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Slide (Boosted Hearts Book 3)

Page 9

by Sherilee Gray

  Finally, she was standing in front of him and it was too late. There would be no turning back now. Easy does it. Ignoring the need hammering him, he lifted his hand slowly and slid the tips of his fingers over the delicate curve of her shoulder, across to her collarbone. Savoring, memorizing. The indent at the base of her throat became more pronounced with her indrawn breath, goose bumps lifting across her sun-kissed skin.

  The urge to yank her close, to take, was a heavy beat at the base of his skull, but the need to go slow, take his time, and explore every inch of her perfect body was stronger. He’d waited so long for her, had never thought he’d get this chance, that he could wait a little longer.

  Moving his fingers higher, he trailed them toward her throat, teasing the fluttering pulse there. “You still with me, Luce?”

  Her lips parted in a sort of moan. “Yes.”

  “You sure this is what you want?” He trailed his finger higher, along her jaw then across, fighting a groan when he brushed the plump edge of her lower lip. How could lips affect him like this? Just the idea of sucking and licking them had his balls heavy and aching.

  Then she reached up and wrapped her fingers around his wrist, holding his hand where it was.

  “Yes,” she said again as she used her other hand to uncurl one of his fingers. Adam watched in heavy silence as she licked her lips then dragged the tip across the warm softness before her sweet little tongue darted out and touched.

  He fucking groaned. There was no holding it in now. Her tongue had just touched the tip of his finger and his cock was leaking pre-come like a horny teenager.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered.

  At those softly spoken words, he was trembling. His dream was becoming reality. He was no pushover; when he needed it he had self-control in spades. But that’s all it took to shove him off the cliff. Two words.

  Thrusting his fingers in her hair, he drew her closer, and slid his other hand up to cup her face. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve imagined this, how many times I’ve wanted to kiss the smart right out of your mouth?”

  “Show me.”

  But he didn’t need any goading. His mouth was already halfway to hers. Fuck. This was happening—he was going to kiss Lucy. His nose slid across her cheek and the scent of her skin filled his head, confusing, overwhelming his senses. Her hand came up to the side of his neck and she licked her lips.

  Yeah, he was fucking toast.

  Then his mouth finally touched hers and a shudder—the kind that had the earth quaking beneath his feet—shot through his body. He brushed his lips over hers soft and easy, forcing himself to take it slow, to savor every damn second, and when she moaned softly, he knew he’d never forget the sound. He needed to know every inch of that sexy, tempting mouth. He grazed her jaw with his thumb, asking her without words to open for him. She did and he finally dipped his tongue inside. Jesus fucking Christ. The woman tasted like heaven, and when she slid her candy-apple tongue against his, he thought he might die…either that or come in his boxers.

  Her fingers delved into his hair and fisted, and she whimpered into his mouth. That’s when he lost the battle completely. When he gave up the fight, any semblance of control, and surrendered.

  Curling an arm around her small waist, he tugged her closer and lifted her off her feet, striding forward until his legs hit the bed. He sucked and teased her lips, so fucking deep in a Lucy high he didn’t know which way was up.

  He dropped her on the mattress and came down on top of her, one of his legs jammed between hers. She clawed at his back, tugging at his shirt, lifting her hips to rub against his thigh.

  He helped her drag his shirt off then came back down on top of her, adding more of his weight to hold her still. She blinked up at him, eyes heavy with lust. God, she was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. “Love the way you’re grinding that pussy on me, Lucy, but I’m gonna have to stop you.” Words he never thought he’d say in his life.

  “W-what? Why?” She bit her lip. “If you’re going to get up and walk out on me—”

  He shook his head. It was too late for that. He wasn’t going anywhere, but after the way he’d acted with her over the years, he didn’t blame her for thinking it. “Not going anywhere, baby girl. But the first time you come for me, it’s not going to be from getting yourself off against my leg.”

  Her hand was on his lower back and it slid to his ass and squeezed. “No?”

  He shook his head. “No.” Jesus, his voice had dropped about ten octaves.

  “Tell me,” she said, voice husky.

  The woman was killing him. “The first time you come for me, it’s gonna be under my mouth, my tongue…around my fingers.”

  Her delicate throat worked as she swallowed. “Please.”

  Shit, if he didn’t get off her, right goddamn now, he’d make a liar of himself and fuck her into the mattress. It took Herculean effort, but he managed to shift back, to stop rubbing up on her long enough to put some distance between them.

  A cry of protest flew from her lips.

  It died as soon as Adam tugged her down the bed, lifted her into his arms, spun around, and took the two steps to the table. “Time for dessert.”

  Chapter Nine

  Lucy clung to Adam’s shoulders as her ass landed on the cool Formica-topped table.

  A small surprised squeak flew past her lips and she barely had time to orient herself before he dropped to his knees in front of her and shoved her dress up to her waist. His rough-skinned hands slid from her knees to mid-thigh and he shoved her legs wide, eyes zeroing in on the electric blue lace covering her.

  He hissed out a curse.

  One of those hands moved up until his thumb was brushing the damp fabric. “So pretty.” Then he dipped his head and kissed the inside of her knee, tugging her ass to the edge of the table as he moved higher, planting hot open-mouthed kisses on her feverish skin.

  Oh God.

  She was going to self-combust…just explode. So damn turned on she was sure if she squeezed her thighs together she’d fly into an orgasm without Adam even touching her.


  She could feel his hot breath on her skin.

  Holy shit. This was happening.

  “Oh…” Her head dropped back when he lifted one of her legs over his shoulder and pressed his mouth against her center. She had no control over the way she jammed her fingers in his hair and fisted, grinding against him.

  Adam made a muffled growling sound and yanked her panties to the side, and then his mouth was on her without any barrier between them. “Oh shit.”

  He growled again, one big hand going to her ass, squeezing. “Fuck, Luce…Jesus fucking Christ.” His lips brushed her swollen, slick flesh as he spoke. “You taste so good, sweetheart, so good.”

  The fingers cupping her ass dug deeper, holding her more firmly against him. His words, the way he’d said them, skated over her skin, setting off tingles, taking her higher. He was as lost to what he was doing to her as she was. He worked her with his tongue, alternating between long, slow licks and rapid flicks that had her panting and begging.

  A finger teased her opening. “So wet, Luce.” He pushed in the tip. “Fuck, so hot.” He slid in the rest of the way and started dragging it in and out, deep and slow.

  Lucy fell back to her hands, hips lifting. “More. Oh God, I need more.”

  “Is this what you need?” he grated out then pushed in a second finger.


  He picked up the pace, fucking her with his fingers, and her thighs started to tremble.

  “Give it to me. Let me feel it.” Leaning in, he used his mouth to open her wider then gently sucked her quivering clit, those fire and ice eyes aimed up at her the whole time.


  “Fuck, that’s it. That’s it, Luce. I wanna hear you say my name when you come around my fingers.”

  She screamed, his name flying past her lips, not because he told her to, but because she couldn’t help it
. She’d been crying this man’s name when she got herself off for years. Now she had the real deal between her thighs, lapping at her, his voice ringing in her ears, and she could do nothing else.

  When light finally stopped dancing in front of her eyes, she looked down at Adam. He was still in the same position, staring up at her.

  “You okay, Lucy?”

  There was uncertainty in his gaze, pushing its way through the heat. Did he expect her to flip out or push him away? Have second thoughts? Like hell. “Do you really need me to answer that?”

  A sexy as sin grin spread across his gorgeous face. “No. Don’t suppose you do.” He stood. “Haven’t finished with you yet either.”


  He chuckled dark and low as he lifted her off the table and flipped her onto her belly on the bed. The mattress dipped and he straddled her thighs, his fingers working the zip down the back of her dress. Holy shit. She could feel his erection nestled against her ass, and she squirmed. She wanted him inside her, wanted him as naked as she was about to be.

  He slid her dress off her shoulders and tugged it down under her, stopping at her chest, trapping her arms at her sides. One rough palm slid from the nape of her neck down her back.

  “Never seen skin like yours. So golden and smooth, shit, flawless.” He did another drawn-out caress from her neck to the base of her spine. “So fucking beautiful, sweetheart. Perfect.”

  A lump formed in her throat as another shot of heat and a good amount of dizzying flutters slid to her lower belly. She’d never heard Adam talk like that, in that tone. The way he said it, it was like she was the most exquisite thing he’d ever seen. Like he was lost in the moment, and for once, wasn’t overthinking what was happening between them. Their conversations, for the longest time, had consisted of jibes and insults. On her part, it had been a way of masking the way she felt about him. Immature, yes, but she’d been doing it so long she hadn’t known how to stop. She got the feeling Adam had been playing the same game.

  Suddenly, she felt self-conscious, exposed. It was silly, but she didn’t know what to say, how to act with this new version of Adam.

  Then all thoughts of talking vanished because he moved back and lifted her onto her knees. Her face was still pressed against the mattress, dress down around her arms like a restraint. Cool air hit her skin when he flipped the skirt of it up.

  “This perked-up little ass has been tormenting me for years.” He gripped the sides of her underwear and dragged them down her thighs. His groan made her belly quiver. “Fuck, look at you. Look how fucking gorgeous you are. Round sexy ass, pussy pink and swollen, slick from my mouth. You need more, don’t you, baby girl?”

  She choked on the words she’d finally mustered, and instead made a needy whimper that said it all, really. He was right, she did need more. She needed all of him, right goddamn now. But he didn’t impale her with that impressive erection. No, he gripped her ass and buried his face between her cheeks, tongue delving into her pussy again. In the position he had her, all she could do was grind back against his face, since her ability to speak hadn’t yet returned.

  It wasn’t long before she was coming again, shaking and screaming into the covers, then he flipped her over and used his mouth and his fingers to make her come again and again until she didn’t know which way was up. Until she was nothing but a sweaty, trembling heap on the bed, barely able to keep her eyes open.

  She was still trying to recover when she felt him drag something over her. A blanket?

  The bed jiggled a little, but she couldn’t open her eyes. Her heavy lids refused to obey her command, and instead she passed out.

  Lucy woke to a weird noise, a kind of rustling sound. She dragged her eyes open, but had to shove her unruly hair out of the way so she could see. The first thing she noticed was it was morning. The curtains at the front were still shut but the other window high on the wall on the other side of the room had nothing over it and the bright morning sun streamed in, making her squint. The second thing: she was in bed alone. The sound came again and she turned toward the table, the same table Adam had sat her on last night. He sat there sipping a coffee, several paper bags in front of him. Obviously that was the sound she’d heard.

  He took a bite out of what looked like a pastry and a smile curved his lips. “Morning,” he said with his mouth full.

  After another sip of his coffee, he rested his arm on the table and she felt her face heat remembering what they’d done there, what he’d done to her. “You’re up early.”

  He shrugged. “I was hungry. Plus, we need to get going soon.”

  His hair was damp. “You’ve already showered?”

  “Got these, came back, and grabbed a shower.”

  She glanced down at herself, sprawled in the middle of the bed like a damned starfish. Exactly the position she’d gone to sleep in last night. “You didn’t sleep in the bed?” She hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but the realization hit harder than it should.

  “Come and eat,” he said instead of answering her.

  He’d changed his mind. They’d had one night together, a night where she’d orgasmed so many times she’d lost count and passed out, and he’d what? Slept on the damn floor. He hadn’t even gotten off. She hadn’t even really touched him. He probably thought she was the most selfish lover he’d ever had.

  He wasn’t looking her in the eye.

  “You’ve changed your mind.”


  “Why didn’t you sleep in the bed?”


  “Did you sleep on the floor?”

  He cursed. “The car.”

  She shot up, dragging the covers with her. “What? Why?” Standing, she wrapped the sheet around her, toga-style. “I thought you were okay with this. I thought you wanted it as much as me.”

  He shoved a hand through his hair in frustration. “I do.”

  Relief sparked to life, but he was still looking at her in a weird way, still twitchy as hell. “Then what’s the problem?”

  His knee started jiggling. “I just think it’s better if we keep this about sex. Sleeping together, it can only complicate things.”

  They’d already done…stuff. Naked, sweaty stuff. How could sleeping in the same bed complicate things more than they already were? Then it hit her. “You think I’ll get attached?”

  Those blue eyes were on her now. A muscle ticked in his check when his jaw went tight. “No,” he said carefully. “I just think…”

  Screw this. He wasn’t going to keep her at arm’s length; she wouldn’t let him. This was it for them, these next few days, and she wouldn’t let him freeze up and freak out. Closing the space between them, she stepped between his spread thighs. “You’re overthinking this.” Sliding her hand from his hard jaw to his hair, she massaged his scalp, then lightly fisted and tilted his head back. The man’s eyes looked like they were about to roll back in his head. She hid her smile. “And how can this be just about sex when I haven’t had you inside me yet?”

  Adam cursed. “Lucy…”

  “What?” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed a kiss his jaw. She felt him shudder as his arms slid around her waist.

  “Don’t goddamn tempt me, not now.”

  She kissed him again, this time at the corner of his mouth. “Why not? Tempting you is exactly what I want to do.” Between her thighs still ached from his fingers and mouth, from the orgasms he’d given her last night, but she wanted him again—needed more, needed him inside her.

  “Because I can still taste you on my tongue, baby girl…and I…I’m afraid of how much I want inside you. I’m afraid of hurting you.”

  It was her turn to shudder. Dragging up the sheet, she straddled his hips. “I don’t break that easily.” She cupped his jaw. “That’s why you slept in the car? Why you made me come over and over again and took nothing for yourself?”

  He dipped his chin, but those fire and ice eyes looked away for a second, and she knew he wa
s hiding something from her, that there was more to it. He wasn’t going to open up to her now. Not when, in all the years she’d known him, all the attempts she’d made to get him to do just that, she’d failed. So, she resisted the urge to ask questions, to try and get more from him. Nothing had changed in that department. The only thing different now was that for the next few days she had the right to touch him, to climb into his lap, and kiss his beautiful mouth.

  Wriggling on his lap, she shimmied closer, then leaned in and kissed his jaw. She trailed down the side of his throat, sucking, kissing, licking the tattoo there like she’d wanted to for the longest time. “God, your tattoo is sexy.”

  He groaned, rough and low, and she shuddered when his fingers dug into her hips, tugging her closer.

  “How long before we hit the road?”

  Adam opened his mouth to answer when the sound of an engine firing to life cut him off. She was no expert on cars, but after a day in the Superbird, even she knew the sound of its big growly engine revving. Adam froze for a split second, patted his jeans pockets frantically, then picked her up, dumped her on the bed, and flew for the door. By the time she’d scrambled up and joined him outside, the car was gone.

  “Motherfucker!” Adam shoved his hands in his hair.

  Lucy stood there, mouth hanging open. “Someone stole it?”

  “Yeah, someone fucking stole it.”


  ~ * ~

  Lucy reached over Adam, cracked the window of the old Ford pickup wider, and sucked in some much-needed fresh air. Howard, the sweet old guy who’d picked them up, was lovely, but unfortunately he’d either forgotten or had given up on using soap and water on a regular basis. They’d been chatting, well, Howard had been doing most of the talking, telling them all about the vegetables he grew and the great farmers’ markets in Dane where he sold them, their current destination.


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