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His Impetuous Deputante (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 1)

Page 24

by Charles, Jane

  His assurances offered little comfort to Taylor, who finally poured himself a drink at two in the afternoon, deciding eleven hours was long enough for a man to have to wait in suspense with nothing to calm him.

  The hours wore on and he could hear her agonizing screams. Only Noah was able to keep him from climbing the stairs. Lady Victoria joined them downstairs as her daughter grew louder. “This is completely normal,” she assured Taylor. “While a little early perhaps, trust me, she will forget all about the pain once she holds the child.”

  Taylor tried to find comfort in her words, but his wife screamed again. Taylor doubted it. Even if by chance his wife did forget, he knew he never would.

  Silence came to the house as supper was being set out. That empty sound was more torturous then her screams.

  Holly appeared, beaming. “The doctor says you can come up now.”

  Taylor didn’t need to be told twice and he bolted past her. Everything had to be all right or surely Holly wouldn’t have been smiling. He barged into the room and was brought up short. Phoebe lay against pillows, looking more radiant than he had ever seen her. However, that is not what shocked him. It was the two bundles in her arms.

  The doctor came up beside him. “That,” he gestured to the two, “is the reason for the early arrival. It almost always happens with twins.”

  Taylor was speechless. He walked to the bed and leaned over to look into the faces of his two, yes two, children. Nothing could have ever prepared him for this.

  “I can’t tell them apart. How will we ever be able to tell the difference at this age?” They looked identical to him. “Which is older? By how long?” The questions kept coming, not allowing time for answers.

  The doctor chuckled and opened the door. “I’ll let you explain the difference, Lady Sandlin. Send word if you need me.”

  Taylor ignored the doctor’s leaving and waited for his wife to answer his questions. “You can tell them apart?”

  She laughed. “It is a little difficult when their faces are all you see. But there are some very obvious differences.”

  “Where? Does one have a birthmark? I haven’t even asked. Phoebe, aren’t they the most amazing and beautiful children you have ever seen?” Taylor turned his attention back to the children.

  “Yes, they are,” Phoebe answered, laughing. “In answer to your other question, you have one of each. That alone should answer your question on how to tell them apart.”

  He raised his face to hers in amazement. “You have given me both a son and a daughter.” Tears filled his eyes. “I have to be the most blessed man upon this earth. First, I am given you. Now, a son and a daughter. Could anyone ask for anything more?”

  Phoebe smiled at her husband. “I could ask for only one thing at the moment.”

  “Anything. It is yours.”

  “I am very sleepy,” she confessed as her eyes became heavy.

  “Then rest it shall be. May I take them? Your mother is anxious, as you can only expect.”

  Her eyes had drifted shut and she was barely audible. “Of course. They belong to you as well.”

  * * *

  He was in the garden again. No, it couldn’t be a warning. Not his children. Not Phoebe. Anxiously he searched for her.

  “You have nothing to fear, Taylor. I only came to congratulate you.”

  He sank onto the bench beside her. “You knew all along. Even when you said my son would be healthy and safe.”

  She smiled and winked. “I had to hold something back.”

  Taylor felt a little sadness envelop his heart. Heather had wanted children more than any woman he had ever met. It wasn’t fair to her to be so happy. “Heather, I am sorry. I know how much...”

  “Stop.” She put her fingers to his lips. It felt like a cool breeze. “I am in the most wonderful place. I could never long for anything; I have everything I would ever need.”

  He always believed she had been sent from above.

  “Besides, there are two very special children that will have my attention for years to come.”

  “Thank you, Heather,” he said, as she disappeared.

  Taylor came awake as soon as she was gone, smiling. Phoebe was looking down at him, an odd expression on her face. Had he talked in his sleep?

  “Don’t you think there is something improper about a husband dreaming of another woman when his current wife has just given him two perfect children?”

  The smile fell away from his face. They couldn’t go back to the doubting again. Especially not now when everything was so perfect.

  Phoebe smiled. “That is the second time you have spoken to her in your sleep. Tell me.”

  This was the one aspect of his life he had not wanted to share with her. What would she think? Taylor remained silent, trying to think of something to say.

  “Does she come to you in your dreams?”

  She knew, he couldn’t deny it. “Yes, but it isn’t what I am afraid you may think. I have only dreamed of Heather a few times.”

  “What does she say?”

  “The other times, before this, was to warn me of the danger, though she couldn’t give me the answers.”

  Phoebe remained silent and waited.

  “Did you ever wonder why I appeared, that day at the wall, when I needed to be there?”

  “No. I just assumed it was fate.”

  “Heather came to me that night and told me to leave for here immediately. Before it was too late. Had she not sent me, I would have been sitting in my London Townhouse when Boris arrived.”

  Phoebe relaxed back against the pillows.

  “Why did she visit now?”

  “To tell me goodbye. She also said she would be watching over the children for years to come. I believe we have our own guardian angel.”

  “She was very special to you, wasn’t she?”

  Taylor thought for a minute. “Yes, she was. It doesn’t bother you, does it? It shouldn’t.”

  “No. She must have loved you very much, as well, to see that your dreams come true.”

  “As I said before, she was my best friend then.”

  “Possibly still is,” Phoebe offered with a loving smile.

  Taylor turned at her odd words. “Perhaps.” That was all he would say. It was something he would have to consider.

  He pulled his wife into his arms and held her as she slept. He had the greatest blessings on earth and one was in his arms. Additionally, he had been blessed with an angel from above. One who would watch over his children, and probably any other children his beautiful wife brought forth.

  “I love you, Phoebe. Beyond even my wildest imagination.”

  “I love you too, Taylor,” she replied in a sleepy voice.


  The family had gathered in the library. Today was the day. Taylor was thirty and had seen to his duty as outlined. Now was the time to discover the remainder of the will. Phoebe sat at his side and the twins were in the nursery upstairs, both cranky and cutting teeth. Shortly after their birth, it had been Taylor who had gone through the clothing, having all the white items dyed. Their son wore only greens and blues. Their daughter, pinks and yellows. That way, from a glance he knew which was which. Their son had been christened Campbell, after his father, Campbell Qualls. Their daughter, Heather Olivia. There had been a few raised eyebrows, but without those two remarkable women, the babes may never have been born.

  Kendrick and Herbert sat uncomfortably, waiting. They had been released from Martin’s estate shortly after the children arrived and had led a much different life than they had before. They actually showed promise of becoming respectable citizens. The female cousins were also present and Taylor had to practically drag Matilda away from the twins to keep the appointment.

  The solicitor cleared his throat and began to read, “In the event my grandson, Taylor Qualls, has not married and produced a legitimate heir, the following should apply. First, if he has shown due diligence in trying to meet the obligation I set forth, t
hen everything shall remain his. Only my solicitor can make that determination, having been instructed to follow Lord Sandlin’s ventures.” The solicitor paused and looked at Taylor. “Sir, I had decided before you married the current Lady Sandlin that you had done everything in your power to meet your obligation.” He glanced back down at the document and continued to read. “In the event he has failed to meet the requirements, nor tried, then my entire, unentailed estate and wealth shall be delivered directly into the hands of my granddaughter, Matilda. I know this may come as a shock to all listening at this moment and I feel I owe you an explanation.”

  The solicitor paused and sipped from his cup of tea. “Of my remaining three grandsons, they have done nothing to endear themselves to me and I have no doubt my estates would be run into the ground in a very short time. Lady Matilda has always shown extreme wisdom, especially for a female. I was further impressed with the husband she chose for herself, a man who would see that the estates flourish until they were handed over to Taylor’s son, should he ever have one.”

  Taylor allowed a smile. His grandfather made a very wise decision. Had he known this, perhaps the need to marry and produce an heir would not have been like a sword hanging over his head.

  “You may wonder why I decreed the deadline of Taylor reaching thirty. His father and uncles married late in life. Not one of them took a bride until they were forty and unfortunately, my sons preceded me in death. Further, I married late as well. After witnessing the characters of my grandsons, I knew I could not risk allowing the eldest, and most responsible, to shirk his duty as his father almost had, for fear one of others would inherit the title and estates. Thus, if my holdings could not be protected by the current Lord Sandlin, I was determined that they be delivered into another set of responsible hands.”

  The solicitor set the papers on the desk and raised his head. “That is all there is.”

  Later that night, alone in their room, Phoebe asked. “Taylor, if you had known the remainder of the will, do you think we would have married?”

  “I don’t recall being given much of a choice,” he teased her back.

  “If that wouldn’t have happened either. Do you suppose we would have eventually married?”

  “I don’t recall being given much of a choice,” he answered again and pulled her close.

  “It was only that night in the cabin that forced your hand,” she pushed away and argued back.

  “Oh, dearest Phoebe. I had fallen in love with you long before for that night. I wasn’t given a choice where my heart led. Yes, we would have married regardless and I remember picturing you as my wife even that first night.”

  Her face lit. “I certainly wish I would have known. We could have saved a great deal of time.”

  About Jane

  Jane Charles has lived in the Midwest her entire life. As a child she would more likely be found outside with a baseball than a book in her hand. In fact, Jane hated reading until she was sixteen. Out of boredom on a long road trip she borrowed her older sister’s historical romance and fell in love with reading. She long ago lost count of how many fiction novels she has read over the years and her love for them never died. Along with romance she has a passion for history and the two soon combined when she penned her first historical romance. What turned into a hobby became a passion, which has been fully supported by her husband, three children and three cats.

  Jane can be contacted at: or

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