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Unbroken Fates (Fates Reborn Series Book 1)

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by GM Scherbert

  Making a face at my words, she does exactly what I have asked of her without hesitation. The smile that spreads across my face must be contagious, because I look to see one spread across Alexandra’s face as well.

  “As I said, what you saw tonight was part of my training. Shadow brought Peach over, to help me work on some of my skills.”

  “Skills, what skills are you talking about?” Dropping her eyes from mine for brief seconds, she raises her chin and meets my eyes again before saying, “Like sex? Were you having sex with that girl, Nicholas?”

  “No, I was not fucking Peach. I just told you that I have not had sex since the last time we were together. I was practicing with a crop, paddle, and cane on her ass. Peach enjoys pain, and I needed to be able to know the different pressures that it takes to apply both pain and pleasure.” Seeing the question in her eye I go on, “Think about the way that I had spanked you, Alexandra. You almost came when I did that, right?”

  “Yes,” comes out very lust laddened.

  “But, if I needed to spank you to punish you, there is an entirely different way that would need to be done. It would not have been enjoyable to you in the least. That is one of the things that I have been trying to get a better handle on these last few months.”

  Her eyes light up with the thought of the spankings that I had given her, and I swear that I can smell her cunt. Knowing that I need to get through this, I try to block out the thoughts of her pussy as I go on.

  “Another thing that I have been learning about is the different ways that you can restrain a person. The Dungeon has a restraint expert, Tank and he has been showing me some different knots and ways to tie you up. I know that when I would hold your wrists or bind your hands, you would come harder than usual and so I wanted to make sure I could challenge you in this. Learn more about it, so that I could give you more pleasure when we were finally together again.”

  Feeling her thighs clench together, I have to bite into my cheek to stop myself from taking her. She is so turned on by the things I am explaining to her, I know that my thoughts about this for the last few weeks have been nothing but spot on.

  She is fucking into this and I cannot wait to get her under me and all this new found knowledge.

  Chapter 23


  When he starts recalling the times that he spanked me, I can feel myself getting hot right away. When he starts talking about learning different ways to restrain me, I almost come in my pants. The next thing that he talks about pushes me quickly over the edge.

  “I know your thoughts about watching others and also your fantasies about being watched. This is something that is accepted without qualm at The Dungeon. Something that could be our reality if you wanted to go there with me?”

  Thinking about having someone watch me getting fucked by this man has me on the edge of my seat, needing release. I quickly slip my hand under the blanket, running it down and over my breasts trying to sate the need that this man has given me. Moaning as my nipple hardens under my deft hands, I catch Nicholas lips turning up in a smile.

  “Oh Alexandra, you need to come that bad? The thoughts of someone watching us fuck has you that hot and bothered?” Brushing my hand away he tugs the blanket down, before carefully sliding in-between my legs, making sure not to bump my ankle. Without a word, Nicholas pushes my panties aside and licks my pussy like a starving man. “You taste just as sweat as I remember, baby. Come as you can and please make sure to keep it quiet, the girls are in the house.” Diving back in, he slips two fingers into me without pause. Pumping them in and out, he quickly adds a third finger and curls them to hit that spot that only he can find.

  As the tremors of my orgasm come, he quickens his pace and bites down on my clit, sending me crashing over the edge and into the bliss of my pleasure. Feeling the rumble from his throat as I hear the words he whispers against me, “I love your taste, the way you come on my tongue, the way you burn for me. FUCK I have missed this. I have missed you.”

  Looking up at me from his perch between my legs, he smiles before slowly starting to make his way up my body. Kissing a path from my pussy up to my mouth. Feeling his hard cock against my entrance as he takes my lips with his causes me to moan out.

  “Not yet, baby. I shouldn’t have taken your pleasure like that, before we talked more. I just couldn’t stop myself.” Kissing me deeply he resumes his position next to me, after tucking me back in. “We need to keep talking, but we can come back to The Dungeon and what you walked in on this evening. Alexandra, I need to know what happened that day. What happened between you and my mother? How that whole day fucking played out.”

  “We were drinking wine and talking shit, when the ladies wanted to know more about you. After telling them about some of our dates,” my cheeks reddened quickly with the thought, “I started to tell them about our night out the weekend before. I pulled up the photo that we took while we were at Grouse’s eating. I got up and handed the phone to Missy and walked into the kitchen to grab the bottle, and when I came back Margaret had the phone.”

  “Alexandra, please know that I was going to tell you, the next day in fact. I know that it sounds like bullshit, but I wanted to be able to start building our future together and having you not know who I really was, wouldn’t work for much longer, with what I had in mind.”

  “Nicholas, what future are you talking of? We were only together for a short time, and you are nowhere near ready to step into a more significant relationship. I have three teenage daughters for fucks sake.”

  “Alexandra, I fucking love you. I have for longer than I care to admit,” looking into my eyes longingly, he adds, “and knew that the first time when we were together, no one else would ever have my heart like you do. I don’t care that you have kids, or that you are friends with my mom.”

  “Oh Nicholas, I just don’t even know what to say to that.”

  “Just answer me one question truthfully, Alexandra and then if you want me too, I will leave it be. Do you feel the same way about me that I do about you?”

  Seeing the fear in my eyes, I am sure that he is making plans for running to the door. I doubt myself about the feelings that I have for him, he has to be long over the ones he had for me. I see the change in him since then and know it must be true.

  “Nicholas, it doesn’t matter how I feel about you. You lied to me and that is not something that I can easily forgive.”

  Coming out more forcefully than he means for it to, I hope, he demands, “Alexandra! Just answer the question. Tell me how you feel about me.” Skimming a finger against my cheek, he lowers his voice and tries again, “All I ask is that you answer me truthfully.”

  Dropping my eyes to the floor, I raise them slowly before whispering my answer, “I think that I was in love with you Nicholas. That doesn’t mean-”

  Chapter 24


  When I see her skimming her hand against her breast, needing release as I talked about The Dungeon with her, I fucking lost it. I should have held off, we need to talk about not only what happened that day, but where we want to take this thing between us. Hearing that little moan as her fingers skimmed her nipple, I couldn’t help myself. She tastes just like I remember and I hope to god, I never get that taste out of my mouth. After I have brought about her orgasm, I sit back opposite her on the bed, taking her hand in mine again. Grazing her hand slowly with my thumb, I lightly trace figure eights on her flesh.

  When she starts to talk about that day, I do everything I can to absorb the words. When I drag out the truth of her feelings and she finally says the words that I have longed to hear, I can’t fucking hold back.

  I cut her off when the words that she has told me register with my mind. Crashing my lips over hers, I can’t stop myself from marking this woman, yet again, as mine. Being careful to not bump her ankle I slide over her after tugging the blanket down and off of her and then gently pulling her hips down the bed.

  Pushing her back, I make short work of buryi
ng myself inside of her. The moan that spills from her lips, drives me on. I stop only when I see her face wince up when she must have moved her ankle wrong. Pulling free from her, I pull back looking into her face.

  “Fuck, sorry Alexandra.” I still inside of her instantaneously.

  “NO, please Nicholas, don’t stop. Fuck me until I am coming around your cock. PLEASE!"

  “You do beg so nicely, Alexandra. Your ankle is hurting and I can’t keep myself in check once I am buried inside of you. We can just wait until you are feeling better.”

  Her bottom lip comes out, in the cutest fucking pout I have ever seen.

  “Alexandra,” I warn harshly.

  The lip trembles before Alexandra whimpers and does the one thing I would never be able to refuse her.

  “Nicholas, bury your cock in me and let it show me how much you care, no, how much you love me.”

  Knowing that letting her top me from the bottom, is not something that I want to start letting her get away with. I can’t find it in me, in this moment to deny her. When she moves her hips a bit and I push into her another inch, I fucking lose it. Driving into her until we are both coming is the only thing I can think of.

  Coming down from our shared orgasm, I roll onto my back and carefully draw her into my arms. As she nuzzles into my chest, I lean down and place a chaste kiss on her head.

  “Baby, I know that you probably don’t want to talk about us moving this thing back to the way things were, but I hope that we can at least explore this whole D/S scene together, because I saw the fire in your eyes while I was talking about it. I know what it has done for me, I am betting it will do the same for you.”

  She looks at me, with eyes that bore into my soul. I hope that this woman is able to forgive me and that my heart will finally be put back together. If not, I am not sure that I will be able to survive her loss again.

  Skimming my hand along her arm, I go on, “Know that there is nothing more than I would like than to share my life with you. If that is not something that happens, because of the lie that I told you. I hope to fuck that does not happen and you can find something through the lifestyle like I have.”

  “You are going to have to give me a little time to process all this, Nicholas. I really did just come by your house because I realized it had been a year since that day. I knew that if I ever wanted to get over whatever this thing was-“

  The tone of his voice as he answers me has me fucking instantly wet, again. “Is, Alexandra. This thing between us is something, even if we don’t end up together in the end. This thing between us is not in the past already, the last year has been a struggle for both of us and I think that we, neither one of us, had any closure. Know that I do not want this thing between us to end, we need to have some resolution though, before either one of us can move forward. Please just give me some time to make it up to you, or at least to try before you write me off, again.”

  Chapter 25


  When Nicholas left in the morning that day last week, one of the first things I did was to research the D/S lifestyle. I found a lot of information that was interesting and some that was downright disturbing.

  I hope that some of the stuff that I saw on the internet will not be happening when I go to check this place out. The next week is spent with lots of long talks on the phone between Nicholas and myself. I bring up some of the stuff that I saw on the internet and he answers any and all questions that I have in regards to the lifestyle. He talks with me more and more about The Dungeon and the things that go on there. I have to confess that the more he talks about it the more I would love to check it out.

  Knowing that the winter holiday is coming in two weeks, I ask him if I could go there to check it out. He is eager to have me spend time seeing the lifestyle and I have to admit that I am as well. He says that he will talk to Blaze and Tank and get me a pass for that Saturday night.

  After another week of talking, Nicholas insists that we get together. I am just not sure that I can handle jumping into a relationship with him. I know that once we are together I will not be able to hold back from him. Each night that we have talked I have been close to giving into his desires of us meeting. And my desires of us being intimate.


  All of this new information I have been getting about this lifestyle from not only Nicholas but research has me feeling like I might be able to find a better version of me through this life. What if Nicholas is not that for me? What if he is?

  One night Nicholas and I got into quite the discussion about how respect and trust was one of the things that relationships, especially in the D/S community, were strongly based on. He has repeatedly explained to me that a sub has all the power, whom they choose to give it up to is entirely up to them. Just because someone asks something of a sub, unless she or he is in a relationship or has agreed to scene with the Dom or Master, it is not anything that the sub needs to do.

  Nicholas put it simply to me that night. “Alexandra, you don’t have to do anything anyone tells you to do. In fact, until you find a Dom or Master that you feel comfortable with, and have expressly talked with them about not only your limits, but what boundaries you have you should do nothing that anyone asks of you.”

  “What is the point of going to The Dungeon then Nicholas? I thought that you wanted me to see it, experience it, to take me there so that I could learn how to be a sub.”

  “Alexandra, you are a sub, there is nothing you need to learn other than how to serve your Sir or Master. The men that will be talking to you at The Dungeon that night will want one thing and one thing only from you.”

  “Oh really, Nicholas, what’s that.”

  Hearing a rustling on the phone, I can picture him shaking his head and shrugging as he answers me, “the same thing they all want baby.”

  “Is that different than what you want Nicholas?”

  “Yes” comes out raspy as he answers me.

  “Why, what will they want Nicholas?”

  “They will want you kneeling at their feet. They will want you to submit to them. They will want this luscious body to do what they want with it.”

  “And what do you want from me Nicholas?”


  After that conversation ended, I sensed that I was in trouble. I know that the feelings that Nicholas has had for me, for what seems like forever, are not going anywhere and I wonder if exploring this world with him, is a good idea. I shrug the idea off, knowing that he would never let me stumble through this, he only has my best interests at heart, he just hopes that those interests lie with him.

  I put him off again and again during that last week before I get a chance to head to The Dungeon and see what all this is about.

  On Saturday as I am getting ready to go, I hear a knock on the front door. Heading downstairs I answer it and am shocked to see Nicholas.

  “Hi,” comes out squeaky at best as I take in the man before me.

  “Why do you look so surprised to see me, Alexandra? Please tell me that you didn’t think that I was going to let you go to The Dungeon by yourself did you?”

  “Well, yeah I guess I didn’t really know what was going to happen, I thought maybe I would just see you there or-“

  “No, that would never happen Alexandra. I am going to be the one with you each step of the way, even if you think that this thing between us is over.”

  “That’s not what I meant, I just thought that after what happened that we-”

  The harsh tone out of him stops me, “Alexandra, you haven’t agreed to see me in the weeks since the night I fucked you. Don’t think that I don’t know that you are trying to pull away from me, it seems very similar to the first weeks after our first night together. This lifestyle can be overwhelming and even if you don’t end up with me, no matter how much I want that to happen, I will not leave your side.”

  “Ok,” looking up at him, “thank you Nicholas, I just gotta go finish getting ready. Have a seat in the living r
oom and I will be right back.”

  Heading up the stairs I hear, “You sure you don’t need any help up there?” and his laughter as I shut the bathroom door.

  Finding him in the living room about ten minutes later, he glances up at me and the lust I see has me wishing things were different. That he hadn’t lied to me and made me distrust him like I do.

  “Alexandra,” is purred out as he stands from the couch. “You look fucking gorgeous; I am going to have to fight to keep the Doms off of you, tonight.”

  Laughing at his words, I step into him playfully running my hands down the short black dress saying something that I probably shouldn’t have.

  “Maybe I don’t want you too, Nicholas. Maybe I will find someone that has me wanting more.”

  “Alexandra, I agreed to help guide you through this, I didn’t agree not to try and win you back, and have you kneeling at my feet. If anyone has the nerve to come up to you while I am with you, we will see what comes of it.”

  Tsking him, I see his eyes flame with jealousy and know that I might have pushed too far. “Sorry Nicholas, I know that you are showing me the way in this and I shouldn’t have pushed. Thank you for doing this for me, no matter what happens I know that you only have the best intentions at heart.”

  “For you, always Alexandra.”

  Taking my hand in his, he walks me out to his waiting truck and helps me in. As he shuts the door, thoughts of the night ahead bombard me. As we drive to the club, I ask more about some of the things that I have seen online. Again, Nicholas has no issues giving me the answers that I seek.

  Nicholas reminds me of some of the protocols of The Dungeon on our ride there. The main one is that subs, which is me I guess, need to respect Doms or Dommes at all times. We have talked about this repeatedly over the past three weeks and it’s something I cannot see myself having a problem with. I have never tried to be disrespectful, on purpose at least to anyone.

  The scenes that I imagine at The Dungeon are nowhere close to the scenes that are laid out in front of me when I come face to face with The Dungeon. It is unsuspecting enough as we park in the lot and Nicholas comes to help me out of the truck. Walking towards the back door, when it swings open I am greeted by the man, Shadow, that I saw at Nicholas’s house just three short weeks ago.


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