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God's Lions: The Secret Chapel

Page 27

by John Lyman

  “What’s on your mind, Lev?” Leo asked, sensing that something else was troubling him.

  “I’ve just finished talking with Daniel. He’s begun to translate the Devil’s Bible.”

  John literally jumped up from his chair. “You’re kidding. That’s great!”

  “I don’t know if great is the word I would use, John. I may have an inquisitive mind, but reading the words of Lucifer is not a task any Christian should take lightly.”

  “Has he been able to learn anything so far?”

  Lev put his copy of the New Testament aside and leaned forward. “You were very wise to have the book copied for future study in case anything happens to it, Leo. The information we’ve found so far is invaluable. When Daniel’s computer program started translating from the back of the book forward, it became clear why the dark angel is so anxious to have his book back. It appears that Lucifer has his own version of Revelation, and it’s already started.”

  “I must have missed something,” Leo said, his emotions sliding from excitement to dread. “Did you say that a different version of Revelation has already started?”

  “Yes. The book itself is like an unholy relic. Some of our own holy Christian relics are able to perform miracles in God’s name. The Devil’s relic, if that’s what we can call it, has the power to cause great evil in the world. That’s the most likely reason it was hidden here on earth. Apparently, Satan’s timetable and God’s timetable for the end of days don’t agree.”

  Leo stood and began pacing the room. “Then if that’s true, why were we sent to bring something like that out into the world?”

  Lev stirred in his seat. “According to what Daniel has been able to decipher so far, the Devil’s Bible has made an appearance in the world once before and was sealed back up to await the end of days. It has the power to jumpstart the reign of the Antichrist before the rapture, causing millions of Christians to remain here on earth to suffer before God can gather them up.”

  “That’s impossible,” Leo practically shouted. “God would never allow it.”

  “That’s why we were sent to retrieve the book and take it to the chapel under the Vatican. God wants it destroyed, Leo. We are to be His instruments in preventing Satan from rushing the biblical timetable. God is sending us to protect those who have given their lives over to Christ ... we’re soldiers in a celestial war now ... and there are going to be casualties, Father.”

  Leo’s mind was reeling. “You say the book has made an appearance once before?”

  “Father Morelli told me of an old archaeologist priest who worked alone out in the Negev Desert back in the late 1930s. He was one hundred years old when he died last year. He was Morelli’s mentor and taught him about the area under the Vatican. His name escapes me, but there were stories from some Bedouins in the area that he found something out there and then suddenly left the country.”

  “Gilberto Bianchi,” John said. “That was his name. Father Morelli was his successor.”

  “GB,” Leo shouted, startling both Lev and John. They looked at him, waiting for some kind of explanation. “GB ... the initials carved into the wall of the cavern where we found the Devil’s Bible!”

  “Wow ... you’re right.” John said. “That’s who must have tunneled down there before us and then covered up that section of the cavern where the backhoe fell in. Remember those old timbers and that lantern we found next to the tunnel entrance?”

  Leo looked puzzled. “There’s only one problem. How would he have known where to look? Even if he knew about the code, he lacked a computer to unravel it.”

  “He could have been counting sequenced letters in the Bible by hand and accidentally stumbled across the coordinates of the cavern,” Lev said. “A few people who believed in the code before computers tried to find it using that method, but it was painstakingly difficult, and it took years to find even one or two words spelled out, so most researchers gave up. It’s my guess that he didn’t even know what he was looking for. He might have simply found a set of coordinates in the Bible and followed the lead like any good archaeologist would do.”

  “Still, there’s no way he could have gone down there all alone,” Leo said. “And even if he did, the book was encased under six feet of solid rock and guarded by demons.”

  Lev ran his hand through his gray beard and looked up at Leo. “I think he was allowed to take it, Father. It probably wasn’t encased under the stone when he found it.”

  Leo’s mind was racing. “But why take it and then return it?”

  Lev faced a wall of shelves that were filled with books ... books that had become like friends to him over the years. “I’ve been sitting here thinking about that. It was the same time the earth was being ravaged by World War II. That was when the Holocaust occurred. At least fifty million people around the world died. We’ll never know the true number. It was the single darkest hour in mankind’s history. The first nuclear bombs were used then, and for the first time in history, we had been given the means to destroy ourselves.”

  Leo stood in front of the room’s only window and looked out into the darkness. “So you’re saying that Satan had a hand in allowing the book to leave the cavern?”

  “Exactly, Father. Like I said before, it’s my theory that Bianchi was allowed to bring the book out into the world once he discovered it. Then later, sometime during the war, he realized what it was and connected it to the events that were happening. He must have been horrified by the book’s power to unleash so much misery around the world.”

  “That’s a good hypothesis, Lev, but how could he have returned it to the cavern and carve out a warning to ‘leave it in place’ without the demons stopping him?”

  “I think God probably had a hand in protecting Bianchi when he returned the book to the desert. The priest was an unwitting participant in Satan’s attempt to show God his power. Lucifer continues to deny that God is more powerful than he is. He probably couldn’t resist showing off a little and used a priest to do it.”

  “This is unreal,” John said. “The Devil’s Bible has been lying out there ever since, waiting for someone of Satan’s choosing to remove it so it could make an appearance in the world again sometime before the end of days ... only we beat him to it.”

  Leo looked uncomfortable. Too many things just weren’t adding up. Father Morelli had been very close to Bianchi, but Morelli obviously knew nothing about the book. Leo could only guess at whom Bianchi might have confided in. Surely, he must have told someone at the Vatican about something so monstrous and evil after he discovered what the book was capable of. Maybe that’s why there was so much interest in them from the Vatican security people, if that’s who they really were.

  “We also received the lab results from the sample of the book we took,” Lev added. “The DNA shows that the cover is made from the skin of a jackal. We’re still not clear on the symbolism involved, but we do know that the Antichrist will be born of a jackal, so that’s not too surprising. What bothers me the most is the evil that seems to flow from it. I’m convinced now more than ever that it must be destroyed, and that God alone will have to do it. It’s up to those chosen by God to keep the Devil’s book from falling into the wrong hands and deliver it to the chapel. Without Satan’s Bible, those who would change the biblical timetable laid out in the Book of Revelation will be rendered powerless.”

  Leo’s face turned pale. The darkness outside seemed even darker. “They’re going to pull out all the stops to prevent us from reaching the chapel now. This is an extremely dangerous time, not only for us, but for the whole world if we fail.”

  “How come God doesn’t just zap the book into oblivion?” John asked, peering at the backpack lying on the floor beside him. “Why does He need our help to destroy it?”

  Leo turned away from the window and smiled. “God works in mysterious ways. Surely you remember that old saying, John. God has always involved man in the war between good and evil. We have to be participants in our own salvation. T
hat’s the way it’s always been and that’s the way it will always be.”

  Lev clapped his hands together and stood. “We have to leave right away. I’ll make some calls and have my crew prepare the yacht while you two gather anything you may need for the trip.

  “You were right, Father,” John said, grinning. “We didn’t even have to ask about the boat. The man already had a plan.”

  Lev picked up the phone and called Moshe and Alon before heading for the door. He stopped and looked back at his two American friends. “This time we all go together.” He reached for the door and paused again. “And, John, don’t forget the book.” He winked before turning to race down to the command center.

  Lev burst through the command center doors and saw Daniel sitting alone in front of his computer.

  “Hi, Professor.” Daniel looked up at him with bloodshot eyes.

  “Grab your laptop, son,” Lev said. “We’re leaving.”

  Alon and Moshe entered the center and headed straight for the weapons room. They grabbed several radios and a multitude of weapons from the racks on the walls, including automatic rifles, pistols, grenades, and explosives.

  Upstairs, lights were coming on all over the villa as John and Leo ran to their rooms and threw some clothes into their backpacks. With a backpack full of clothes on one shoulder and the backpack containing the Devil’s Bible on the other, John sprinted down a long hallway to Ariella’s room and knocked on the door. She opened it and stood there for a moment before she grabbed him around the neck, pulling him into the room and kissing him deeply. John responded, forgetting for a moment why he was there.

  “We’ve got to go, Ariella.”

  Ariella closed the door and arched her eyebrows coyly. “Where?”

  “We’re taking your father’s yacht to Italy.”

  “Just you and me?”

  “No, all of us. We’re taking the Devil’s Bible to the Vatican, and we really need to hurry.”

  “Oh.” Disappointment etched her face. “That’s why you came to my room.”

  John’s eyes widened. “What did that bump on the head do to you?”

  Ariella laughed as she turned to retrieve a bag from her closet. “What bump? I feel fine.”

  John shook his head and hefted the ever-present backpack containing the book over his shoulder. “I promise you that, when I get rid of this thing, we’ll never be apart again.”

  Ariella flashed him a sensuous smile while grabbing some clothes from a pile on her bed and stuffing them into her bag. John opened the door and they both ran straight into Sarah in the hall. “I want to be on the team,” she said. “I know this is why I’m here now.”

  Ariella looked at John and hesitated before answering. “Are you sure, Sarah? I mean, your dream pretty much confirms that you were meant to be here, but this is a big commitment. We’re getting ready to head back out into the Mediterranean, and there could be a repeat of what happened earlier today.”

  “I’m sure, Ariella. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.”

  “Ok then. Come with us. Welcome to the Bible Code Team.”

  Down in the communications center, plans were being made for a hasty departure across the Mediterranean. Lev sat at a console, wearing a white dress shirt and khaki shorts. His tanned and calloused feet slipped in and out of his flip-flops as he talked to the ship’s captain on his cell phone. Alon had doubled the sentries around the perimeter and placed the villa on high alert for any suspicious activity. For security reasons, only those with a need to know were informed of the new mission now unfolding around them.

  Chapter 32

  The yacht was located about twelve miles north of the villa in the ancient port of Caesarea. Moshe and Alon departed the grounds at 2:00 AM in a small car, followed by Daniel and Sarah who caught a ride with several of the cooks in a large truck full of provisions. Nava and Gabriella had been notified and were now airborne in the Blackhawk en route to the villa.

  Leo and Lev made some last-minute arrangements before jumping into Lev’s old Land Rover, while John and Ariella grabbed Camp and piled into the rear seat. John never let the backpack out of his sight, taking one more peek inside at the clear container holding the red book before giving Leo a thumbs up. Thirty minutes behind the other departing vehicles, the Land Rover rolled out onto the highway and began speeding up the coast toward Caesarea.

  Lev was the first to see the headlights of a large white SUV turn onto the road behind them. It sped up and kept pace.

  “That’s not one of ours, is it, Father?” Ariella said.

  Lev looked into the rearview mirror. “No, it’s not. I’ll speed up a little and see what they do.”

  The SUV matched the Land Rover’s speed as the two cars raced down the highway. The large vehicle inched closer, pulling to within a few feet of the Land Rover’s rear bumper.

  “Whoever they are,” Lev said, “they don’t care about keeping a low profile.”

  Lev lifted a military walkie-talkie from the front seat next to him and called Nava in the helicopter. “We have company.”

  “How many?”

  “Looks like only one vehicle for now. A big white SUV ... and they don’t seem to be worried about keeping a low profile.”

  “Be there in three minutes.”

  The occupants of the SUV hadn’t counted on the Bible Code Team having air support as the Blackhawk swooped out of the sky and fell in behind the tailing car.

  Speeding down the highway, a man in the front passenger seat of the SUV pulled out a pistol and aimed it from his side window at the Land Rover ahead. He began firing, shattering the Rover’s rear window and causing everyone inside except for Lev to dive down in their seats.

  From the rear seat of the SUV, a third man produced a light machine gun and leaned out of his window. He looked up and aimed the gun at the Blackhawk before making the fatal mistake of pulling the trigger, firing off a series of bursts at the helicopter overhead and sealing the fate of everyone inside his own vehicle.

  Nava and Gabriella exchanged glances as they pulled up and circled around, coming back into position behind the SUV. Gabriella studied a computer-generated display through her helmet eyepiece and chose her weapon. “Got him in my sights.”

  Nava held the chopper steady while simultaneously keeping an eye on the occupants inside. The man with the machine gun crawled into the back of the SUV and lowered the rear window before aiming straight up at the helicopter.

  “Now would be a good time, Gabriella,” Nava said with a hint of sarcasm.

  With the push of a button, a rocket erupted from a side pod on the helicopter and streaked toward its target. Within seconds, the SUV was a flaming, unrecognizable heap of wreckage on the side of the highway. The large gray helicopter sped by overhead as Nava and Gabriella high-fived each other in the cockpit.

  John stared through the shattered glass of the Land Rover’s rear window at the flames receding in the distance. “Whoever they were, they definitely miscalculated you, Lev.”

  Leo was growing weary of the intrigue. “My God, who are these people? Did the police ever get any information from the two you caught spying on us at the villa?”

  “Nothing,” Lev said. “They refused to talk. The police could only charge them with trespassing and had them deported from the country.”

  “Well, it looks like they still have friends around; only this time, they did a little more than trespass.”

  The Land Rover pulled into the harbor in the early morning darkness. The lights from the yacht were ablaze, highlighting members of the crew who could be seen scurrying about the decks, making the boat ready for sea. The “small” yacht Lev had told them about earlier was actually a luxurious two-hundred-thirty-foot-long super yacht. The boat had a dark blue hull and white superstructure, and the main deck sat at least twenty feet above the water line. As soon as the Land Rover came to a stop, it was surrounded by crew members who helped Lev and the others carry all of their equipment up the gangp
lank to the yacht’s main deck.

  The Blackhawk had arrived with the Land Rover and was circling the harbor, sweeping the docks with strong searchlights looking for anyone who didn’t belong. Satisfied the scene below was clear of intruders, the two women landed the helicopter at the end of the wharf, but kept the engines running.

  While the turbines continued to whine, Nava climbed out of her armored seat in the cockpit and stepped out onto the dock. Her long black ponytail hung from the back of her helmet and swished back and forth as she walked over to speak with Alon. After a quick embrace and a few words, she waved in the direction of the helicopter and turned to board the yacht with Alon, leaving Gabriella to take control of the Blackhawk. Alone now, Gabriella lifted the chopper into the air, where she would remain overhead until the boat was safely out of the harbor.

  Leo and Lev made their way up an interior stairway of the yacht to the darkened bridge. Only the red battle lighting and the greenish glow from the radar display highlighted the men’s faces as they conferred with the captain and scanned the periphery of the harbor. Besides the helicopter overhead, several of Moshe’s most experienced men, armed with sniper rifles and night-vision goggles, had been secretly placed in concealed positions around the harbor to avoid any surprises.

  Leo poured himself a cup of coffee from a pot nearby and settled into a raised seat next to the captain’s chair. He took a sip from the steaming cup while brushing the long gray-streaked hair from his face and peering out on the reflections from the yacht’s lights on the water.

  The priest’s hands were still shaking slightly from the encounter with the SUV on the highway. “I don’t like this newest development. Those were real people with real guns out there on the highway behind us, not supernatural beings. There is more to this than meets the eye. Not only are we threatened with invisible satanic forces, but we’re also forced to deal with what appears to be a very organized effort by some very mortal individuals who want to obtain the Devil’s Bible for their own reasons.”


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