Unbroken Fates (Fates Reborn Series Book 1)

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Unbroken Fates (Fates Reborn Series Book 1) Page 13

by GM Scherbert

“Sir, I only shared a few of my fantasies with them. I kept some of the ones I shared with you to myself, because I couldn’t see sharing them with someone that I don’t know,” looking away from him, “someone who’s not you.”

  “What did you just say?” the Dom in me growls out at the realization that she has addressed me as Sir.

  “I answered your question, Nicholas. Why do you seem so upset?”

  “I’m not upset. I am turned the fuck on. Hearing you call me Sir is something I never thought would happen, and hearing it has me fucking hard as hell.” Leaning down to her, I stay a breath away before saying, “I would love to fucking kiss you right now, baby. No fuck that, hearing you call me Sir has me wanting to tie you up, and pound into you until you are begging me to let you come. I would make you want nothing more than me for as long as you lived.” Leaning in even closer, she licks her lips and I am almost lost to it before her scent hits my nose. I bet she is fucking soaked, I can smell her cunt from here. Pulling slowly away from her, her lips follow me as I go. Knowing that I could have her in this moment, gives me hope that we will be able to work our shit out, I just can’t take it too fast. And this shit right here, would be taking it way the fuck too fast. She needs to see a scene, this scene and experience this lifestyle a little.

  I move us back towards the group and see the question in their eyes. “My Alexandra and I just needed a moment to talk about what happened in the locker room.” Shaking my head at the thought of her being turned on and the scent that I would know anywhere, I know that this night has only just begun.

  As Blaze and Tank move towards the stage with their Pet, Alexandra and I make our way to one of the couches that are set up off to the side. It will allow us an unobstructed view of the show, but allow us some privacy as well. If Alexandra is already wet, I can’t imagine what will happen when she is watching the scene. I would like to think that we might be in need of a room tonight as well, but know that nothing should happen, again, until she is mine for good.

  Sitting down on the couch, I pull Alexandra into my lap. I am sure that she can feel my cock pressing against her ass, and I am not ashamed one bit. This woman has made my cock hard for almost fifteen fucking years. She is the only woman that I have ever wanted anything with and after tonight, I hope that we are able to start our path to that.

  As the crowd starts to gather, I see the Master and Sir tying their Pet up to the St Andrews cross. Leaning forward I can feel Alexandra’s breathing hitch as she watches the men bind their sub, their woman, their wife to not only the cross but them as well.

  Speaking softly into her ear, “The ropes that they are using bind her not only to the cross, but also to each of her owners, her lovers, her husbands for all eternity.”

  As the words soak in, Alexandra relaxes back into me and I take the opportunity to run a hand up her thigh, feeling her supple curves under my fingers.

  We watch the scene in front of us and I am lost to both it and the woman in my arms. Blaze has a whip out and is wielding it without mercy across Pearl’s ass. As she is brought down off of the cross, long minutes later, Tank situates her onto a bench and pulls his cock from his pants, stroking himself. The moment that she sees his cock, Pearl wets her lips and makes the perfect O with her mouth, waiting for her Master and her Sir to give her what she needs.

  Glancing over her shoulder, I see Alexandra’s mouth forming the same O and I know that she is pliable, and as much into the scene as I am. Slipping my right hand from her thigh, I roam up over her hip, skim across her belly button as I stop on her left breast. Sliding my fingers under her dress I find her nipple, I tug on it sharply pulling a moan from her gorgeous lips.

  Sliding my other hand up her thigh I find myself lost in her soft, bare pussy in short moments. Finding her wet and wanting drives me on and I don’t hold back from pushing two fingers deep inside of her. The same two fingers I have thought about sinking deep inside of her for the weeks we have been talking and longer still the year that we have been apart.

  Pumping them into her I soak in the feel of her. Noticing that Alexandra’s eyes are focused on that cock going in and out of Pearl’s mouth, I match the speed of my fingers to that. Catching Blaze’s movement to the side of the stage, my eyes move to him. I see him pick up a butt plug and make his way back to his wife.

  Handing the plug off to Tank, Blaze traces his fingers down and along her spin as he moves. Hearing a pop, my eyes are drawn towards Tank who has freed himself from Pearl, and is now holding the plug up to Pearl’s lips. Without thought she opens widely and starts to use her mouth to lube up the plug. It is in that moment that Blaze sinks deep inside of her, starting to fuck her with abandon.

  Feeling Alexandra start to tense up at the sight, I know her orgasm is coming quickly. My fingers don’t still as I lean into her ear, licking the shell before nipping at it. “Alexandra, come on my hand, soak my fingers with your fucking come. I know that you need this as much as I need to give it to you.”

  “Yes, please.” Is the only response I get as my hand does indeed get soaked with her juices. Holding her to me, I slide my fingers out of her and bring them first to my lips than directly to hers. “Clean yourself off of my fingers, while you watch Pearl serve her husbands in the way that they see fit.”

  As I hold my Alexandra, we see Blaze slow his movements slightly while he inserts the plug that was prepared. It is a snug fit in her ass and the feeling that Blaze must be having now, is something that I look forward to experience with mine.

  Leaning over the short distance, I find Alexandra’s ear and breath into it. “I long to find myself and a plug, or dildo, or maybe even another cock buried in your ass while I feel your pleasure ripple through your pussy, all over my cock. I hope that happens for us soon baby, I am finding it harder and harder to wait.”

  As the words register with her, her pussy must be aching because she cannot keep herself still. She is moving against my cock like a cat in heat, and I am finding it difficult to keep my wits about.

  “Alexandra, if you can’t stay off that friction, we will be heading to a private room so I can teach you some manners.”

  Stilling instantly at my words, her eyes shoot forward. I find her reaction spotty at best and wonder what chord I struck in her. Looking towards the stage, I see that Blaze and Tank have switched places now, and Tank is burying himself deep inside his wife while Blaze takes her mouth. The tears that are streaming down her face, make my cock jerk, which Alexandra can feel if her small moan has anything to say about it. She starts wiggling her ass against my cock and I know that we will be getting a room.

  “Are you trying to mark me, Alexandra?” Her head doesn’t move, but I know she hears my every word. “Do you think that rubbing yourself against me will get you off better than I know how to?” Slowly running the hand that has been resting against her belly down her belly, I reach her pussy and skim my hand over her folds never giving into her desire for the pressure she wishes. “Do you think that I would allow you to take your own pleasure anyways?” Sliding the finger through her folds, I stop at her entrance holding myself steady, even if she accepts my proposal, I will still need to take it slow. “That I will be the one to give you your pleasure as I see fit? I know that we have not discussed sceneing tonight, but I need to have you. Please say that you will come to a room with me?”

  Breathlessly she answers the only way I could dream she would. “Yes, I would like that very much- Sir.”

  “Fuck,” is all I get out as I move slowly to my feet bringing Alexandra with me. Nodding towards the Floor Dom, I try to let him know what is going on. Thankfully the perceptive man knew exactly what I wanted and sent us through to an empty room.

  Standing at the door, I force Alexandra chin up as she questions what will happen inside. “Nicholas, I need you. I need to come. I need you to give that to me, please Sir.”

  As she calls me Sir all resistance that I thought I had drops. I know that we need to discuss what will go on in that r
oom, but I am having a hard time thinking of anything except sinking inside of her wet cunt.

  Taking a breath I move closer to her. Pulling her chin up so that our eyes met, I speak the only words that I have longed to say to her. “Angel, I need you to know a few things before we head into this room.”

  She nods her head in agreement and tries to speak, but I hush her with a finger to her lips before that can happen.

  “No, don’t talk, just listen and let your worries float away.” Nodding her head at my words, I go on. “You will come into this room with me and will need to know that you have safe words that will be used if needed. You will use halt to stop the scene and yield to slow it down. We have talked at length about the use of these words and you know how they should be treated, correct?”

  Nodding her head again, I spit out, “I need an answer Angel you need to speak the words out loud.”

  “Yes, Sir I know the safe words and know that I should use them whenever I need.”

  With that, my cock hardens at the thought of her bending to my will and whim.

  “Baby, I want to use the pleasure whisp on you. It is nothing more than a modified crop, but I have been saving it for the first time that we were together in this way. Please don’t deny me this?” I say grabbing her neck and pulling her into me, so that my mouth can take hers.

  “I am not sure what that is, but I trust you, in this and know that you will never hurt me in that way.”

  Hearing the same worry and cuts she throws at me when answering, I know that we still have plenty of ground to cover before we are able to be together fully. I know in this instant though that we will be able to work through our issues and be together.

  “I would never do anything to you that was too much for you. I might push your limits but nothing that you could not handle, Angel.” Running my hand over her arm, I add, “I can’t wait to be buried inside of you, Alexandra. That night all those weeks ago only added to my want for you. If I was needy for you before that night, I am obsessed with having you now.”

  Nodding her head in response, I again tell her, “answer me.”

  “Yes, Sir. I have needed you in the same way since that night. I have fought against it every night that we have talked.”

  Leaning into her I take her mouth with mine and let her know, “once we are in that room, Angel, you will follow my every desire. Your everything is mine. Answer me.”

  “Yes, Sir. Everything that I am is yours when we are inside of this room.”

  Loving her answer, but I find myself wishing it was more. I only hope that one day her answer will apply to not only being here, inside of The Dungeon, but in our daily lives as well.

  “Once we get inside, Angel, you will need to kneel as you have seen, at the foot of the bed. Head down, eyes down, hands palms up on your thighs, legs spread wide to show me what you are offering to me.”

  Nodding her head, she drops her eyes the moment the thought of us fucking tonight strikes her.

  Opening the door to the room, I signal for the floor monitor to grab my kit out of the locker room and with that we are heading into the room. Knowing that it will take him only short moments to grab the kit and place it outside of the door, I know that my fantasies of the previous ten months are about to come true.

  Chapter 30


  Walking into the room with Nicholas, I am not sure what is about to happen. After seeing the scene play out between Pearl and her husbands, I know that my body is in need of something that only Nicholas has been able to give me.

  I do as he has requested and move to the end of the bed. Dropping to my knees, I find myself getting into the position that he has asked of me. Sitting back on my heels with my knees spread wide, is not a position that I am use to being in, so I stumble trying to get there. It is uncomfortable and awkward, and as I try to put my hands on my thighs I stumble backwards. Feeling his hands behind me, he catches me, righting me before he steps away and I am left alone to get into position.

  Hearing a growl from Nicholas as I drop my eyes and put my hands as he has asked, I think that I am doing this wrong. Suddenly feeling very self-conscious about how I look, I think about getting up and walking out of the door.

  “No, Alexandra. You are doing fine- perfect actually, and I will not let you give up on this, on us so easily.”

  Walking around to the front of me, he kicks my knees apart a bit, and strokes his hand down my head. “You look gorgeous spread open for me, Alexandra. I want you this way, open for me, always.” Pulling my hair, he meets my eyes before adding, “The things that I will do to you, are the things my fantasies have been made of for so long.” He bends down consuming my mouth with his before releasing my chin, “Head back down and do close your eyes keeping them that way until I tell you differently.”

  With that, I drop my head returning to the position that he has asked me to be in. Hearing a small knock at the door, worry hits me in a second before he coos in my ear. “Stay still, Baby. It is only the floor monitor bringing my bag to me, you have nothing to worry about. I will only share you, if that is something that you want, and it will not happen until I have had more than my fill of you.”

  Seeing his feet walk away from me towards the door, I take a deep breath and sit back deeper into my position. At the sound of him returning my body comes on high alert not knowing what will happen.

  “Raise your hands up in front of you. I want you to feel the pleasure whisp before I take it to your flesh. Remember to not open your eyes though. I want you to feel it and nothing more.”

  Raising my hands as he has asked, I put them out in front of me palms up waiting for this pleasure whisp to be put in my hands. Not knowing what it is, my mind runs wild for long moments before he puts it in my hands. I do not think that something called a pleasure whisp will feel like it does in my hands. It is hard and ridged, not feeling anything like the feather duster I had imagined it to be.

  Running my hands over it, I find it to be about two or three feet in length. A long solid pole, not wider than a pencil, with a gripped handle wrapped in leather on one side. A fan of approximately forty, twenty double rowed, or so short flat leather pieces on the other side. I feel that there is some sort of design cut out of the ends of the fanned leather bits, but cannot make out what it is. Running my fingers through the fanned bits, my mind wanders to the thoughts of it being used on my flesh.

  The shiver that takes over my body at the thought, brings a deep chuckle out from Nicholas. “Thinking about me using that on you, are you Alexandra?” Not answering, I feel him closer to me, and he takes the whisp out of my hands. “Up on your feet, baby it is time for your ass to be introduced to the pleasure whisp.”

  Thinking about how I am going to get up from my position, I am brought out of my thoughts before I put them into action. “Put your hand out and I will help you up.”

  Helping me up, Nicholas leads me to the edge of the bed, and instructs me up onto my hands and knees on it. As I get into place, he pulls my skirt up and over my ass, dragging my panties down my legs as he goes on.

  “When we are together again Alexandra, you will be bare for me. I don’t want panties covering up what is mine. I want to be able to take, touch, or taste you without panties in the way. Please do not fight me in this.”

  Nodding my head in response, I feel his fingers rubbing through my folds, before not one but two are shoved deep inside of me. Pulling them out of me, my ass moves of its own accord, backing up to try and keep them buried inside of me.

  Tsking me, a hard slap lands on my ass, as I move backwards chasing his retreating hand. “No, Alexandra! Don’t be so greedy. You will get what you need when I see fit.”

  Dropping my head slightly I feel pressure on my shoulders. As they drop to the mattress, my ass moves up further into the air. Long minutes later, I am left wondering what Nicholas is doing. Not being able to see, have my other senses running wild. I haven’t heard him move or felt him move for minutes, and I am a
lmost to the point of moving.

  Moments before I have decided to move, I feel the first strike of the pleasure whisp. The shock of it frightens me more than the physical contact.

  After landing a few more to my ass and thighs Nicholas asks about my comfort. “Alexandra, how are you doing? Your ass looks gorgeous reddening up nicely for me and pushed high up in the air. But, how do you feel? How is the pleasure whisp treating my Angel? Answer me please.”

  “It feels wonderful actually, Sir. The first bite of it was a little shocking but, I think that was only due to the newness of it.”

  “Good, I am glad to hear it. You will take forty-eight more to go with the four that I have already given you. One for each week that we have been apart. If you need to use your safe words at any time, don’t forget to do so. Otherwise, sit back quietly and enjoy.”

  That is the only warning I have as the blows begin landing. Some come in quick succession, while others have long moments or even minutes between them. There is never a rhyme or reason to the falls. Each time I think that there is, I feel as though I might be floating away, then he changes it up and I am brought right back to myself and the moment.

  The last few strikes have been harder and I wonder if the fifty-second strike is nearing. Suddenly a hit lands on my ass that has me jumping forward a bit with its force. Swallowing down the scream that is about to tear through my throat, I take a few deep breaths before I feel his hands on my ass.

  “You did so beautifully, Angel.” Running a finger through my cunt, he finds me leaking cream down my thighs. “You are so fucking wet. I knew that you would like that, I just can’t believe that I had to fight you from falling into space. You are a beautiful little sub, Alexandra.” Tracing his fingers down my thighs following the path of my cream that has leaked out of my cunt as he was hitting me with the pleasure whisp, he moves his fingers away from me momentarily. I hear a pop and he says, “You taste so fucking delicious, I need to have more” realizing that he has just cleaned me off of his fingers, has me clenching my pussy together.


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