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Angel Song

Page 6

by Mary Manners

  “You’ve done an amazing job, Quinn, and the kids will do just great.” He smiled at her, launching her pulse into a gallop. “Mrs. Chandler’s going to take care of stage directions now. You’ve done your part. Let’s go and enjoy the show.”


  He took her hand and led her to the back of the fellowship hall, where they found a place to stand together along the wall.

  As the music reached a crescendo, Quinn sighed. It was Christmas Eve, and she was standing beside the man she loved while her daughter played the cherished role of her dreams, complete with singing. If life was simply a string of detours, this was the most blessed detour of all.

  She dismissed the fact that she hadn’t been able to find the special doll Linsey had requested as a Christmas gift. Surely the child would experience a measure of disappointment, but there were other gifts to play with. Maybe for her birthday…

  “Listen to her sing.” Jason gazed at Linsey, dressed in a long, flowing robe and glittered angel wings, as if she was his own child. “Isn’t she sweet?”

  “Yes.” The single word choked Quinn as she remembered what Linsey had told her weeks before.

  Jason’s nice, Mom. He would be a good daddy.

  As if reading her mind, Jason reached for her hand, twining his strong fingers with hers. The love in his eyes told her he cherished her, as well.

  Where would it all lead? Was this part of God’s plan?


  “Mom, what time is Mr. Jason coming?” Linsey asked as she skipped into the kitchen.

  Quinn glanced at her watch as she basted the turkey. Music hummed from the radio and her cheeks were warmed by heat that rushed from the open oven door. The rich aroma of Christmas—turkey, yams and warm pumpkin pie—filled the kitchen. “He should be here any minute, but Mama and Mr. Cantori are running just a bit late.”

  “Is Tom Turkey ready?” Linsey scrambled beside her to peer into the roasting pan.

  “Careful.” Quinn shielded the inquisitive child from the heat as she bathed the baking breast in drippings. “He’s golden brown.”

  Linsey’s nose scrunched. “That’s good, right?”

  “It’s perfect.” Quinn replaced the roaster lid and closed the oven door. “Just a little bit longer and we’ll be ready for Christmas dinner.”

  Linsey spun in a circle, and her red-velvet dress billowed along her knees. Crisp, white tights sheltered her legs from the winter cold. “Can I play with my toys while I wait?”

  “Of course you may.” A pang of regret marred Quinn’s joy. Though Linsey had handled the fact that she didn’t receive the doll she wanted—the gift highest on her list—Quinn still sensed her daughter’s disappointment. But Linsey was a sweet child. She didn’t pout; she treasured what she did receive.

  Quinn had received a gift of her own—an offer from the community college to teach art classes beginning in January. The hours were perfect, the pay was generous, and the position would allow her and Linsey to remain in Landers Hollow among friends and family. Maybe Jason was right after all…maybe what she considered a detour—getting laid off—was one of those things God was turning into a beautiful blessing.

  She hummed along to the music as she stirred the mashed potatoes and basted rolls with melted butter. She’d wait for Jason to arrive before sliding them into the oven to brown.

  The doorbell rang, and Linsey’s patent-leather shoes pounded the wood floor as she raced to open the door. “Mom, he’s here!”


  Jason stomped the snow from his boots as Linsey pulled open the front door.

  “Merry Christmas, Mr. Jason!” Her cheeks were flushed, the freckles more pronounced, and a green satin bow gathered her hair into a wavy ponytail.

  “Merry Christmas, sweetie.” The aroma of roasted turkey and sweet potatoes danced with warmth as he entered the house. “Have you been cooking?”

  “Mom has. She let me help make the green bean casserole, and I got to stir the mashed potatoes, too.” She stepped back to allow him entry. “Tom Turkey’s almost ready.”

  “Well, it smells delicious.” His stomach growled. “My, don’t you look pretty today.”

  “Thank you.” Linsey grinned as she pirouetted. “This is my special Christmas dress.” She did a little tap dance. “And my Christmas shoes.”


  “Mom has a special dress, too.” Linsey’s head bobbed, bouncing wisps of copper ringlets that had escaped the tail. “She looks real pretty.”

  “I’ll bet she does.” Jason craned his head, hoping for a glimpse into the kitchen where he heard Quinn hum along to Christmas music playing on the radio.

  “What’s this?” Linsey tapped the large package in his hands, wrapped in red foil paper and a shimmery-gold bow.

  “I’m not sure, but it has your name on it.”

  “My name?”

  “Uh huh.” He showed her the tag, and then handed the package to her. “I think Santa got a little confused and left it at my house instead of yours. I’m sure he meant for me to bring it to you.”

  “Can I open it?”

  “I think you’d better.”

  Quinn stepped into the room and the sight of her in a fitted, knee-length black velvet dress and matching spike-heeled pumps stole Jason’s breath.

  Her mahogany eyes twinkled. “Merry Christmas, Jason.”

  He stuttered for a breath and managed, “Merry Christmas.” Weak-kneed, he stepped over, drew her in, and inhaled a lovely mixture of cinnamon, pine and the sweet scent of her perfume. “You look beautiful.”

  She relaxed against him. “And you…so handsome.”

  He kissed her forehead, her cheek, and then settled on her lips, claiming them with all the desire he’d held trapped inside. She draped a hand behind his head, pulling him down for more. His pulse raced.

  “This is the best gift of all,” she murmured, her breath warm on his cheek.

  “I aim to please.”

  “Mom, look!” Linsey tugged the hem of Quinn’s dress.

  Quinn’s breath came in small bursts and Jason felt the rush of her pulse as his fingers closed over the inside of her wrist.

  Her voice was shaky as she silenced the child. “Just a minute, honey.”

  He wondered if the room rocked and tilted for her, the way it did for him. It took a moment to come back into focus.

  “But, Mom…” Linsey wedged between them, pressing the box to Quinn’s hip. “Santa left me a present at Mr. Jason’s house.”

  “What?” Quinn stepped back to make room for the child. “Let me see.”

  More kisses would have to wait. Jason appeased himself by holding Quinn’s hand as Linsey tore at the wrapping paper. Her squeals of delight told him the moment she realized what was nestled inside the box.

  “My doll, Mom! Oh, she’s so pretty.” She lifted it from the wrapping and skipped around the room.

  Quinn turned to him, her eyes round with surprise. “Jason, where did you ever—”

  “Shhh…” He pressed a finger to her lips, smiling as Linsey danced around them. “You know how Santa can be.”

  “It’s wonderful…the most amazing thing.” Her eyes filled with tears.

  “You think so?” He waited for Linsey to pass by them once more and then leaned in for another kiss. “Because I brought something for you, too.”

  “From Santa?” she teased.

  “No.” He drew a small box from his pocket, wrapped in a delicate silver box. “This one’s from me.”

  “Jason…” Quinn took the box, tears flowing freely now. She tugged at the ribbon and gasped when she uncovered the treasure inside. “Oh!”

  “I love you, Quinn, and I love Linsey, too.” Jason lifted the delicate diamond solitaire from the box and smiled as it caught the lights from the Christmas tree, refracting them into a rainbow of color that was mirrored by Quinn’s eyes. “Will you marry me?”

  “Yes.” Quinn offered him her hand, extending her ring finger. “I l
ove you, too, Jason.”

  He slipped the ring on her finger and pulled her close, wrapping her in his arms as he brushed his lips against her hair. “Do you like detours now?”

  “Definitely. Yes.” She pressed her cheek to his chest. “Especially this one.”

  “I told you God had a plan.”

  “Yes, you did.” She sighed. “It’s wonderful, isn’t it? Merry Christmas, Jason.”

  “Merry Christmas, Quinn.” He caught Linsey as she danced by with the treasured doll, drawing her into the embrace he and Quinn shared. “Happy, Merry Christmas.”

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