His Impetuous Deputante (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 1)
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“My grandfather’s will states that I have to be married and produce a legitimate heir by the time I am thirty.” Raising his head he looked at her. “That is less than two years away in case you are wondering.” He leaned his head back, having caught the sympathy in her eyes and not wanting to see it. “If I don’t, I lose lands, funds, everything, become a simple pauper while keeping the title.”
“How dreadful for you.”
“Not only me, but the two ladies I married. To go along with my grandfather’s dictate, they have suffered a worse fate than I.” He was not willing to tell her everything just yet.
“I am so sorry.” She trailed off as they lapsed into silence. “I still don’t understand why you haven’t secured another wife?”
He raised his head and gave her a half smile. “Nobody wants to risk their lovely daughters facing the same fate. I am not a lucky man to be married to.”
“That is utterly stupid,” she retorted. “It is not like you killed them, did you?”
Taylor laughed. “No, Phoebe. I did not. Thank you for being the only one to have nerve enough to ask.”
Taylor wondered what she would think if she knew both wives had been carrying his child as well. It was just as well he hadn’t mentioned that small fact. She was a girl of deep feelings, unlike anyone he had met before. Maybe he should warn her not to show her emotions so clearly in her face. Yet, he couldn’t do that. Then she wouldn’t be Phoebe. Her openness was one of her more charming qualities.
“What about you, Phoebe?”
Startled, she raised her head to meet his eyes. “What do you mean?”
“You made reference last evening to someone you have developed an affection for. Who is he?” If Taylor wasn’t mistaken, she began to blush.
“It makes no difference. He would never consider me,” she whispered, giving him a small smile.
“What makes you so sure?” Lounging back, he studied her. He was very curious about the man who had held her affection.
“He doesn’t need anything from me.” Phoebe kept her eyes averted, the crimson in her face deepened.
“By that do you mean titles, dowry and the like?”
“Of course. Why else marry?”
Giving her a half smile, Taylor agreed. “I see your point. By any chance could this gentleman actually care for you?”
“I have no idea how he feels about me,” she answered with irritation.
“You care for him don’t you?” Taylor persisted.
Raising angry and hurt eyes, she admitted it. “Yes, I care for him very much, but the feeling is not returned. Of that I am certain and I would rather not discuss it further.”
He was surprised by her reaction. It was more than caring. She had fallen in love with this man. Who in his right mind wouldn’t return the feelings? Oh, to be loved by Phoebe, he thought. Then quickly dismissed the idea. Part of him wished he hadn’t persisted for on the morrow all her hopes of gaining the man’s affection would be hopeless. Setting his glass aside, he turned down the lamps. “If we are to go sneaking to the house before dawn, we will need to get up early.”
Phoebe pulled the blanket up to her chin and turned her face to the back of the couch. He would need to apologize tomorrow. It really had not been his intention to upset her, but he couldn’t begin to fathom what gentleman she cared for.
In the darkness he sipped the whiskey and went over every outing in his head. Which gentlemen were consistent in their pursuit and which had taken Phoebe on walks and drives in the park? In the end, he had a short list and he couldn’t imagine why any of them would reject her affection.
Taylor sat in the semi-darkness, with only the light from the fire, drinking, watching her slumber . She was so beautiful. To hold her affection would be an incredible gift.
Chapter 13
Early morning sun began to lighten the cabin and Taylor waited. At the most he barely dozed last night. He certainly did not get any sleep. And now, Noah was here. He heard the horse then footsteps a moment ago. He was just waiting to see if Noah would speak to him or simply shoot him first. Noah looked into the window and his hard, cold eyes met Taylors before he opened the door and stepped inside.
“Does your appearance here mean we might as well not bother hiding our return?” Taylor asked dryly.
Noah shot him a look, still angry. His facial features softened when he looked at Phoebe. Her exposed arm was wrapped in a blood-soaked bandage, which Taylor would need to change before they returned to the house. The blanket had also fallen away from the elevated foot and he could see that it was still painfully swollen with bluish grey bruising along the side. By the time Noah’s eyes shifted back to Taylor, he was already standing, walking toward him. Silently they walked outside and Taylor busied himself looking after the horse.
Unable to bare the silence any longer, Taylor spoke. “If you are here to call me out, I had better warn you that I was to act as your second this week. I am not sure I can do both roles. Perhaps I should just shoot myself and be done with it.” He patted the horse and straightened.
A smile pulled at Noah’s mouth. “That would be too easy. Besides, you need a wife and Phoebe needs a keeper.”
“What about your promise to Phoebe?” Taylor asked.
“Whatever promise I made is moot due to her behavior.”
Taylor nodded his head. Noah was right and there was no point arguing, so he might as well get to the point.
“I haven’t touched her. Not even last night.”
Noah dismissed the statement. “It doesn’t matter. It is what is believed.”
Taylor grabbed his friend’s arm. “It matters to me what you believe.”
Noah stiffened and met his eyes. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”
Taylor let his arm drop to his side. “You should. I have never been so tested in my entire life.” Noah raised both eyebrows and Taylor took his warning seriously.
Taylor sobered in response. “I will take care of her. I’ll protect her with my own life if need be.”
“I know you will.” Noah moved toward his horse but stopped and turned back. “You actually care for her don’t you?”
Taylor’s face warmed, which embarrassed him even further. “More than I have ever thought it possible to care for another.” He turned to return to the cabin. He didn’t want Phoebe to wake up and find herself alone. Heaven knew she would probably try to walk or something.
“Why didn’t you say something before?” Noah asked as he studied his friend.
He turned back to Noah and shrugged his shoulders. “Actually I thought about it a number of times, but I didn’t think you would appreciate my attention.”
“Why the hell would you think a thing like that?”
Taylor was taken aback by his tone and volume of his voice. “Noah, you know my marital history as well as anyone. Could I actually ask a friend for his sister, knowing what could happen?”
“Those were all accidents, and I am insulted you think I would feel otherwise.”
“I know you feel that way, and I appreciate it. However, it is one thing to believe one way and another to betroth your sister to the unlucky man.”
Noah nodded his head. Taylor knew Noah had to acknowledge his point. “Would you like me to get a special license, or have you thought that far ahead?”
“Let’s tell the blushing bride and see what she thinks?” Noah grinned and met Taylor at the foot of the two steps leading to the cabin door.
Taylor stopped short. “I am not sure Phoebe is going to be happy with this turn of events.”
“She should have thought about that yesterday. This could have turned out much worse, as you know. We tried to warn her.”
“I know but she is in love with someone.”
“She won’t tell me. She mentioned the fact last night and the night before. She hasn’t admitted she loves him, but it is in her eyes and you know she can’t hide a thing.”
“How do you feel ab
out that?”
“I am not overjoyed, but I am hopeful she will eventually feel something for me other than brotherly affection.”
“That is how she sees you?” Noah tilted his head, his eyes narrowed as if he wasn’t sure he agreed.
“She is petrified of how you will react and that you will force the very thing we have discussed, which is why I let her believe our secret would remain just that. No, Phoebe only holds me in the mildest of affections and acts as comfortable around me as she does you.” He paused as he remembered the evening before. “You don’t even want to know some of the questions she has asked me. Just last night she asked me to untie her corset so she could be comfortable.” Taylor stopped suddenly and looked at Noah. “I probably shouldn’t have mentioned that last part.”
“Under normal circumstances, no. But, as it stands, I am sure it won’t be the last time she asks you to play ladies maid.” They were both in better humor as they reached the door.
Their laughter died when they realized Phoebe was sitting up on the couch looking around, clutching her blanket to her breast. Taylor suffered a quick intake of breath.
“Good morning, sweet sister,” Noah offered with barely a smile.
Phoebe went white at the sight of him. “This is not what it looks like. Taylor, explain before he does anything rash like threaten to shoot you.”
“See what I mean?” Taylor walked past Noah and made himself comfortable, waiting for the show.
“I have no intention of shooting your betrothed.”
Her mouth fell open. “My what? Noah you can’t.”
“I can and I have.”
“Nothing happened.”
“It doesn’t matter. Your presence was missed last evening, as well as Taylor’s. To save your reputation dear sister, I ended up lying to the entire gathering.”
“What do you mean?” Taylor and Phoebe asked in unison.
Not bothering to sit, Noah continued. “I explained that a betrothal has already been in place but Sandlin wanted you to have a Season before you were married.”
“Apparently, I got tired of waiting and decided to force my hand,”
Taylor barked out laughter. While it wouldn’t completely untarnish her reputation, the fault lay with him and this indiscretion would be forgiven by the ton.
“So, you see, you have no reason to hurry back to the house. Feel free to return when you are ready. We will discuss the plans later.” With that he shut the door. Phoebe just stared at the door, Taylor watched her carefully.
“He can’t do that. It is so unfair,” she cried.
“What would you have him do?” Taylor asked dryly.
“I don’t know. But it is so unfair.” Phoebe grumbled as she flung herself back on the pillows.
Taylor sighed. He hadn’t expected happy excitement but her misery was quite unsettling. Walking to her, he sat on the edge of the couch and took her hands. “I know you love someone else Phoebe, though you won’t tell me who. Believe me, as much as I hate to say it, even if he had wanted you, his family probably wouldn’t allow it now.”
She stared at him as if he were a fool, tears pooling in her eyes. “I meant unfair to you. Not me.”
“Unfair to me?”
“Yes. You don’t want a wife who is a constant irritation, as I have been to you. You will grow to hate me for being forced into this, and I could never bear that.”
“I could never grow to hate you Phoebe.” Taylor was touched that she was concerned about him.
“But you would. It always happens. I should have made another provision with my brother that he not force any man to marry me even if I did love him.” Her voice trailed off and she looked away, afraid she had said too much.
“It is a little late to be changing your rules.” Taylor chuckled. “For now we need to play along with his story.”
“Oh, you don’t understand at all.” Tears were falling down her face now and it tore him apart.
Maybe this was a mistake. “I am sorry you are so upset about having to marry me. I’ll be a good husband to you, Phoebe.”
“I don’t think I could live with you day after day, knowing how I feel and knowing you don’t feel the same.” She was becoming hysterical and Taylor feared she would be overcome by a fit of vapors, though Phoebe was the last person he ever thought would suffer such an ailment.
Taylor hoped he was beginning to understand her ranting, and prayed he was right. “How do you feel?”
“Haven’t you been listening to a word I said?” She screeched and he leaned back, hopeful for her answer. “Who do you think I was talking about last night? It was you. I admit it. Now my brother dictates that I must marry you. Don’t you see? I couldn’t survive living with you. Loving you the way I do, while you see this marriage as a duty because we spent an innocent night together.”
She loved him. It began to sink in, warming his heart and moving outward, warming his entire body. Slowly he began to smile at her, but she was much too upset to notice.
“It will be just like everyone else’s marriage. You’ll take mistresses, which I would hate, but I couldn’t say a word. It would be different if you wanted to marry me, but you don’t. So go after my brother and talk him out of this.” She ended by pointing to the door, unaware she had let the blanket slip, revealing her chemise, a thin one at that, breasts rising heavily in her emotional state as she struggled to breathe.
He just sat there staring at her, drinking in her indignant beauty, a grin on his face.
“Why aren’t you going after him?”
“I have something better in mind.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers.
She pushed him back before she was overcome with weakness. “Taylor, don’t make this any worse on me. I am humiliated enough at having blurted all this out to you.”
“Phoebe. Do be quiet.” He placed a hand behind her head and pulled her to him and began kissing her again, not allowing her to push away. Slowly her lips softened and Taylor deepened the kiss, realizing that Phoebe had never been kissed before in her life. How wonderful. Tracing her lips with his tongue, she began to open her mouth to him. It was the sweetest kiss in his memory and the only kiss in hers. Reluctantly he pulled away, and she just looked at him in wide-eyed wonder. “Now may I say a few things?”
Phoebe nodded. “Your brother is not forcing me into anything. Truth be told I have wanted you for weeks.”
She eyed him with suspicion.
“No, I am not just saying this to make you feel better.” Her look didn’t change. “Yesterday morning I decided that I had to leave London because I was afraid I would end up doing exactly what I just did.” He was not used to sharing his feelings but knew he must if she were to believe him. “Phoebe, I have never felt for a woman what I feel for you. With you as my wife, I could never imagine taking a mistress, nor even wanting one. I think I fell in love with you the first time I pulled you from the balcony and fell deeper and deeper in love each time you managed to show your reckless nature.”
“You have been married twice. Surely you felt something before?”
“As much as I regret it, no. They were the marriages you were afraid of having. They were all based on title.” He ran his fingers through his hair, worried he would bungle this. “Do you know how hard it was for me last night to sit and listen to you talk about the man who had your affection, wishing it was me?”
Tears formed in her eyes again, but these happy ones he could deal with. A little doubt still showed through and he continued. “Phoebe I would never tell you this if it weren’t true. You should know by now how honest I am.” He was rewarded with her sweet smile.
“You really do love me?” Her voice was so quiet he almost couldn’t hear her.
“Yes I do.”
Her face lit with joy and Taylor knew he was the luckiest man in the world. His heart light with relief, Taylor pulled her into his arms again, breathing in her lilac scent, realizing he would never have to live without it again. He knew
he needed to pull away before it was too late. They were betrothed, not married. Taking the blanket he drew it up over her, covering her sufficiently.
“Sorry.” Her cheeks pinked and Phoebe lowered her head.
“Don’t ever apologize for showing yourself to me.” He put a finger beneath her chin and lifted her face so she could look at him. “Once we are married, I don’t intend for blankets to ever come between us again.”
Her eyes widened with shock.
“I am sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I have just never seen you look this way,” she muttered.
“It is the side I have kept hidden from you.” He gave her a wolfish grin. “Do you have any idea what the look means?”
“I think so. You want what you were attempting to do with the widow the other night?”
Chuckling, he answered, “In a sense, but I wanted you much more. She was a poor substitution.”
Phoebe frowned, her brow wrinkled in confusion.
“Though it may not sound like it, my dearest Phoebe, it is actually a compliment where you are concerned.”
“Let’s save this discussion for after we are married. Then if you have any questions, I will try and answer them.” Her innocence would never allow her to understand. He also realized he had scared her. Taking her in his arms, he kissed her again. Phoebe didn’t even attempt to fight. As his kiss deepened, her one good arm clutched his and he slowly lowered her back against the pillows. He should stop now, before it was too late, but all will to do so had left him. This was the most wonderful experience. The warm feelings beginning to brew in her body were most certainly wicked.
Tentatively, she touched her tongue to his, much as he had been doing to her. Taylor groaned low and his sweet kiss took on a more fierce tone. She wound a hand through his hair, anchoring him to her. His hand slid up her body.
He needed to stop, get away from her and go jump in the creek, yet his mind had no control over his desires and he trailed kisses down her neck when a hand found the breast it sought. Phoebe moaned and arched her back.