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Ecstasy From the Deep

Page 9

by Octavia Kore

  Chapter 10


  With Oshen’s arm wrapped tightly around her, Amanda relaxed into his embrace, letting her head fall forward against his chest. She had been trying to keep the flashes of her nightmares at bay since they had run in from the yard, but nothing helped until he had pulled her in and hummed the little tune near her ear. His tail was curled comfortingly around her waist, and he began to sway with her, his hand brushing over her hair and down her back. She had listened quietly when he called his commander, who hadn’t looked the least bit pleased to see him and who was even less pleased with the things Oshen had told him.

  “You… think I should leave Earth?” she asked.

  Oshen stiffened beneath her, his hand slowing. “Yes.”

  She wasn’t completely stupid; she knew Earth was in trouble, knew she and every other human on the planet was in danger as long as the Grutex were still able to pick them off, but this was her home. “You had already made the decision to take me before this, hadn’t you?”

  “I wasn’t just going to abduct you if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Pressing her hand against his chest, Amanda leaned back so that she could look up into his face. “But you were going to try to get me to go back with you?”


  “So, what? You thought you would just come in here and sweep me away from everything I love, everything I know, because you believe calling me your ‘mate’ gives you some sort of say in what I do?”

  Oshen tilted his head, frowning as he considered his words. “Well, yes, but—”

  “Excuse me?” She felt his grip on her tighten like he thought she might run. How astute. “You have no say over what I do or don’t do.”

  “I am only looking out for what is in your best interests,” he ground out, his jaw clenching.

  “It is in my best interests for me to decide, Oshen!”

  “I will not leave my mate here! I will not allow my pup to be born into danger! So, yes, you are coming with me.”

  Amanda felt the blood drain from her face, and she knew her mouth must be hanging open. “Your what?” Her hand flew to her stomach as she shoved out of his embrace. “We didn’t even have sex. How the hell…” She hadn’t thought to ask how his species reproduced, but she had assumed that it was similar to humans if he was claiming they were compatible. Oh gods, she felt sick. Shit. Shit. Shit.

  “Amanda? You look unwell.”

  “Of course I look unwell! You just told me I’m pregnant with an alien baby via immaculate conception!”

  “What the hell have I missed?”

  Both Amanda and Oshen spun around to face Jun, who was standing just inside the front door. She had both hands wrapped tightly around the weapon like she had been expecting to walk into a fight.

  “Jun! Where the hell have you—” But her words died mid-sentence when she saw the Venium male step out of the darkness and move up silently behind her friend. Where Oshen was lean, his muscles compact, this male was bulkier. Like a slimmed down bodybuilder with massive shoulders covered in nearly black skin, this guy was intimidating. Bright blue eyes stared back at her as he took a deep breath, the same way Oshen did when he was scenting. A shiver ran through her as she took a step backward, bumping into Oshen’s chest. She hadn’t even seen him move. “Who the hell is that?”

  A soft growl vibrated against her back as Oshen ran his hands up her arms. “This is Brin.” His hands came to rest on her shoulders and he slowly turned her back toward him. “And I never said you were pregnant. Yet.”

  “Your friend, Brin?”

  “His brutok,” the male chimed in helpfully.

  “Okay, fantastic. The gang’s all here!” She could feel her grip on reality slipping. “There’s a Grutex stalking me, your commander is on his way, and my best friend just showed up with your best friend—”


  “—and I’m just supposed to leave with you and go gods know where.”

  “It seems like I missed something.” Jun had lowered her weapon, tucking it back into the holster at her side.

  “You missed something?” Amanda asked incredulously. “You left here to get an overnight bag, disappear for days, and then show up with another Venium. I think I missed something.”

  Jun narrowed her eyes on Oshen’s tail as it wound its way up Amanda’s leg. “I told you to keep your hands and tail to yourself.”

  “Oh, little shayfia, leave him be.”

  “Shayfia?” Oshen asked, a hint of amusement in his tone.

  “The most adorable one I’ve ever met.” A grin spread across the male’s face as he wrapped his tail around Jun’s leg.

  Her friend brought her foot down heavily on Brin’s, making the big male wince, but his smile never faltered. “Catch me up,” she said as she grasped Amanda’s hand and led her toward the couch.

  With a deep breath, Amanda launched into what had happened in her backyard and the argument they had walked in on. “I know that Grutex is looking for me and I’m terrified of what will happen if he gets me, but I don’t want to leave. This is where my home is, where you are.”

  “I think you should go,” Jun whispered.

  “It’s crazy to think—” Her eyes snapped up to Jun’s face. “What did you say?”

  “This guy is dangerous, Amanda. I’ve seen what these fuckers do to people, and I don’t even want to imagine you being taken by one of them.” She laid her hand on Amanda’s thigh and squeezed. “You said you had a feeling about Oshen, that you wanted to believe him. I think you should trust your instincts and go with him.”

  “But what about you? What about my job?”

  “What job? The project was put on hold, Amanda. And don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. I’m needed here. We barely have enough medical staff as it is.”

  When Amanda opened her mouth to argue, Brin stepped into the room. “I will stay behind to protect her.”

  “No offense, but I don’t know you.”

  “My, how the tables have turned.” Jun laughed before scooting closer. “Brin is an idiot, but he’s not bad.” There was something in the way her best friend turned to look at the other male that had Amanda’s brows rising. “I’m not getting into this,” she said quickly, throwing her hand up in the air to silence Amanda’s questions. “You’re the only family I have here, and I want you to be safe. If that means shipping you off to an alien world, then so be it.”

  She felt someone crouch down next to her knee and turned to see Brin’s blue eyes level with her own. “I promise you, little female, that I would give my life for Jun’s. She will be well cared for in your absence.”

  “I can care for myself,” Jun mumbled irritably, but Amanda saw the blush that colored her cheeks.

  “What about Hades?” Amanda asked, glancing up at Oshen.

  “Hades? Who is that?” Brin frowned, his blue fushori pulsing softly.

  “That is Hades.” Oshen jerked his chin toward the dark hallway where her cat sat watching the entire scene with a disapproving expression.

  “The brax!” Hades hissed as Brin jerked away from her, falling back onto the wooden floor with a heavy thud.

  With an agitated flick of his tail, Hades turned and disappeared into the darkness, leaving a bewildered Brin to stare after him.

  “A ship is approaching,” Mouni informed the room. “There is an incoming location transmission from Commander Vog.”

  Amanda felt a tingle of anxiety and panic skitter through her as Oshen held his hand out.

  “Time to say your goodbyes, gynaika.”

  “Now?” She looked around her home, her gaze sweeping over all of her belongings. “I’m not even ready. I haven’t packed anything.” With a sniffle, she turned to Jun. “I’m not ready to say goodbye.”

  “You never will be.” Jun rolled her eyes as she stood, pulling her into a tight hug. “You’ve got this,” she whispered before turning toward Oshen. “Take good care of her or I will hunt you down.”
br />   “Bloodthirsty as always,” Amanda said with a smirk.

  “You should already know the lengths I’m willing to go to if it’s for your safety.”

  “I’m honestly terrified on his behalf.”

  Jun laughed, squeezing her hand a final time before letting go. “Don’t worry about anything here. I can get it all packed up, and we’ll figure out how to get it to you once you’re settled.”

  “I need to grab some clothes and food for Hades.”

  “Just the clothes,” Oshen called after her. “The replicator can make something suitable for Hades.”

  He obviously didn’t know her picky cat very well. As fast as she could, Amanda grabbed a few changes of clothes and a couple pairs of shoes before ducking into the kitchen for a few cans of cat food. Tossing her bag over her shoulder, she crouched down to scoop up her “little beast,” as Oshen liked to call him, hugging him tight as she looked around her room one last time. “Off we go, big guy.”

  “I’ll contact you once you get on the ship and let you know if I find anything,” Brin was telling Oshen as she stepped back into the living room.

  “Do you think he’s still out there?” she asked, clutching Hades to her when he began to squirm.

  “I don’t want to stay long enough to find out.” Oshen turned to Brin, and Amanda watched as the males pressed their foreheads together, their tails intertwining. She if this was something all Venium did, something cultural she might be expected to do as well, or if this was a special sort of farewell between the two of them. “Until the Sun meets the Moons, brutok,” Oshen whispered as the two stepped away. “Best not to keep the commander waiting.”

  He held his hand out toward her, smiling gently when she placed her own within it. With one last backward glance, Amanda allowed Oshen to tug her out of the house. As they hurried down the dark street, she looked down at their interlocked fingers, remembering the day she had explained the human custom to him. A soft hiss was the only warning that they had arrived at the ship, and she felt her mouth drop open in awe as the spartan like interior of the entrance appeared from thin air. Oshen nudged her forward, stepping in behind her just as the door closed with a woosh.

  Excitement and anxiety warred within her, tying her stomach in knots as the ship started to lift off. A new love, a new home, a brand new adventure awaited her, but she couldn’t quite shake the feeling that something important was missing.

  Chapter 11


  The warm night air blew softly against his exoskeleton as he watched her from the shadows of the trees. Xuvri wanted her, wanted to possess her in every way possible, but the Venium still stood in his way. His xines shook with rage. The wounds the male had inflicted on him were so deep that he hadn’t fully healed yet. As much as he wanted to rip him to pieces, his mind was still clear enough to know this wasn’t the time for a confrontation.

  He willed his body to heal faster, to repair the damage done to him quicker, because if he didn’t have her soon, he was going to descend into madness. Her scent was so ingrained within his mind that there was no room for any other. Not even she had been enough. The thought of the other female made him shudder and snarl.

  The first time he had laid eyes on this little human, she was all that had existed, all that had mattered. He had struggled for solars with the memory of her face, of her scent, of the delicious terror in her eyes when she had looked at him. He needed her.

  Xuvri peered through the trees once more, watching her as she sat with another female within the dwelling. She had been outside, within his reach, just as beautiful and enticing as she had been six solars ago, but the Venium had been there. His vision transitioned to infrared so he could get a proper head count of all those within. Two Venium males and two human females. A growl rumbled through his chest as he watched them move. Something was happening.

  Destroy them all. Take what is yours! The madness roiled within his mind, moving and clawing, acting as if it were something entirely separate from him.

  It didn’t matter to him that the council had forbade him from taking action or that this would undoubtedly cause a rift in the fragile political relationship between his species and the Venium. She called to him like no other female had. With others, he had been able to scent their emotions, but his little female projected them. He had been able to feel them.

  Take her. Possess her.

  Xuvri shook his head, making his xines slap against his neck and shoulders. All six of his eyes tracked the female, and he growled low in his throat in disgust as the Venium took her hand. He rushed through the trees, keeping pace with them as they continued down the street.

  Kill him! Take the female!

  When they stopped, he inched closer, looking for an opportunity to snatch her away, but a door suddenly opened in front of them and he watched in a panic as she was placed inside.

  No! No! This wasn’t possible. He wasn’t going to lose her again. Crashing through the trees, Xuvri raced across the uneven terrain, but he was too late.

  “I will find you,” he panted as he felt the telltale heat of a ship lifting off of the ground. “And when I do, I will make you watch me tear that Venium limb from limb.” The comm on his arm buzzed and he looked down. “Tachin scum,” he sneered before answering the call. “What is it?”

  “If you have any hope of catching up to them, you need to leave now.” The male sounded irritated, but Xuvri couldn’t care any less.

  “I will be there soon. Have the ship ready.” He didn’t give the Tachin any time to respond, ending the transmission with the swipe of one clawed finger. He tipped his head back, inhaling the last of her fading scent and shivered with anticipation. “I am coming for you.”

  Find her.

  Possess her.

  Kill the Venium.

  Chapter 12


  They had been able to lift off from the planet without an issue and made it to the safety of the main ship, where they were greeted by a less than amused Vog. Moving through the mothership after spending so many days inside his female’s tiny dwelling felt strangely comforting. A few of his shipmates stopped dead in their tracks to stare as they passed, but Oshen only smiled, his eyes sliding down to the large feline in Amanda’s arms. Hades watched everything with a curious tilt of his head, his tail swishing back and forth.

  “Was it necessary to bring that along?” Vog asked with something close to a sneer.

  “Of course it was. I couldn’t just leave him on his own.” Amanda pressed her face into the cat’s thick fur, making kissing sounds. “You won’t even know he’s here.”

  Vog took a step back as Amanda held Hades out. “I doubt I will forget as I am going to have to spend an entire week alone with it.” His dark tail lashed along the ground in agitation.

  Oshen gently took the cat from his mate, rubbing the little beast behind his ears before setting him down on the floor of the ship. “Oh, I’m sure the two of you will get along just fine.” As soon as the words left his mouth, Hades pounced on Vog’s twitching tail, sinking his tiny fangs into the tough skin.

  A menacing growl filled the room as Vog reached down, grabbing the cat by the scruff. “For the love of the goddess! Take this to your lodgings.” He placed Hades into Amanda’s outstretched arms and sneered.

  “Well, he’s never done that to me. He must really like you.” Oshen leaned forward, a grin tugging at his lips as he whispered, “Off to a great start, Commander.”

  “I need to meet with the council and begin preparations for our departure. I’ll send you the time and location you are to report to afterward. Make sure you are dressed comfortably for the cryosleep. Take your mate and the little monster. You are dismissed.”

  “Commander.” Oshen nodded, leading Amanda out into the hall. His heart warmed when he heard her soft giggle, and he looked down to see her burying her smile within Hades’ fur. As he watched her, she went quiet, her eyes lifting to meet his as the smile fell from her face.

bsp; She took a deep breath, shuddering as it was released. Oshen admired her bravery, admired the courage that it had taken to pack up her life and come with him. His mate wasn’t just leaving her home; she was leaving her planet and everything she had ever known. Even though this was exactly what he had wanted to keep her safe, he knew she mourned for all that she was losing.

  “Amanda …” He slid a knuckle over her cheek. “I swear to you that I will do my best to make you the happiest you can be.” Her chin tilted up as she stepped into him, and he tucked a stray hair behind her ear before his lips dropped lightly onto hers. A soft moan slipped from between her lips as she opened for him, her tongue moving to brush against his as it delved within. He could hear her heart pounding against her chest as arousal swirled around him. She kissed him back with a fever that he hadn’t expected from her, and this time the kiss felt… right. Pulling back slowly, he smiled down at her.

  A loud, drawn out yowl rose up between them and Amanda jerked back, clutching the unhappy beast against her chest as Hades glared. Oshen swept the pair of them up into his arms and hurried to his quarters, ignoring the curious looks as warriors darted out of his path. The fact that these were some of the fiercest warriors among his people and they were scattering like pups made him grin. He pressed his hand to the wall outside his door, waiting as the panel was lifted into the ceiling, allowing him to slip inside.

  Hades jumped out of Amanda’s arms as soon as the door shut behind them, running into the attached room that served as his small office. For a moment, Oshen simply held her against him, trying to absorb the fact that she was even here, on the ship, in his quarters. When she squirmed in his arms, he slid her down his body until her feet touched the floor. As she looked around the space, he realized for the first time just how sparse and impersonal the room was. The only things that gave any hint that he actually lived here were the picture of his family from their last gathering that his dam had given him before leaving and the clothing hanging in the small closet.


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