the dildo once more. “Nooo,” Jill screamed. “Not again ...?”

  “Oh you are going to have a number of these treatments, slut-girl. We want you well and truly cleaned out for your next lesson ...”

  She stared up at him. So did Davey. At this moment, he was more attuned to what they were saying than she was and he pricked up his ears. ‘Next lesson’? What could this be? Unfortunately, he had an idea and he didn’t like it one little bit.

  The enema was repeated four times even though the last two discharges were crystal clear. She was blasted with the icy water after each discharge and this meant she was actually quite alert at the end of the ‘treatment’.

  Then it was Davey’s turn and the two guards, muscular and all as they were, had to fight hard to get his lithe body up onto the hooks and his wrists and ankles locked down to the manacles.

  Akira licked his lips as he stared acro
ss at the handsome blond boy now spread out taut on the far wall of the recess. He really was a very good-looking boy and at nineteen years old, at the peak of his youthful good looks. Akira was openly bisexual, as were all his men. They were not of much use to him if they weren’t, of course, but Akira actually favoured the males over females and while he found Jill’s body quite delightful and would enjoy his part in training her sexually, it was Davey’s sex education that he was really looking forward to, especially as he knew the boy would resist his homosexual advances to the end ...

  Davey struggled even more than Jill had as Kahei injected the burning hot water into his rectum and screamed out his rage at the Japanese man who had abducted them so senselessly and without any apparent reason.

  Akira watched, a half smile of disdain on his handsome face but it made Davey even more enraged and he kept up his verbal attack until he realised it was doing him no good - and in any case he needed to concentrate on coping with the pain as his belly slowly distended, pushed out by the massive injection of hot water into his bowels.

  His treatment was a facsimile of his girl’s and after that first emotional outburst, he now took it like the man he was, not even screaming as the burning hot water scalded his anus as he ejected it out each time.

  What made it even more horrible was that the hated Akira moved in after each blasting icy shower and ran his hands, most indecently, all over Davey’s beautiful flesh, feeling his fine skin, assessing the well-developed so athletic muscles and then, each time, just before stepping back to let Kahei inject the next dose, toyed with his cock, in full view of his girl, until it erected and then ejaculated.

  Oh yes, Akira was a master psychologist all right. He knew exactly what would demean and humiliate most each of his subjects and he was right with this boy. Of course he didn’t know about the man who had interfered with him as a boy, but he quickly sussed out his hatred of males touching him and he played on it to the full.


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