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Tech_Episode One

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by Merik Martin Pelletier



  A woman is rushed into an operating room, her face is covered with blood, her eyes are rolled back. A doctor runs by her side and questions the medics about what has happened.

  DOCTOR: Where did you pick her up?

  MEDIC: At some tech company in the Valley.

  DOCTOR: What happened to her?

  MEDIC: No one knows, she was found on the floor of a lab like this.

  The doctor checks her vital signs. It’s not good. Other nurses enter to assist.


  A big slick office, ultra-contemporary. On the walls are framed prints of high-tech concepts all with the Quanta logo on them. Gloria, the secretary, is at her desk answering phone-calls when Harry, a lead developer at Quanta, bursts in clutching a translucent slate tablet. He is a nervous wreck. Gloria looks at him inquiringly while she takes a phone message. There are no actual phones, the entire desk surface is a big computer screen with several divisions, including a phone/communication interface at its center.

  GLORIA: Carla Halison’s office, Gloria speaking. Mister Thomson... she’s in a meeting at the moment. Do you want me to transfer you to her voicemail? Hum, okay, I understand. I’ll make sure she gets your message.

  She hangs-up by pressing an icon and slides the communication window to the other side, bringing the schedule of the day up in the center. She looks to Harry.

  GLORIA: You look like you’re about to walk into the lion’s den.

  She smiles.

  GLORIA: Which in fact... You are. What is it this time?

  HARRY: I told them it was too early to present it to her. I spent the entire freaking night running tests on it ... and then ... an hour ago the damned thing died on me! Reschedule, please!

  GLORIA: Don’t think so.

  HARRY: You don’t understand…

  She puts out the palm of her hand.

  GLORIA: Give it to me.

  HARRY: I’m a lead developer Gloria, you think you can do better?

  GLORIA: Hand it over Harry.

  He complies, she grabs the slate and from the top of the device pulls out a small silver cylinder then hands Harry the slate back. She opens one of her desk drawers and pulls out another similar slate and slides the cylinder into it, the tablet lights up.

  HARRY: You have a prototype?!

  GLORIA: I don’t... she does.

  Gloria hands Harry the working slate, he puts the other one in his bag. At this moment the communication window pops up in the center of the desk. Carla is calling, Glory presses on the answer icon.

  GLORIA: Yes, Carla, he’s right here. Okay, I’ll send him in.

  She points to the door, Harry smooths his hair and walks into Carla’s office.


  An over-the-top luxurious bedroom overlooking the city. Kim Lee is in bed fooling around with a gorgeous woman, an equally attractive woman walks in with a martini.

  KIM: Two olives?

  WOMAN 1: Yes Sir, Captain.

  She salutes as she joins them on the bed, handing Kim the cocktail. He takes a sip as his cell-phone rings from the bedside table. Distinctive ring-tone: (hard-rap music). He puts down his drink, picks up the phone and speaks.

  KIM: There had better be a fire... I’m in the middle of a very important meeting.


  A large tech room filled with screens, computer towers and an array of small tech devices (prototypes). A cleaning crew is wiping the blood from the floor. Brian, one of the lead developers at Alphamind is standing in a corner talking on the phone. He’s extremely anxious.

  BRIAN: Sir... we’ve got a worst-case scenario unfolding here.


  Kim gets out of bed. He is on the alert.

  KIM: Explain!

  BRIAN: Isabelle tested the prototype on herself and collapsed.

  KIM: I’m on my way.

  He hangs up and turns toward the two women on the bed.

  KIM: Party’s over. Leave... NOW!

  They look at him nonplussed.

  KIM: Your consultation fees will usual be direct deposit.


  A large office furnished in a classical style (think Judges quarters). CEO of Zennotech, Frank Owen, Irish descent, the late fifties, is sitting at his desk looking over a report on a tablet. Standing in front of him is Barry Hale, African American, the mid-forties. Barry is uneasy yet expert with what he is presenting.

  FRANK OWEN: Looks good. I appreciate your respect for the deadline. What’s our next step?

  BARRY HALE: We should run some more tests for another week…

  FRANK OWEN: Why?! Are you sure about these results or not?

  BARRY HALE: Of course, we are... sir... but …

  FRANK OWEN: Then we should proceed with the deployment.

  Barry Hale is not sure how to answer him. Frank is getting impatient.

  FRANK OWEN: What’s the problem?

  BARRY HALE: I just think we should be a little more cautious. We need to confirm that the algorithms are working to full efficiency.

  FRANK OWEN: This company was built on ‘action’ not ‘caution.’ A week is enough for Quanta to beat us to the punch. We’re deploying, end of discussion.


  A very chic, high-end office, multiple video screens cover an entire wall opposite a designer desk. Carla Halison, CEO of Quanta, the mid-forties, very attractive, is pacing the floor. She is holding the translucent slate and going through its operating system. Harry sit’s in one of the chairs, waiting anxiously.

  CARLA: The ‘The Frame’ is what took this company to the big leagues. It blew the “i-junk” out of the water. What’s our motto? No more bulk, no more doorstop devices. It sees through everything... your calls, your pictures, your TV... everything! My question to you is... where the hell is the Frame?

  HARRY: We’ve been honing this prototype for over a year now. You asked us to work outside of the box. Well... we removed the container.

  CARLA: I know. It just feels so naked. So... I guess we’re gonna have to switch up our branding, yeah? Lemme see... lemme see... Okay... you remove the frame and... what do you get?

  Suddenly she gets an idea!

  CARLA: ‘The View.’ You get ‘The View’! I love it! What are our latest price points?

  HARRY: About 4 grand.

  She’s outraged.

  CARLA: I made myself very clear about our price point Harry. Who’s gonna be able to afford it? I know we have a niche market, but Jesus, it’s way too expensive.

  HARRY: Well... it’s not exactly inexpensive to manufacture... we could introduce it as an exclusive product?

  CARLA: You just argued for me, that kind of exclusivity bumps out three-quarters of our market. You know this Harry. Plus it’s gonna give our competition a huge window. Find a way to get it just shy of a grand. In the meantime, how’s the search engine going for our next generation of the “Frame” lineup?

  He looks at her and smiles.

  CARLA: So, the news is good then?

  HARRY: Just press ‘search.’

  She does and vocally asks…

  CARLA: 1958 crocodile heels.

  Within seconds results appear on the slate. She’s impressed.

  CARLA: How did you achieve that in the last 48 hours?

  He looks at her hesitantly.

  HARRY: Well... we found the missing code in the system.

  CARLA: What!? You just stumbled upon it? Who wrote it, where did it come from?

  Harry stands up.
/>   HARRY: I asked everyone... it just showed up.

  CARLA: So... it was the code fairy? Harry, there’s a little thing called intellectual property. You and your team should know better.

  Harry looks down at his shoes.

  HARRY: So... do we still go ahead with the campaign?

  CARLA: No! We need due-diligence. Codes just don’t appear. I want to know who, when and how.

  He looks at her discouragingly.

  CARLA: What are you waiting for?


  An airplane has landed on the tarmac. Aidan, the son of Frank Owen, is in his seat, his cell-phone lights up with a text: “Hi Sweetheart, have you landed yet?”. He reads it, then makes a call.

  AIDAN: I’m here.


  Lisa Owen, Aidan’s mother, is regarding her roses as she talks to her son.

  LISA: Honey, it’s going to be okay, just go directly to him.


  Aidan is unsure about his mother’s suggestion.

  AIDAN: Mom, I really don’t think this is a good idea. You know him, he never let’s go of things. I can manage by myself.


  She’s concerned but hides it well.

  LISA: I know you have your differences, but he loves you.

  AIDAN: He sure knows how to show it.

  LISA: Please Aidan, follow my advice. You’ve lost a great deal, you don’t have many options. The company’s your birthright remember... your also a Rutherford.


  He knows that she’s right.

  AIDAN:What happened to me is part of the territory in this business, I’m not the only one who got burned.

  LISA: I know love, but not everyone is the only son of Frank Owen. Why would you make it harder on yourself when you have a choice.

  AIDAN: Not my choice, his. Okay... I’ll go.


  Lisa is relieved.

  LISA: It’ll be fine, I love you.

  AIDAN: Love you too.

  She hangs up and dials another number.

  LISA: This is Lisa Owen, put me on with Frank.


  Mia, Carla Halison’s step daughter, sixteen years old, beautiful but with an edge, leave the school building, cutting her way through a crowd of students approaching the front doors. She finds a quiet spot by a tree and pulls something out of her bag. She doesn’t notice Kyle sitting on the bench next to her; however, he sees her.

  KYLE: You’re not gonna light up are you?

  She turns around, surprised. We then see that she is checking her ‘Frame’ phone. He smiles.

  MIA: What? You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that!

  KYLE: Sorry, I thought you were about to light a cigarette.

  Mia is disgusted by the idea.

  MIA: Gross!

  KYLE: It would be a shame to hide that pretty face with a smoke screen.

  She looks at him unsure how to take this. He’s cute, charming.

  MIA: Are you new?

  KYLE: Yeah. You?

  MIA: No. My father practically built this place.

  He’s impressed, realizing who she is, but doesn’t show it.

  KYLE: So you get a pass on cutting classes?

  He stands up. Clearly as an invitation, for Mia to walk back to class with him. She puts her frame phone back into her bag.

  MIA: No.

  KYLE: Your Mia Halison, right?

  MIA: Uh... yeah. Who are you?

  KYLE: Kyle. Kyle Harington

  They smile at each other, there’s romance in the air.


  Frank Owen is looking at multiple screens and leafing through charts. Two men are sitting facing Franks desk, holding thick documents on their laps. The tension in the room is palpable.

  FRANK OWEN: Quanta has gained over 6 points since their latest release of the Frame slate edition. We lost 2.

  MAN 1: Quanta only represents 5% of the worldwide market... They peddle toys we sell tools.

  FRANK OWEN: Their toys, as you call them, make our tools look bulky and antiquated. Our public image is deteriorating. We need a new line of products, durable yet... refined.

  MAN 2: Here is the latest prototype development proposal.

  Man 2 hands the document to Frank, who then stands.

  FRANK OWEN: What is this?! PRINTOUTS! We’re one of the leading technology companies in the world, and you come to me with inkjet documents. What’s your name again?

  MAN 2: Smith, John Smith.

  He looks at the man realizing that he really doesn’t know who he is.

  FRANK OWEN: And you’ve been working for us, how long...?

  MAN 2: Fifteen years, Sir.

  FRANK OWEN: Huh... well Mr. Smith, you and your department have fifteen hours to come back to me with a mind-blowing concept presentation using Zennotech technology, not Office Depot print services.

  The men stand up and leave. Owen’s secretary, Bethany, walks in.

  BETHANY: Your son Aidan is waiting to see you.

  He is surprised.

  FRANK OWEN : Aidan?

  BETHANY: Your wife called, she left a message on your voicemail. It’s almost lunch time, and you don’t have another meeting until two, would you like me to get your usual table at the club?

  FRANK OWEN: Yes. Thank you. Tell Aidan that I’ll be with him momentarily.

  She leaves. Owen goes to his desk, picks up the phone and accesses his voice mail.

  LISA: Frank, Aidan’s dropping by your office today. Please try to be a father and not a tyrant.



  A medium-sized office with windows covered with blinds. Kim Lee undoubtedly doesn’t spend a lot of time there. On his large desk are monitors and keyboards along with surveillance devices. Lee sits at his desk looking at frozen security surveillance images of Isabelle laying on the floor in a pool of blood in the lab. Brian Gale walks in. He’s jumpy and overwrought.

  BRIAN: I tried to stop her, but she went ahead and did it after I left.

  Kim Lee looks at him disapprovingly.

  KIM: You realize there’s not one corner of this complex that isn’t under surveillance. Sit down.

  Brian realizes he’s caught in a lie and sits.

  BRIAN: Fine, I was there. But there was no stopping her. I made it clear that I…

  KIM: What were the test results?

  Brian is speechless, how can this man be so cold.

  BRIAN: The what?

  KIM: You heard me. You were monitoring them, correct?

  BRIAN: Yes, but sir, shouldn’t we assess Isabelle’s medical status? Last I heard from the hospital was that she’s between life and death.

  KIM: As far as I’m concerned she did us a favor. I want you to keep this under-wraps. Is anyone else involved?

  Brian, still shocked by Kim’s heartless attitude, tries to keep his cool.

  BRIAN: Not that I’m aware of sir.

  KIM: And how did you explain what happened to Isabelle to the rest of the team?

  BRIAN: I didn’t. I pretended I was as surprised as they were. Only the medics had access to her lab, and I removed the device from her forehead before they arrived.

  KIM: Good. I’ll prepare an explanation... statement... regarding her injuries and take over from here. Get me the results of the test and make sure no one has access.

  Brian is unsure of the ethical implications he’s signing onto.

  KIM: That’s all for now. Keep up the good work.

  Brian stands, hesitating for a moment, then realizes that nothing else can be done and leaves. Kim Lee opens a computer application of the security logs showing Isabelle’s mishap and deletes them.


  The classroom is high-tech, no chalkboard, not one piece of paper, everything’s electronic. About 20 s
tudents are focused on the teacher. Mia is in the last row with her friends. Kyle is sitting in front of her. The teacher is writing an equation on his tablet, it appears on a large display behind him and on all of the student’s screens at the same time.

  TEACHER: This should be a piece of cake for you guys. Let’s make it a bit more challenging, you will have 30 minutes to come up with a solution. Those who respond first will get 10 points toward their next exam results. The challenge starts... now!

  Everybody gets busy. A message pops-up on Mia screen: “How about a movie this weekend?”. Mia smiles, she knows it’s from Kyle. She replies “How did you hack the school's system?”. A few seconds later a response: “Piece of cake:), So are you down for a movie?”.


  Club restaurant (think Russian Tea Room) with waiters in white shirts, black vests, and ties. Frank and Aidan are having lunch, there is unease between them.

  FRANK OWEN: Why did you decide to come back?

  AIDAN: There’s nothing more for me there, no real challenges.

  FRANK OWEN: Really, I thought it might have something to do with your latest fiasco.

  Aidan is defensive, his father’s throwing salt on his wound.

  AIDAN: The fact that we got screwed on a patent deal doesn’t make it a fiasco.

  FRANK OWEN: I’m not so sure your investors see it that way.

  AIDAN: They’ll recoup their investment as a loss. That’s part of the business, there are always risks.

  FRANK OWEN: Calculated risks.

  AIDAN: Fine, you want me to admit that I failed. Then here it is, I FAILED!

  Frank looks at his son coldly.

  FRANK OWEN: That’s not my point. I want you to take responsibility for your actions.

  Aidan’s had enough.

  AIDAN: I’m not here to get a lecture from you dad.

  FRANK OWEN: Why are you here then? To see your old man? Somehow I doubt that.

  Aidan feels uneasy, it’s true, he has an ulterior motive.

  AIDAN: I want to come back to the company.

  FRANK OWEN: You took a nosedive in front of the entire tech community. I have to say I’m a little hesitant to bring you back.

  Ouch. Aidan stands up and leaves pissed off and hurt to the core.


  It is a trendy hangout for the up-and-coming kings of the Silicon Valley. Jeff Boyle, a young, ambitious deal-maker is at the bar indulging in a martini when he sees Carla Halison walk in, she walks up to him.


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