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Untouchable (The Monroe Family Book 4)

Page 18

by Nicole Dykes

“Good. I’m sure they all miss you.” Cassie’s family is insanely close. Complete opposite of mine.

  “I missed them too. I can’t wait for Thanksgiving.”

  “Oh yeah, that reminds me. Cam mentioned that Luke invited us again this year. I was thinking about going.”

  She sits up on one elbow, “Really?”

  She’s excited. It’s written all over her face. “Yeah, if it’s okay with you.”

  “I’d love that! Although, my family is totally insane and they will embarrass me. I would love to spend Thanksgiving with you.”

  I pull her closer to me, moving my fingertips over her shoulder. “Good and I can tell Luke about us.”

  She stiffens, “Okay.”

  I use my free hand to lift her chin to look at me, “You still want that, right?”

  She wanted to tell him right away. “Yes. I can’t wait to tell everyone. It’s just, everyone seems to think Luke is going to lose his shit and I don’t want you guys to get into a fight. I’m enjoying this so much that I don’t want my asshole brother to ruin it.”

  I pull her to me and kiss her soft lips, “Cassie, nothing is going to ruin this. I promise. Luke needs to know, but regardless you and I are happening.”

  She smiles, “Even if he throws a huge fit?”

  “I’m not Brent.” I remind her. I know where this fear is coming from.

  She nods her head emphatically, “Believe me I know. You are the anti-Brent. I just know how loyal you are to Luke. I don’t want to get between you guys, but I want you.”

  “You have me. No matter what.” She curls into my side, seemingly satisfied with my answer.

  Brent used Luke as an excuse to break up with her after taking her virginity. He’s a pathetic excuse for a man and real pussy as far as I’m concerned.

  There’s nothing in this world that can keep me from Cassie Monroe. Not even my best friend.

  Chapter 32


  My heart is about to pound totally out of my chest. I’m in Hannah’s car with her, Dani, and Vanessa. It’s late Wednesday night and tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We had to wait for Vanessa’s last class to get over at eight o’clock before heading to Overland Park.

  The last few weeks have been the absolute best of my life with Hunter. He’s still perfect in my eyes. The sex is still so damn good and I can’t find a single flaw. And now we’re going to involve my over protective, insane family in our relationship by telling them about us.

  Hunter and Cam drove there this afternoon and are already at Luke’s according to the text I got earlier. Right now, as far as my family is concerned, Hunter is Luke’s friend joining the family for the holiday. When we leave, hopefully he will still be my boyfriend and Luke’s friend.

  I can’t help the sense of panic I feel at Luke finding out though. When he beat the shit out of Brent, Brent wasted no time breaking up with me that day. Not to mention Dylan who chased him away the first time we started dating. I know that Hunter is not Brent and everyone likes him, but it’s like they aren’t okay with me dating anyone.

  I’m terrified they are going to chase him away. I can’t lose Hunter.

  Hannah’s car parks in front of Brooke and Dylan’s house and since it’s fairly late, Dani and I try to be as quiet as we can be when we go inside. Hannah and Vanessa are staying at Luke’s and will be back tomorrow.

  We walk inside and all of the lights are off. The house is quiet. “Let’s go to my room.” I whisper.

  I lock the front door and then we tiptoe downstairs so we don’t wake the baby. You wake the baby, you wake the whole house.

  We both change and then both go to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a big day.

  When I wake up the next morning, Dani is still fast asleep, but my mind is racing. It’s going to be really hard trying to hide my feelings for Hunter. I swear the second we are in the same room, I just want to jump him.

  I slowly walk up the stairs, still in my pj shorts and t-shirt with my hair in a mess. I’m sure I’m a crazy sight, but anyone that is already here is family and has seen me like this numerous times.

  I get to the top of the steps and walk past the bathroom just in time for Shriller to walk out and bump right into me. He looks surprised and then laughs, “Shit, Cassie you scared me. You alright?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. You’re here early.”

  “Hell yeah I don’t want to miss any of the drama.”

  I try not to show fear when he says that. What does he mean exactly? “What drama?” I ask as casually as I can.

  He laughs, “Well, there is always something at a Monroe holiday. Something is bound to happen.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief. He’s right there is always something at our holidays. All starting with the very first one that Brooke joined us for. My youngest sister Gabby was stuck in trauma hell after the accident with my parents and Brooke actually figured out how to get her to talk for the first time in months. It was a miracle and I think it was the turning point that allowed us all to start healing.

  I shrug my shoulders, secretly hoping there is no drama this time. “We could just have a regular holiday.”

  He laughs at that as we walk toward the living room together, “That’s boring.” Jax and Dylan are sitting on the couch. Sylvie is sitting, propped up, happily on the couch between them. “So, what’s your bet on, Cass? Jax or Luke popping the question?” He says it loud enough for Jax to hear.

  Jax just ignores him rolling his eyes. I take a seat on the love seat and Shriller takes the chair before I answer, “I don’t think there will be any proposals today.”

  Charlotte’s divorce is just now final and unless Luke miraculously pulls his head out of his ass I don’t see either of them proposing. Shriller sighs, “All right then, Brooke must be knocked up again.”

  Dylan flips him off. The standard response in all of the bromances around here. I giggle, it’s hard not to around these guys, “I think it’s too soon for that.”

  Shriller groans and leans back into the couch, “There better be some damn drama today.”

  Jax grins over at him, “Well Trevor is here with a new chick. You never know.”

  “How’d that asshat get a girl?” Shriller asks. They went to high school together, but there is bad blood there. Still not sure what happened, but Trevor is here for most holidays since he is Alex’s brother. Just another part of this crazy untraditional family.

  “How can you not like Trevor? He’s super nice especially for a rock star.” I ask Shriller. Trevor is usually out of town traveling with his band that has really gained some serious success.

  “Rock star. Please.” Shriller says, but doesn’t answer my question.

  Jax sits ups a little straighter on the couch, stretching out his long legs, “Pretty sure that has something to do with Brooke.”

  Dylan and Shriller glare over at Jax. Dylan growls, “shut up,” but he’s not really angry.

  Jax easily shrugs it off, “Hey, it’s not my fault Alex has a big mouth and your wife decided to tell her she hooked up with Trevor.” My eyes bug out of my head. I knew Brooke and Trevor were close, but didn’t know they had anything sexual between them. Jax isn’t finished though, he gestures toward Shriller. “You’re just pissed he got there before you.”

  Shriller just grins. It amazes me how much these men can push each other’s buttons just for the sake of joking around. If they were women, they would be screaming or crying in the corner by now. Dylan groans loudly, “Can we please not talk about the guys my wife has slept with?”

  Jax and Shriller both laugh. “Hey, you are the one that keeps inviting them to your house.” Jax teases.

  Dylan laughs, “Touché”

  That’s right. Still don’t believe my family is insane? Shriller is Brooke’s ex from high school and apparently, Trevor is an old hookup of Brooke’s and now they are both like family to us. They are at every holiday. We should be a reality show.

  I stand up, “Well this is awkward. I’m gonn
a go to the kitchen.”

  They all continue ribbing each other and I walk into the kitchen where Brooke is running around like a crazy person and Alex is sitting at the bar helping in her own way. Alex can’t cook, but she keeps Brooke calm and usually brings out the wine.

  Brooke sees me and immediately walks over giving me a big hug, “Hey sweetie! Please tell me you feel like making a pumpkin pie?”

  I’m not a great cook, but I have mastered pumpkin pies. I hug her back, “Of course.”

  She puts the ingredients out on the counter for me. “Thank God. I swear I’m used to cooking for a ton of people, but the amount of large men at our table just keeps growing. So, I’m adding in a few things.”

  Alex laughs as I start to follow the recipe for the pie. All of the usual guests will be here today, plus Dani, Vanessa, Cam, and Hunter. Although, Dani joined us one year before, she can’t wait this year because Cam will be here. I tried to remind her that Vanessa will be here too and to be on her best behavior.

  I can see why Brooke’s overwhelmed. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.” I say.

  I look across the bar to Alex and she smiles, “How are ya?”

  “I’m good. School is good.”

  “Uh huh, and the boys? Well hopefully men.”

  I laugh at that and mix up the crust feeling Brooke’s eyes on me. I’m dying to talk about my relationship with Hunter. I finally have something to brag about. I just shrug and try to be mysterious. “There are a lot of cute guys on campus.”

  Alex looks at me frustrated, “Uh huh, and…. Have any of them asked you out?”

  Brooke shakes her head, “Jesus Alex, don’t hound her.”

  Alex pouts, “Hey, I’m about to be a boring married lady. I need to live vicariously.”

  Brooke laughs at that and puts some casserole dish in the oven. I give in a little, “Well there is one guy. He’s amazing. Gorgeous, driven, smart. We’ve kinda been seeing each other.”

  Alex squeals. Actually squeals, “That’s awesome! Why the hell didn’t you bring him?”

  I’m a terrible liar and my heart is thumping away. I did. “It’s still new.”

  “And the sex?”

  Brooke rolls her eyes, “Alex, you can’t ask her that!”

  “Yes, I can. I’m not her mother figure. I’m the cool aunt type.” Alex huffs, “So… is it good?”

  You have no idea. Alex and Brooke are both only about ten years older than me and we’ve had numerous talks about boys and sex before. Although, Brooke does try to keep it PG. Alex is another story.

  Dani walks in, “Oh yay! We are talking about sex.”

  She settles in next to Alex at the bar. I shake my head, “Nope. I’m just making a pie.”

  Brooke laughs, “That’s right. This room is for cooking.”

  Dani and Alex both roll their eyes and then Dani says, “No seriously. What are we talking about?”

  Brooke laughs and throws a tiny marshmallow over at her while topping the yams. Dani giggles, her and Brooke became pretty close too since Dani spent a lot of time here over the years.

  Alex answers Dani, “We are talking about Cass’s new guy. You must know all about him. Spill.”

  Dani eyes me, “Oh really?”

  I give her a warning look, “I haven’t told Dani much either. It’s just really new, can we please drop it for now?”

  Dani laughs, but in true best friend fashion backs me up. “It’s true. Can’t get much out of her.” She turns to Alex pulling her hair out the messy bun it’s in, “Any advice on this shit? I need a change.”

  Nice. If there is one thing Alex can’t resist being a stylist, it’s hair. They talk about her hair and Brooke and I go about our business in the kitchen before Dani and I go and get ready for the main event.

  We usually eat around three in the afternoon and it’ll be here before we know it.

  Chapter 33


  Dani and I are setting the massive dining room table and the second, round table that folds away when we don’t need it, when I hear the doorbell ring. Dani’s eyes meet mine with an excited gaze. She is way too happy about seeing Cam today.

  I hear Dylan answer the door and lots of voices in the living room with everyone greeting each other. Dani and I place the last of Brooke’s cloth napkins folded neatly on the table before trying to walk in casually.

  I can’t help the smile that comes over my face when I see Hunter. He gives me and Dani a polite nod, with an extra little grin for me. He looks so damn good. Not surprising, but he’s dressed nice in a black button down and khaki slacks. Cam makes himself right at home talking to Shriller about his racing career. Cam has always been a little obsessed with him since they were introduced a couple of years ago.

  I’m not allowed to touch my boyfriend. Right now, he’s just one of Luke’s many guests. I just have to keep reminding myself of that. Don’t touch him.

  He settles into the living room with the other guys while the girls, minus Gabby because she wants to hang out with the guys, head into the kitchen. Hannah brought another pie that she made at Luke’s this morning and we put it on the desert table. Good thing Dylan bought a large house. The food is all set out and arranged beautifully on the bar and kitchen table.

  Brooke just fed and put Sylvie down for a nap in her room so she has a monitor clipped to her hip as she goes over the food, mentally checking to make sure everything is sitting out.

  When she’s certain everything is in order, she calls everyone in for dinner. The men come rushing in, Gabby propped up on Jax’s shoulders before he sits her down, giggling. I think back to that first Thanksgiving again. It’s incredible how far we’ve come. Seeing my little sister giggling and happy like a normal girl her age warms my heart.

  We all sit down and say a quick prayer before getting up to fix our plates. I’m seated next to Dani and Shriller. Jax and Charlotte are sitting at the kid’s table with Michael, his girlfriend, Gabby, Trevor and his girlfriend. It’s close to ours though so everyone can still talk and hear each other fine. Jax and Charlotte look totally content where they are. I secretly wonder if they will have kids together someday. Believe it or not, Jax would make an incredible father.

  Brooke and Dylan head up the table like always, Luke is across from me and Hannah is right next to him. Hunter is sitting next to Luke so he’s still pretty close to where I am and Cam is next to him. Vanessa is right next to Hannah. Hopefully that will keep her and Cam from bickering, but of course her and Dani are sitting right across from each other.

  Alex is sitting next to Shriller and an empty seat. I wonder where her fiancé, Stephen, is. He doesn’t make it to a lot of events these days. Always blaming work, but I wonder if he’s just not comfortable around this family. He’s totally opposite from most of the people in this room and I’m sure it’s intimidating.

  “So, Alex where’s the future hubby?” Shriller asks and she looks like she’s going to stab him with her fork.

  “He’ll be here, Shriller. Don’t you worry. Where’s your girl?” She snaps her fingers, “Oh, that’s right, Shriller doesn’t do monogamy.”

  Jax laughs at that from the other table, “Please, that asshole ditches you at every event. And Shriller will do monogamy someday, he’s just gotta find the right ballbuster right man?”

  Charlotte nudges Jax in the ribs. Surprisingly, her and Alex have become really good friends. She still can’t wipe her grin off her face though, the woman is smitten with Jax. Just like he is with her. Shriller just puts his hands up in surrender and acts like that’s a crazy notion. Alex glares over at Jax until he stops laughing.

  Jax has never liked Stephen. It makes sense with them being total opposites, and I’m not sure Dylan really likes him either. To be honest, none of are huge fans, but Alex is smart. It’s hard for me to believe she would be with someone she didn’t truly want to be with. “He’s not an asshole, asshole. He’s driven and cares about his career.”

  “More than you?” Tha
t comes from Trevor and it definitely is coming out as an over protective big brother.

  Alex huffs and Brooke saves her, “Okay, you guys stop. I’m sure Stephen will be here as soon as he can. Let’s just eat.”

  I catch Hunter’s blue eyes looking over at me and I just smile, wanting to apologize for my crazy family already. He doesn’t seem bothered by it at all. I can’t wait until he tells Luke so we can tell everyone and I can just curl up in his arms like I’m dying to right now.

  I notice Dani and Vanessa are giving each other dirty looks from across the table, but neither one has said word.

  Shriller looks over at Hunter, “So, you really blew off the Dallas Cowboys? Just to stay at K-state?”

  Hunter has heard this a million times. No one can believe he could turn down a multimillion dollar deal to stay in college, but he handles it with ease. He gives an easy grin, “I didn’t necessarily blow them off. I just politely declined.”

  Shriller laughs at that and takes a sip of his fresh squeezed lemonade, “Man, I don’t think I could do that. Work so fucking hard and then when your goal is right there you turn it down?”

  Luke laughs at that, probably because Hunter and him have had this conversation a lot. Hunter just says, “I have a lot of dreams.” His eyes make contact with mine briefly and I bite my bottom lip nervously. Does he mean with me? Then he continues, “It’ll be there in a couple years.”

  Luke pats him on the back, “That’s right, buddy and if it isn’t, you have a backup plan.”

  Hunter nods his head and I wonder what the hell Luke is talking about. I don’t ask though. Shriller says, “Fuck. I couldn’t wait for anything for two years.”

  Alex laughs at that, “That’s because you are a child.”

  “Well we can’t all be super grownups like your fiancé, Alex.” Shriller says it playfully, but I can tell it strikes a nerve with Alex.

  “Suck a dick, Shriller.” Alex snaps. I think she’s pissed off because dinner is almost over and her fiancé still hasn’t shown up or even called her.

  Gabby covers her mouth, “Um!”


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