The Japanese Master

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The Japanese Master Page 8

by Mark Andrews

  She felt his cock slide into her vagina - right there in the open besides the pool with dozens of his servants watching. He gave her a few thrusts and she was quick to respond, tightening her vaginal muscles - those Akira had trained so assiduously, to grip him hard.

  He grinned down at her. “Good girl,” he said softly then slipped out of her and moved over to David. “And you, slaveboy ... are you as compliant as your girl ...?”

  Davey didn’t know what to say so he just nodded and agreed that he was. “We’ll see,” N’dona said then squatted slightly, grasping Davey through and under his thighs, then standing up again and thus hoisting the boy up in front of him. He spread Davey’s thighs wide open and then lowered him down so he was impaled on the still erect cock.

  The slaveboy didn’t utter a peep. His anus was by now well used to such a penetration and he had even come to enjoy an anal buggering even if he still yearned to make love to his girl again. Alas that had been denied him since his one function in life (he was told) was to pleasure his master.

  His body was now hard up against N’dona’s and his feet were a couple of inches up in the air since the Nigerian was so much taller than he was and his anus, resting on N’dona’s pubes, didn’t allow them to reach the ground. His master now pulled his body in even closer to his own and then kissed the white boy hard and long while Jill stared at the scene, her own emotions tumbling all over the place.

  She too still loved Davey. To watch him being raped by this huge black man was awful - but then she had delighted in the man’s touching of her own body. She stared at him in more awe - at the so muscly buttocks as they thrust Davey’s body up his cock and then relaxed to let him slide down it again; at his back with its powerful muscles rippling as he pulled her boy even closer to his own body and at his lips as they continued to kiss her man ...

  Oh yes, this was weird all right - but very salacious too ...

  Having sampled the two bodies, N’dona returned to his lounge and lay down on it again, the girl now resuming her sucking of his cock, now cleaning it of Davey’s rectal mucous while the boy settled himself under the great head,

  “You brought your instruments, Doctor?”

  “I did indeed, Excellency.”

  “Good. I have a mind to have a pair of geldings - one girl and one boy. Their groins will be perfectly smooth? Not a hint of stitch marks?”

  “I can’t escape the marks entirely, Excellency, but they will be so fine as to escape all but the most rigorous examination ...”

  “And they will piss from the little nipples down between their legs?”

  “They will, if that is your desire.”

  “It is.”

  Jill and Davey listened to this exchange in horror. They thought it was them who were going to be castrated but such was their training, they didn’t even bat an eyelid let alone protest. Still, their hearts were going hammer and tongs as they contemplated the rest of their lives as geldings.

  N’dona had kept them there to hear this last exchange on purpose. He too was a good amateur psychologist and it wouldn’t hurt to let these two think they were about to be castrated and spayed.

  But then he waved his hand to Juma. “Take them away. Show them their new accommodations,” he said airily.

  They left Akira, Kahei and their new owner enjoying the ministrations of the six slaves upon their so naked bodies while Juma took them around the huge house to the rear - and once they turned the corner of the building, they couldn’t help but cry out in horror, for here was N’dona’s zoo. His human zoo, where boys and girls, all white and all beautiful (or handsome), all stark naked, all physically perfect specimens, performed like monkeys, hanging from trees and beating chests; or prowled around the floor of the cage like lions; or behaved like bears ...

  It was grotesque. It was inhuman. It was utterly despicable that a man could subject others of his kind to such an appalling parody of an animal zoological gardens for the place was set up in exactly that form. There were pleasant walkways with shrubberies in between the various cages and enclosures but in each cage there were pairs and groups of human being, all naked, were forced to behave as the animals that were labelled on the cages they occupied.

  There were over a hundred of them. Not all supplied by Akira of course. At a quarter of a million dollars a pop, even N’dona’s vast resources wouldn’t cover such an enormous outlay, but he had other sources and he actually enjoyed training these white boys and girls himself (with the aid of Juma and his men of course).

  They moved up to the monkey cages first, Juma leading the way while a stunned Davey and Jill followed in near shock as they stared in at the poor boys and girls now aping the antics of the animals they were supposed to be.

  Here, the athletic young girls and boys hung by one hand from bare tree branches or swung from one to the other. No wonder they had to be athletic, Davey thought as he stared up at the gymnastics being played out by the naked human monkeys.

  There were other people there, house guests of N’dona and they were grinning up at the scene inside the cage.

  But not all the monkeys were swinging from the trees! A pair were down amongst the grass fucking each other for all they were worth. Apparently, this behaviour was expected of the ‘monkeys’ and the guests chattered to themselves (in their own language) but the import was clear enough. They were sneering at the naked boys and girls ...

  To add to the parody, the boys and girls were all chattering and screeching like real monkeys. There was not a human sound to be heard except from the spectators. It was shameful but it was also heart-rending.

  David and Jill stood outside the cage, staring up at the naked ‘monkeys’ swinging back and forth from branch to branch, or at others, squatting down on the ground, reaching out to caress a cheek of a partner as monkeys will, or at the pair still rutting so obscenely and so openly on the grass not a dozen feet away from where they stood on the neatly raked gravel path outside the cage.

  And all the other monkey cages were the same. There were perhaps two dozen boys and girls caged as monkeys and they stopped and stared in at each of them, Juma forcing them to stand at each cage for a good five minutes before moving on to the next one.

  But then they moved to the ‘polar bear’ enclosure and here, bigger boys and girls loped around the fake rock hillside, dived into the water in the ‘lake’, beat their chests and growled like real bears. Again the newcomers were appalled but by now they were wondering where they fitted in to this weird scenario. N’dona had said Juma was to introduce them ‘their new accommodations’ so they assumed they would soon be entering one of these cages to carry on like all these boys and girls for the pleasure their antics gave N’dona and his guests.

  There was also a lions’ enclosure, a snake pit and a stables.

  In the lions’ enclosure, the four so-called lions padded around, very realistically aping the animals they were meant to represent, the two males fighting for possession of the females, snarling at one another before and after the fight while the winner took the female of his choice, raping her doggy fashion just as a real lion would.

  In the snake pit, a circular tank let into the ground, the six slaves slithered around on their bellies as Davey and Jill peered over the edge at them. Jill stifled a sob. It was so real! But what a terrible thing to make human beings do! And she supposed they were all, like she and David, quite innocent of any wrong. They had been kidnapped only because they were in the wrong place at the right time - and because they were a particularly good-looking couple of kids ...

  The stables were the only part of the zoo where the inmates were covered. The monkeys, bears, lions and snakes all got wet every time it rained. So did the ponies - if they happened to be taking their master or one of his guests for a ride but if not, at least they were protected in their stables.

  They comprised a number
of stalls, very realistic horse stalls in a building that could have passed for a legitimate equine stables. The stalls each had a pile of straw, a water trough and a ring to tether the slaves (by their nose rings of course) into the stall. There was also a tackle room in which were kept the gigs, saddles and harness.

  Davey and Jill looked around them with awe. Here were around four dozen more boys and girls in bridles and saddles, being led by grooms, or others harnessed to a gig and moving in or out to the track that surrounded the whole estate.

  The ponies were as naked of hair on their bodies as all the other ‘animals’ in the zoo, their genitals being prominently displayed but additionally, they had had the hair on their heads shaved except for a flowing ponytail that came out of the centre rear of their heads and had been bound to stand up straight for a few inches then flowed back and down their backs.

  Jill and Davey were also horrified to see tails of real hair that seemed to match that on the tops of their heads, coming out of their bottoms, twitching back and forth from side to side as they walked.

  A couple of the saddled ponies had a groom sitting in the saddles. These were leather affairs that were attached to the ponies’ backs by means of a collar around the neck and belts around chest and waist as well as a crupper belt that went down from the base of the saddle to the buttocks, divided in two to avoid the tail then came up at the front to join the waist belt. In the case of the males, it included an adjustable metal ring that had been made too tight through after their genitals had been pushed through. The constriction had forced erections in each of these boys. With the girls, this part of the harness included a knobbly dildo that went into their vaginas and kept them aroused all the time the harness was in place.

  The gigs had a central pole running forward from under the seat and these curved up at the end and finished with a t-bar at the end of which were manacles on short chains. In the centre of the t-bar, at the point where it was joined to the pole, a heavy leather collar had been bolted.

  The ponies had to grip the t-bar from behind their backs and then lift it up until it was shoulder height and the collar at the end of the pole could be buckled around their necks. The manacles were then locked around their wrists preventing them from releasing the t-bar. It was a very pleasing pose for it showed off their fine musculatures perfectly as they trotted or galloped around the track.

  Jill and Davey also saw other ponies being washed down after a hard run. They stood in a large tub, ankle deep in water while their groom dipped a rag in the water and then rubbed their bodies down with it, just as he would a real horse. They were appalled to hear the ponies neighing and whinnying. Again, no human speech was permitted.

  Having seen over the zoo, the pair now discovered their fate. They were to join the monkeys in the cage.

  Juma first removed the electronic devices from their bodies and then shoved them into the cage, locking the door behind them. “Behave like monkeys or you be punished,” he growled at them ...

  They stood there for a few moments, unsure where to begin but then, as Juma extracted a prodder from his belt and made as if to enter the cage, they rapidly climbed a tree and sat on a branch, scratching themselves as they saw others doing.

  Juma stood and watched for a few minutes but then departed and now, as soon as he was out of earshot, their new colleagues each introduced themselves, very quietly and in passing as they crawled along the branch or swung by on a dangling creeper. Gradually, David and Jill learned who their companions were and what to do.

  It seemed there were cameras trained on them at all times and while surreptitious speech, especially if it was in the nature of advice as to how to behave, was tolerated, slackness when guests were around was not. Punishments included ritual flogging, a schoolboy-type caning or a prolonged inverted suspension, hanging by widespread ankles for a day or so.

  But in addition to their animal duties, they were very definitely sex slaves as well. N’dona had one or more of them up to his suite every night and his guests could choose any of the slaves, male or female, to pleasure them at their whim. Any complaints from a guest meant a public punishment, again at the whim of the guest. If you happened to cop a sadistic master for the night, you were sure to be ‘punished’ the next day.

  The two new monkeys listened carefully and took it all in. More pain and more humiliation would follow if they didn’t and so they learned each lesson very well, now reaching up for a branch and swinging back and forth as a group of guests strolled by, stopping to watch their antics as their naked bodies aped the actions of their arboreal cousins the chimpanzee.

  It was horribly demeaning to be forced to play at being apes, being totally naked and hairless and know there was no end to it. They were there for as long as they were pleasing to N’dona. What happened to them then wasn’t clear for their new friends didn’t know. Every now and then, one or more of their number just disappeared, presumably sold to one of N’dona’s friends as a body slave or some such.

  But even worse was when a group ‘wondered’ what a particular pair might look like rutting. An accompanying servant ordered the pair of ‘monkeys’ to demonstrate their sexual skill and that was that. Down they went and began to perform. Sometimes a particular method might be ordered but more often than not they were left to perform as they wished.

  It was in this manner that Davey made love to Jill for the first time since they had been kidnapped.

  It was N’dona himself, strolling alone in his zoo who ordered it. He stood watching them for long minutes, the breeze ruffling the ultra-light long silk robe he affected as his normal attire in his pleasure palace but then he called up to Jill and Davey to come down from swinging through the tree branches high above his head and show him how good they were as lovers ...

  Down they came and Jill laid down in the grass just inside the iron bars of the cage, near where N’dona was standing, her svelte body looking quite superb as she lay there, her blue eyes sparkling, her tanned flesh rippling slightly as she got comfortable. N’dona stared down at her. No wonder Akira said these two were special, he thought. Her fine, silk-like hair wafted around her face as she lay on the grass and she stared at her approaching lover.

  He was just as beautiful in a masculine way, his tall athletic body moving gracefully, his fine muscles rippling magnificently with every step. His cock was hard now. It had started to rise as soon as he had heard his owner’s command and he had eyes only for Jill as he reached her, knelt down between her widespread legs and then, in front of his master and of all his co-‘monkeys’, slipped himself inside Jill’s beautiful body and began to rut.

  N’dona sighed as he watched the boy’s muscular buttocks contracting into narrow hillocks of tight muscle as he rammed his loins down into her, then relaxed into a flawless smooth curve of alabaster-smooth flesh as he withdrew each time. He was enthralled by the boy’s athletic pursuit of pleasure - every muscle in his superb body was in motion and the sight was electric.

  But he was also pleased to see how the girl responded, thrusting her well-muscled body up to meet the boy’s plunging cock and making the conjoining quite incredible. He stood and watched them until the boy had brought Jill to four climaxes before allowing himself release. This had been taught to him as part of his sexual training on the ship and again N’dona thanked his lucky stars in bringing Akira to his door. The Japanese was the finest trainer of human slave flesh around and if his slaves cost dearly, they were always worth it. And he might just be right about this pair. They did indeed seem to be better than any of the others so far ...

  Well, time would tell and tonight would be the first real test. He would have them both up to his rooms. Let them demonstrate their skill on his own body. His mind then shifted and he smiled once more. Tomorrow ... Ah yes, tomorrow he was going to have the Swedish couple neutered.

  Not that the girl was incompetent as far as frontal sex was conc
erned, or that the boy lacked virility, just that after seeing that film Akira had shown him, the idea of having a totally sexless male and female pair of beauties appealed and this couple had drawn the short straw ...

  Chapter 6

  Jill and David were collected from the monkey cage at eight.

  They had been fed at six, the keepers throwing in a pile of raw vegetables for them to sit around and chew as a couple of N’dona’s guests stood and watched, gloating over the slaves’ humiliation at being fed like real animals in a zoo. But hunger is a prime factor in any animal, human beings no less than others and, despite the row of black faces staring in at their nakedness, Jill and Davey scrabbled for a carrot or a stick of celery as much as the other boys and girls in the cage.

  With people watching, conversation was not an option and so they sat there screeching occasionally but mostly just chewing and swallowing the food. It was good quality - N’dona wanted his zoo animals in the best of health but it was still so shameful to be locked naked in a cage and expected to emulate the actions of the animals they were supposed to be.

  When it came time to evacuate their wastes, they had to do it into a drain at the back of the cage. It might have been the back from the point of view of the main door but since all the cages were free-standing, as soon as a spectator noticed a ‘monkey’ moving towards the drain, he or she informed the others and they followed him or her around to stand and watch as the humiliated boy or girl squatted over the drain and emptied his bowels into the water running in the drain and then cleaned himself with his hand and the drain’s water afterwards.

  Jill needed to go but having watched the others being so humiliatingly observed as they did their business, she held back as long as she could but then she could wait no longer and moved as surreptitiously as she could over to the drain and squatted down. Alas, she was seen and in no time there were a half dozen men and women standing on the other side of the bars, only a few feet from her, to watch as she dropped her faeces into the swiftly moving water.


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