Our Kind of People
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Herndon, Norris
Higginbotham, Leon
Higgins, Auldlyn
Higgins, I. Bradshaw
Highland Beach, Maryland
Hightower, Dennis
Hill, Delany
Hill, Ernie
Hill, Fredrika Stubbs (Rikki)
Hill, Jesse
Hilliard, Asa
Hillside Inn (Pennsylvania)
Hinds Mirian Calhoun
Hinson, Eugene
Hinton, C. David
Hinton, Phillip
Hinton, ViCurtis
Holder, Eric
Holland, Barbara
Holland, Bob
Holland, Jerome
Holland, Laura Mitchell
Holloway, Edward
Hollowell, Donald
Holly, James Theodore
Holmes, Hamilton
Hood, Denise Page
Hood, Nicholas, Jr.
Hood, Nicholas, Sr.
Hooks, Benjamin
Hooks, Charles
Hooks, Frances Dancy
Hooks, Henry
Hooks, Robert
Hooks, Theresa Fambro
Hoover, Herbert
Hope, John
Horne, Lena
Horton, Ella
Horton, Odell, Jr.
Horton, Odell, Sr.
Hotchkiss School
Hotel Theresa (Harlem)
Houston, Charles Hamilton
Houston, Ivan J.
Houston, Norman
Houston, Texas
Houston, Whitney
Howard, David T.
Howard, Oliver
Howard, Ruth Brown
Howard University
fraternities and sororities and
graduates of
Law School
Medical School
organization and history of
School of Nursing
Hubbard, Orville
Hudgins, Alvin, Sr.
Hudgins, Rosa
Hudgins, William
Hudson, Claude
Hughes, Langston
Hunt, Blair T.
Hunter, Laura
Hunter-Gault, Charlayne
Hunter High School
Hurley, Alice Wyche
Hurston, Zora Neale
Hutchins, Fred
Hutchinson, Anne
Hutchinson, John
Hyacinthe, Hector
Idlewild, Michigan
Illinois Club
Independence Federal Savings
Indiana University
Industrial Bank of Washington
In Search of Sisterhood (Giddings)
Irvin, Milton
Irvine, Jacqueline
Irvine, Ronald
Jack, Hulan
Jack and Jill of America
benefits of
class system in
leadership of
long-term influences of
membership in
new directions in
organization and history of
Up the Hill (yearbook)
see also names of specific cities
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Anita L.
Jackson, Beatrice Fleming
Jackson, Doris Pope
Jackson, Eddie Bernice
Jackson, Irene Dobbs
Jackson, Jesse, Jr.
Jackson, Jesse, Sr.
Jackson, Maynard
Jackson, Ruth Thomas
Jacob, John
James, Esther
James, Robert
James, Shirley Barber
Jamison, Judith
Jarrett, Fern
Jarrett, Hobart
Jarrett, Valerie Bowman
Jarrett, Vernon
Jarvis, Charlene Drew
Jefferson, Andrea Green
Jefferson, Thomas
Jefferson, William
Jefferson Medical College
Jenifer, Franklin
Jenkins, Ellie Dejoie
Jenkins, Norman
Jet magazine
Jim Crow laws
Johnson, Anna
Johnson, Boyd Carney
Johnson, Brad
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, Charles Spurgeon
Johnson, Eddie Bernice
Johnson, Eileen Williams
Johnson, Eleanor Milton
Johnson, Eric
Johnson, Eunice
Johnson, George
Johnson, Howard
Johnson, J. Rosamond
Johnson, James Weldon
Johnson, John
Johnson, Linda
Johnson, Luci
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
Johnson, Mildred
Johnson, Mordecai W.
Johnson, Pamela
Johnson, Robert
Johnson, Toki Schalk
Johnson, Wanda
Johnson Products
Jones, Ada Fisher
Jones, David Dallas
Jones, Elaine
Jones, Frank
Jones, James
Jones, James “Rump”
Jones, Jetta Norris
Jones, John
Jones, Lois Mailou
Jones, Quincy
Jones, Robert W.
Jones, Thomas Vreeland
Jones-Singleton, Camara
Jordan, Ann Dibble
Jordan, Barbara
Jordan, Vernon
Julian, Percy
Junior League
Just, Ernest Everett
Kansas City, Missouri
Kappas (Kappa Alpha Psi)
Keith, Damon
Keith, Debbie
Keith, Leroy, Jr.
Kellogg Foundation
Kelly, Sharon Pratt
Kelso, Johnetta Walker
Kelso, Julian
Kennedy, Angela
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, Henry H., Jr.
Kennedy, Randall
Kennedy, Robert
Kennedy, Rose
Kennedy Center (Washington, D.C.)
King, Coretta Scott
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King, Viola
Kingswood-Cranbrook School (Detroit)
Kinsey, Bernard
Kirk, Ronald
Kirkendal, Dan H.
Knox, George
Koch, Bertrand
Lafontant, Jewel Stradford
Lamb-Hale, Nicole
Lamotte, Angela
Latin School of Chicago
Lawrence, Charles
Lawrence, Jacob
Laws, Erma Lee
Lawson, James
Lawson, Lillian
Leach, Thomas
Lee, Raphael
Lee, Robert E.
Lee, Sheila Jackson
Lee, Spike
Lee, William
LeMoyne-Owen College (Memphis)
LeMoyne School (Memphis)
Lewis, Carolyn Wright
Lewis, Ed
Lewis, George
Lewis, Harold T.
Lewis, John
Lewis, Kathleen McCree
Lewis, Reginald
Lewis, Robert
Liberty Life Insurance
Lincoln University
Links Incorporated
debutante cotillions of
membership in
organization and history of
program initiatives
see also names of specific cities
Llewellyn, Bruce
Lloyd, Marilyn
Lloyd, Ruth Smith
Lloyd, Sterling
Locke, Alain
Logan, Arthur
Logan, Marian
Logan, Rayford
Lomax, Michael
Long, Jefferson
Lopez, George
Lopez, Mary Gardner
Lopez-Dudley, Adrienne
Los Angeles, C
Boulé chapter
Girl Friends chapter
Guardsmen chapter
Jack and Jill chapter
Links chapter
Louard, Agnes
Louis, Joe
Louisiana Weekly
Lowe, Walter
Lynch, John
Mackel, Sharon
Madeira School (Washington, D.C.)
Major, Gerri
Malcolm X
Manigault-Hurley, Anthony
Manigault-Hurley, Michelle
Manley, Albert E.
Manley, Audrey
Manley, Mary
Manley, Michael
Mariani, Louis
Marine, Laurie
Marshall, Thurgood
Marshall, Vivian “Buster”
Martha’s Vineyard, see Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard
Mason, Alice Christmas
Mason, Dorothea
Mason, Herman “Skip”
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Massey, Walter
Masters School
Mather Academy
Matory, William
Matthews, Dee
Maxwell, Marcella
Mayfield, U. L.
Mays, Benjamin E.
Mays, Willie
McCall Pattern Company
McClendon, J. J.
McCloud, Patricia Russell
McCoo, Marilyn
McCormick, Robert R.
McCree, Wade
McDaniel, Hattie
McHenry, Donald
McKee, John
McKee, Martha
McKeever, Lester
McKinley, William
McKissack, Calvin
McKissack, Leatrice Buchanan
McKissack, Lewis “Bill”
McKissack, Moses, Jr.
McKnight, Lancess
McLendon, Earl
McNeil, Cheryl
McNeil, Garrison
McPhail, Sharon
McPhatter, Joan Payne
Meharry Medical College
Memphis, Tennessee
Booker T. Washington High School
Boulé chapter
Central Gardens
churches in
debutante cotillions
Girl Friends chapter
Harbor Town
Jack and Jill chapter
Links chapter
Memphis Dinner Club
Nashville versus
Smart Set chapter
South Memphis
South Parkway
Mercy-Douglass Hospital (Philadelphia)
Mercy Hospital (Detroit)
Merritt, Carole
Meyers, Ed
Meyers, Marjorie Peebles
Mfume, Kweisi
Michigan Chronicle
Middlesex School
Miles, Carlotta “Buff”
Miller, Everett
Miller, Kelly
Million Man March
Milton, Eloise Murphy
Milton Academy
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Minton, Henry McKee
Minton, Marion
Minton, Russell
Minton, Theophilus
Mississippi Boulevard Church (Memphis)
Mitchell, Arthur
Mitchell, B. Doyle, Jr.
Mitchell, Cynthia
Mitchell, Darnell
Mitchell, Doyle
Mitchell, Helen Cox
Mitchell, Jesse
Mitchell, Margaret
Montgomery, Charles
Montgomery, Winfield
Montier, John
Moore, Lewis
Moore, Mary Tyler
Morehouse College
graduates of
Medical School
organization and history of
Spelman College and
Morgan State University
Morial, Ernest
Morial, Marc
Morial, Sybil Haydel
Morris Brown College
Morrison, Toni
Morton, Anna Griffin
Morton, Robert
Moseley-Braun, Carol
Mossell, George
Mossell, Nathan
Mossell, Sadie Tanner
Mother Bethel Church (Philadelphia)
Motley, Constance Baker
Motown Records
Mount Holyoke College
Mumford High School (Detroit)
Murphy, Anna Small
Murphy, John
Murphy, Vashti Turley
Murray, Albert
Murray, Donald
Murray, Odetta
Mutual Federal Savings and Loan
Freedom Fund Dinner (Detroit)
Legal Defense Fund
Nabrit, James M.
Nabrit, Samuel
Nash, Harriet Chisholm
Nash, Homer
Nashville, Tennessee
Boulé chapter
Girl Friends chapter
Links chapter
Memphis versus
see also Fisk University; Meharry Medical College
Nathan, Ray
National Achievement Scholars
National Association of Colored Women
National Association of Guardsmen, see Guardsmen
National Cathedral School
National Civil Rights Museum (Memphis)
National Council of Negro Women
National Medical Association
National Panhellenic Council
National Register of Historic Places
National Smart Set, see Smart Set
Neal, Earl
Neal, Langdon
Negro League
Nelson, Alelia
Nelson, Jill
Nelson, Stanley
Nesbitt, Marty
New Orleans, Louisiana
Boulé chapter
Girl Friends chapter
Jack and Jill chapter
Links chapter
Newport News, Virginia
Newton, Barbara Brannen
New York City area
Boulé chapter
churches in
debutante cotillions
Girl Friends chapter
Girls High School (Brooklyn)
Guardsmen chapter
Jack and Jill chapter
Links chapter
Strivers’ Row (Harlem)
Westchester County
see also Sag Harbor, Long Island
New York Law School
New York University
Nineteenth Century Memphis Families of Color (Church and Church)
Nixon, Richard M.
Nobel Prize
Norris, Austin
Norris, James
Norris, Morgan
Northcross, Amber Dancy
Northcross, Reginald
Northfield Mount Hermon
Northwestern University
Norton, Eleanor Holmes
Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard
Circuit Avenue
Ink Well
Martha’s Vineyard Resort and Racquet Club
Methodist Campground area
Pork Chop neighborhood
Tucker Tennis Tournament
Oakland, California
Oberlin College
Odom, Herbert
Ogletree, Charles
Ohio State University
O’Leary, Hazel
Omegas (Omega Psi Phi)
One Hundred Black Men
Orpheum Theater (Memphis)
Orr, Alphonso
Owen, Addie Griffin
Owen, William
Owens, Jesse
Pace, Harry
Palmer, Alice Freeman
Palmer Memorial In
Park, Lillian Adams
Parker, Barrington, Jr.
Parker, Barrington, Sr.
Parker, Jason
Parker, John
Parker, Marjorie Holloman
Parks, Gordon
Parks, Henry
Parsons, Richard
passing for white
examples of
“Rules of Passing”
throwback children and
Patterson, Basil
Payne, Gretchen Bradley
Payne, Theodore
Peabody Hotel (Memphis)
Peck, William
Pelham, Alfred
Pelham, Benjamin
Pelham, Doris
Perry, Helena Patton
Perry, Mae Walker
Perry, Rosetta
Petway, Patsy Campbell
Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Beta Sigma
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Boulé chapter
Central High School
churches in
Girl Friends chapter
Guardsmen chapter
Jack and Jill chapter
Links chapter
Smart Set chapter
Phillips Academy
Phillips Exeter Academy
Pickard, William
Pickens, Audrey Brannen
Pickens, Bill
Pickens, Emilie Montier Brown
Pickens, William, III
Pierce, Aaronetta
Pierce, Samuel
Pinkston, Maria
Pinkston, Toya
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Plymouth Congregational Church (Detroit)
Poitier, Sidney
Porter, Cole
Porter, James
Poston, Ersa
Poston, Ted
Poussaint, Alvin
Poussaint, Tina
Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr.
Powell, Adam Clayton, Sr.
Powell, C. B.
Powell, Colin
Powell, Isabel
Powell, Lena
Presley, Elvis
Price, Bebe Drew
Price, Charlotte Schuster
Price, Hollis
Price, Hugh
Price, Kline, Jr.
Price, Kline, Sr.