The Japanese Master

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The Japanese Master Page 5

by Mark Andrews

  Davey had been right in his fear of what Akira had meant earlier.

  They were now returned to the gym and there, while Davey was locked to a nearby pole, Jill was forced down into a set of stocks that kept her in a doggy position with her neck secured in the stocks and her ankles held out very wide in a pair of manacles bolted to the floor.

  Akira now addressed the pair of them. “Your prime function, where you are going, will be to pleasure your new master. Your bodies will therefore now be trained to give the most exquisite sexual pleasure to a man ...”

  He paused and stared directly at Davey. “This man likes boys as much as girls and he demands that his male sex-slaves are as competent in the sexual arts as his female slaves. You boy, will therefore receive extra-special tuition in these arts ... I and my men are all expert in them and will enjoy training you to be the most successful male whore alive today ...”

  Davey, for all his self-avowed resolve to knuckle down and so avoid the worst excesses of this madman’s sadistic tortures, cried out in horror. “Nooo! Not tha t... I can’t ...”

  Akira smiled in that way that turned the two Americans’ blood cold. “Then you had better learn, boy, for you will be made to take a man’s cock everywhere in your body, just as your slave-slut girlfriend here will, until you can deep-throat him and wiggle your arse to excite him even further as he fucks you ...”

  The two duty guards now removed their helmets and then the clip-on pouches at their groins to reveal very creditable male organs of procreation which now proceeded to erect until they were fully hard and while one proceeded to face the girl; the other went around to her rear.

  Both now began to rape her, slow but hard, driving their cocks into her rectum and her mouth and while the man at her rear drove in fully with each stroke, the man at her mouth forced her to accept his cock right down her throat with the very first stroke after warning her that if she bit him, she would spend the whole of the next day under electrical torture correction.

  She believed him and although the temptation to bite him was almost overwhelming, she managed, somehow to keep her mouth open, even though the gag sensation was utterly horrible.

  Of course, as with almost everything of this nature, her body soon accustomed itself to the so horrible attack, her anus quickly adjusting to the pain (helped no doubt by the so recent enemas that had opened the sphincter very nicely for her) and even her throat eventually coming to grips with the penile attack on it.

  These men were trained to hold back their climax almost indefinitely and they did this now, raping her orally and anally as she knelt down, doggy-fashion, on all fours, taking the most horrible rape she could have thought possible. And of course there was no pleasure in it for her at all. Even though the cock of the man raping her anus came quite near her clit, she felt almost no stimulation from the action; certainly not enough to arouse her. This was pure, unmitigated rape and she felt utterly ravaged by it - just as Akira had intended she would. It was an introduction to anal and oral intercourse but it was also part of her initial debilitation - as was it for Davey. Akira knew that watching his girl so thoroughly and brutally raped would be even worse for him than when it came his turn.

  But then of course, he was going to be the one to perform the anal deflowering ...

  Davey had felt real compassion and sympathy for Jill as the two men had raped her but he had also been scared for himself. He knew that now his worst fears were about to be realised and that his anus was going to be attacked by these fiends. He wasn’t as worried about the oral rape although he should have been for deep-throat penetration was going to be worse than an anal buggering. Not for him though. All his life, ever since being touched by that man, he had harboured a deep-seated fear of his backside being attacked by a man ...

  And so as he watched them releasing Jill from the ankle manacles and the stocks that held her neck up high, his belly started squirming in more fear even than the electrical torture had generated in him.

  Watching him carefully, Akira could read the signs and smiled to himself in pleasure. Oh yes, it was going to be wonderful to rape the arse of this handsome, athletic boy ...

  They had to drag him kicking and screaming out his horror all the way to the stocks and it took the combined strength of the two still naked guards and Akira to force him down onto his knees to lock the manacles over his widely spread ankles and then push his body down so his neck rested in the base of the stocks so they could lock the top board down over it and so secure him for the ‘lesson’.

  But once secured, he was totally vulnerable to them. But with this boy, Akira decided not to take any chances and he whispered to Dr Kahei who nodded and went away, soon returning with an instrument that had Davey staring up at them in even more fear when the doctor held it out for him to see.

  “You see, slaveboy, we don’t trust you not to damage us. Now, are you going to open wide or do I touch my prodder to your balls ...?” Akira’s voice was soft but its tone was as hard as nails.

  Davey shuddered. He didn’t want them putting the thing in the doctor’s hands into his mouth but even less did he want to feel that terrible burning shock to his gonads. He opened his mouth and the surgeon pushed the ring-shaped gadget in behind his teeth and then turned the screw that widened it, forcing his mouth wide open but leaving his tongue free.

  Then, right in front of him so he could see him clearly, Akira removed his clothes, revealing his extraordinarily athletic body and his huge cock that now began to erect before Davey’s very eyes. He made as if to thrust it in the boy’s wide-open mouth but then grinned maliciously.

  “Oh no, my fine American pig-slave. Not your mouth ... No, this fine weapon is going to rape your asshole - as hard as I can manage it ...” He waved the enormous weapon in front of the boy’s face for a few moments while Davey gurgled horribly since he could no longer articulate words in his present state although he shook his head while straining back and forth and up and down within the constraints of his bonds, his hands reaching out to try to attack his tormentors and particularly the so hated Akira. Of course he couldn’t reach them and they grinned at his antics ...

  Then the guard who had face-fucked Jill moved up to take his boss’s place and rammed his cock into the American boy’s mouth, driving right down his throat and ignoring his gag reflex, just as he had done with Jill.

  Meanwhile, Akira had moved around to the boy’s rear and now squatted down over his shapely buttocks, allowing the tip of his cock to bounce against the wildly puckering ring while Davey continued to struggle, trying to prevent his anus from the so unwanted attack.

  It was quite futile of course. Akira could easily control his loins and now rammed his poker-stiff weapon right on up his asshole while Davey went cold with fear and loathing ... and with the pain of the first human penetration of his anus.

  But there was nothing ... absolutely nothing he could do about it. With his neck locked into the stocks and the mouth clamp in place, all the guard had to do was hold his ears and ram his iron-hard poker in and out of his mouth; and even though his buttocks and lower torso were quite free, the position of his widely spread ankles gave him little movement and here too, his tormentor was easily able to control him.

  Akira raped him hard and long, ramming his long thick penis in and out of the boy’s rectum with a cadence that was almost military in its regularity. As he slammed his cock in and out, he let his hands wander all over Davey’s velvety skin and fine muscles, glorying in their smooth fluidity and the alternate softness and hardness as the boy flexed one and then the other. And he kept it up for a long time, aware of the boy’s disgust at his deflowering, but then he felt an odd tightening in his anal muscle and gestured to the guard to remove himself from the boy’s mouth and to Dr Kahei to take out the mouth ring.

  He was right! The boy was actually gurgling, not screaming as he ought to have been. So he
was a latent queer without even knowing it ...? Well! Not to worry. He would turn that fact to his advantage in time. For now, he would continue with the anal rape and he also gestured to the guard to face-fuck him again - but this time without the ring.

  Davey opened his mouth and took the still turgid organ in, now pursing his lips around its head and appearing actually to enjoy sucking the guard’s cock-head with an odd eagerness.

  Davey hardly knew what he was doing. He had been so abused over the last few days that each time something new was added, his battered mind was hard-put to take it in. He was not even aware that he was enjoying both the cock-sucking and the anal rape and would probably have hotly protested the fact had he been charged with them. As it was, Akira was content to take advantage of his newfound sexuality and use it for his own purposes.

  Later, as the pair of them rested in their cell and Davey reflected back on the rape, he couldn’t believe his own feelings. Was he a queer? No! Surely not? It must have been that man, way back who had ‘turned’ him. But as he sat on the cold hard iron deck, his back against the bulkhead and thought some more, he knew that wasn’t the case and as he thought back on Akira’s and the guard’s fine bodies he felt his cock stirring again, just as it had while Akira was raping him.

  Akira was also thinking about him. Not only was the boy probably bisexual; he might also be masochistic. He would think about it some more and if his tests proved the point, he would develop this trait in him. Was the girl the same way? Perhaps. She too would be tested. For if they both were, it would make his job that much easier and they would already be, at least in embryo, perfect sex slaves for N’dona ...

  Accordingly, after allowing the pair of them a proper rest period this time, he had Davey brought up to his suite. He lolled back on an easy chair, his silk smoking jacket (the only garment he had on) casually open revealing his limp cock lying across his muscular left thigh and showing off his so muscly belly and broad chest, he gestured to the naked American boy to kneel between his legs.

  Davey complied but his face revealed his uncertainty. On the one hand he hated this Japanese man as he had never hated anyone before in his whole life; but on the other, he had a beautiful body and although Davey had never looked at another man in a sexual way before, not even his fellow gymnast friends, who possibly have the finest athletic bodies of any sportsperson, he now found himself looking lecherously at Akira’s slim but so athletic body and the way his muscles rippled all the time as he moved.

  The Japanese pointed to his cock and said one word: “Suck!”

  Davey’s mind was in top gear already. He knew what the man was going to demand of him and had already weighed up the consequences of a refusal. He had decided that despite his anathema for the man, he would suck his cock. To refuse would mean the prodder, or worse, that other electrical torture and that didn’t even bear thinking about.

  He closed his eyes and leaned forward, scooping up the now erect thing in his mouth and working his lips over the glans first and then later further down the shaft. Having had the guard’s cock forced right down his throat, he now knew how to calm the gag reflex and even dived right down Akira’s weapon a few times.

  His mind was racing. So were his emotions. He knew he was actually enjoying this and he couldn’t understand it. He had never been gay. He had hated gay men and what they did with each other. How could he be enjoying this disgusting act - and how had he delighted in this man raping his backside yesterday?

  It was all too hard and he decided the best thing to do was to forget his feelings and enjoy the moment. Heavens above, everything up to this point had been utterly horrible, a bit of pleasure wouldn’t go astray, even if it was with this terrible man.

  Meanwhile, Dr Kahei was checking out Jill’s sexual responses. He had her spread out in a gynaecological chair in his clinic and had inserted electrodes into her vagina and to the tips of her breasts. He had also taped receptors to parts of her head and around her vagina.

  She thought he was going to torture her with electricity and had screamed out her protests but he had assured her he wasn’t going to hurt her. Not this time ...

  He didn’t, either. The tiny electrical currents were designed to tingle and excite her, both at her loins as well as her breasts, the two most sensitive parts of her, so far as her sexual responsiveness went, anyway.

  And when he turned them on, she stiffened but then her eyes went wide as the pleasure surged through her body and she began to gurgle with sexual excitement from tip to toe. As her beautiful body twisted and strained under the pleasure that was being generated in her loins and at her breasts (and everywhere in between), the receptors measured her responses and now it was Kahei who stared wide eyed at the readouts from the machine in front of him.

  No-one before, male or female, had ever responded as this girl was. He was tempted to bound up to his boss’s stateroom with the news but he knew he was checking the boy out under those so much more normal conditions and he damped down his ardour, instead, increasing the electrical stimulation and watched with even more astonishment as she now bucked and heaved in the throes of a libidinous high he could hardly credit.

  He decided to test her the same way Akira was, tearing off the receptor wires and then, slightly more carefully, also removing the electrodes, then dragged the somewhat bemused girl off to his own stateroom where he told her he wished her to pleasure him the best way she knew how ...

  He stripped off his clothing with the usual Japanese disdain for modesty and lay back on his bed then pointed to his now erect cock. She was of course still naked and whereas before he had been the clinical physician, assessing a subject under test conditions, now as he stared at her slender but so athletic and so damned beautiful body, he allowed his own libido full rein and this had caused his cock to erect to its full majesty.

  Jill had also decided, partly from the brainwashing Akira had perpetrated on her but also from her own decision that compliance was a far better policy than resistance given the results of such resistance, that she would go along with the doctor’s wishes. There was also another reason.

  She had enjoyed the two sessions she had had with Davey in the bed at the hotel at Port au Prince but they had barely awakened her libido. The anal and oral rape, far from debasing her as had been intended, had aroused it, just as it had with her boyfriend. It is said opposites attract; that was certainly not the case with this handsome pair. They were both sexual giants ... but the giants had been asleep. Now they were in the first stages of their nascent sexual awakening.

  She bounded up onto the bed and, working almost entirely from instinct for she had almost no conscious awareness of what to do, straddled his lean body, scooped up his rigid poker and impaled her quim onto it - then started to hump.

  He stared up at her in awe. She was a beauty of course, her lovely breasts firm but so soft and now bouncing up and down magnificently. Her belly muscles were writhing and the powerful muscles in her thighs cording wonderfully. As for the muscles in her quim, they were unknown to her on a conscious level but she was instinctively using them now ...

  She lacked finesse, of course, but that would come with training. He knew she was a tyro, that much was patently obvious but the fire in her eyes, the flush in her body and the frenetic way she was bouncing up and down on his cock was quite enough to tell him she was going to be a sexual giant all right.

  And later, when he reported on his finding to Akira, his boss smiled. They were going to be the best pair they had ever trained ...

  Chapter 4

  Their training continued.

  They were exercised hard every day, both out on the deck and in the gymnasium, Jill as well as Davey being made to work on the various gymnastics appliances for long hours that continued to sharpen their muscles and strengthen their already highly athletic bodies and at the same time, give them a beautiful, all-over tan. Their sex t
raining now started in earnest also, both now being separately taught the finer nuances of how to give pleasure to a man, Davey as well as Jill of course.

  But at the same time, their conditioning also continued.

  Pain and humiliation continued to be the tools Akira employed to break down their former personalities and to build up new ones as competent but more importantly, compliant sex-slaves.

  Humiliation was a potent tool. He forced the two of them, usually together but sometimes alone, to parade their bodies to off-duty crew members, perform a sexy strip-tease, expose their most private parts in shameful poses - such as lying on their backs on top of a low table, pull their knees up to their chests, spread them wide open and then pulse their anal sphincters while Davey was required to erect and work his cock and balls and Jill to pulse her vaginal muscles while the watchers talked loudly and disparagingly about their bodies and how obscenely they were displaying them.

  Failure to perform adequately brought instant punishment - in this case, a cane, applied very hard, right along the length of their anuses ... The pair of them quickly learned to forget their shame and to remember they were now nothing more than sex-sluts who existed for one purpose and one purpose only: to give pleasure to their future master. But even if they accepted the shame and the humiliations Akira perpetrated on them, they couldn’t avoid the pain he consciously directed for them.

  Pain is an even more potent tool than shame and even the most brave of human beings will, after a while, do almost anything to avoid it. Brave as both Davey and Jill were, they were as subject to that rule as the next man and whenever Akira ordered them into a new torture, they were unable to look forward to it stoically and sometime even Davey cried at the thought of the coming pain.

  Akira always informed them a day or so in advance of what was coming. The horrible anticipation of the pain was almost as good as the agony itself in breaking them down but in any case, he delighted in watching them suffer.


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