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His Impetuous Deputante (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 1)

Page 20

by Charles, Jane

  “Did I fail to mention that his wife, Simone, and I were in boarding school together and are the best of friends?”

  “My friend confided in you?” This did not set well. Only a handful of people knew what he was about and it needed to stay that way or everything could be ruined and put Phoebe in danger.

  “When I called on Noah after arriving in London, Richard was visiting, and everything fell into place.”

  * * *

  Phoebe’s buoyant mood deflated as letters from her friends arrived in the following week. Taylor had found a mistress and apparently was staying with her until the very early hours of the morning. They were seen everywhere together at both day and evening functions. They were constantly by each other’s side and shared numerous dances. The name Lady Bates rang a bell but Phoebe couldn’t place her. If the papers were any indication, the woman was a rare beauty and much sought after, with a number of men willing to fill Taylor’s role once he tired of her. As the letters continued for another two weeks and the newspapers arrived, he showed no sign of tiring. If anything, by all appearances, he was in love with the woman.

  Something was wrong. Taylor was not supposed to really find a mistress, only act like he was looking for one. What caused this change? Was her marriage in danger? Had Taylor given up? Had he found someone he preferred better? That had always been her fear.

  No, she argued with herself. She could not accept that Taylor would turn to another woman. But, what if he had? She hadn’t seen or spoken to him in weeks.

  To make matters worse, her mother suggested she no longer leave the house. Her condition could no longer be hidden, even in the loosest fitting clothes. Lady Victoria even remarked she had never seen another woman this large so early. That comment sent Phoebe running to her room in tears. From that day forward, she refused to see even Lord Caruthers.

  No letters were received from Taylor in the following weeks and Phoebe decided he was just too busy to be concerned. She kept telling herself that this was only an act, until the murderer was caught. But with each letter from her acquaintances and each newspaper, it was becoming harder and harder to believe. It had been six weeks and he had only bothered to write twice, but he had been able to secure a mistress. She stopped writing to him as well. Though there were pages filled from the letter she had begun weeks earlier, she couldn’t find anything new to say. Nor did she have the desire.

  Phoebe wandered from room to room feeling restless. She had never taken kindly to confinement, but this was extremely irritating. Unable to stand it any longer, she sat down at her pianoforte and played.

  * * *

  “Finally,” Taylor shouted as he entered his office. Two of his cousins had been spotted in Norwich. It wasn’t overly far and he had every intention on going himself. And the perfect excuse lay on his desk. Lord Blyth was having a house party at his estate in North Walsham, to which he and Lady Bates had been invited. It was beyond the pale to openly take one’s mistress away for the weekend, but he no longer cared what polite society thought of him. He could care less if he was ever invited to another ball in his life. As long as Phoebe remained safe.

  Maybe he would be lucky enough to catch up to his cousins in Norwich and not have to continue on to attend the party. Though Taylor didn’t put much stock in luck anymore, it did give him some hope because he really did not want to be away from London, cooling his heels in North Walsham if his cousins weren’t where they were reported to be.

  Taylor pulled the foolscap from the top drawer and quickly penned a not to Lord Blyth advising him that he had changed his mind and that he and Lady Bates would be happy to attend the party. He next sent a note to Olivia advising her he would be by to get her in the morning and hoped it wasn’t too much of an inconvenience.

  * * *

  He wanted to turn right around and go back home. Not only had his cousins not been in Norwich, nobody there recognized the name or the description. These false leads, and weeks away from his wife were taking their toll. And, to make matters worse, this house party was not a normal house party. Had he been thinking clearly, Taylor would have realized that the moment he did get the invitation, but these days, he could only concentrate on his wife and family.

  They were escorted into the large parlor, decorated in reds and golds. Seated around the room were married gentlemen of the ton, but the ladies on the laps were not their wives. Why didn’t he remember that Lord Blyth was known for his perverse idea of a good time, as were the gentlemen in attendance? He turned to Olivia, an apology on his lips.

  “Don’t worry,” she whispered. “We will get through this together and out of here as quickly as possible.” She turned back to the group, a bright smile on her face and introduced herself to the ladies.

  * * *

  The next week brought letters from women claiming to be her friends and set Phoebe raging. Taylor had gone away to a weekend party with his mistress. It was clear from the letters what type of party it was. It was also very clear that it was common knowledge they had shared a bedchamber for three nights. How could he do this to her? Had he lied about how he felt? Had he only used her because he needed an heir? Had he lied about being forced to marry her? Had he laughed when she had confessed her silly, girlish feelings? What a fool and a child she was. What a child he must have thought she was. She paced the room and spotted the letters she had lovingly written to him. She crumbled and threw them in the waste can.

  The only thing that kept her from seeking him out and demanding answers was her child. She didn’t wish to be killed, and she certainly wished for her child’s health. But, just as soon as it was born, she would confront her husband and demand answers. If they were not sufficient, then she would petition the courts. He may have an heir by his thirtieth birthday, but he may not have a wife.

  That day Beethoven was added to her Hayden pieces. She had been playing for two hours when the door opened and Noah stalked in.

  “Phoebe, I am concerned.”

  “I am fine,” she bit out.

  “You don’t sound fine,” He gestured to the piano.

  Phoebe sighed, stood and walked to the window. “It is just so hard. I try not to read the papers and I wish my so-called friends would not write me about Taylor.”

  “It will all work out, I promise,”

  “I have my doubts.” She walked to her door and stood there. “I am tired and would like to retire.”

  Chapter 25

  Taylor was back in London a week and the Little Season was drawing to a close when he got word of his cousins gambling at the Golden Rod, a place they liked to frequent when in town and an establishment Taylor had spent far too many hours in over the last month. He prayed it wasn’t just another rumor as he made his way to the gaming hell and let out a sigh of relief when he spotted Herbert and Kendrick playing hazard.

  He paid a boy to deliver a message to Chambers and waited in the shadows of the smoky room. If his cousins left, he would follow them, but he wouldn’t enter until he had assistance in bringing them out.

  Chambers arrived a half hour later, Parker, Lavins and Martin with him. Taylor knew that in just a few short hours this should all be over and he could return to his wife. As his friends waited, he approached, a hand on each shoulder and asked them to meet with him by the door.

  Without question the two rose. When they reached their destination, Chambers and Parker grabbed Herbert, and Lavins and Martin subdued Kendrick. Together, they escorted the men out of the gaming hell, into the carriage and later into Taylor’s home where they waited. The two nervously glanced at each other as the clock struck two in the morning and footsteps were heard coming from the back of the house. Quietly, Noah entered the room and took a place beside Taylor. Herbert and Kendrick shared a confused look.

  The questions began.

  “What do you know about my wife?”

  “What we heard in the hells and read in the paper,” Herbert answered defensively.

  “You are aware of the stipulation
s in the will.”

  Kendrick grinned.

  Taylor walked to where he sat and towered over the man. “Do you assume you will be the one to inherit?”

  The man blanched and the grin fell from his face. “Nobody knows who will.”

  “Yet, with my wife dead, you stand a one in three chance, do you not?”

  His eyes bugged out. “Is she dead?”

  “Did you try to kill her?” Taylor countered.

  “I may want the money, but I wouldn’t kill anyone for it. Is that what this is about?”

  Taylor turned toward Herbert. “What of you?”

  The man shook his head vehemently. Drops of sweat formed on his brow.

  Taylor turned back to his friends. “What do you think?”

  “Truthfully,” Parker offered, his hand stroking his chin. “By reputation, I don’t think these too have it in them.”

  “No, we don’t,” Kendrick insisted.

  “They are a bit lily livered if you ask me,” Martin added his thoughts.

  They continued their line of questioning, and Taylor was surprised they didn’t soil their pants. After three hours of interrogation, the group agreed these two were not smart enough to plan and execute the deaths.

  “That leaves Boris. Where is he?” Taylor demanded.

  “We don’t know,” Herbert quickly answered.

  “What do you know, Kendrick?”


  “I don’t believe either of you. What do you say, gentlemen?” He turned to his friends.

  “I think they know plenty.” Noah stepped forward.

  “Lord Felding, we know nothing of his whereabouts,” Kendrick swore and threw his hands up in defense. “We don’t want anything to do with him.”

  “Why is that?” Richard asked.

  “He is mad. That is why,” Herbert spit.

  “What makes you say that?” Noah asked. Tension filled the air. Here was a possible lead, finally.

  “He is ruined. Lost everything in bad investments and gaming. We stopped making him loans.”

  “So he is now desperate?”

  “More than desperate,” Herbert stated.

  “How so?” Taylor asked; sick dread began to fill him.

  “He tried to marry an heiress a few years back. When she refused, he beat her.”

  “It has to be him,” Parker muttered.

  “Would he be desperate enough to do anything so I don’t fulfill my obligations as outlined in the will?”

  The two men shared looks.

  “You do believe it,” Taylor answered the question himself with a cold voice after scrutinizing the men.

  “It is possible, Taylor,” Kendrick finally admitted.

  “And neither one of you bothered to mention the possibility to me,” he bit out, disgusted.

  “It isn’t as if we are a close family,” Herbert argued back.

  “Besides, we don’t know who stands to inherit. Could be one of us.” Kendrick shrugged.

  His unconcerned attitude pushed Taylor over the edge. Before anyone knew what was happening, all the pent up anger and frustration came to the surface. He knocked Kendrick out cold and left him lying on the floor of the library.

  “Do you have anything to offer, Herbert?” Taylor turned on the other cousin, who quickly took a step back.

  “No. I don’t know where Boris is. I suspect he is keeping low, waiting for your birthday. You have to admit, all is lost to you now.”

  “You are so sure?” Taylor gave him a mocking grin.

  “Even if you were to return to that woman you married tonight, I doubt she could bring a child into the world in time.”

  “You might just be surprised.” Taylor poured himself a drink. If Boris was lying low, then maybe all of this had been for nothing. Turning, he approached his cousin again. “When is the last time you saw Boris?”

  “Last June.”


  Herbert began to relax a bit. “Now that is the oddest thing. He was coming out of a bookstore. Boris was never one to read.”

  The room was suddenly still and the friends exchanged looks. “Do you by chance know what book he purchased?”

  “No idea. But he seemed in a good mood and said something like ‘soon all would be his.’”

  It wasn’t enough evidence to have him arrested, but it was enough evidence to convince Taylor that his gut already told him.

  “You never saw him after that?”

  “Just once, a few days later. He was leaving town and wanted to check on his plans. That is all he said.”

  Taylor turned toward his friends. “He is the one. He has been keeping an eye on me. I will bet everything I own that he killed the others and attempted to kill Phoebe.”

  “Did he have the power to get inside your household though?” Martin asked.

  “Apparently he found a way. Or he arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Sedgwick to become my servants.”

  “Sedgwick?” Herbert asked.

  “Yes. The wife was a maid in my household and her husband worked in the stables. Why? Are they familiar to you?”

  “Boris used them to steal for him. He used to set them up in rich households, where she would pocket pretty and expensive items. I haven’t heard of them in years.”

  “That is because they were living in my household,” Taylor raged, feeling like a fool. He had hired these people. He might as well have invited them to do their worst.

  “They are gone, I hope.”

  “Yes. They disappeared right after my wife was given something to make her lose the child she carried. They failed.”

  “Your wife is still with child?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Not to me so much. But if Boris finds out, she could be in grave danger.”

  “I am already very much aware of that fact.”

  The two men were dismissed as the dawn was streaking the sky. Martin and Janine would keep them as permanent house guests at their estate until Taylor reached his birthday. With guards surrounding them, there was not a chance they could get word to their other cousin.

  Before the friends departed, Taylor gave Noah a package. “Please give this to my wife when you see her.”

  * * *

  The next afternoon, Taylor arrived on Olivia’s doorstep to escort her to a private picnic. There he explained everything that had transpired. “I’ve sent word to my investigators that they only need to find Boris now and to concentrate on the towns around my home and Phoebe’s. I don’t think he would want to go too far. Not until after my birthday.”

  “I hope he is found soon. I am tiring of London,”

  “I just want to return to my wife,” Taylor grumbled.

  “It seems all we ever do is talk about Patrick or Phoebe. Society would be shocked if they could hear us.”

  Taylor laughed. “Besides, I know you intend on returning to stay with your cousin and it wouldn’t do to have my wife and mistress in the same house. That would be beyond the pale.”

  They attended a grand ball that evening, with the room filled to capacity. He was contemplating keeping up the ruse with Olivia or just saying the hell with it and returning to Phoebe and sticking by her side.

  Investigators had been little help so far. He didn’t know where Boris was. The time had passed for him to meet the deadline so, why was he here.

  Taylor stood with Olivia not too far away from the same young women Phoebe had invited to the country gathering, just last spring, in hopes of finding a husband among his friends.

  Since the beginning of the Little Season, they hadn’t even bothered to acknowledge his existence, leaving no doubt with whom they sided. Noah was talking with the group of young ladies and Taylor could overhear the conversation.

  “My sister is dealing with the situation well,” Noah assured Lady Bettina. “She wishes to remain in the country until the gossip dies down.”

  “Is she planning on divorcing him?” Lady Violet demanded.

  “I have
no idea,” Noah answered, a strained smile on his lips Taylor recognized all too well. His friend needed an escape. “However, I will support her in whatever decision she makes.”

  “Well, I would certainly move heaven and earth to be rid of that scoundrel.” Lady Bettina sneered in Taylor’s direction.

  “Phoebe hasn’t made up her mind. Only that she wanted some quiet time to reflect. She probably has no idea of his actions.”

  “Oh, she knows.” Lady Corinna nodded with confidence.

  “I seriously doubt she can know everything as she hasn’t ventured into town. I certainly haven’t apprised her of his behavior,” Noah added with just enough disgust.

  “Well, we have,” Lady Bettina assured him. “We made sure she knew what he was up to and have written her on a regular basis.”

  “Am I to assume you provided her with complete details?” Noah asked through clenched teeth.

  “Of course,” Lady Corinna answered. “Especially after that weekend.” She leaned in to whisper. “It is one thing to wonder about a mistress and quite another to openly go away with her for the weekend.”

  Taylor groaned. He had hoped that piece of news hadn’t reached his wife before he had a chance to explain. Then again, Phoebe knew the supposed mistress was her own cousin. Surely she would realize. No, he was worrying for nothing.

  “Well, if you will excuse me, ladies, I must be going.”

  “But it is early yet, Lord Felding.”

  “I have already stayed longer than planned. I planned on leaving for home this evening.”

  Taylor picked up on his comment and risked a glance over at his brother-in-law. Noah was worried. Taylor became worried as well. Olivia glanced at him anxiously.

  “Surely you can wait until tomorrow?” Lady Bettina pouted.

  “Unfortunately, no. I have a meeting I must attend and am already running hours behind. Good night, ladies.”


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