Book Read Free

Ann Carr

Page 20

by Loyal Warrior

  As he followed her down to the bed, his heart overflowed with joy, he wanted to savour this moment forever! No! His body overrode him; he wanted to demonstrate just how much he loved her!

  Elizabeth wasn’t sure how much time had passed since Duncan’s lips had claimed her own, but her toes positively curled as she replayed the ardent lovemaking which had resulted from it. She couldn’t control the colouring of her cheeks as the images flashed through her mind and she rolled onto her stomach, throwing one arm over his belly, with a groan. This was met by a chuckle as though Duncan knew exactly what she had been thinking and was amused by her thoughts. What Elizabeth didn’t realise was that Duncan’s own thoughts had been running the exact same images through his own mind, he could feel himself growing hard just thinking about it!

  Wanting to change the subject, not yet ready to discuss what had just happened, Elizabeth stated, “I didn’t expect to see you tonight. I thought you would be with your men planning for tomorrow.”

  “Ye mean today!” he stated on a sigh, wishing the early summer morning sun would stay hidden, at least for a while, to offer him a reprieve. The first rays of the new day, however, were not cooperating and were already making their appearance known. On another groan, Duncan rolled on top of Elizabeth, burying his face into the pillow beside her. He was very reluctant to start this coming day knowing all that it would bring.

  “Duncan!” she laughed at his play.

  Knowing when he was defeated he sat up and looked towards the rising sun. “My plans were made before I returned here last night” he said evenly, “I talked with my men and then left the preparations in John’s capable hands!”

  “With Colin grumbling on the sideline!” she stated dryly, remembering how it hadn’t taken long after returning before Colin had been back on his feet, much to the doctors disgust.

  “Exactly!” Duncan smiled, and turned towards her, “so I thought I’d take the opportunity to come and spend some time with my lovely wife!” He leant down.

  “Nothing wrong with that, my love!” coming to her knees she wrapped her arms around his neck, savouring his touch, his taste.

  Very gently, Duncan broke the kiss, leaning away from her, trying to resist temptation, “ye do know that all of yer brothers might not walk away from here unscathed” he needed to get this off his chest.

  Nodding, Elizabeth didn’t glance away, “that will be their decision to make Duncan. All you can do is what you must! All I want is for you to come home safely” she trusted him, trusted that whatever today brought with it Duncan would act in total fairness. Whatever he had to do, his hand had already been forced by her brother’s behaviour. All she could do was hope that they would come to their senses and pray that Duncan would return unscathed.

  Giving one last lingering kiss, Duncan left the bed to dress for the day ahead, his heart lightened by her answer, he was anxious to deal with the English so that he could return swiftly to her side.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  It was the chattering of excited voices which lead Elizabeth to Duncan later that morning. A crowd had gathered and it seemed that everybody had something to say, eagerly gossiping with the person standing beside them. They had managed to reclaim the village, largely due to the fact that the English had camped outside of the outer castle walls, leaving only a handful of men to defend the land which they had just recently taken. It hadn’t taken long for Duncan’s men to deal with them before he had ordered the drawbridge to be firmly closed and locked before the rest of the English army had been alerted to his presence.

  Struggling through the crowed, Elizabeth finally managed to make her way to the front, and only just managed to stop herself from falling flat on her face at her husband’s feet. “What’s happening?” she blurted, eager to hear the news.

  “Henry’s called Duncan onto the field to talk!” John supplied over his shoulder, the men were huddle together, discussing strategy.

  “No!” Elizabeth shouted, rather too loudly, and gained annoyed glances from each and every single one of the men present. She couldn’t blame them because as far as they were concerned it was not her place to interfere. Well the Devil take her! she thought, this was her husband! she was going to interfere!

  Before she lost their attention she quickly ploughed ahead, “you can’t go Duncan! I know my brother, Henry only wants to meet you outside so that he can offer a challenge!”

  “Which I’ll not hesitate in taking!” Duncan boomed, already prepared and eager to meet that bastard with his sword!

  “No you can’t go Duncan! Please?” she begged, fear gripping her as it never had before.

  “You dinnae have faith that yer husband will win?” Duncan questioned, advancing slowly to where she stood. She couldn’t see any fear in him, in fact he seemed almost light hearted!

  “I have plenty of faith in your abilities Duncan. But non that my brother will give you a fair fight!” she all but whispered, Duncan was now close enough to hear her words but none of the others could.

  Not caring who was looking on, Duncan hoisted her up into his arms, “Dinnae worry for my safety Elizabeth, I promise ye I’ll be coming back, why wouldnae I when I’ve got such a bonnie wife waiting here for me!” he grinned at her, trying to ease some of the worry in her that was plain for all to see.

  On a sob Elizabeth wrapped her arms around his neck as if she’d never let go. She didn’t want to let him go, she wanted to keep him safe in her arms forever, but knowing she couldn’t she tightly squeezed her eyes shut and savoured the feel of him.

  It wasn't long before she could hear the men behind them scratching around, obviously impatient for some action. On a smile she leaned back to whisper, "I'll hold you to that promise, please don't disappoint me!" Then with a quick kiss on the lips, another fierce hug and a whispered 'I love you' she turned and quickly disappeared into the crowed leaving the men behind.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  “Are ye ready for this?” John asked quietly so that none of the gathered crowd could hear.

  Nodding that he was, Duncan pulled himself up onto his horse, now eager to get the coming confrontation over and done with.

  Earlier this morning he had been in high spirits, for he had known that this day would bring him face to face with Henry, just the place he wanted to be! He’d known that he would have the opportunity to mete out his revenge. Not just for the situation they now found themselves in, or the abduction of his son, in fact he very much doubted Henry’s involvement in that scheme, believing it to be William’s own twisted plot. Indeed the main reason why he was craving revenge was because of the injury inflicted upon his wife at her own brothers hands; fair enough, Henry had not personally sent that arrow sailing into her but it had happened under his command and Duncan had no doubt that if he had been in the position to carry it out himself then he would have! Just thinking about it, he could feel the bubbles of rage begin to boil beneath his skin again. Not long now and then it would be all over, he thought.

  “Let’s go!” he called over his shoulder. Both John and Colin had demanded that he let them meet the English at his side, and while he had paused a moment at Colin’s request he couldn’t think of two other men that he would want to accompany him at this time.

  Leading the way, Duncan lead his horse through the crowd of his people. Lost in his own thoughts he took no notice of the prayers and well wishes cast in his direction, his eyes quickly scanned the many faces surrounding him, but the one that he most wanted to see was not there to greet him. Probably for the best, he thought, what was about to take place outside should not be witnessed by his wife! He would find her when he returned and make her understand why it had all been necessary, but for now he must try and put her out of his mind.

  “How will we be able to trust the English?” Colin remarked quietly to John. The two were following behind Duncan, side by side, waving and acknowledging the comments directed their way while talking quietly to each other so that they wouldn’t be ove

  “We cannae trust them!” John whispered back, dark eyes serious while he smiled down at the people around them, “and what’s more, Duncan has no intention of making any deals with them! He’s hoping Henry will challenge him and I’d wager that he’ll do everything in his power to provoke such a demand from that black hearted bastard! And what’s more, I hope he succeeds!”

  “I agree! Once Henry is taken care of then the rest of them will retreat quickly enough without their leader to push them!” Colin smiled at the image this statement provoked.

  “Aye, but hopefully not too quickly!” John inserted, and rolled his shoulders in anticipation of the coming confrontation.

  “Speak for yerself!” Colin sourly threw back, “if this turns into a full blown battle then I’m not sure that I’ll last too long” he too rolled his shoulders, but winced and sucked in his breath at the pain that that slight movement sent shooting through him.

  Ignoring his friend’s pain, for he knew that Colin would not want him to witness his weakness, John turned his attention back to the crowd surrounding them. However, his attention quickly shifted as he noticed a streak of animation behind the people. Instantly alert, he reached for his sword, but before he had time to unsheathe it he dropped back into his saddle, now deathly pale as recognition dawned and he realized that he was the only one to have noticed; and he was the one who was going to have to break the news to Duncan. Heaven help him! he sent up a prayer as he spurred his horse on to cover the distance between himself and his friend.

  Duncan sensed his friend’s presence beside him but didn’t turn. He was in no mood for company right now; wholly focussed on the job before him he wanted no distractions. John, however, was in no mood to comply with this and blurted out, “yer wife has just left the castle gates on her horse!”

  “Dinnae be stupid man! She’d never do that!” Duncan spun, his whole attention now directed at John.

  “Wouldnae she?” John questioned, “I think we both know that this is exactly something that she would do!” Before he’d finished his sentence Duncan had sped off towards the gates, a string of unmentionable curses floating from his lips. Acting quickly John followed in his wake with Colin close on his heels.

  Duncan had already given the command to lower the drawbridge and as the three men quickly advanced towards it they were clearly able to see the horse and rider gracefully jump off the end of the bridge and safely onto the gently sloping hill on the other side of it. Duncan’s heart felt as though it had stopped beating in his chest as he watched his wife ride off towards his enemy. Spurring on Shadow to move even faster, Duncan knew that he would never be able to catch her in time, he had no way to stop her headlong flight towards danger and the panic set in. Jesus! But he didn’t know what he would do if anything happened to her.

  The panic quickly turned to terror as he watched the drawbridge rise all too quickly into the air. Not willing to give in he kicked his horse and forced him to run up the steadily raising bridge, John and Colin still very firmly at his side, willing to follow him blindly.

  As they neared the edge of the bridge Shadow baulked, swiftly bringing Duncan back to his senses. There was no way he would be able to jump the distance to land now, the gap was too wide, the bridge too high. Cursing his own misfortune he tried to sooth the dancing horse beneath him and quickly turned to retreat back inside of the castle walls.

  “Who gave the orders to raise the bridge?” he bellowed as soon as he was within shouting distance of the guards on the gate.

  Not able to reply to such blatant anger directed their way the guards merely stared out over the wall in the direction of their mistress. They heard his curses but this time knew that they weren't directed at them and hastily complied with his order to lower the bridge, keeping one eye pinned on the circling man below them as they did.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  “I see the coward Scott has sent his woman out to protect him. Again!” Henry guffawed at his own joke and the men on either side of him were quick to join in. Elizabeth felt the nausea rise to her throat as she looked at this man before her, as she stared at her brother. She had always feared him on one level but had never really known the true capacity of his vindictive jealousy. Now she couldn’t take her eyes off this monster who shared her blood. She spared barely a glance at the two big brutes of men beside him; she didn’t know them, which was probably why he had chosen them, because they would have no misplaced loyalty towards her.

  “Duncan didn’t send me!” she declared with a steady voice, “he’ll be here himself very soon. I came out here with some misplaced loyalty towards my brother,” she paused, waiting for a reaction to her statement, when none came she shook her head, angry with him for not caring, angry with herself for caring too much! She knew what she was risking by being here but had felt that she had no choice but to try, so she pushed a little harder. “Go now Henry! Turn your men around and take them home and I’ll make sure Duncan and his men don’t follow you! You can leave safely with your lives” she entreated, but already knew that he wouldn’t listen, wouldn’t take her advice. His laughter confirmed her suspicions; there was nothing else she could do! Defeated, she decided to walk away.

  Elizabeth’s heart jumped in her chest when she turned towards the castle, for there in the distance riding towards her was Duncan, she couldn’t help but stare in ore at the magnificent picture horse and rider, man and beast painted as they sped across the countryside, the wind pulling at them with no success. As he neared panic took hold of her, she had to try and avoid a confrontation between these two men, she didn’t doubt Duncan’s ability only Henry’s sense of a fair fight!

  “You think we would run like cowardly dogs?” Henry’s laughter gave way to anger, “before this day is through you and your precious Scotsman will be begging for my mercy” he too had noticed Duncan’s approach and anticipation now gleamed in his cold eyes, “you will pay dear sister for giving your loyalty to these barbarians! I’ll make damn sure you share the same fate as all of the other barbarian whores that you so eagerly side with!”

  “Barbarians!” she shouted, “the only barbarian here is you Henry! You are the one seeking blood here today, it’s not them! Now I’ll give you one last chance to leave before Duncan gets here!”

  “Ha! Why would we retreat? We have you surrounded! We have enough supplies to sit here for months Elizabeth, how long will yours last?” he taunted, sure of his position on the field.

  “That’s where yer wrong Henry!” Elizabeth spun around at Duncan’s words, there were directed at Henry but his eyes burned into her own. She knew she’d be in trouble for this latest stunt! “We have ye surrounded!” he stopped his horse beside her own.

  Laughing again Henry shook his head, he wasn’t such a fool as to believe the defensive bluffs of his enemy, the two men beside him weren’t so sure and cast nervous glances between each other and the big Scotsman before them.

  “What, dinnae ye believe me?” Duncan questioned with feigned calm, trying valiantly to bring the rage he felt under control. Leaning back in his saddle he took the reins in one hand and raised the other above his head in a signal to Malcolm.

  Slowly, Malcolm stepped out from the protection of the forest, deep behind the enemy lines; a handful of men followed to stand at his side, Richard was one of them. The laughter came again, Henry couldn’t contain himself, “you think that handful of men are a match for the hundreds I have at my disposal?” he didn’t wait for an answer, instead turned his back on Duncan to look out at the impressive army he had gathered on the cleared field before him.

  Just as calmly as before, Duncan raised his arm for the second time, then he sat back and waited. He didn’t have to wait very long before Henry’s laughter subsided. All around him Scotsmen stepped out from their hiding places in the forest, as he scanned the surroundings their numbers multiplied until his own army appeared inconsequential beside them. He could see that they were indeed surrounded, that there was no rout
e for escape left open to him, there was no choice now but to stand and fight. On a bitter laugh, he turned to face Duncan, weapon raised he was prepared to use it.

  Outwardly calm, Duncan didn’t bother to reach for his sword; the only move he made was to position himself in front of Elizabeth. He had been in many battles throughout his life and didn’t fear them, never had, what he did fear was having Elizabeth stuck in the middle of a full scale fight. He didn’t want her to whiteness it, didn’t want her to be hurt by it. It was only for her sake that he uttered the next words out of his mouth. “My wife gave ye the option to retreat that I had no intention of offering. Now I am giving ye one last chance to leave here with yer life intact. Retreat now and there will be no consequence. Choose to fight and ye will not be so lucky!” Even as he uttered the words Duncan was not sure what option Henry would decide to take.

  “You think I would run like a mongrel dog?” Henry shouted, obviously not liking his options.

  “If ye were wise ye would!” the cold, hard glare coming from Duncan put the two men at Henry’s side on edge, their horses shifted beneath them as though they could sense their riders desire to flee!

  Duncan didn’t say anymore, couldn’t trust himself not to issue a challenge to the man in front of him. Instead he sat back and waited. It didn’t take long before the English army noticed that they were surrounded, none looked too happy about a confrontation for they all knew what formidable warriors the scots were and that was when numbers were on their side.


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