by Lexy Wolfe
Nearly an hour passed before Ash groaned softly, finally beginning to rouse. Unfocused azure eyes opened, blinking several times. "Where-?" Ash rasped, disoriented. "Almek?"
The Dusvet Guardian put his hand on Ash's arm, squeezing tightly. "Relax, Ash. I'm fine. We made it through the portal. We are just outside of Sharindel at the foot of Fortress's mountain. We're all fine." Almek could not help but glance worriedly at Storm, the lie in his voice clear even to the weakened mage.
"Storm?" Ash rasped. He touched Storm's cheek. "Storm. Storm!" The Swordanzen's eyes rolled open briefly before she passed out with a sigh. Knowing she was not lost, Ash finally succumbed to blackness himself.
Mureln continued to play his music as Taylin knelt to touch Storm and Ash's clasped hands. "They are not so close to death now. But they are not out of danger yet. They need time to recover their strength."
"Thank the gods." Almek stood, looking into the distance where the solitary mountain of Fortress rose high into the sky with a sense of awe. "I never dreamed I would witness such a miracle. Not in all of my five hundred years." He looked towards the treeline at the same moment Skyfire reached for his swords and Lyra drew her bow. "Hold, Skyfire!"
Several men and women with bows drawn burst from the tree line. "Do not move!" a strident voice demanded coldly.
Shrieking in defiant challenge, the drizar leapt over Taylin, landing in a battle stance with his head lowered, gleaming metal-capped horns flashing in the light. Several arrows flew towards him, but most merely bounced off his thick, scaled hide. The slash of bronze-capped horns knocked aside two more, and one he caught in his teeth. Returning to his defensive stance, he growled deep in his chest as he snapped the arrow in his mouth and ate it.
The tallest of the newcomers stepped out of the circle of attackers, holding his hands up. "Hold! Do not attack!" Lowering the deep hood of his storm grey robes, Jaison's orange Guardian mark glinted in the sunlight. He impatiently brushed his dusky brown hair from his green eyes. "A drizar?" He took a step forward, halting when the drizar lowered his head menacingly, Skyfire's drizzen moving to join him, her teeth bared. "What are beasts of Desantiva doing here? How...?"
Almek lowered his own hood, smiling faintly. "Unsvet Jaison," he greeted casually. "You have no idea how pleased I am to see you again."
Jaws and weapons all dropped immediately. "Dusvet Almek? Is that really you?" Jaison reached to clasp Almek's forearm in greeting. "What is going on? How did you come to be here without anyone noticing your approach?" Jaison frowned as he narrowed his eyes, studying Almek closer. "By the Timeless One... your deterioration... Why had you not come home sooner?! If you had waited much longer—"
"If not for my students, I would be dead now." Almek's flat tones brought Jaison up short. The Unsvet glanced over Almek's shoulder as Taylin approached, putting a soothing hand on the protective drizar's shoulder. "You remember Taylin, of course."
Jaison nodded once. "Of course. Good to see you are well, Taylin." The healer merely nodded once, her attention on soothing the drizar.
"These are the rest of my students," Almek stated. "And I will introduce them to you in time. Right now, the two who performed the miracle to get us here are—"
"By the goddess!" a young woman exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hand as she dropped to her knees in shock. "Illaini Magus Ash Andar?!" she exclaimed. She looked at Almek, aghast. "You claimed the Illaini Magus as your student? How could you?! The Illaini belongs to Forenta!"
"Adept Ophilia, you—" Jaison's eyes were drawn sharply over to look at the unconscious woman in the Forenten man's arms. "...a Desanti?" he whispered. He staggered as he realized, "A Githalin Swordanzen!" Jaison stared at Almek. "They are your new students?! What the hell happened?"
Almek said blandly, "There is much to discuss, Jaison."
Jaison snorted softly. "To say the least. Dulain Tyrsan will need to speak to you."
The Dusvet's smile faded to one of grim seriousness. "There is time enough to talk. Right now, Jaison, my students and I need your assistance." The Unsvet blinked once before the realization of the urgency settled in and he turned to the others with him, snapping orders to attend to the unconscious pair.
Almek's students, however, closed ranks. Silent, Emaris's glare was enough to make several of the newcomers backpedal. Emil stepped between his gypsy brother and the strangers with his sword drawn. "Don't ye even think 'bout it."
"The Illaini Magus and Githalin Swordanzen are one of us," Mureln stated as he gently removed Ash's arms from around Storm. Skyfire picked her up, holding her close as he looked in her face with worry, tenderly caressing her cheek. Emaris took charge of Ash, no less concerned over his comrade, if not showing it in any way similar to how Skyfire worried over his th'yala.
"We don't be needin' yer help," Emil stated crossly. "We take care of our own." Mureln stood protectively near Taylin as they thanked the drizar for his protection and assured him there was no need to disembowel anyone, no matter how worried he was.
Jaison blinked at the unheard of solidarity between members of the disparate nations of the Sundered Lands, then looked quizzically at Almek as he went to assist his old mentor.
Lexy Wolfe is the author of the highly acclaimed epic fantasy novels of The Sundered Lands Saga. After her time in the Army as a Russian linguist was cut short due to injuries, she has continued a tradition of serving as a translator, now between technical and business folks. Lexy enjoys learning as much about everything, with a special love of all fields of science. Having to set aside a childhood dream, inspired by Carl Sagan, of becoming an astronaut and traveling to other worlds, she now weaves vivid worlds and vibrant characters into intricate stories.
Twitter: LexyWolfe
Facebook: lexywolfe13
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a'alisna — (ah-ah-LIS-nah) Vodani term for the nomadic urge to move from place to place
Almek Two-Tones — (AL-mek) The last living Guardian of Time bearing two colors on his divine mark Oldest wandering Guardian at over 500 years old; Sevmanen-Vodani halfborn Amelana — (ah-MEH-lah-nah) Formerly great grandniece of Ellis Avarian who was stripped of her family name for her crimes; Ash Andar's former journeyman student Ancestral agony — Vodani term for the Psia Re
Ancient Triad — The first gods, Creator, Destroyer and Time
Andar — Ash's birth home, uninhabited due to the disaster that left him orphaned
Anton Ganessi — Head of the noble house that rules the port city of Ganessi
Arrowhawk — A black falcon with blue markings used by the Vodani people to carry messages
Ash — Forentan man, youngest master mage and Illaini Magus
A'tyrna Ulan — (ah-TIR-nah OO-lahn) Stone pillars that are the remains of ancient Desanti-Forentan halfborn
Avarian family — (ah-VAH-ree-ahn) One of the oldest of the Ancient Houses in Forenta
Bard — A wandering minstrel and neutral arbiter, usually Vodani-born
Bayuli-volsha — A Desanti term for a bond between souls, considered extremely sacred to Desanti
Before Time — Desanti term for the time before the Great War
Bek — A crude Sevmanen caravan worker
Bella — A Vodani Unsvet Guardian
Bennu Avarian — (beh-NOO) Deceased Forentan mage, Ash's former master and grandfather, twin to Ellis
Berrik — (BEAR-rik) member of the Morlaiz clan
Black water — The ink produced by squids
Blisarj leaf — (BLIH-sarzh) A toxic Desanti herb used to treat pain
Blood crystal — A crystal made from blood by a Totani that ties the life force of a Swordanzen to another
Blood Oath — A mystical bond created between a Forentan and another
Blood magic — The Desanti equivalent of magic
Blue Rose Inn — A tavern the travelers stay at
Bo-alia — a dice game related to cross bones, except the dice are eight-sided.
Ceremony of Choosing — a holy Forentan ceremony where the mortal servants of the Knowing One are publically chosen.
Chase — A Swordanzen who had been Storm's th'yala.
Chlayxin — (CHLAY-zin) the buildup of pressure caused by using Forentan life magic, also called magic backlash
Chok — A crude Sevmanen caravan worker
Clarissa — Headwoman of the Avarian household
Claire — Forentan child
Corast — (KOR-ahst) A Forentan-Vodani border port city
Council of Elders — The ruling council of Desantiva comprised of the oldest members of the Desanti people
Creator, the — One of the Ancient Triad; The Unchanging One
Cross bones — a dice game played with five six-sided dice
Cross the Sword — A Desanti euphemism for significant life changes, such a becoming an adult or dying. Also, 'Cross the blade'
Cursed child — A surviving child of a dead Desanti tribe, usually left to die for fear of contagions
Darkborn — A human born with the soul of a darkling
Darkling — An entity that crosses into the physical plane from the River of Time that preys on the souls of the living
Defiler — A derogatory Desanti term for a Forentan
Dinnais — (dih-NAY-ss) A Desanti term for a darkling
Desanti — (deh-SAN-tee) Singular or plural term referring to a human from Desantiva; adjective describing anything from Desantiva
Desantiva — (deh-san-TEE-vah) The barren wasteland southern territory claimed by the Desanti people; The name of the Desanti's dragon god
Dessa — (DEH-sah) Ash's only servant, companion since childhood; Killed by a darkling
Destroyer, the — One of the Ancient Triad; The Changing One
Dove and Lily Inn — Upper class establishment in Ganessi
Dremmen — (DREH-men) A Forentan Unsvet Guardian
Drizar — (DRI-zahr) The term for a full male drizzen, synonymous to stallion
Drizzen — (DRI-zen) Vicious, reptilian omnivores that replace horses in Desantiva
Dulain — (doo-LANE) Senior Unsvet in charge of the Guardian city in Fortress
Dusvet Guardian — (DOO-sveht) A Guardian of Time marked with a metallic mark of two colors on the right cheek
Dylar — (D'EYE-lar) Guardsman captain of Ganessi
Dzee — Rainbow wyvern Totani
Edai — The Knowing One's laws about duty and the gathering and sharing of knowledge
Edai Magus — (eh-DAH-ee) One of the mages on the Forentan mage high council
Edai Tredecima — (eh-DAH-ee treh-DES-ee-mah) The thirteen member mage high council
Elder — A Desanti who is 35 years or older
Elder bear — A giant bear native to Forenta
Ellis Avarian — (EL-lis) Forentan mage, twin brother of Bennu Avarian and Ash's great uncle, highest ranking mage on the Edai Tredecima
Emaris — (EM-ahr-ihss) Mute Sevmanan gypsy mercenary, brother of Emil
Emil — (EH-mill) Sevmanan mercenary-thief, brother of Emaris
Erik — Forentan boy, Nolyn's nephew
Etaio — (eh-TIE-oh) Gypsy leader of the Morlaiz clan
Final Dance — A Swordanzen attack that leaves the attacker impervious to injury, but kills the attacker once completed
First Home — The only permanent Desanti city in Desantiva
First Sundering — An ancient cataclysm that created the Forentan and Desanti nations
Forbidden arts — Forentan magic that has no limitations that end a spells effects
Forenta — (for-EHN-tah) The heavily forested northern territory claimed by the Forentan people; name of the Forentan god
Forentan — (for-EHN-tan) Singular term for a human from Forenta; adjective describing anything from Forenta
Forenten — (for-EHN-ten) Plural term for a human from Forenta
Forge, the — Desanti term for the hottest part of the day
Fortress of Time — Solitary mountain near the World Spine, home to the Guardians of Time
Gabrielle Avarian — Ash's mother
Ganessi — (gah-NESS-ee) A Sevmanan-Vodani border port city
Githalin Blades — (gith-AH-lin) The divine created single-edged paired blades given to Githalin
Githalin Swordanzen — A god-touched Swordanzen
Great Barrier — The dividing line between the physical plane and the River of Time
Great War — The war between Forenta and Desantiva that ended in the Second Sundering
Guardian Adept — A person formally identified to be training to be tested to become a Guardian of Time
Guardians — Short form for Guardians of Time
Guardians of Time — Nearly immortal servants of the Timeless One
Gypsy — Sevmanan nomads
Halfborn — Anyone with parents from two nations (example: Sevmanan and Vodani)
Hall of Remembrance — Chamber in the butte of First Home with mosaics depicting moments of Desanti history
Heart of Desantiva — Name for the Desanti God
Home Port — The first Vodani city, only non-Desanti city in Desantiva
Hollow — A Forentan term for an inn, usually lower class
Illaini Magus — (ill-AEE-nee) A god-touched mage
Ilsa — (ILL-sah) Master Vodani apothecarist of Water's Resonance
Immortal servant — a minor divine entity that serves one of the gods
Ithesra — (ih-THEHZ-rah) Capital city of Forenta
Ithesra proper— (ih-THEHZ-rah) The more densely populated area of Ithesra
Jaison — (JAY-sun) A Vodani Unsvet Guardian from Desantiva
Jaline — (jah-LEEN) A Forentan seamstress; Terrence's intended wife-to-be
Jakkee — (JAH-kee) A Vodani boy of Water's Resonance
Joban — (JO-bahn) A Sevmanan man punished by a Guardian
Kailee — (KAY-lee) A silver desert cat Totani
Keenan — (KEE-nahn) A young Forentan man
Kelafy — (keh-LAH-fee) Headwoman to the house of the Illaini Magus
Knowing One, the — The Forentan tree god
Kraken — Giant, deep-ocean squid
Landwalker — Vodani nickname for anyone from the landbound nations
Li — (LEE) Forest Sprite guardian of the entrance to the Forentan god's home
Lowborn — Forentan term for someone of the lower classes
Lupine — Giant wolf native to Forenta
Lurkers — Vodani term for darklings
Lyra — Forentan servant and companion to the Dusvet Guardian's Swordanzen students
Magelight — Light generated by Forentan magic, often imbued into lanterns to allow minor talents to use them.
Magus — Archaic term for a mage, used as part of titles for the senior most mages
Magus Academy — Forentan school of magic that occupies an entire mountain
Majestic Hall — Largest room within the Magus Academy
Maternasi — (MAH-ter-NAH-see) Largest of the Vodani ships, home to an entire Vodani clan
Melik — (MEH-lik) Merchant at Market Circle.
Meris — Forentan guardsman and mage
Mia — (MEE-yah) Mureln's sister, owner of the Silver Seagull Inn
Morelmi — (mo-REL-mee) a spell used to remove the magic from a living being, generally considered fatal to the caster
Morlaiz Clan — (more-LAYZ) The gypsy clan Emil and Emaris are from
Mureln Nadeesi — (mur-ELN nah-DEE-see) A Vodani master bard; Almek's student
Naiya — (nah-EE-yah) The dryad divine servant of the Forentan god
Naming Blade — A two-edged knife given to a Desanti child by a Totani to acknowledge their transition into adulthood
Navar — (nah-VAR) A Forentan village
Naveene — (nah-VEEN) The flamboyant and ostentatious owner of Naveene's Rest.
Naveene's Rest — A Forenta
n upper class inn
Nolyn Lirai — (NO-lyn lih-RYE) Forentan master mage and guardsman captain in Ithesra
Oberlain Family — (OH-ber-layn) One of the oldest of the Ancient Houses in Forenta, rival of the Avarian family
Oracle Stone — A giant opalescent stone the size of a man's torso that is a focus for the Knowing One to speak through Her chosen Voice
Ophilia — Forentan Guardian student, Kelafy's daughter
Petal — A forest sprite that attached itself to Terrence
Perisi — (peh-RIH-see) The last Illaini Magus 300 years before Ash
Psia Re — (SEE-ya RAY) The tie between the Desanti born and the Desanti god only recognized by mortals as sharing the pain of the trapped god Radisen na'Citali — (RAH-dih-sen nah-cih-TAH-lee) A Desanti warrior
Rage wind — Sand storm attributed to the expression of the Desanti god's fury
Raging One, the — The Desanti dragon god
Rayn — Forentan guardsman and mage
Rest — A Forentan term for an inn, usually upper class
River of Time — The area outside of the physical plane
Rowen Avarian — Ash's father
Rumblelands — The volcanic plain home/prison of the Desanti god
Rumor squirrel — Forentan colloquialism for gossip
Rusty Pelican — derogatory nickname for the Silver Seagull
Second Sundering — An ancient cataclysm that created the Sevmanan nation out of the Forentan nation, and the Vodani nation out of the Desanti nation Se'edai Magus — (SEH EH-dah-ee) The senior member of the Edai Tredecima
Seeing One, the — The Sevmanan god
Selina — The mermaid divine servant of the Timeless One
Sendarli — (sen-DAHR-lee) a Desanti monster that resembles vine covered rock that cannot be killed with normal weapons
Sevenday — a unit of time equal to a week
Sevmana — (sehv-MAH-nah) The grassy lowlands south of Forenta claimed by the Sevmanan people; name of the Sevmanan god
Sevmanan — (sehv-MAH-nahn) Singular term for a human from Sevmana; adjective describing anything from Sevmana
Sevmanen — (sehv-MAH-nehn) Plural term for a human from Sevmanen