by Lexy Wolfe
Shli'zarii — (shlih zah-REE-ee) Swordanzen honor battle, a challenge to prove the Swordanzen is worthy to still be considered Swordanzen
Shodwyn — (SHO-dwin) Mysterious group with an unknown that causes chaos, members also called Shadowlords.
Silver Seagull Inn — The most popular in of Corast owned by Mureln's sister Mia
Singing One, the — The Vodani God
Skyfire il'Kailee — The Githalin name of Radisen
Spyric — A four-legged creature resembling a jumping spider, normally two feet tall.
Soul Oath — A mystical bond created between a Desanti and another
Storm il'Thandar — Desanti Githalin Swordanzen; Almek's student
Sumalen — (SOO-mah-lehn) Desanti warrior
Sumyr il'Dzee — (SOO-meer) Totani Dzee's chosen Githalin
Sundered Lands — The term describing the nations of Forenta, Sevmana, Vodanya and Desantiva
Swordanzen — (sohr-DAN-zen) mortal servants of the Desanti god, charged with protecting the people and the land
Swordanzen Naming Blade — A two-edged sword given to a Desanti by a Totani to acknowledge their passage of the Swordanzen tests
Taylin — Sevmanan master healer of the Zeridis temple
Temporal shifter — a non-corporeal entity from outside the physical plane
Terrence — Forentan mage, Ash's apprentice student
Thandar the Golden — Desert golden eagle Totani, Storm's guide
Th'yala — (th-YAH-lah) Desanti term for a long term companion that shares all things but children
Time of Gathering — Traditional time when all Desanti tribes gather in peace at First Home
Tomi — (TOE-mee) only son of the Blue Rose Inn's innkeeper
Toss stone — A dice game
Totani — (toe-TAH-nee) immortal divine servant of the Desanti god, singular and plural form
Traveler's Hollow — An inn in Ithesra frequented by lower class citizens or most non-Forentan visitors
Tree of Knowledge — Name for the Forentan god
Treewalker — A Desanti term for a Forentan, only derogatory by vocal inflection
trifold stone — A stone found in deep waters of the ocean with unique properties of being able to draw or locate pieces of the same stone; used primarily with arrowhawks Tri-tailed deer — a giant deer native to Forenta with three tails
Tulis — (TOO-lis) Mureln's brother, Ilsa's long term companion
Tyrsan — (TIR-sahn) Sevmanan Unsvet Guardian, Dulain of Guardian settlement
Ulsen — (UHL-sehn) Sevmanan drunkard in Ganessi, killed by Storm
Unsvet Guardian — (UHN -sveht) A Guardian of Time marked with a metallic mark of two colors on the right cheek
Verris na'Zhekali — Senior Elder of the Desanti, Storm's grandfather
Vi'disa tribe — (vih-DIH-sah) Desanti tribe wiped out by a dinnais attack
Vodani — (voh-DAH-nee) Singular or plural term referring to a human from Vodanya; adjective describing anything from Vodanya
Vodanya — (voh-DAH-nyah) The ocean and islands where the Vodani people call home; name of the Vodani god
Voice of the Oracle — The mortal servant of the Knowing One who shares the goddess's memories and whom the goddess speaks through.
Warriors of heaven — Desanti term for shooting stars, believed to be the freed souls of a Desanti who recently died
Water's Resonance — Vodani island marked for having natural purple crystal spires
Wave Dancer — Vodani ship that Almek's students travel on
World Spine — Impassable north-south running mountains on the western side of the main continents
Ysai Oberlain — (yih-SIGH) The Se'edai Magus of the Edai Tredecima
Zeridis — (ZEHR-ih-dihs) A divine servant of the Sevmanan god, patron of healers
Zerik Oberlain — (ZEH-rik) a junior master, member of rival to Avarian family
Zoe — A Forentan girl, Voice of the Oracle
About the Author
Lexy Wolfe was born an August Leo. She loves her husband of more than twenty years, their daughter, son, grandson, and the multitude of furry creatures of the canine and feline persuasion. Her writing was born out of impatience of wanting to read stories that were never being written when she was younger.