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Collision Force

Page 7

by C. A. Szarek

  There was some stupid big deal rodeo in town. Berto’s ranch was supposed to have a major part in it. No wonder his former boss had been able to track him to Texas if the rumours about Berto were true. But if that was the case, why was it that Gains and Reese were the first to come after him? If Caselli had resources in the south, he’d have used them. He was a cheap-ass, and it took funds to send two guys in a big black Escalade after Carlo.

  He sucked in a breath and pushed his body up and off the couch. “Fuuuuuck!” Carlo’s yell echoed in the large, empty living room, but at least he was up.

  His bladder throbbed as much as his wounds, so he headed to the bathroom. Carlo’s fingers trembled as he yanked his zipper down. He shook his hand before he made a grab for his dick. He didn’t want to piss all over his hand.

  “That went well,” he said, zipping up. “I’m still talking to myself. Jesus.”

  His reflection in the large mirror was a blur of messy dark hair in need of a cut and thick bags under his brown eyes. His normally olive skin was a shade or two paler than normal. He was sweaty, his limbs heavy.

  Carlo lumbered out of the bathroom. Checking his temperature was an afterthought, but he didn’t feel as weak as he had, so he didn’t go back for the thermometer. The fever had broken for now, but all sorts of bad things were headed his way if he didn’t get some meds. No other options.

  He looked down as he limped along the hallway. His leg wasn’t seeping anymore—at least his pants appeared to have dried—for now. The pain still radiated with every step he took, but it wasn’t as bad as before. He needed to move on. Now.

  Reaching for his forty, he checked it, even though he knew damn well it was locked and loaded. He smiled and tucked it into the small of his back. Too bad he didn’t have a holster handy. Last thing he needed was to shoot himself in the ass. Carlo took one last look over his shoulder and winced. He couldn’t clean the blood off the couch cushions, but right now he needed to look out for his own ass. Hopefully the local police weren’t the brightest crayons in the box. Either that, or he was fucked.

  He slipped out the back door, kicking the glass he’d broken in the lowest windowpane out of the way so he didn’t have to step on it.

  If more of Caselli’s goons found him in this condition, there was no doubt he wouldn’t get away again. Berto…that was his ticket. He had to make it to the rodeo. There had to be medical supplies there, even if they were meant for horses or bulls.

  He slipped into the sleek black BMW in the driveway. The keys had been in the kitchen, so Carlo didn’t have to break in or hot-wire it. He’d have to ditch it in a few, but first he had to get out of the neighbourhood unnoticed. A stranger limping down the street would be conspicuous.

  “Here’s to hoping there’s no nosy neighbour who knows when Mr Beemer will be back in town.”

  That would just be his fucking luck.

  Rounding the corner, he kept the luxury sedan at exactly twenty-five miles per hour, as the speed limit signs posted. He was in a stolen car, in a residential area, and even though the police would likely be scarce, Carlo wouldn’t chance it. No ID, a gun and an acquired vehicle wouldn’t go over well. And there was that little federal fugitive problem to consider, too.

  Two streets over from where he’d been staying, and well on his way to a main thoroughfare, he saw a blue, modern-day hot rod in a driveway, one house from the corner of the street. The car itself wasn’t what caught his eye. The tall, dark-haired guy who got out of it was. Carlo’s heart took a dive for his stomach. Mike Amato—no, Cole Lucas.

  An attractive woman with her hair in a ponytail got out of the passenger seat. Carlo winced as he passed them, but neither looked up from their conversation to notice the black BMW driving by.

  So the FBI agent had figured out where he was and given chase. But who the hell was the woman?

  Well, well, well. Didn’t things just get interesting?

  * * * *

  “Who is that?” Bella whispered loudly to Andi as Cole walked into the kitchen with Ethan on his hip. Her son’s infatuation with Cole was firmly in place, and Ethan had actually greeted him before Andi.

  After working with Cole all day and not bickering with him, she could maybe see what Pete and Ethan had noticed. As much as she tried to deny it to herself, she was drawn to him. Her partner’s words in the hospital about locking herself away echoed through her mind. She didn’t want to admit how that sentiment had hit home.

  Andi shot her seventeen-year-old babysitter an amused look. Subtlety was lost on the girl. She was obviously ogling Cole, but to his credit, he didn’t react. He was probably used to it—no one was born with that ego.

  “Cole, this is Bella. She takes care of Ethan for me after school,” Andi said.

  Cole flashed a dimpled smile as he set Ethan to his feet. Andi grinned, imagining what that smile was doing to the teen. He put his hand out to shake Bella’s hand, and she took it—shyly, for her—cheeks crimson.

  “Nice to meet you, Bella,” Cole said, giving her a wink.

  Damn, was Bella about to swoon?

  “Nice…nice…to…meet you.”

  Stuttering? That was new.

  “Cole, Cole, I have to show you!” Ethan jumped up and down, tugging on Cole’s jeans.

  Andi was about to admonish him to mind his manners, but Cole squatted down in front of her son. “What is it, buddy?” he asked, his tone amused.

  “See what I made!” Ethan announced. “In there.” The little boy pointed to the living room.

  Cole smiled and took his hand. “Show me what you made.” He let Ethan lead him into the other room.

  “Oh my God, Andi, he is so hot,” Bella gushed.

  Andi laughed, but shook her head. She wasn’t going there with Bella. At. All.

  “Who is he?” The girl’s tone was distracted as she peered into the living room.

  “He’s working with me on a case.”

  “He’s not a…criminal…is he? Please say he’s not,” Bella said, locking her wide-eyed gaze with Andi’s.

  Andi smiled. “No, he’s not a criminal, Bells. But I am sure he’s too old for you.”

  “Duh. He’s not too old for you,” Bella said, flashing a huge grin, her dark eyes twinkling.

  What the hell was she supposed to say to that? God, please don’t let me blush in front of my babysitter. Bella was too sharp for her own good. Andi would never live it down, either. The girl was as bad as Pete.

  “Besides, I can always look. Brad Pitt’s still hot, and he’s over forty,” Bella said. Andi laughed. How could she argue with that logic? “I mean Pete’s hot, too, after all.”

  Did Bella know how old Pete was? Her partner would be upset at being compared to a man over forty—almost fifty, actually. Pete was only thirty-four, but didn’t even look that. She chuckled.

  “I’ll be sure to tell him you said that,” Andi teased.

  Bella’s expression became horrified. “Oh, please don’t.”

  “I was teasing, silly. I wouldn’t rat you out. I’ll tell you a secret.” Andi let her voice drop to a whisper. “I think Pete’s pretty good-looking myself.”

  “Hmmm…” Bella cocked her head to the side. “Not as hot as Cole.” The girl winked, and Andi laughed again, grateful for Bella. She hadn’t been so lighthearted in days.

  “How was school today?” Andi asked. Steering the conversation away from Cole was prudent. No telling what would pop out of Bella’s mouth. Plausible deniability, Andi chanted. Coward, a voice whispered, but she ignored it.

  The girl made a face, obviously not approving of the subject matter. “Fine, I guess. You know, just school.”

  “Ah,” Andi said. “Anything interesting going on?”

  “Not really. Doing good, all around. AP English is killing me, though.”

  “I loved English when I was in school.”

  “Oh, me too, but it’s more of a struggle than I thought it was gonna be. Listen, I should run. I do have a paper to write. Ethan�
�s bathed and fed, like always.” She looked down for a moment, shifting her feet. “Not complaining since you’re paying extra, but any idea if you’re going to be late on Friday? I kinda have…a date…”

  “Sure. I’ll make sure we’re not in late… A date, Bells? Who’s the boy? I need to do a background check.”

  “Andi!” Bella grinned. Beamed was more like it. “Hey, you said we…”

  “Yeah… Cole is staying here while we work on this case.”

  “Ohhhhh…and you’re worried about me?” Bella said, her tone sly. She winked.

  Andi laughed. “Don’t get any ideas, kiddo, it’s not like that.”

  “It should be.”

  “Isabella Marie,” Andi exclaimed. Heat crept up her neck and she bit back a groan. Cole’s mouth moving over hers popped into her mind, but she pushed it away, ignoring the warming of her traitorous body. Bella giggled and shrugged. Andi fought for control. Damn Cole and his effect on her. “Anyway, no subject changes. Tell me about this boy,” she managed, trying to focus on her young friend.

  “His name is Matt. He’s a senior, and this’ll be the second time we’re going out.” Bella’s face glowed.

  Cole’s dimpled grin came to mind, along with its appeal. Stop it. Get a hold of yourself. “Good kid?” Andi asked, trying to sound stern.

  “Yes, Andi.” Bella gave an overdramatic sigh. “I swear, you’re worse than Mom. She met him, she likes him.”

  Ah, good. Bella’s mother Natalie was a great judge of character. “All right, then. Do me a favour and bring him over.”

  “Bring who over?” Cole asked, coming back into the room, Ethan on his heels.

  “I’m not sure I will—you’ll drill him and scare him off,” the girl said quickly before Andi could answer Cole.

  “Bella’s got a boyfriend.”

  Bella’s expression was a mix of pleasure and exasperation, face bright red. Andi couldn’t help but grin. “He’s not my boyfriend…yet. If I introduce him to you, promise not to ruin things?”

  “I don’t know, Andi’s pretty scary sometimes,” Cole said playfully.

  Andi glared at him.

  “I know, that’s what I’m afraid of,” Bella said, grinning.

  “Hey! I am standing right here.”

  Neither Cole nor the teen looked repentant in the least.

  “I just want to meet him, Bells, I won’t eat him. And you”—she pointed at Cole—“are supposed to be on my side.”

  Cole put both palms up in surrender. “I know better than to take sides between two women.” He looked from Andi to Bella.

  “See? Smart man.” Bella winked and both she and Cole laughed.

  “Anyway, Bells, I am serious, I want to meet Matt.”

  Bella rolled her eyes and swung her backpack up onto her shoulder. “Okay, okay. Promise you won’t be overbearing and I’ll bring him.”

  “I promise. What time’s your date?”


  “Okay.” Andi looked at Cole. “We’ll be back by six-fifteen at the latest.” Cole nodded in agreement.

  Bella rewarded them both with a wide smile. “Thanks, I appreciate it. I really like him.”

  “I hope I do, too.” Andi winked.

  “See you later. Nice to meet you, Cole,” Bella said, waving. “Bye, squirt. See you tomorrow.”

  “Bye!” Ethan jumped twice, holding onto Cole’s hand. Andi winced at his loud tone, but Cole laughed again and Bella slipped out of the front door.

  “Be right back. Gonna put him to bed,” she said, scooping Ethan up and propping him on a hip.

  “No problem. See you in the morning, little man,” Cole told Ethan.

  Ethan put his palm up for a high-five with his enthusiastic goodnight, and Andi had to smile despite her sudden nerves when Cole returned the gesture. Her son would soon be asleep and she’d be alone with the FBI agent.

  After a short read of Ethan’s favourite story and a kiss on the forehead, she met Cole in the kitchen, her heart giving a tiny flutter as he stood at her coffee pot. The rich scent of freshly ground beans tickled her nose.

  “Thank God I don’t have to deal with teenage girls on a regular basis,” Cole said over his shoulder.

  “She’s pretty great, actually. I’ve known her since she was seven years old.”

  “Ah. So, you weren’t kidding about the background check?” Cole asked.

  She cringed and put two bowls of spaghetti into the microwave. “You heard that?” she asked.

  “Oh yeah, your voices carried,” he said, laughter in his tone.

  Andi racked her brain to try to remember if she’d said anything embarrassing. She gulped. “What else did you hear?” She strove for normal and met Cole’s grey eyes.

  “Hmmm, well I’m hot, Pete’s hot and Brad’s hot, for a guy over forty.” He grinned, flashing dimples.

  “Yes, well…” The microwave beeped and she jumped, but the distraction was welcome. She turned her back on him without hesitation and forced a breath. Her heart pounded in her ears.

  “She’s right, you know,” Cole said. Andi looked like she was about to jump out of her skin. Her lack of comfort was good—he was going to push a little and see how far it got him.

  He noticed the hesitation when she turned to face him, two dishes of pasta in her hands. His stomach rumbled and he thanked her as she set one down in front of him. Cole made a grab for his fork, making sure their hands brushed. Andi yanked away. He let it slide.

  “About what?” she asked, her blue eyes widening.

  Cole met her gaze and smiled. “I’m not too old for you.”

  Andi stared at him for a moment, and his smile slid into a grin when he noticed the pink tinge of her cheeks. Damn, he wanted to kiss her. He’d fantasised of little else since the other night.

  Muttering something he didn’t catch, she looked away from him. Cole held back his laugh so he wouldn’t irritate her. Obviously, Andi wasn’t ready to admit that she wanted him. She’d kissed him back just as fervently as he’d kissed her. “Want some coffee?” Andi asked as she rushed back to the counter after setting down her spaghetti.

  “Sure,” Cole answered. She fiddled at the cupboard and with the carafe for longer than necessary. He wanted her to join him at the table. Talking to her settled him.

  Finally, she took a seat, handing him a steamy mug. Cole cleared his throat and muttered thanks. After a short pause, he said, “So, what’s the deal with you and Pete?”

  “What do you mean?” Andi asked.

  “Well, you two were pretty cosy at the hospital.” Cole tried to keep his tone light. He was still more jealous than he wanted to acknowledge, but he would never admit it to Andi.

  She laughed and Cole quirked an eyebrow. “Pete and I are very close, but there’s never been anything there.”

  “Oh?” Cole asked, going for nonchalance. She gave him a long look—he’d missed the mark.

  “Honestly. We’ve been through a lot together, and he was there for me when I was lower than rock bottom, but we’ve never been more than friends.”

  Cole locked his gaze with hers and he smiled when Andi’s face reddened. She was thinking about the kiss they had shared, no doubt. He needed to kiss her again. He reached for her hand and, surprisingly, Andi didn’t pull away from him.

  “So, never wanted anything with him outside of work?” Cole asked, cursing the words as they came out of his mouth. Where the hell had that come from? He intertwined their fingers and ignored how his heart skipped a beat.

  Andi shook her head. “Pete’s not my type.”

  “Oh?” Interesting. “What exactly is your type?”

  “Certainly not cocky FBI agents,” she said. The grin on her face took his breath away.

  Cole leaned closer. Her lips parted.

  A cell phone’s shrill demand sounded and she shot to her feet, sprinting to the counter to grab it. Cole bit back a curse and released a breath, shifting in his seat to ease the tightness in his jeans. He’d been so
close. She would have let him kiss her this time.

  “MacLaren,” she said, her tone ragged. Avoiding his gaze, she leaned against the counter, facing him. Her flushed cheeks gave him some hope. Andi was as affected as he by what had passed between them moments ago. He couldn’t—wouldn’t—put a name to it, but Cole wanted her even more. “Ah, yeah. Sure. Let me look at my notebook.”

  He didn’t ask who was on the phone, but it sounded work related. Andi met his gaze for a split second, then her eyes darted away.

  Without acknowledgement of any kind, she left the kitchen. Cole shoved his hand through his dark hair. He wanted to talk to her about something—anything, but what could he say?

  “How’s it feel to want?” he whispered, then cursed.

  He waited for her to disappear around the corner and down the hall, then he cleaned up the kitchen, even loaded the dishwasher. Why he was being all domestic, he’d no clue, but Andi had fed him for the past few days, there was no reason she had to clean up after him as well.

  Cole settled onto Andi’s couch, reaching for the remote. The volume on the TV was low, and her bedroom door ajar. He could hear the steady hum of her voice though he couldn’t make out her words. Was the call about his case? About Maldonado? He found it hard to give a shit at the moment. That’s new.

  Ethan’s laughter drifted into his thoughts. He hadn’t seen the kid much today. He’d have liked to have spent more time with him. Andi’s son was asleep right down the hall—he could check on him. Might be good to make sure he was okay, right?

  He’d never considered himself a coward, but he didn’t move from his seat. Longing hit him in the gut, but for what? Andi, yes, he wanted her…but Ethan? Cole had never desired a family of his own. Besides, Cass and her kids had always been enough. He even liked her husband Dale, though the electrical engineer was a bit of a geek. They were family. The only family he’d ever have. Or need.

  They’d married when he’d been in college, then they’d had Kelsey soon after. Cole had already been pulling away, choosing a college two states from the Seattle home Cass had raised him in from the age of twelve. She’d only been eighteen, and proving to the courts she could keep him clothed and fed after their parents had died in a car accident had been a bitch. But she’d done it, making sure his sorry juvenile delinquent ass finished high school and pushing him through college. His anger at the world had run through his blood his whole teen years. He’d done things he’d be embarrassed to admit.


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