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Indigo-E.T. Connection

Page 12

by Marshall Masters

  All the same, present-day orthodoxies continue to suppress the knowledge and growing interest in the phenomena synchronicity, despite the fact they'll win against it. Like a beaten army in retreat, the orthodoxies can only offer up boisterous rear-guard actions to slow the inexorable advance of awareness.

  Indigo synchronicities are real. Your soul does draw people, places, and events into your life for one reason or another. Your mind is capable of simultaneously perceiving two or more identical events, connected in ways that defy our understandings of time and space. In the absence of observable causes, do not presume them to be accidental effects, for if they are true, you'll already simply have the knowledge of it.

  Whether the synchronicities you soul attracts bring help, insights, learning, warnings, or personal growth, accept them freely when you feel they are real, and do so with humility. They are the precious gifts from a living universe.

  And never, ever forget that survival is not, and never will be an option! It is your solemn responsibility. Accept that knowingly and cherish it.

  * * *

  May You Be Remembered Well

  This book has been a journey for me, and before I type the last period on the last page of this heartfelt work, I would like to share with you, my reader, the personal vision I have given myself and by which I judge myself. I share it to honor you, and nothing more.

  For me, the term catastrophe is misleading because everything in the living universe happens for a reason, even when it appears senseless. I prefer the term evolutionary event to catastrophe.

  While the KT-Extinction event was a catastrophe for the dinosaurs, it was a magnificent evolutionary event for humankind. If you trace the history of life on this planet all the way back, you no longer see catastrophes; you see evolutionary events beginning with the one that ended the reign of single cell creatures on our planet, ushering in the multicell creatures that provided the earliest foundation of life as we know it today.

  As time moves towards the future, we will inevitably encounter our own evolutionary event. Writing this book has given me the inner peace of knowing that we already possess the gift needed to cross the cusp during that moment in time and will evolve into something even more than we are now. This is because evolutionary events awaken the dormant key within the genome of a species so that it can evolve during the event; and at this very moment in time our keys are awakening, and just in the nick of time.

  The Indigos are the keys and they have always been here. Therefore, there is nothing new about them, other than the fact that they exist in greater numbers today than ever before in the history of humankind. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON!

  Personal Vision of Humankind's Coming Evolution

  At this stage in my own life, I do not likely expect to see the enlightened world promised by prophesy at the end of our coming travails. However, I do know that humanity will see it with the assistance of our Indigos. Our galactic neighbors-as they come to our aid when our home is ablaze with fire-will seek out, communicate with, and assist the Indigos with the task of leading those who followed, across the cusp and into a newly evolved world.

  Beyond that temporary tribulation, I see humanity evolving into a wonderful existence where we all finally get it. When each person finally understands that we can only build lasting civilizations when we all are fully committed to seeing harmony.

  We will explore the stars too, for knowledge, understanding and companionship. As our bodies evolve to meet the needs of space travel and of existence on other planets, so will our spiritual and intellectual powers. In some future incarnation, we will be able to remember the past life memories of our spirits just as easily as we remember a first kiss.

  The future children of humanity will look back upon us and struggle to imagine how we managed to live such difficult, short, and solitary lives. Yet, they will crave to know their ancestors better so as to better understand themselves.

  As they begin their ancestral searches, they will know that they hold in common with us the same three gifts:

  The first gift is that of nature-our physical bodies.

  What marvelous machines our bodies are. We simply think, and a hand moves. We become moved to tears, and our eyes well up. We make love, and feel ourselves merge into one another. Marvelous. Simply marvelous.

  The second gift is that of sentience-our persona of awareness.

  Those who have walked the Earth before us have, through consecutive generations, added their instinctive understandings of the universe to the pool of wisdom contained within our inner knowledge. It is this gift that first shapes each of us and we know it by how we call ourselves. It is what gives us the ability to say, as the 17th century French philosopher Ren? Descartes explained: I think, therefore I am.

  The third gift is that of the spirit we host-our spark of life.

  The first gift, our physical body is an energy container and it vibrates at the atomic level like anything else. It is this vibration that contains our spirit, the spark of life that existed before us and will continue to exist beyond us, within our own bodies.

  Before birth and while we are still in our mother's womb, our bodies reach a vibrational point at which they are finally strong enough to contain (or host, if you will) a spirit. Then after the spirit enters the body, it remains there (save for the occasional brief excursion) throughout the remainder of our natural lives.

  The process culminates with what so many needlessly fear as something called death. In purely mechanical terms, death is that end point in the lifecycle of the physical body where its ability to generate the vibrational state necessary to contain the spirit fails, and the spirit then passes beyond it as easily as water passes through a kitchen colander.

  Perhaps our greatest fear of death is that our existence, our persona of awareness will vanish as though it had never existed. That fear is not altogether unjustified, especially for those of us who choose to live in the self-interested dregs of society.

  Consider this. When Descartes said, I think, therefore I am, he was really addressing his philosophy of our second gift: our persona of awareness, which is the literal extension of the relatively short-lived first gift-our physical body. This is because when the body ceases to function at the desired vibrational level, the spirit leaves that which can no longer contain it, it likewise can no longer support the sentient thoughts of our host persona.

  After our bodies return to the basic carbon inventory of the universe and there is nobody left alive to remember us, our persona of awareness will indeed vanish as if it had never existed; that is, save for the memories of our existence which are destined to become the cherished memories of the spirit we hosted within us during our brief existence.

  What those memories will look like to those who will examine them from a future time, is quite interesting to imagine.

  I prefer to liken the many physical personas which host a spirit through its timeless evolution to that of colorful costumes. Some are neatly hung in a great handcrafted clothes cabinet. Others are stored out of sight in an old clothes hamper, which has long grown musty with the odor of soiled costumes.

  As our spirits evolve and are likewise hosted by more evolved beings, the spirit will gladly share its clothes cabinet with its future hosts. As to the soiled costumes in the hamper, sharing that will be up to the future hosts, provided they're interested in fishing through the musty confines of a universal clothes hamper.

  I for one would certainly prefer that my costume hang neatly in the clothes cabinet, as opposed to being tossed into a smelly hamper until it can be given a good cleaning.

  For a moment, let's imagine a futuristic twenty-five-cent tour of the clothes closet. One by one, my guest spirit lifts costumes out of the cabinet until mine comes out on a neatly clipped hanger. Oh this was a remarkable life, my spirit tells its new evolved host. I remember it well, the spirit will add, as it begins displaying a breathtaking panorama of my life. Now that, as they say in show business, is a tough ac
t to follow.

  Consequently, each time I find myself coming to a moral fork in the road I always ask myself one simple question: Which path leads towards the closet and which one will land me in the hamper?

  No matter the price, I take the path that leads towards the closet, for better or for worse and without regret.

  Will my decisions always be wise? Who knows? All I can hope is that at some time in the distant future, my spirit holds my persona costume up and says, Now that Masters fellow was interesting indeed. He was never afraid to try. Now I'll tell you about the time he...

  To you dear Indigos, my deep respect for your gift and my sincere love for the courage you must find within yourself to accept this heavy burden which has been placed upon your shoulders by our living universe. May you be remembered well!

  * * * *

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  Other Works by Marshall Masters




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  Godschild Covenant: Return of Nibiru

  Gold Fever

  Orange Blossom

  When They Invite You to Dinner-Eat First

  * * *

  Godschild Covenant: Return of Nibiru

  Marshall Masters

  GODSCHILD COVENANT: RETURN OF NIBIRU is a fast-paced action drama set against a global backdrop of tribulation that brings humanity into contact with extraterrestrial races. The story begins in 2011 with the early onset of natural and man-made catastrophes. In the midst of this maelstrom, the pains, secrets, and shady characters of Anthony Jarman's earlier life propel the story at a breathtaking pace, as he struggles to redefine his life through a newfound love for a son he has never met. In the process, he finds himself irresistibly drawn to a dynamic and powerful leader who mourns the recent loss of her own family.


  ISBN: 0-9725895-5-4

  DOI: 10.1572/0972589554


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  ISBN: 0-9725895-3-8

  DOI: 10.1572/0972589538

  Palm eBook

  ISBN: 0-9725895-4-6

  DOI: 10.1572/0972589546

  REVIEW: “Godschild Covenant, written by Marshall Masters, is a very unique, poetic and uplifting book. In it, Mr. Masters shows great insight into the immense strength of the human spirit, insight which many people alive now have been unable to notice, whether it be because of their busy lifestyle or their aspirations toward a specific goal.

  From beginning to end, Godschild Covenant demonstrated moving, poetic tenderness. While restricted by circumstances, the story of the sexual love between Anthony and Tanya was shown to be heart wrenching and full of the emotional beauty of a love between two soul mates.

  This unique book is futuristic, yet full of truth. It uplifts the reader from the normal, mundane, everyday existence to a place that all of humanity will eventually reach. Ahead of his time, Marshall Masters is giving humanity a message, a prediction, which will soon come to pass. Meanwhile, Marshall, with his mastery of imagination and narrative skill, leads the reader through entertainment to the truth of a realistic, yet hopeful land, the land of the Godschild Covenant.

  This story surpasses all other novels and works of fiction. It is an immensely rewarding journey; it is so inspiring, so enticing that it makes one want to reach the last word of the book, while still feeling sorry for the fact that the book is drawing to an end."—Mobipocket's Opinion

  * * *

  Gold Fever

  Marshall Masters

  Three adventurous college students set out to find abandoned Spanish gold mines in the hills of Arizona and find unexpected danger and ancient mysteries along the way. The experience not only creates a bond among newfound friends, but also launches a whole new future for humankind.

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  SBN: 0-9755177-1-6

  DOI: 10.1572/0975517716

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  DOI: 10.1572/0975517708

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  DOI: 10.1572/0975517775

  Palm eBook

  ISBN: 1-59772-000-3

  DOI: 10.1572/1597720003

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  Orange Blossom

  Marshall Masters

  Just when a handsome young aerospace consultant thinks that his contract to document a sophisticated communications satellite system has been mysteriously cut short, he is given an unexpected reprieve. There is a glitch in the ground control system and the brilliant engineer who designed it holds all the answers to his questions-if only he can penetrate her cold and reclusive nature. Tasked to work with him, she persists in keeping both him and his curiosity at arm's length. Though his superiors push him for results, it is the scent of orange blossoms that compel him to uncover the strange glitches in the satellite system as he is drawn towards a life-changing surprise.

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  DOI: 10.1572/0972589570

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  ISBN: 1-59772-002-X

  DOI: 10.1572/159772002X

  * * *

  When They Invite You to Dinner—Eat First

  Laurie Burns Hennicker and Marshall Masters

  Author Laurie Hennicker recounts heartwarming New York City childhood memories of how her struggling immigrant family found perpetual joy and contentment in the midst of the Great Depression. The secret she shares in this heart-lifting book is simple-unconditional love still works, even in the twenty-first century. When They Invite You to Dinner-Eat First is a reminder of the joy of living with unconditional love. Her tender childhood stories will give any funny bone an irresistible tickle!


  ISBN: 0-9755177-8-3

  DOI: 10.1572/0975517783

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  DOI: 10.1572/0975517759

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  ISBN: 1-59772-003-8

  DOI: 10.1572/1597720038

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  ISBN: 1-59772-004-6

  DOI: 10.1572/1597720046

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