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Battle Mage: Winds of Change (The High King: A Tale of Alus Book 11)

Page 3

by Donald Wigboldy

  "I used reflex, of course, to get an edge on them. Then I put a few to sleep with that spell. I had to use a dark shield to absorb the warlock's fire spell. The portal rune, of course, was used to pull a sword and the defense rune shielded me when the one shield wasn't enough.

  "I can nearly turtle up with that shield, if I want."

  "None of the lightning I taught you?"

  "No, but I pulled up a portal temporarily behind them preventing the warlock from escaping when he lost too many men. It would have taken them to Hala where a bunch of wizards and battle mages could have subdued them, but they didn't risk running without knowing where it went."

  The girl pushed herself up on her elbow to look at him in surprise. "I thought you needed a Hollow Sword or a staff to draw that kind of power."

  Ashleen had become enough of a confidante to learn his trick to increasing his basic strength. Drawing power from the earth could supercharge a wizard or mage, but drawing it directly usually would result in burning out a wizard with the excess of power. A staff of wood was a good conduit that acted as a limiter and separated him from the power enough to draw the extra energy in a safer way.

  Unfortunately, he had learned that there were other consequences to over use of the world's power. It wasn't meant for men to use in the opinion of experts like High Wizard Darius, an immortal who knew firsthand what such power could do to wizards abusing the power. He had told a tale of wizards dying as old men, except that they were barely twenty years old and burned out because of the decision to use spells of devastation and chaos.

  "They had wood crates there. I simply placed a hand on one and used it long enough to create a portal. The wood burned a bit, but I doubt anyone else noticed or will figure out why."

  Ashleen frowned and replied, "If you plan to hide it from the emperor's warlocks and your own wizards, you shouldn't leave signs of using the power."

  She placed her head on his shoulder again with a sigh that sounded like the girl considered his lack of caution a problem. Perhaps Ashleen believed he was becoming arrogant in its use, but Sebastian wasn't sure that she was wrong if he had to admit it to himself. He had planned to hide his use of the earth's power, but the mage found that he was using it quite often in combat.

  It was part of why he hadn't drawn the Hollow Sword. Sebastian could use the special rune blade to pull strength from the earth creating powerful magic held in the weapon that he could release with power beyond his own, unaided strength.

  "I wonder if there is maybe a safer way to contain extra magical power. Drawing from the earth the way you do is too dangerous and you know it," Ashleen stated letting her breath touch his skin as she looked at the side of his face again.

  "I've been contemplating that as well," he answered before turning his head to look at the girl. Finding her blue eyes looking at him from only a few inches away, Sebastian wasn't surprised when Ashleen tilted her chin up bringing her lips to his. The kiss was gentle and soft. He could smell the flowered scent of her perfume and perhaps that of the soap she had found in the markets that was more expensive than the mage with a farmer's background could imagine.

  Their talking paused as they repeated their kiss and he felt her right hand slide up his chest to caress his neck. Sebastian could feel a slight electricity between them and it wasn't just from their bond. Ashleen, as a wilder, always had her power on and couldn't prevent at least some of the defensive electricity leaking from her skin. Her power came from her connection to the earth and Sebastian often wondered how she could be tied so closely to it without burning up as they knew would happen to most wizards. If he could ever figure out how that worked, maybe the mage wouldn't need a staff to tap the earth's energy.

  Even as they kissed, the mage's thoughts managed to wander trying to solve other questions he had. Sebastian had been called mizard at one point. A combination of wizard and mage for his ability to create mage spells out of ones he witnessed wizards use, the nickname had changed to owl for the supposed wisdom or at least knowledge the mage seemed to be gaining as he let his mind dream bigger than any other battle mage had before him.

  "Stop thinking," Ashleen mumbled with her lips touching his. Her hand slapped his chest lightly before returning to his cheek once more making him want to laugh. The girl seemed to know when his mind wandered and at this time she only wanted his mind on her.

  He didn't blame Ashleen and didn't mind letting go for a little while at least.

  Their friends had met them at the Black Smith Inn that night. Fewer of those he had come to Hala with were around these days, but some of the wizards and mages remained in the city. He was pretty sure that part of that came from his leaders who hoped to get more out of him. While Sebastian had discovered dozens of new spells that could be used by battle mages over the last year and a half, his newest breakthroughs kept them watching him. The wizards and mages who had become part of his team were useful in bringing more out of him, or so Sebastian guessed at their thoughts.

  Having a core group to relax with for long periods was tough while serving Southwall as a soldier, wizard or battle mage. They were transferred often. Once he would make new friends, invariably a new mission or place of work would be decided for him making him move and have to do it all over again. Of course, Sebastian hadn't been relocated as often or separated from teams that he liked to work with as much as most serving their country.

  His length of service was really too short to begin to complain, but after his time training at the school in White Hall, Sebastian hadn't spent more than a few months in any one place. He had managed to keep most of his tournament team together over the summer, but that was because they had also been on a ship together performing a secret mission.

  It was the remnants of that team staying in Hala which he and Ashleen had met for dinner and dancing.

  Even while enjoying his time with the others, however, something had been eating at Sebastian since his time in the enemy's warehouse hideout. He had slept lightly and while it was still dark, Sebastian had given up on his rest to go wash up for the morning in the bathroom at the end of the hall.

  Slipping out from under Ashleen's draping arm and leg as she snuggled against his side, the young man did his best not to awaken the wilder. He noted the gray light in the room coming through the drawn blinds. His eyes went from the light to the girl lying in his bed.

  A pretty, blonde haired girl; Ashleen was sleeping in a thin shirt with straps over her shoulders looking peaceful as she slept. The shirt had ridden up slightly revealing some of her stomach and side above her silk underwear. He moved the sheet, which had covered them both, up to her chest knowing that she hated being too warm, but the early morning air was quite cool. The summer south of the wall had been much warmer than the Kardorian had been used to for most of her life, but they had been even further south while he had performed his mission as well. Of course, the summer heat while sailing the North Sea with its cooling breezes had never seemed as muggy or warm as it had been in Hala since returning.

  Letting out a breath in place of a true sigh, the young man chided himself, "Stop thinking so much."

  A smile touched his lips thinking of the young woman's words to him the previous day as they had kissed.

  Gathering the clothes he would wear to walk to his destination, Sebastian slipped out the door locking it behind him. Ashleen wasn't a morning person anyway; so making sure she was safe, he knew that the young woman wouldn't begin to care that he was gone for several more hours. Dressed in only his under shorts would have had him risk being too scandalous for Madame Alamore, the inn keeper, who had sometimes accused Ashleen of being so when entering the inn after being in the hot smithy; but no one else seemed to be up so early. The faint sounds of snoring could be heard from a couple of the rooms without even using a battle mage spell to increase his hearing.

  Sebastian quickly bathed. Ashleen had commented that he had smelled like smoke after the fight the previous day. While he hadn't bothered to shower
before their evening began, the mage had woken up noticing the smell on his pillow case though it was pretty faint. After the bath, including washing his hair to rid himself of the lingering smell of smoke; Sebastian dropped off his sleeping clothes in the room before leaving once again.

  The dining area of the inn was empty though the first bumping around of Hilda and her staff consisting mostly of family could be heard coming from the kitchen as they prepared for those looking for an early breakfast. A little food would have been appreciated; but the mage could make it until a more appropriate time, he was pretty certain, so he hurried out from the front door of the inn.

  Cool air greeted him and he was glad that they had closed the window before going to bed. The room had been just the right temperature for the two of them to sleep comfortably, but this cool air was a reminder that the summer was coming to a close; which meant winter would be close behind a stunted version of fall weather. That was the usual way of Southwall and the rest of North Continent close to the sea. Only the southern waters could keep the northern winds from making the south as cold as the land was said to be north of the Dragon Spine Mountains all year long.

  Leaving the inner city, Sebastian hurried to the compound controlled by the fire wizards in Hala. While most would consider such a destination very odd for a battle mage, it was the courtyard behind the fire wizards' guild hall that drew the young man this morning.

  Guards of a more common kind met him with crossed spears barring his approach. The gray light of predawn had brightened enough to see the colors of his falcon uniform and Sebastian was also becoming a common sight to the men here since he was one of the few capable of using the portal contained within the stone walls.

  "Halt. What is your business, falcon...?" the soldier asked sounding a bit tired. His shift had to be nearing a close, Sebastian thought, and the man's eyes were certainly less focused than a sentry's should be.

  "Falcon Sebastian Trillon, I've come to check something with the portal. Are wizards on standby inside?"

  "Wizards Treya and Zeben drew the short straws," the soldier replied before raising his hand to cover a yawn. The mage thought the same could be said for the guards stuck watching a space of land that was mostly boring empty courtyard, except for those rare times a portal was created inside.

  Escorting the mage to the doorway which had been reinforced with metal strapping, the guard opened the door to where six more guards stood watch while two wizards sat trying to stay awake until the end of their shift.

  "Falcon Sebastian Trillon is here to check on the portal, wizards," the guard stated even as he stepped out of the younger man's path. Sebastian wasn't trying to push his way past by any means, but was willing to take the opening to enter the courtyard.

  The female wizard stood looking more awake than her companion. Her blond hair looked grayer in the light before the sun arrived on the eastern horizon and her green eyes seemed equally washed out as did the rest of those gathered in the courtyard. From that stand point, Sebastian could have picked a better time to visit, but he knew it would be quiet and that he should have a moment to test some of his theories.

  "Falcon, what brings you so early, or late, depending on how one views this side of morning?" the older woman questioned. While she was still in her prime by the look of her, Sebastian was nearing twenty-one now making her his senior by more than a decade if he had to guess at her age.

  "I had problems sleeping because I am worried over the security of the portal gates," he replied truthfully. His mind had been going over how simple it had been for him to find the emperor's gates and change them to suit Southwall's needs. Holding a map, the mage could trace the magic used to create and maintain a portal doorway. He had chased the familiar signature of a dark mage named Palose, who had once been a Southwall battle mage and his friend, and overridden every portal the Betrayer had managed to create south of the wall and took them for his own use.

  The woman gestured to an empty space that would appear rather unimpressive to someone without the ability to see magic. Even for someone like that, the faint power coming from a pair of stones set about eight feet apart was rather basic.

  "There haven't been any calls to arms or tests on this portal since I heard we sent troops to support you," the woman stated even as the male wizard behind her looked over at the two and rubbed his left eye. He was awake but looking ready to return to his room and the bed waiting for him there. "I don't know why you would worry over security when you can see it clear enough. We have our guards and this courtyard has been created to keep us isolated in the case of any other type of event. Nothing has happened so I am not sure what you expect to find."

  "Could you do me the favor and open a door size portal to Windmeer's test room?" the mage requested rather than answering Wizard Treya's question.

  Motioning for the earth wizard to help her, the woman eyed the battle mage again thinking that he was way too young to be asking for favors, but Sebastian's reputation had grown to nearly legendary heights in just over a year. He was known for his assistance in the Battle of the Two Towers for calling the portal gateways by himself, a feat that most wizards had been unable to do so far.

  "Aren't you supposed to be capable of making one yourself, mage?" the woman asked appearing skeptical despites the stories.

  Sebastian placed his left hand over his right forearm and an oval rune appeared darkening his skin making the wizards' eyes widen slightly in surprise. He had spoken no words and this magic was completely unknown to either of them. With magic he had learned on his journey, the mage nicknamed the owl had surprises not only for his people but the Dark One's as well.

  Answering as a sword was drawn from the magic mark, Sebastian informed the wizards, "While I can it is hard to hold one open and inspect it at the same time."

  Looking ready to question him again, Treya was elbowed by Zeben as he began the incantation given them by the high wizard from Eirdhen. Portal magic was in Southwall's hands now, but the wizards of the country had a foreign wizard to thank for it. If it hadn't been High Wizard Darius to spread the news of the magic of the spell, the wizards knew that they would have been even more humiliated when Sebastian had gifted them with the same discovery.

  He was just a battle mage and lacking in raw magical power, but it was known that the mage had cracked the spell before Hala had been informed of Darius' discovery.

  A golden gateway formed in the air. About the size of an exterior doorway to one of Hala's businesses, the portal looked made of a single pane of amber glass. Its ripples weren't sedentary, but continued to shift along the surface as if the magic barely held the doorway in place.

  "There," the female wizard offered with an open hand towards the glowing doorway. "I don't know what you expect to discover that the high wizard or one of our wizards haven't already figured out already. The magic isn't so new that we haven't tested it thoroughly, mage."

  With a sword in his hand, Sebastian neared the portal making Zeben in particular seem nervous. A battle mage with a sword in close proximity to a wizard could slay the pair with just the simple steel blade in a fight. More and more wizards had come to understand their frailties in battle after he had confronted the tournament champion in a battle circle. It had been in their apprentice days a year ago, but word of the fight and easy win for the mage had even made it to the capitol.

  The sword was aimed towards the shimmering rectangle before them and pierced the glow for a foot of its length. Sebastian ignored Treya's attitude and the male wizard apologized saying, "Don't mind, Treya. Since Darius brought this magic, only a handful of us have figured it out meaning we cover these stones so often that we have begun to lose sleep. It's still before sunrise and it has been a long night just waiting to see if we are even needed here."

  Lifting the blade to touch the top edge of the glowing rectangle, the steel caught as if touching a doorframe. It was a solid restriction and Sebastian wondered if something struck that edge if the light would stretc
h or if the weapon would break. While it was his least expensive sword, he had bought it for testing the metal to make more of his magical Hollow Swords. The weapon had still cost him quite a few gold. It was a good weapon and the owl didn't feel the need to test the unimportant thought in his head.

  The blade went from side to side finding the same resistance to passing from the light. Withdrawing the weapon from the gateway, Bas slid to the side looking at the portal from parallel to the glowing rectangle. From the side, there was nothing he could see and the young man asked as he considered the doorway, "Does every portal always face this way? Do people both enter and exit from the same side every time?"

  Surprising the wizards, both gave the question true consideration and Treya answered slowly first, "I think people have always entered and left from this side. Why do you ask?"

  "I have seen portals opened in close proximity from different angles and heights. If the lodestones are holding the doors to one entry and exit that might make a difference in where we should set these points."

  The mage stepped around back of the doorway and noticed the change in color. It wasn't golden from this side and was in fact a dull off white. Like a paper backing covering the back of a mirror, there was no luster and, in fact, the backside was completely opaque. If it was a one way portal, then what happened if someone were to strike the back?

  The metal of the sword's blade struck the rear of the portal and Zeben noticed the mage's apparent interest with the back of the gateway. Seeing the metal blocked completely by the reverse side of the entry for the portal; the wizard's eyes opened wider. He hadn't heard of anyone testing that side before.

  People entered and went to a silver world momentarily before exiting a second gate to another place in their world. What the other side of the portal did should have been meaningless and no one had thought to see what it could do as opposed to the active side of the gate.

  Placing his hand against the back of the gate, Sebastian noticed the warmth of magic. It felt solid as a wall, but warm; which made the young man step back to the side of the gate which seemed invisible from right beside it. He placed his left hand against the glowing portal side and felt the same warmth as his fingers seemed to disappear from his sight.


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