5 Bargain Hunting
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Browse the critics’ glowing praise for USA TODAY bestselling author RHONDA POLLERO and her “totally entertaining”* Finley Anderson Tanner novels
“Witty, upbeat, all-around entertaining. . . . A great read with plenty of attitude!”
—Janet Evanovich
“A fun, fascinating journey you won’t want to miss.”
—Nora Roberts
“A good blend of laughter and mystery. . . . Perfect for a little escape.”
—Fallen Angel Reviews
“Amusingly entertaining and filled with fascinatingly appealing characters.”
—Single Titles
“Will make readers eager for an encore.”
—Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
“Bright, breezily written. . . . Full of humor and quirky characters.”
“Stylishly entertaining. . . . Certain to be a runway hit.”
“A great book to curl up with on the beach.”
—Fresh Fiction*
—Publishers Weekly
“Rhonda Pollero’s humor and compelling mystery will keep you turning pages.”
—Tess Gerritsen
“An amazing talent. . . . Murder has never been this much fun!”
—Cherry Adair
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
About Rhonda Pollero
For Shirley,
you finally get your wish.
Some mothers are nurturing, others eat their own young.
“You have god-awful taste in men, Finley.”
This, I mused, from the woman currently trolling for husband number five. Or was it six? I would have fired that shot over the bow, but I knew I was outgunned. My mother was a formidable foe, and for some reason, when I was being called on the carpet, I morphed from a capable twenty-nine-year-old into a timid seventeen-year-old.
“And to think you brought that man to your sister’s wedding. I raised you better than that.”
I nearly choked on my Cobb salad. Raised me? She’d been too busy being Mrs. Somebody-or-Another to bother raising me. I used to tell my friends that I’d been raised by wolves until one of them pointed out that at least wolves show affection by licking their young. My mother wasn’t hardwired for affection. Well, not unless you were my perfect younger sister, Lisa. She’d been perfect as a pediatric oncologist and now she was perfectly married to the perfect Dr. David Huntington-St. John IV, one of the richest men in Atlanta. Without even trying, Lisa has elevated perfect to the next stratosphere.
Me? I’m a paralegal. My mother sees this as a menial job and never understood why I took my LSATs but never bothered applying to law schools. She doesn’t get that I want a life, not an eighty-hour-a-week job chained to a desk.
“Tony would have been a much more appropriate choice,” she insisted as she chased a bit of grilled mahimahi around on her plate.
“Tony has a fourteen-year-old daughter and he’s my boss,” I said, defending myself as I dabbed at the corners of my mouth with my linen napkin. I’d barely eaten a third of my salad, but my churning stomach couldn’t handle another bite.
“You of all people should know that isn’t a problem,” my mother said as she smoothed her perfectly lacquered brown hair. As usual, everything about her was proper and in its right place. She had on a pale yellow Chanel suit with lime green pumps and, unlike every other woman in Florida, stockings. She wore a pretty lime-and-yellow brooch up high on her collarbone. Very Jackie O., which made sense, since my mother fashioned herself after the American icon.
Cassidy Presley Tanner Browning Johnstone Rossi—or whatever the order is—is a stunning woman in her early fifties, though she looks more like forty thanks to early intervention plastic surgery. She was barely twenty-two when I was born. At the time, she was a single mother, a fact I only found out when I was thirteen. Until then, I’d been told that my name was a combination of family names. What went unsaid was that Finley and Anderson were the surnames of the two men my mother was sleeping with when she got pregnant with me. And yes, that does mean my initials are FAT; and no, there isn’t a joke I haven’t already heard and disliked.
My mother likes to blame me for the premature end to her career as an opera singer at the Met in New York, but in all honesty, she developed nodules on her throat and once they were removed, her voice never fully recovered. Just as she hadn’t fully recovered from my transgression at my sister’s recent society wedding in Atlanta. Only it wasn’t my transgression. Liam McGarrity was the sinner in question. He’d gone out of his way to take potshots at my mother, and while it had been fun at the time, the hour had come for me to shed my pound of flesh.
At least I was shedding in a good place. Sunday lunch at Ironhorse Country Club was lovely. The small restaurant had floor-to-ceiling glass overlooking the manicured golf course beyond. I didn’t give a flaming fig about golf; I just loved the stunning flowers and meticulously kept grassy knolls. Not that we were there for the view—at least not that view. My mother had her eye on a cardiologist from the neighborhood, so we’d been lunching at Ironhorse for a while now. Guess it was lucky for Mom that she’d gotten the club membership in one of her lucrative divorce settlements.
“At least do me the courtesy of listening when I speak to you,” she chastised in the quiet but threatening tone I hear mothers use on toddlers at grocery stores.
“I am listening.” Kinda. “But what more can I do than apologize? Which I have done a gazillion times already.”
Her brown eyes narrowed. “You’re sorry I’m upset, but you aren’t sorry for doing what you did. That is the crux of the problem.”
I wanted to throw Liam under the bus. After all, it was his idea to get frisky at the wedding for all to see. It was his idea to exchange verbal barbs with my mother. I was an innocent bystander. Albeit an amused one. “Great-aunt Susan liked Liam,” I offered weakly. My great-aunt didn’t just like him. I think she had a serious crush on him, especially after he’d spirited her around the dance floor a time or two.
“Aunt Susan likes every man.”
Then no wonder you were named for her. Oh, right, back to the name thing. My mother was born Susan Presley but thought Cassidy was a better stage name so she had it legally changed.
“Would it have killed you to bring Tony Caprelli on the most important day in our family’s life since Lisa graduated, with honors, from medical school? And what did you do to your back?”
“Nothing, my back is fine, why?”
“I just assumed there was a medical reason for the way you’re slouching.”
Out of habit I snapped into position. “Tony had an
emergency that weekend, Mom. Liam or no Liam, he still would have missed the wedding.”
“That we could have explained away. But that vulgar man. He made you a spectacle.”
“Since half the bridesmaids were lit and practically giving lap dances by the third hour, I think my one dance paled in comparison.”
“Not in my mind, it didn’t.”
Thankfully Philippe came over and asked, “May I take your plates?”
“Yes, thank you,” we said in unison.
Philippe took both plates and balanced them in one hand and on his forearm. “Shall I bring a dessert menu?”
“No,” my mother countered. Poor Philippe’s face showed he didn’t care for being west of the rock and east of the hard place.
“Just coffee,” I relented.
“Tea for me,” my mother corrected.
“When did you start drinking tea?” I asked.
“It’s much better for you. You drink far too much coffee. All that caffeine will eat through your stomach lining.”
“Tea has caffeine.”
My mother slowly shook her head as her collagened lips pursed so she could make some sort of tsking sound. “Must you argue with me over every little thing? One would think you’d be grateful being treated to a nice lunch.”
I noticed that as she criticized me, her attention was drawn over my left shoulder. Discreetly, I dropped my napkin on the floor and as I bent to pick it up, I glanced backward. “I am grateful,” I lied. It wasn’t like she’d invited me to lunch. It was more of a command performance. I could have one foot in the grave and would still jump if she said jump. God, I am such a wuss. “Isn’t that Dr. Chambers who just arrived?”
“Did he?” she asked coyly. “I barely noticed.”
Yeah, right. “I thought you were hot for him.”
“Finley Tanner!” she gasped, one hand going to the ever-present strand of pearls at her throat. “I can’t believe you’d be so crass.”
“Sorry. How about, I thought you were intrigued by him.”
“He’s a lovely gentleman. Cardiologist. Widower.”
“Then he’s right up your alley,” I said into my water glass. Thankfully my mother was busy waving demurely.
“He’s coming over here. Behave.”
What did she think I was going to do? Strip naked and dance on the table?
“Cassidy,” the doctor greeted, taking her hand and gallantly kissing her ring. No wonder she liked him. Rich, single, and a suck-up. “And let me guess, this is your sister.”
I couldn’t help but smile at the twinkle in his blue eyes as he played out the game.
“Heavens no,” my mother answered. “This is my daughter Finley. Sisters,” she fairly gushed. “Seriously, Burt.” She was practically cooing.
He took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Honest mistake. I should have guessed that this lovely girl is your daughter.”
I didn’t know why. My mother, like my sister, is dark haired with brown eyes. I, on the other hand, am a fair-skinned blonde with blue eyes and a completely different bone structure. I wondered if I should tell the good doctor that I got my looks from either Mr. Finley or Mr. Anderson. No, that would send my mother into a rage the minute we were alone.
“Please excuse me,” I said as I rose from my chair holding my new-to-me fuchsia Prada clutch. Just one of the items I’d treated myself to with my Ellen bonus.
I’d done well with the Ellen bonus. Turns out it paid to save your boss from a lunatic. The fact that I’d spent the bonus twice already was irrelevant. After what I’d gone through, I deserved a little splurge. Okay, so it wasn’t so little—but seriously, it wasn’t as if the law firm of Dane, Lieberman, and Caprelli was going to rain money on me on a regular basis. Especially since the firm had officially changed its name. I missed Mr. Zarnowski, but with his sudden demise from a heart attack, Vain Victor Dane wasted no time having the doors repainted and new stationery ordered. As the managing partner, he held a lot of power. He also got manicures more often than I did and, unlike Ellen Lieberman and Tony Caprelli, he simply tolerated me.
“. . . wasn’t it, Finley?”
Oh God, I’d zoned out during the flirtation stage. I took the safe route. “Definitely.” Please, please let that be an appropriate response.
When I didn’t get the infamous Cassidy glare, I felt the muscles between my shoulder blades relax. As nice as the promise of strong coffee was, I could use a mojito. Or two.
As Philippe arrived with my coffee and my mother’s tea, I asked the doctor, “Are you waiting for someone?”
“My golf partner. Thanks to his eagle on fourteen, we won this morning.”
“Congratulations,” my mother said.
I gulped down my coffee, a faux pas not lost on my mother. “Look at the time,” I said. “I feel terrible but,” to quote Liam, “I have a thing and if I don’t leave now, I’ll be late. Dr. Chambers, perhaps you could keep my mother company while she has her tea?”
“Of course,” he said when he stood. “It would be my pleasure.”
“Thank you again for lunch,” I said to my mother. She was busy staring at the good doctor. “I’ll call you,” I lied.
“Mmm-hmm,” she managed as she glanced up at me. It was the first time in ages I’d seen approval in her eyes.
I wasn’t sure when I’d become my mother’s wingman, but I didn’t care. It got me out of post-lunch chitchat and out of the club, and it wasn’t quite two P.M. If I had a singing voice, which I don’t, I might have belted out the hallelujah chorus as I made my way to my champagne pink convertible. Technically it belonged to the Mercedes Leasing Corporation, but I thought of it as mine.
Slipping behind the wheel and turning over the ignition, I tuned into WILD 95.9 for a recoup of the Kevin, Jason, and Virginia show, and then happily pointed my car in the direction of I-95 south. Going home made me happy. And why wouldn’t it? I had a small but lovely cottage on Palm Beach proper, with my very own little strip of beach. It hadn’t always been so lovely. In fact, when my mother first sold me the cottage, which was supposed to be part of my inheritance from Jonathan Tanner, the only father I’d ever known, it was a dilapidated mess. With a partial mummy in the closet. Thanks to my darling, dear friend Sam, who also happened to be my former neighbor, using his magical interior design skills turned the cottage into a showplace. It was done in whites, teals, and corals and was very, very Florida.
If I took the long way home, I’d pass right by the Gardens Mall. As much as I wanted to, I had to restrain myself. Between my mortgage, my credit cards, and my car lease, I really needed to control my spending. For me that was like trying to hold my breath for thirty minutes. Underwater. With my mouth open. Now I had my friend Jane, the accountant, sitting on my shoulder and making me feel guilty about every penny I spent.
Jane and I had been friends since the day we’d lied our way into a gym two-for-one promotion. Five years later, Jane still worked out regularly, while I considered a brisk walk to the coffeepot cardio. Jane wasn’t your typical accountant/financial planner. She looked more like one of the Pussycat Dolls than a bean counter. And she was quite fond of corsets and leather, but somehow managed not to look like a dominatrix. Maybe it was her perfect body. Or the pretty way her brown hair framed her face. She had big brown eyes that always mirrored her smile, and Jane smiled most of the time. Unless she was reviewing my monthly spending with me. Then she’d get frown lines between her eyebrows. If I won my next eBay auction, she’d probably need Botox for those lines.
I was willing to go as high as two thousand for a diamond bezel for my Rolex. Well, I technically don’t have a Rolex. Yet. I’m buying the parts on eBay, and then I’ll have a jeweler assemble it and voilà, my very own pink oyster-face Lady-DateJust. The two thousand was supposed to come out of the twenty-five hundred I’d gotten as a bonus from Ellen. I’d already bought twenty-two hundred dollars’ worth of clothing, shoes, purses, and other accessories. I c
ouldn’t help myself. It was just so much fun to shop like the old days, even if it was only temporary. Now it was time for me to turn back into a financial pumpkin.
Thanks to my mother, I no longer had access to my trust fund, so I was forced to live on my own salary. She thought she was building my character. In reality, she’d just forced me underground, into the world of thrift shops and outlet malls. And eBay, of course. As long as I had a dry cleaner, I was able to work around my financial precariousness. Kinda.
Exercising a great deal of self-restraint, I made my way to Chilean Avenue and parked in the center of the horseshoe-shaped drive made from crushed shells and cut the engine. It was a truly stunning day—a clear, blue, cloudless sky with temperatures in the low eighties and a nice breeze coming off the ocean.
“Take the rest of the day off,” I told myself as I locked my car and went inside.
The first thing I did was kick off my heels, then I began to unzip my vintage Lilly Pulitzer shift-style dress as I walked toward my bedroom. Thanks to Sam and my contractor, Harold the ex-convict, the three-bedroom home was down to two bedrooms with spacious bathrooms and large closets. Hey, a girl’s got to have her priorities. The guest room was very girlie. Lots of floral arrangements and colorful sculptural elements to cut the starkness of the white spread on the double bed. My bedroom is a thing of beauty. My room is teal, coral, and white. Again, I have a white comforter, but Sam knew just how to accessorize the room to make it look homey and not sterile. And my bathroom, well, it is drool worthy. I have one of those fancy spill tubs and a beautiful view of the ocean. In fact, every window in my room has a stunning view of the beach.
I changed into a bathing suit and sarong, and padded barefoot into the kitchen. The room was all polished stainless steel with pure white counters and teal and chrome stools. Taking out some mint leaves from the fridge, I placed them in a tall glass. Next I squeezed some fresh lime juice in with the mint. I added powdered sugar—easier than making simple syrup—and mashed all the stuff together with the back of a long iced tea spoon. Some crushed ice from the spout on the front of the fridge door, a little rum, and some club soda and I was in business. Still, I sipped the mojito for quality control before heading outside.