The Japanese Master

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The Japanese Master Page 7

by Mark Andrews

  The boy’s body arched up in the paroxysms of a climax that was as good as he had ever experienced. He stared up at the hated American with a new respect. This slut, American or not, had just brought him to an almighty orgasm, one that had continued on for far longer than was normal for him and it had been quite wonderful.

  He lay there now, relaxed in the aftermath as his cock softened and slipped out of her now dripping quim while she turned to look at Akira, asking the silent question, “what now?”

  He gestured for her to take up a position on her back beside the boy she had just pleasured and to excite him with her fingers. This was another of the lessons Akira had decreed for his trainees - the art of sensual massage and they were all required to learn them very well.

  Jill was no less an expert at this than she was at the other aspects of sex she had already learned and now she turned slightly towards the man she had just brought to an incredible ejaculation, the evidence of which was plastered up and down her face, breasts and belly and over his chest and belly as well for she had removed herself at the crucial moment, allowing him to spend his seed in full view of the watching Akira.

  Her fingers now traced little whorls on his flesh sending him into shivering squeals of pleasurable torment for the erogenous zones of a male had been the first of the many lessons she and Davey had learned and she applied them now, making him contort and squeal alarmingly - but in ever increasing pleasure as just the tips of her fingers touched and slid over the vital spots on his flesh.

  In no time he was hard again and although his cock now ached from the second iron-hard erection, he didn’t hesitate. Akira had told him the game plan and he now climbed onto the girl, spearing his member into her anus, exposed since he had first hoisted her legs up onto his shoulders, opening the rear orifice to him.

  Jill didn’t even grimace. Her back passage had been as well worked as the front one and by now she was well used to these men anally raping her and in fact immediately began to grip his cock with her anal muscle to give him more pleasure as he withdrew each after stroke.

  Akira watched with growing pleasure. Part of that pleasure came from the knowledge that the girl had been well trained and was responding well to the boy’s anal attack; but the far greater pleasure came from watching his muscular body raping the girl and particularly his so muscly buttocks as they clenched hard, indenting so beautifully at the sides as he thrust in. Like all well-muscled athletes, his gluteal muscles reached up high into the small of his back, were narrow and sharply protuberant, curving out and under in real bubbles - the proverbial bubble-butt, in fact. Indeed, his slave trainees were exercised hard in this region until their buttocks assumed this so attractive shape and Jill and Davey, already possessing such butts, had them enhanced even more.

  But Yasumori’s butt was nearly as good as the slaveboy’s and Akira had been waiting ever since the boy joined the ship to watch him perform this act on the two new trainees. He ached to move over to the bed and fondle his butt as he drove his long thick pecker in and out of the girl’s asshole - but he resisted the temptation. He was his boss. He didn’t mix business with pleasure.

  He would rape the girl’s anus soon and then he would have her ex-boyfriend back and enjoy his body some more... But the waiting would enhance the pleasure and he could wait ...

  Davey was also having sex lessons and now Akira left the girl in Yasumori’s hands and went off to watch the boy learning to deep-throat while his partner sucked his own cock. Davey had taken to cock-sucking with a will. After discovering it was a pleasurable act and deciding to enjoy it rather than resist - part of which decision had come from his own mind but most, from Akira’s brainwashing techniques, Davey now lay beside the Japanese boy designated as his partner, a boy who delighted in it and was highly skilled at its performance, and took the quivering organ into his mouth while the boy did the same with his.

  Akira came upon them shortly after this and watched from the door as the pair of them snuggled up together, their hands ranging over the other’s body, mouths taking cocks right down to the naked pubes, and even attempting to get his partner’s balls into his mouth as well.

  The pair of splendid youthful and so athletic bodies looked absolutely wonderful to Akira who, while enjoying his sexual encounters with girls, liked muscular young men even better and now he wanted to strip off and join them, ploughing his own near turgid weapon into whatever orifice became available - on either boy.

  But as he had with Jill, he stayed where he was, nodding to Dr Kahei as the physician came up to watch the two young males in the act of sucking each other. “I think the pair of them are about ready for N’dona, Kahei?” he whispered to his colleague.

  “They are, Akira. And we now have Shozen’s order for a black girl. I wondered if you were going to bring her on board while these two were still here?”

  “No. I would, but it won’t be necessary. We will make for the rendezvous now and then head back to Jamaica. We haven’t been to Kingston for some time and we should find some ripe pickings there. It will be a real pleasure to tame an upstart muscular black girl ... It’s a pity Shozen doesn’t want a boy to go with her but he likes girls exclusively and his cash is as good as the next man’s ...”

  The surgeon smiled at his boss. “What I like about his orders is that he wants them closed up. He likes to rape them in the rear exclusively and dislikes intensely the vaginal opening on a girl ... It gives me a chance to practise the procedure ...”

  “Okay. I’m up to the bridge to tell Toyonari and to send word to N’dona ... I hope he asks me to go with the slaves. I enjoy watching them placed in his human zoo and then made to perform as animals ...”

  Kahei grinned again. “I hope so too, boss. The last time we were here he invited me as well ... He might. Last time, when I explained how I performed the hysterectomy and closure of a slavegirl’s cunt, he was just about goggle-eyed. I suspect he might now wish to have one or more of his female white slaves neutered, maybe a male as well ...”

  Akira smiled sourly, the best he ever came to a real grin. “I suspect he will. Anything to degrade and humiliate the white races is pleasing to him. I remember, now that you mention it, that when we showed him the DVD, he was much taken with the appearance of the girl ...”

  Chapter 5

  The ship now headed east across the Atlantic towards Africa. She had been making in that general direction anyway but at her most economic speed and keeping within the relatively sheltered waters of the Caribbean. Now, with the pair of Americans deemed ready for sale, she turned her head towards the African continent and put on speed so as to cross the Atlantic while the good weather lasted.

  During this time Jill and Davey were exercised and their sex lessons and the mind-bending conditioning continued although now in maintenance mode. It was important however that they be given no time to think; no time to reflect on their former lives, their days from early morning to late at night still taken up with hard work, either physical or mental.

  Akira had contacted N’dona and informed him the pair of slaves were ready for delivery and as half expected, the Nigerian magnate had invited both Akira and Dr Kahei to visit his compound, the latter to bring his instruments ...

  Kahei had smiled as his boss read the last little bit to him. “No more than we expected, Akira?”


  The ship docked in Lagos and was met by Juma, N’dona’s chamberlain. Such was N’dona’s wealth and power that customs officials made little of the formalities. Akira was sure the two slaves would behave themselves but just to make sure, two nasty little devices were inserted into their bodies.

  Davey’s was in the form of a large dildo which went up into his rectum. This contained a powerful battery, a receiver and an electronic circuitry that converted the battery’s low voltage direct current into a high voltage alternating pulse. On the lower end of
the dildo, a thin rod emerged from his anus, curved up along his perineum and encircled the root of his cock and scrotum. This adjustable ring had a dual function. It acted as the receiving aerial from the controller Akira carried with him and as one of the electrodes for the charge. The other one was the short length of the rod as it emerged through his anus.

  The device was a marvel of modern technology. It could be operated by the touch of a button on the controller but it was also automatic. If Davey strayed too far away from the signal emanating from the controller, it would fire anyway.

  Akira demonstrated it to Davey as soon as it was inserted into his rectum and the ring around his balls locked shut. “Walk away from me, boy,” he ordered.

  Davey did and as soon as he reached ten yards, felt a slight tingling in his anus and balls but then as he continued to move away, the tingle got worse - and then erupted in an almighty shock. He collapsed onto the deck, curled up into a foetal ball and screamed blue murder.

  “You will understand, boy, that it will be very unwise for you to venture too far away from me ...” Davey nodded violently and moved up very close to the Slavemaster.

  Jill had watched these proceedings with resignation tinged with more fear. Her device worked in exactly the same way but was different in design. She still had the anal dildo with its battery and associated works but instead of the penile and scrotal ring, there was another dildo that went into her vagina. This was attached to the rod by means of a lockable hinge. The two dildos were inserted at the same time, the frontal unit’s hinge moving to accommodate the changing angle as it entered her body. Once fully inserted however and the hinge locked, the device could not be withdrawn.

  Akira ordered her to walk away from him. She didn’t want to but obedience was now well ingrained in both of the young Americans and so, looking back over her shoulder in terror, she took slow and very hesitating steps away from the Japanese. The tingle was not unpleasant but the shock, when it came, was easily as bad as Davey’s and she too collapsed on the deck, kicking and screaming, her body also curling up into a foetal ball as she tried to cope with the appalling pain of those high voltage shocks between her anus and her clit (where the other electrode was situated on her model).

  The pair of them were issued with the long shapeless smock common to the people of this region and then left the ship with Akira and the surgeon, escorted by Juma, to join N’dona’s aircraft for the flight north to the Nigerian’s stronghold.

  Nigeria’s north is a Moslem area comprised of many major tribes. N’dona himself was a leader of one of the most powerful of these. He was of the former royal house of the Hausa tribe but unlike many former pre-eminent African leaders, he had taken the prestige of his family’s former position and built on it. He headed a modern company that dealt in shipping, hotels, oil and land transport and he ran this from Lagos.

  But up in the north, in his tribal lands, he had built a pleasure palace for himself and he retreated here to enjoy the fruits of his enterprise. The palace was inviolate. The local military governor was a regular guest as were others high in the police, judiciary and administrative arms of the government. There was no risk of intervention but nevertheless, it was surrounded by secure fences. Not that any escapees would have had much chance among the local population if they had got away.

  The surrounding villages were unswervingly loyal to N’dona and any white man found wandering in the area would have swiftly been delivered up to him. They also shared his hatred of the white races although in their case it was because of his own propaganda. In his case, it was directed principally at the British who had usurped the tribal power of his family, placing members sympathetic to their rule on the tribal throne but turning him into a puppet of their own policies. Other white races were indicted by association and so it didn’t matter if you were British, American or Hungarian, you were equally guilty in his eyes.

  This was the scenario into which Jill and Davey were delivered. Upon arrival at the local aircraft landing area, they were stripped of the single garment they each wore and heavy wooden yokes were placed over their necks. These had holes for the neck and the two wrists and were connected together by an iron bar that went from the back of Davey’s yoke to the front of Jill’s.

  In this demeaning attire, stark naked except for the yokes, they were made to leave the simple runway and begin the trek to the pleasure palace. It was some two miles and in the hot African sun, with the heavy weight of the yokes weighing them down, they trudged, accompanied by a horde of jeering local children (and a couple of N’dona’s guards who now held the two controllers) down the dusty track towards the wire-enclosed pleasure palace.

  The children had sticks and despite the shooing off by the guards, ran in to poke their sticks at the bodies of the two naked and so athletic-looking white people. Their genitals were a prime target of course and both Davey and Jill jumped and screamed as a stick poked at his balls or prodded her totally exposed vagina.

  They tried not to think of their future. Their training on the ship had been bad but now, with the malevolence apparent on even the children’s faces, they wondered what awaited them in the huge white building they could see up the road.

  They passed through the first gate, leaving the jeering children behind. Ahead was the high white wall of the palace. It looked enormous, occupying perhaps five or more acres. They were admitted through a side door and stared at the edifice facing them. It really was huge and it was surrounded by beautiful gardens with tinkling brooks, fishponds and a beautiful swimming pool, set amongst tropical gardens.

  They were led up to this now and for the first time, set eyes upon their owner.

  N’dona was a huge man but he was not fat. Not in the slightest. At forty-two years old, he was as fit as he had been at half that age. He was six feet three tall and his physique was quite splendid. He exercised in his own private gym every day, both here and in Lagos and his body showed the results. His shoulders were broad and built into small boulders from which the biceps and triceps muscles of his arms were cleanly separated. His chest was two broad slabs of chocolate-coloured muscle and his belly muscles were very apparent, rippling as he moved on the poolside lounge on which he lay.

  His thighs were powerful and stranded with muscle ... but it was what lay between them and his belly that had the two newcomers staring - for he was quite naked, lying back on the lounge with two of his white slaves attending to him when Akira, Kahei and David and Jill were brought into his presence by Juma.

  He acknowledged their presence with a small wave but lay there still while the naked white slavegirl continued to suck on his enormous quivering tool and the boy lay under his head, across the top of the lounge, his loins acting as a pillow for his master’s head.

  Akira stood there, watching and waiting. N’dona was one of his best customers but anyway, it was a pleasure to watch the hated white boy and girl serving their black owner in such demeaning roles. He guessed she was Scandinavian, at least in origins. Her long hair was soft and silky and a real silver blond. Her skin was fair but tanned to a real gold and her eyes as blue as cornflowers. Her body was as good as the pair he was delivering for he well knew N’dona had a thing about athletic bodies and every single one of his slaves was the epitome of the perfect physique whether male or female.

  N’dona knew of Akira’s partiality for male bodies and winked at him as he turned his handsome head sideways, scooped up the boy’s rigid poker and began to suck it while one hand stroked his muscular thigh and the other reached down to fondle the girl’s swaying breast as she continued to work on his own cock with her apparently expert mouth.

  Akira felt a pang of jealousy and a stirring in his loins as he watched the erotic scene but then N’dona relented. “Juma, lounges for our guests and pairs of slaves to serve them!” he barked.

  It seemed but an instant and two more of the lounges appeared, carried in
by pairs of naked white slaves who now moved up to the doctor and his boss and sensuously removed their clothes, laid them down on the lounges and then proceeded to work on their bodies just as N’dona’s was.

  “So, these are my two new white slaves, Akira?”

  “I think you will find them the best I have ever provided for you, Excellency.”

  “They look satisfactory,” said the African mogul, staring up and down the two naked bodies. “Get the yokes off,” he barked and Juma removed first Davey’s and then Jill’s heavy neck piece. “Let’s see your muscles, slaves,” he said then and the pair of them began to pose, as they had been taught, in perfect unison, showing off one set of muscles after the other, Jill as much as her former boyfriend for her body, if not as muscular as Davey’s, was certainly as good as a female athlete gets and the display was both athletic and erotic.

  Akira watched them as critically as their new owner. His reputation was at stake here and although the boy and girl fondling and caressing his body was a distraction (and a very pleasant one) he didn’t let it interfere with his prime purpose - to deliver the best possible slaves to this so powerful and so wealthy a man who was his best customer.

  N’dona rose after a few minutes, the girl falling back as he stood up. Davey and Jill stared in awe at his body. Six feet and three inches of the most perfect physique they had ever seen. His cock, still rampant swung back and forth like a metronome as he moved towards them, his thigh muscle cording powerfully, his rippling belly muscles contorting into wonderful shapes as his hand came out to cup Jill’s lovely breasts.

  They were shocked that he seemed quite unconcerned about his own nakedness. His servants hovered around, all fully clothed while he was almost arrogant in the display of his body and particularly his massive sexual organ. He bent down and kissed Jill, pulling her body into his and she was now shocked at the splendour of that body and its muscles as they were pressed against her own flesh.


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