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Dead Man Running: Book Two - Supernatural Bounty Hunter Romance Novellas

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by E A Price

  This vampire, who went by the name Nicholas Everhard, had also started robbing his ‘dates.' While they were passed out, he went through their belongings and took their cash, credit cards, and jewelry – in fact, anything he could. Eventually, he was caught and put on trial for robbery.

  The Blau Bail Bond Agency, Jackson and Logan worked for, had taken the bond. Everhard duly failed to show up for court, and so the bounty hunters had been dispatched to hunt him down. They hadn’t planned on bringing the two fox shifters with them, however.

  Noah Matheson, a white fox shifter, was training to be a bounty hunter. He begged Logan to allow him to come. He had never met a vampire before, and wanted to watch how the hunters went about tracking him. Logan relented, on the proviso that the young fox stay out of the way.

  Carly Columbo, a red fox shifter, was desperate to be a bounty hunter. After she mated with Jackson, he found her a job at the agency. She had thought that they would catch skips together as a team; she envisioned it being romantic and fun. It would be like Hart to Hart, or Macmillan and Wife. Jackson often told her she watched too much TV. So she was thoroughly annoyed to find that Jackson expected her to stay in the office and file things. They’d had numerous arguments on the subject, all with Jackson telling her there was no way he was risking her safety by allowing her anywhere near criminals. He was a little possessive when it came to his mate. She cried, stamped her feet, and seduced him, to try and get him to change his mind – so far nothing worked.

  However, when it came to hunting down Everhard, the hunters decided they needed a vehicle a little more low-key than their own truck and SUV. Jackson suggested Carly’s little compact. She caught him trying to steal her keys and, much to his vexation, demanded she come too. Reluctantly, he agreed, as long as she stayed behind him at all times, she didn’t engage with the vampire in any way, and she made sure that if she was in danger, she shifted to her fox and ran like hell. Impatiently, she agreed to everything he said, without really listening.

  After two days of trailing round the vampire’s normal haunts, they found him at an upscale restaurant called Noir. The restaurant was popular with all species, serving real food, raw meat and also human blood.

  Everhard was currently at the bar, feeding off one of the human entrees. The four shifters were watching him avidly through the window. After a lengthy fight, Carly had allowed Jackson to drive, and only got in the back because Logan asked her nicely if he could have shotgun. Carly, like most women, had simpered, and agreed to whatever the large, handsome bear wanted. In a fit of rage, Jackson punched the bear for flirting with his mate. Logan was still rubbing his jaw and throwing Jackson dirty looks.

  The wolf and the bear were calm, but the two foxes were becoming increasingly bouncy. Carly leaned forward between the seats, complaining she couldn’t see anything. Clumsily, she began climbing to the front. She managed to kick Noah in the stomach, elbow Logan in the throat and head butt Jackson. Eventually, although it was cramped, she settled onto Jackson’s lap. Jackson leaned his head on his mate’s shoulder and sniffed in satisfaction. Her lavender scent was delicious.

  Jackson’s stubble tickled Carly’s shoulder, and she wiggled in his lap. He groaned as her soft buttocks cradled his growing erection. Heat suffused her body as she blushed; her mate had a voracious sex drive!

  Logan rolled his eyes. “Ugh! Either cool it or take it outside.”

  Jackson cleared his throat, trying to ignore his mounting lust. “So, what’s the plan with Everhard?”

  “We should call Marcus.”

  Jackson snarled. “We don’t need him...”

  Logan shook his head as he took out his cell phone. “You know the rule.”

  Noah leaned forward. “What is the rule?”

  “We don’t attempt to take down a vampire without Marcus’ say so. We have to be careful. They’re really strong and fast.”

  “Fucking, stupid rule,” muttered Jackson.

  He seethed as Logan had a quick, terse conversation with Marcus. Carly nuzzled at her mate soothingly. Automatically, his hand caressed her thigh and the anger completely left him.

  Logan ended the call and shifted in his seat. “We’re to wait here. Marcus is sending back up.”

  Jackson grunted and was about to start complaining, so Carly silenced him with a kiss. Logan hadn’t been thrilled about Carly coming with them, but he could see how useful she was.

  Logan concentrated on covertly observing the vampire whilst Jackson and Carly made out. He prayed back up was quick; things were getting a bit too hot in there for his liking.

  Chapter Two

  Alma Flores folded her arms and leaned against the door jamb. “We can do this.”

  Alma was a five foot eight Latina witch. She was blessed with a slim frame, achingly long legs and long dark brown hair. She also didn’t like to be told she couldn’t do something. Ever. She was smart, but she refused to acknowledge her own limitations. She saw it as being courageous. Others viewed it as bloody mindedness.

  Marcus Blau shook his head. Marcus was a six foot boa constrictor shifter. He was by no means cowardly, but he did play things a little more cleverly than Alma. Whilst the witch was likely to blunder into any situation and take her chances, the snake was a little more cunning. If he knew he couldn’t win, he came up with a better plan, and he wasn’t afraid to play dirty.

  “It’s a vampire Alma. We should call Viktor.”

  Viktor was the only vampire bounty hunter they had on their books. He worked every now and again, but he wasn’t exactly one of their regulars. Viktor was an old friend of Marcus.'

  Alma had been the first person Marcus hired. The sassy witch was perfect for running the office. She didn’t take crap from anyone. Period. In the beginning, Marcus had been both the bond agent and bounty hunter, with Alma assisting on numerous catches. Over time, the business had grown, and they were able to hire more employees. Now, Alma was solely in charge of the office, and Marcus only acted as a bond agent. Unless there was a particularly tricky skip. In spite of the skills of their current bounty hunters, they still couldn’t hold a candle to Marcus.

  Alma pouted prettily. It had no effect on the snake; he’d seen it a thousand times before. Viktor had started working for them four years ago, when Marcus had to take time off to tend to his sick wife. It had been love at first sight for the witch and the vampire. Unfortunately, after that, it had not been plain sailing...

  “We can do this on our own. We used to all the time.”

  Marcus raised an eyebrow. She was right. They were the first bail bond agency in Playa Lunar to actually accept a bond for a vampire. Up until then, vampires were forced to sit and stew in jail. They all thought he was crazy. The vampire in question had inevitably skipped bail, and Marcus and Alma accordingly tracked him down, and, after some smooth moves, got him back to the cops. Their business doubled after that.

  Marcus exhaled loudly. “So what’s your plan?”

  Alma rolled her shoulders. “I put on my little black dress. I flirt with him while you get behind him, and I throw out a few stunning spells while you strangle him. Done and dusted!”

  “You don’t have to prove anything to Viktor...”

  Alma threw up her hands. “It’s not about that.”

  “He already knows you’re tough.”

  “I said, it’s not about that,” she hissed.

  Marcus was still and silent for a few beats, watching Alma closely. She squirmed a little, but didn’t back down under his scrutinizing gaze.

  “Okay,” he relented. “But we have Logan and Jackson standing by, just in case.”

  A triumphant smile swept over her face, and she almost fist pumped the air.

  “Go get dressed.” Marcus dismissed her, and she shut the door behind her.

  Sighing, he picked up his cell and dialed Viktor’s number. Alma would forgive him... probably.

  Alma practically danced into the office.

  “You look happy,” said Mia, warily.

  Mia Blau was Marcus’ niece and a rabbit shifter. Being such a small creature, she was adept at gauging the moods of large predators, she had grown up in a den of snakes after all, and, when necessary, running and hiding. These skills had come in extremely useful when dealing with the moody witch. Right now, she was deciding on a fight or flight strategy. She was leaning toward flight.

  “Yep, we’re off to catch a vampire,” Alma told the little rabbit, gleefully.

  It was good fortune that Alma had a date later on that evening and intended to go straight there from work; she had brought a change of clothes with her. Shamelessly, she began stripping out of her conservative work dress and into her little black dress.

  Mia’s eyes bugged out. She couldn’t help but feel envious of her tall, caramel skinned boss. She could wear a garbage bag and still look like a model. Clothes were made for women like her. Mia was five foot two and skinny, clothes sagged on her. She looked like a kid playing dress-up.

  Mia frowned, averting her eyes. “Oh umm, well that’s nice, I suppose.”

  Alma smoothed the wrinkles out of the skin tight dress. She smiled indulgently at the young shifter. Although she hadn’t been thrilled when Marcus told her his niece would be coming to work for her, she had grown very fond of the girl. Despite looking anxious most of the time, startled rabbit syndrome, she ably dealt with all the madness that went on around there. Growing up with predatory snakes, she was tougher than she looked.

  Seconds later, Marcus emerged from his office wearing a cheap, black jogging suit.

  “Ready?” he asked Alma.

  Alma coated her lips in red lipstick. “Definitely.”

  Marcus stopped by Mia’s desk. “You okay to lock up, sweetheart?”

  She grinned. Uncle Marcus was always her favorite relation. He gave her a job when no one else would; everyone else was too afraid of her father. “Of course.”

  Marcus winked goodbye and glided out the door, closely followed by Alma, confidently striding. “Wish us luck, little rabbit.”

  “Good luck!” You’ll need it.

  Chapter Three

  The four bounty hunters ensconced in Carly’s car, or, at least, the two hunters and the two wannabe hunters, avidly watched Everhard.

  “Two more minutes and I’m going in!” declared Jackson grumpily.

  He’d been fine until Carly decided they had to cool down their antics. Lost in the moment, he’d been trying to work his hand into her panties. She’d soon put a stop to that. No way was she letting him bring her to orgasm in front of the other two shifters! She did have some principles! Although admittedly, not as many as she had before meeting Jackson.

  Since she poured cold water on his ardor, he’d been exceptionally grouchy, and, starting at fifteen minutes, had been telling them he was going in with every minute that passed.

  “Oh, thank god,” muttered Logan, as he spied Marcus’ BMW pull up.

  Jackson harrumphed but didn’t say anything. Logan unpacked his massive frame from the car and stretched, groaning at his aching muscles. He reflected that Corollas weren’t really built for seven foot bear shifters. Jackson and Carly untangled themselves from the front seat, and Noah got out from the back.

  They were surprised when Alma hopped out of Marcus’ car. Noah practically drooled; she looked spectacular. Carly frowned looking down at her own rounded body, what she wouldn’t give for Alma’s lithe frame. She sneaked a glance at Jackson to see whether he was impressed by the leggy witch. She was pleased to find he just looked pissed off. She snuggled into his chest and, automatically, his arm slid round her waist, giving her a squeeze. Yep, curves all the way for this wolf.

  Alma strode toward them with Marcus strolling behind in a black jogging suit. Everything he wore was black. Carly couldn’t imagine him in colors, if anything that might make him more terrifying. She didn’t like snakes.

  “Is it me, or are they walking in slow motion?” asked Noah dreamily.

  Carly sniggered. “I think they just got lost on the way to the Matrix.”

  Alma flashed them a predatory grin. “So, boys and girl, where is he?”

  Unobtrusively, Logan nodded toward the window of Noir. Covertly, the witch and the snake glanced at the vampire.

  Alma motioned to the door of the restaurant. “Shall we?”

  Marcus hesitated for a second before his upper lip twitched. Marcus was pretty hard to read, but the shifters knew that a lip twitch meant he was annoyed… or hungry, they couldn’t really differentiate between the two. However, he could be annoyed because he was hungry.

  Marcus let out a breath. “Okay. Logan, Jackson, and Noah be ready with the chains. When I give the signal, you wrap him up.”

  Alma’s deep red lips curled upwards. “Carly stand back, if this vamp comes toward you make sure you hide behind Jackson. Let the vampire take Jackson down while you escape, okay?” Alma liked Carly; she was funny and pissed Jackson off no end.

  Jackson scowled at the witch, although, to be fair that’s exactly what he would have told Carly to do, too.

  Alma raked her fingers through her hair. “Now or never, slick.”

  Marcus nodded and followed her into the restaurant, several steps behind. Carly and Noah watched in awe as the witch sauntered up to the vampire. The vampire immediately noticed her, and his eyes dilated with lust. Vampires preferred witches, their magic-infused blood tasted sweeter.

  The four shifters watched as Everhard sidled up to Alma. He said something, and Alma raised an eyebrow at him, smiling seductively. The shifters couldn’t hear what was going on, so Carly and Noah decided to improvise.

  “Oh, Mr. Everhard, you do go on!” Carly said suddenly, in a high-pitched voice.

  “Say, that’s a pretty neck you have there,” replied Noah, deepening his voice.

  Carly giggled as they watched Everhard ghost his fingers over Alma’s arm. “Oh, this old thing? I’ve had it for years.”

  Everhard settled his hand on Alma’s waist. Logan chuckled at the fox shifters, while Jackson groaned and muttered about staying focused.

  “Did you wash it before you came out tonight?” asked Noah.

  “Why do you ask?” retorted Carly with mock suspicion.

  “No reason, no reason. Say, just out of interest, what is your blood type?”

  The shifters guffawed but then sobered when they saw Alma whisper something to Everhard. The vampire’s eyes widened, and then he snarled. Alma stepped back quickly as the vampire moved to strike her. Before he could, an enormous boa constrictor wrapped itself around him tightly.

  Alma’s eyes shone as she started throwing stunning spells at the vampire. Everhard struggled frantically with the giant snake, but his motions slowed under the barrage of magic being leveled at him.

  The other diners in the restaurant looked a little fearful of what was happening, but, interestingly, didn’t stop eating their food or try to leave. Apparently, the food really was that good.

  After ten minutes Alma was looking a little weary, but not half as weary as the vampire. With the snake still wrapped around him, Alma used magic to lead Everhard outside. She stopped to apologize to the maître d before stepping out to triumphantly face the shifters.

  She gave them a smug grin. “See, Jackson, it is actually possible to catch someone without causing massive property damage.”

  Jackson sneered as he helped Logan tighten the chains around Everhard, allowing Marcus to slither off and shift to his human form.

  Carly giggled at Marcus’ naked body, and a growling Jackson slapped his hand over her eyes. She wasn’t allowed to look at any nude men other than him.

  “Spoilsport!” she griped.

  Marcus found a spare pair of pants in the trunk of his car and slipped them on. Jackson let go of a snickering Carly.

  The vampire let out a woozy groan and swayed between Logan and Noah’s steadying hands. “Get him in my car,” ordered Marcus.

  The assembled party froze as a Cadillac sped towards t
hem and screeched to a halt. Viktor hopped out of the driving seat and sprinted to them. Alma shot Marcus a look of disgust before smirking.

  “I’m here!” He looked between the surprised faces of the shifters, the unsteady vampire and Alma’s maddeningly smug smile.

  “You snooze you lose, Vik. We already got the job done.” Alma told him proudly.

  Viktor grunted. “So I see Al. You should have waited for me. It could have been dangerous.”

  Alma’s tone turned even chillier. “Look vampy, we were catching undead skips long before you came on the scene. We don’t need your help. We manage just fine.”

  Viktor rolled his eyes. “Please!” He gestured to Everhard. “This one’s barely a century old. Even Jackson could have handled this one.”

  Jackson roared furiously and made a move toward the vampire, but Carly kept hold of him and stroked his chest.

  Viktor looked with interest between the red and white foxes. “New recruits?” he asked Marcus.

  Marcus nodded. “That’s Noah, he’s training to be a hunter, and that’s Carly, she’s working in the office. This is Viktor; he works for us occasionally.”

  Noah squeaked that it was nice to meet him. Viktor replied with a toothy grin.

  “Actually, I’d like to train to be a bounty hunter, too,” said Carly, stepping toward Viktor with her hand raised.

  Jackson pulled her back into his arms before Viktor could touch her. “Mine!” he snarled.

  Carly rolled her eyes as Viktor chuckled. “Indeed,” he said smoothly.

  Alma took out her lipstick and applied another coat. “Well, as much as I’m enjoying this, I actually have a date.”

  Viktor crossed his arms and scowled at her. “Really?”

  “Really. Oh look, there he is now.” Alma waved at a tall alligator shifter who was clambering out of a Lexus. “Sweet of him to pick me up from here, wasn’t it? Well, goodnight, children.”

  With that Alma walked over to the alligator, hips swinging enticingly. Crossly, Viktor watched them leave. Fucking alligators, all teeth and bad body odor.


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