Unbroken Fates (Fates Reborn Series Book 1)

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Unbroken Fates (Fates Reborn Series Book 1) Page 12

by GM Scherbert

  Kneeling in front of me, the look crossing this woman’s face softens quickly as she answers my question. “It’s not always easy to know what the heart wants, and accept it as fact that is true. Especially when your life may not be the vision that has been laid out before you from birth. The fairytale story of the prince coming to swoop down and rescue you is not the way it always is, especially for us. Some of our princes ride Harleys and carry a whip.”

  Laughing slightly in answer to her, she goes on, “When you are trying so hard to fight what feelings you have, it’s hard to see them yourself huh? Guess that you aren’t ready for them yet.”

  Trying to stand, I am held in place by this woman, and fear swoops in to take over. Being in this place, not knowing these women all that well, I am quickly consumed by the nagging feeling in my belly. A feeling that is instantly gone with only a few short words.

  “Put your mind at ease, luv.” Pointing towards all the woman in the room in turn, she goes on. “We have each known struggles and tragedy to get to the point that we are at in our lives. Not one of us has had an easy go at life, and these men, the feelings these men show are nothing but potent and have done amazing things to help us heal. I remember the feelings that my husbands had for me when we were each together the first time,” losing herself in thought she blushes slightly before adding, “and the first time that we were all together.”

  “Wait, your Pearl? The one with two husbands? The pet that Shadow talked of?” the look of fear being replaced by wonderment on my face, looking at this woman, who seems so normal, but obviously is not.

  “Yes, I’m Pearl. I see that Nick has talked to you about me. Just as he has talked about you with each of us.” Nodding towards the woman next to her she goes on, “this is Sara, and that over there is Ember. Of course you have already met Peach. Heather is around somewhere, and will probably be in here shortly.”

  “Nice to meet you all.”

  “You seem surprised. Did Nick not let you know that we would be here?”

  “No, I mean yes, but I don’t know I didn’t realize that you were so …. Old.”

  “We seem to be close to the same age Alex, so I’m not going to take offence to that.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean that to sound so rude, I guess when Nicholas told me stories about you all that I pictured you- Sorry, I’ll stop.”

  Hearing a giggle from the red-head, Pearl’s eyes shoot to her in an instant. “Sweet thing,” comes out on a warning as she shakes her head.

  “Sorry, Ma’am.” Is the only answer that Ember gives before dropping her eyes to the ground.

  “You’re lucky that Doc won’t let you play tonight little girl, because I would brighten up that shade of red on your ass for your disrespect. I might tell him about it anyway and see if he finds it as funny as you seem to.”

  As Ember’s head falls further into her chest, I can feel the power exchange between these two women and wonder at it. Nicholas hadn’t mentioned to me that these two women were involved, but by the way that they are talking I am guessing that they are. The ebb and flow of their conversation seems to only give more fuel to their fire.

  Seeing the door open, I notice a young blond walk in. She pulls a chair over to the group and nods her head towards me before Pearl returns her gaze to me. “I am not sure what Nicholas has shared with you as far as the dynamics of some of the relationships here are, but when it suits our husbands, Ember and I will play together. Never with the men involved, mind you, only with them watching.”

  “I know that you must have questions, so please feel free. We are all friends here, and nothing that you ask will shock or insult us. We have all been where you are, some more recently than others, and know that this can all be a bit overwhelming.”

  Turning around she takes a few strides over to the grouping of chairs, and pulls two over towards the bench that Peach and I sit on. Sitting down next to who I am guessing is Heather on one of the chairs, Sara sits on the other. Ember stands behind them, with her head still down.

  Catching me looking towards Ember, Pearl lets me know, “She is in trouble with her husband. He tanned her ass red before they came here tonight, that is why she is not sitting. Am I right Sweet thing?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. I was being bratty and Doc caught me doing something that he told me he wished I would no longer do.”

  Interrupting her quickly I interject, “So he hit you?”

  “No!” comes out of her mouth sharply as her head shoots up. “It’s not like that, Alexandra. Doc and I, just like most of us, have certain rules that we abide by. One of his big ones is that he knows where I am at all times. Unfortunately, I have a hard time doing that. He needs to remind me of that fact on occasion.”

  “That seems so fucked up Ember, you realize that right? How can he have an arbitrary list of things that you can or can’t do that he will punish you for? And he has to know where you are at all times?”

  “Alexandra, Nicholas really didn’t tell you a lot about us and our personal relationships, huh?” Pearl says eyeing me up suspiciously.

  “No, not really, I mean he told me that your all married, or engaged. That all of your husbands are part of an MC here in Chicago and that you all lived this lifestyle.”

  Ember looks around her friends and then trains her eyes on me, “Alexandra, I walked out on Doc for close to five years. He had no idea where I was or why I left and it came close to killing him, and myself if I am being honest. When I finally came back, he found out that I had hidden our son, Vincent, from him for all those years. He also found out that the only other man that I had been with raped me repeatedly the night that I ran, and threatened to not only kill me but, him if I made it out of that night alive.”

  The shock on my face must be apparent as she goes on. “When we finally worked through our issues, Doc made me promise that I would never leave again without telling him about it. He gets very anxious and worried about my safety when he can’t get a hold of me.” Nodding my head in understanding she goes on, “this time I forgot to let him know that I was taking the kids to visit with their grandmother. She recently moved about three hours away and I forgot my cell phone so he was beyond worried by the time I got home late last night. He helped me get the kids into the house and then belted the fuck outta my ass before rubbing cream on my ass and tucking me into bed for the night. ALONE!”

  “I thought in this whole thing that you were supposed to get after care after a scene like that? That is what everything that I have seen online says, at least.”

  “Yes,” Sara answers, “she should have, but part of the lesson that Doc was teaching her, was that he was alone worrying about her the whole time that she was gone. She would not get his comfort after the amount of worry that she put on him.”

  Pearl cuts in, “I know Doc and he was not far from her for the remainder of the evening. I agree with Sara whole heartedly, that Doc was just reversing the roles as more of a statement than anything else. He was probably curled up by her side before the sun came through the windows in the morning.” Turning to Ember she adds, “Am I right?”

  Blushing a red that is close to a match for her hair, she answers quietly. “Yes, he actually woke me up buried deep inside me. Going none too easy on my bruised and welted ass cheeks.”

  The blush that creeps to my cheeks is only matched by the moist panties that I now find myself with.

  “I love to sit down and remember the play after Country has laid into me.” Looking from me around the group, she returns her gaze to me, “I’m Heather by the way. Nice finally meeting you Alexandra. I have heard good things.”

  Smiling I look towards her and notice marks peeking out from under her skirt, and top. “What are those marks from, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Oh no, feel free. These are all marks that Country has found fit to give me. I enjoy pain, Alexandra, I am a masochist if ever there was one. I had a Master before Country who was a sadist in the most gruesome and disgusting sense of
the word. When I was finally able to get away, Country helped to rid me of the memories. Country and I still struggle to find a common ground and a happy median between the amount of pain I could take and want, and what he felt comfortable giving me. Even with my past we have found a way to make strides together.”

  “You enjoy pain? Like getting punched in the face? Or?”

  “No, well I mean, I do get off getting slapped in the face, or having my hair pulled, or having my tits slapped, fuck I love when he uses a cane on me, or wields his whip, or pulls off his belt to give me some lashes. The best thing that I found though are the marks or bruises, that mare my skin for the days following. It’s like a better version of the ache that comes from a good night of fucking, a reminder of what was there or who had owned you.”

  Pearl looks to Heather and then adds, “Yes, I know that feeling all too well. When Markus and Abraham can get me alone, without the kids, they find it difficult to leave my flesh unaffected in some form. Markus has taken to biting onto the globes of my ass for some reason. It’s hot as hell until one of the kids catches teeth marks on my ass while I am in the shower or something and starts questioning it. UGH!”

  Laughing at the thought, all eyes turn back to me before Sara decides to add to the conversation.

  “Alexandra, I have to agree with Ember and Pearl here. Nicholas has really been doing any and everything that he can to learn for you and for himself as well. He told me that when Gun approached him and brought the idea up to him, it really struck a chord with him. This lifestyle is something that you are either in or not. There is no halfway, no partial, no less than your all can be given to be successful and open with whom you are. I mean there are people who live the life 24/7 that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about the fact that you are either vanilla or you are so much more.”

  Shrugging her shoulders, she makes eye contact before going on. “When Gun and I were first together, I wanted nothing to do with him. I grew up in a Club like the Devil’s Iron and I knew that was the thing I wanted least for my life. I fought against him the whole time that we were together, the first six months were just suicidal. When I moved to be closer to Ember, I escaped him for only a brief while. Coming back and getting mixed up in the scene here at The Dungeon, drew me back to him, and we have made our way through, slowly. He and I have some shit to work through still, but he was able to forgive me leaving, and I would be so much less for not having him in my life.”

  “I know that you all are speaking for Nicholas, that you think we would be good together, but that is not something that I am comfortable with, he lied to me. I am not here to have you guys try to sway my thoughts about him, I am here to learn more about this lifestyle.”

  “Alex.” Peach says sliding a bit closer, so that the gap between our thighs is next to nonexistent. “Just hear me out, please.” She says in a beg that could rival one of a toddler.

  “Ok, Peach. What can you add to this?”

  “When Shadow and I first met I fought the attraction that we had. For two fucking years, I refused to do anything except scene with him here at the club and only on a few occasions. Each time the way he affected me, would live on in my mind for months afterward. I couldn’t image being with a man that was so much older than me. A man that was closer to retirement than I was to starting my career. When I thought about moving out of Chicago I was glad that Shadow decided to take things into his own hands, keeping me tethered here to him.”

  “You and him seem to care for each other very much.”

  “We do Alexandra, we have since the first time that we saw each other.” Placing her hand gently on my cheek she goes on, “Attraction is not something that is a problem with any of our men. The struggle is within ourselves. Be it a dark past creeping up, a cloudy future trying to work itself out, or anything in-between, our men make every day worth it. Nicholas has told us so much about you, and the way he talks about you leaves no questions as to his intentions.”

  “I wish I could say the same. Nicholas sure seems to talk to you all about me and I really don’t know that much about any of you.”

  “Alexandra, what other questions do you have for us?” All eyes are back on me as Peach continues, “I know this must be overwhelming, but we are here to help with this just as much as Nicholas has been. You might find somethings easier to talk with us about, than him. Especially seeing that you don’t necessarily trust him.”

  “I do. I mean, I think I do. It’s just that he has been here in this lifestyle for the past year, and I am sure that there have been women that he has been with. He is young, built, kind, and viral why is he still chasing after me? I sometimes think that he really only wants me to have the woman that he has had his eyes on since he was young.”

  Without missing a beat Pearl chimes in, “He is still young Alexandra. Nicholas has had his eyes set on you as long as I have known him and from what you say, a lot longer. The subs here have tried, believe you me, but he has never taken any of them up on their offers. He has practiced and honed his skills, to not only help his Dominant tendencies, but also to help bring out your submissive side. We have all talked to him about it at different times over this last year. He has always said the same thing, and I am guessing it is something that you have heard or refused to hear each day during the year that you were apart.”

  “I just can’t, I can’t go there with him again. I am not going to let him hurt me again. There has only ever been two men in my life and after the last time, there will be no more.”

  Ember reaches down towards me and trails her fingers along my shoulder. “Don’t decide to quickly to shut him out. I know the sorrow that consumes you when something that you think you are doing right, backfires and burns you. Forgiveness is earned through actions, not given freely.” Patting my shoulder, she finishes, “Just think about it for me please?”

  Nodding my head, “Ok, I will think about it.”

  Looking towards the clock above the mirror, Pearl says “We have about five minutes before my husband’s expect me out on the stage. Do you have any other questions for us, luv? We will make sure to have Nicholas give you our numbers so you may ask any that you find yourself with after you leave. Please don’t hesitate to use any or all of them. We really do understand how it is to be in your shoes.” Looking around she adds, “can I ask you a couple questions if you don’t have any of your own?”

  “Of course you may. What would you like to know Pearl?”

  “Is voyeurism one of your fantasies, Alexandra?”

  Shocked by her direct question, I answer truthfully, “Yes. Yes, it is, to be watched and do the watching. How did you know.”

  Smiling wide she answers, “It is with most woman that come here. However, I noticed the little tells in your movements when Ember was talking about getting belted by Doc and then getting fucked as she woke up. You will have an experience with that tonight. I am not sure what my Master and Sir have planned for me, but I know that I will do my best to make them happy in my service to them. They do almost always leave me sated and if we are lucky, I will not be the only one that way after the scene.”

  Reaching down to me, I place my hand in hers as she helps me up. “It’s time for me to get to my husbands, and you to get to your Nicholas, so that you can watch your first scene. Remember that everything that is happening up there is consensual, and no matter what it may look like, I am enjoying every minute of it. Have no fear. The respect that we give to our men, or Sirs or Masters is seen in everything that we do, Alexandra. If there is nothing else that you can take away from this evening, I hope it is that.”

  Walking together with these women, I feel a certain sense of power from this group. These women have lived through some traumatic shit, and they are all able to still find the strength to give so much of themselves to their men. Being about to bend to their wills and serve them with such heart and faithfulness.

  We are met by Shadow at the door, and I see him bend to whisper something into his Pe
ach’s ear. The blush that comes to her cheeks is only added to by the smile on her face. Answering whatever questions he had, the group moves slowly throughout the club.

  I see a group of men standing by the bar and recognize Nicholas in a second. His back is turned away from me and I see a tattoo running across his shoulder blades in an arc. The image is hard to make out in this light, but I can make out that they are letters. That is all I can make out before the group turns to us.

  Chapter 29


  “It seems that your Alexandra had lots to say and many questions to ask, Nick. She even shared some of her fantasies from what my Peach tells me.” Shadow strokes along Peach’s head as he finishes.

  I growl out, “Really.” Alexandra only meets my eyes for brief seconds before she drops her eyes and a bright blush floods her cheeks. “You shared your fantasies? All of your fantasies, Alexandra?” comes out husky with want.

  Raising her eyes slightly, meeting mine she answers, “the ones that I have shared with you. Most of the ones that I have shared with you.”

  Stepping towards her, I lightly grab her arm without thinking pulling her away from the group. Leaning down to her, I whisper into her ear, “Alexandra, what have you been holding back from me? What desires have you hidden from me? I thought that we were open with each other, I don’t understand why you would hide something like this from me. I thought we were doing such a good job communicating these last weeks.”


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