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Filthy Boss

Page 164

by Amy Brent

  She heard footsteps, and he was behind her again. Brent spread her open further and slipped inside of her as she cried out with the feeling. Her body welcomed him and wrapped tightly around his cock as she pressed her hands against the glass. He moved in and out as their bodies moved together while he pressed against her ass. He was holding her tightly, and her nipples were pushed hard into the window as he fucked her harder. She let herself imagine someone watching them before they started to masturbate and Sadie panted as she came around Brent before he thickened and stilled as he released.

  Brent let her drop into his arms and carried her to the leather couch to set her gently on it. “You don’t have friends here right now, right?” Her voice was shaking.

  “Just the three of us,” Brent told her before he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. He asked if she wanted some coffee and she nodded as her body continued to throb gently. Sadie couldn’t even hear him in the kitchen, and she closed her eyes as she memorized how her pussy was pulsing, and her nerves were reacting all over her body. This was so wrong and so right all at once. She should get her purse and arrange for Vivian to get her some clothes and just leave. Threesomes were something that a lot of people enjoyed and Heaven help her, but she was now one of them and Sadie just longed to have the strength to leave this penthouse. Brent returned dressed in his shorts with two cups of coffee, one of which he handed to Sadie. “I was planning on ordering some breakfast from room service. What do you like?”

  “I…ugh…I guess some bacon and scrambled eggs.” She realized that she was hungry as he mentioned food and remembered that she hadn’t eaten much last night. Come to think of it; her head was hurting a bit, and he handed her a few pills. “What is this?”

  “Tylenol. I’ll order up some Gatorade as well for you. That always helps my hangovers,” Brent offered as he walked over to the phone and started to read something. She took it with a sip of the sweet, creamy coffee and thought to herself how good it tasted.

  Sadie stood up as an afterthought to get a robe and sat down as someone walked into the kitchen. “Morning,” Brent called out cheerfully before he picked up the phone to order.

  “We’ll discuss that after coffee,” Jacob grumbled as he walked into the room wearing a pair of shorts similar to Brent’s. His eyes rested on Sadie as she picked up her cup and she regarded him quietly. She felt good about Brent’s enthusiasm toward her but was uncertain about Jacob. Perhaps this was a one night stand to him. “You’re still here.” A smile started at the corner of his sexy mouth, and she couldn’t help but to return it.

  “I am. Brent asked me to stay for breakfast.” Sadie admitted as Jacob nodded and glanced over at his best friend.

  Brent thanked whoever was on the phone and looked over at the pair on the couch. “I ordered your usual, Jake.” He came over and sat on the left side of Sadie, sandwiching her between the two men. The thought made her blush about last night all over again.

  Jacob thanked him and looked from Brent to Sadie. “Look at her. You guys already fucked today, didn’t you?” He shook his head.

  “I have a meeting today in a few hours. You’ll have her all to yourself.” Brent assured Jacob as he grinned at him.

  Chapter 113

  Once they’d all eaten, Sadie looked at the guys. “I don’t have any clothes here, so I was going to have my friend send some to the hotel so I can leave. The dress was a loan.”

  “It suffered some damage last night. We already bought it and we'll have it cleaned, since it looked so beautiful on you,” Jacob offered with his charming smile as she stared at him. “Do you need to leave? Do you work today?”

  “No, I make my hours. I just thought that you might prefer that,” Sadie hesitantly replied as the guys shared a look. They bought her that expensive dress?

  “We owe you dinner. That was the arrangement of the auction.” Brent protested as she gave him a long stare.

  “He’s right. Stay. We’ll get you some clothes delivered, and you can even get some from your apartment.” Jacob stepped in, and she looked at him for a long moment.

  “Do you want that?” Sadie asked and watched as they both nodded. “Well, I can still have her bring me a change of clothes until we decide what to do.” She excused herself to get her purse and pulled her phone from the small black pouch. She bit her lip as she decided what to say and finally decided that Vivian would see through any lies.

  Sadie: Yo, Viv. I am at the hotel, and I need something to wear for a bit. Can you get me some jeans and a shirt some undies with a bra and send them to the penthouse? I’ll check what room number it is. Vivian lived in the same complex as Sadie did, just in a bigger place.

  A text came right through.

  Vivian: The penthouse at the hotel from last night? Did you stay with one of the guys?

  Sadie: In a manner of speaking. She rolled her eyes at the vague reply that her best friend would pick apart. I only have the dress from last night and that’s not entirely appropriate to leave in.

  Vivian: I heard that someone called the designer last night and purchased the dress. Whore!!

  “What is the room number here?” Sadie asked as she walked back into the living room to see the men talking closely together.

  “2003. Did you get some clothes delivered?” Brent asked as she stared down at the text coming in.

  “Yes.” Sadie sent the room number to Vivian and gave them a scared look. “Probably in person. Do you remember my friend from last night?”

  “Vaguely,” Jacob casually said as Sadie raised an eyebrow. Vivian was one that was noticed all of the time compared to her. That was why she seemed always to be dating famous New York guys until she met her fiancée. Sadie wondered if her best friend had any threesomes along the way.

  Brent excused himself to take a shower and came back dressed in business casual wear. Sadie and Jacob stopped talking to look up at him. She was growing comfortable with both men, and it scared her…to death. What was a girl supposed to do with two gorgeous and easy to get along with men that were best friends? People couldn’t be in relationships like that, could they?

  Brent left, and Jacob immediately moved closer to Sadie to kiss her on the couch. It was like he was waiting to be alone with her and she pulled him closer as he started to untie her robe and slide his hands over her body. They were moving closer to being completely naked and ready to go when there was a knock at the door. “Shit. That might be Viv.” Sadie understood that she wasn’t looking like a supermodel after her first tryst of the day, and she pushed Jacob away and fixed her clothes.

  Jacob ran a hand through his hair slowly and stood as he fixed his shorts. He strolled to the door and opened it before thanking someone and closing it again. “Just the staff.” He smiled at Sadie as he slipped his shorts down and walked over to her after setting the bag on a table.

  After she had sucked his cock nearly dry, Jacob moved it to the shower where he held her up and fucked her with her back to the wall of the shower. Sadie cried his name as she came, clutching his shoulders as his lips found hers for a deep kiss.

  They were both dressed and watching a hockey game in the living room when Brent returned in the afternoon. “Are you a fan as well? Jake used to drive me mad watching this all of the time.” Brent had glanced at the game and the score before he sat down. “New client. Hotel guy.”

  “The best kind,” Jacob responded as he sipped his beer. “Sadie likes seafood as much as you, so we’re even.”

  They left in the late afternoon in Jacob’s incredible Range Rover with all of the bells and whistles to go to her place for a bag and so she could change for dinner. They were going to a place on the Hudson River, and since the guys were a bit dressed up, Sadie wanted to be as well. When they parked on the sidewalk, Sadie gave them a careful look. “My place is dreadfully small. Like you might not be able to fit in it kind of small. Do you want to wait?”

  “Of course not,” Brent said as he hopped out of the back and opened the door for her. Sadie s
ighed and got out as she imagined what everyone that saw them was thinking. Sadie’s imagination led her to a place where the auction was in the paper with scandalous headlines since it was a charity for the wealthy and famous of New York. Good thing she didn’t ever read it. Jacob joined them as she led them through the quaint but run down courtyard with the fountain and up some stairs almost in time to avoid the sound of Vivian’s voice.

  “There you are,” she looked cheery enough, but Sadie knew her. Vivian wanted the dirt.

  “Hello, Vivian,” Sadie said in a polite tone as Jacob extended his hand first to greet her, then Brent. “I am just getting some things, and we’re leaving again.”

  Vivian looked from one man to the other before she gazed at Sadie. “Let’s do lunch this week. There are more plans to go over.”

  “Of course. I’ll text you.” The degree that Vivian wanted to interrogate her was strong from the look in her eyes. Sadie grinned and turned to unlock her door as she walked in and let them follow her. “See? Small.”

  “Have you been friends with Vivian for long?” Brent asked as he seemed to ignore the tiny living room and looked at her.

  “Since third grade. I think we drive each other crazy sometimes, but I adore her.” Sadie replied as she glanced back at them. She and Vivian had never shared a man, and Sadie wondered what that must be like, given how comfortable they both were. “I will just get my things. Make yourself at home.”

  She went into her even smaller room and pulled out her worn duffel bag from an old gym to pack some clothes. Not knowing how long she’d be gone, Sadie threw in a few pairs of jeans, some shirts and a few of her sexier bras and underwear. She looked in her closet for a dress and found a flowing red one that looked great with some mascara and fire engine red lipstick. Sadie threw herself together and slipped her feet into some matching red heels before she walked out into the living room again.

  “Sadie, you know how to rock the color red,” Brent said as he stood up and approached her to kiss her cheek. He looked down the fitted top that teased her cleavage and the skirt that moved around her thighs with every step. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you so much,” Sadie told him as she shyly smiled and looked over at Jacob. Somehow, his approval was just as important to her.

  “You stun me with your beauty.” Jacob kissed her other cheek and inhaled as he lingered for a moment. “You do taste as sweet as you smell, as well.”

  Sadie stared at him for a moment before she thanked him and they prepared to leave. They went to a place that offered them the small private nook that overlooked the water more than any other table and talked and sipped wine while Jacob chose to drink water until they got back to the room. They told her they rented it a lot just to do business in the area and hang out with friends since their apartments were a bit more uptown. Of course, as they explained it, a lot of the people from the event stayed for a long weekend.

  She was tipsy as Jacob helped her to the car while she giggled at something that the hostess said to them upon seeing her acting affectionate with both men. Jacob’s face was set in a scowl as they walked and Brent knew that Sadie would feel a lot worse about the comment if she were sober, since she was sleeping with both men at this time. She just didn’t feel any pain right now.

  Chapter 114

  In fact, Sadie was the one who initiated everything by pulling the men to bed and stripping each one in turn to give him a sensual blowjob. They pleased her when they weren’t inside of her mouth, and Sadie came hard in their mouths before Jacob turned her onto her back to pull her legs to his shoulders and took her hard and deep. Brent knelt down to suck on her sensitive nipples as they bounced with every thrust and she pulled him closer to her as she closed her eyes and wondered how she’d be able to do this one on one with anybody ever again.

  Brent took her on her knees as he played with her ass with the tip of his finger. It went deeper with each thrust and she cried out as she came hard all around him as Brent kept moving inside of her. For every thrust that she felt, there was a hand or a mouth pleasing her or a cock down her throat. Sadie felt herself drowning under the surface of her lust as she pressed her face into the mattress and took a deep breath.

  They all returned to their homes two days after going out to eat and just hanging around the city when they weren’t in bed together. Every moment got hotter, and every encounter left her desperate for more before she finally drove home with her duffel bag in the passenger seat and the green dress folded up in the back. Brent had it taken to a cleaner so it was ready for another special occasion but Sadie knew that it would always remind her of the two of them. She might never wear it again.

  They had exchanged numbers before she kissed them both goodbye in the room and told them that she wanted to see them again. Sadie felt the emotions that she was feeling inside in both of their kisses and their tight embraces, with Brent’s goodbye being a bit wordier than Jacob’s. It’s who they were, and she appreciated each and every bit of Jacob and Brent that she knew so far. She parked in her tiny reserved spot under the aging carport and missed the luxury of the hotel as she settled back into home. Her clothes barely seemed to fit into the small closet, and her full-size bed was just too small for her now.

  Sadie wandered around before she fixed a sandwich in the kitchen and sat on the loveseat to watch some TV. She set her computer on the portable desk that she dragged all over her apartment and tapped out a story as she squinted at her thirty-two-inch set that was just a mere three feet in front of her. Everything seemed dull to her now, and she sat back and let herself miss the life that she’d lead over the weekend.

  Brent called late that evening, and they talked late into the night and planned on lunch the next day. Sadie managed to get herself out of bed and get in some writing time before she showered and walked down to the curb. Brent pulled up in a fancy sports car that she later found out was a Ferrari F60 America in a pretty blue that brought out his eyes. He took her to a great deli in another part of town, and they ate sandwiches and chips as they watched a game on the television in the corner. “This doesn’t seem like your kind of place,” Sadie noted as she took a drink of her soda and glanced around the faded paint on the walls.

  “I grew up in places like this out in Long Island with Jake. We have money now, but I like to go back to simpler times here and there, particularly since my family has all passed away. Airplane crash seven years ago…I like to hold onto the memories.” He stared into her eyes. “I thought that you’d like it here as well.”

  “I do.” She smiled. “I just remember the hotel and the dinners. It was all so fancy, but this is nice. I ate at places like this as a kid too. There’s a certain charm to them.”

  “I mix things up so you’ll always be guessing.”

  After lunch, he brought her back to her house and parked the car. “Don’t you have to work?” Sadie teased him as he got out of the car and came around to open her door.

  “I’m the boss, and I have a meeting,” Brent winked at her as he walked to her apartment by her side. Sadie took his arm and breathed in his scent as she made a mental note that Brent smelled fresh like the ocean and Jacob smelled clean like mint and herbs. Sadie unlocked the door and pulled him in by the hand as their lips met with all of the restrained desire that they were feeling over the last hour. Brent kicked the door closed and lifted her up to carry her to her bedroom as she wrapped her arms around his neck to hold on with a loud giggle.

  “It’s so small in here,” Sadie protested as he dropped her onto the bed and kissed her hungrily. She undressed in minutes, and he was kissing down her body as she stroked his hair and watched. Just like before, Brent was fantastic on his own, and he made her come three times when it was all said and done. They had to be creative since his over six-foot frame didn’t fit so well on the bed but they laughingly agreed to go to his place next time. When he kissed her goodbye, Sadie missed the both of them. She watched him leave as a blonde strode purposefully towards her do
or as she licked her lips. “Yo, Viv.”

  “Was that a lunch date that you just got back from?” Vivian asked as she surveyed Sadie’s sloppy appearance.

  “Yes and so much more.” Sadie pulled her best friend in and shut the door as she stared at her. “I don’t know what to do.” She told Vivian everything from the night of the auction to the weekend as her friend widened her eyes.

  “Oh my fucking God…both of them? Sadie, that’s so unlike you,” Vivian sympathized as Sadie nodded with a frown. “They’re gorgeous, though. If I wasn’t engaged, I might be a little jealous.” Vivian smiled since they both knew her soon-to-be husband was a handsome man that she was crazy about. “Who would you pick if you had to?”

  “I don’t know,” Sadie admitted as she looked at Vivian. “They’re opposites, but I like both of them.”

  “Ride it out. Hell, fuck the ever loving hell out of both of those men. You deserve it for so many reasons.” Vivian was no stranger to the way most men were towards her friend and called all of them stuck up assholes that didn’t know what they were missing.

  “I guess. It just feels so…taboo. Something like that.” Sadie had mused before she shook her head. The girls talked for a bit longer before Vivian went back to the gallery and Sadie got some writing done until her phone rang later that night.

  It was Jacob. He asked her to dinner, and Sadie accepted before she finished up her article and checked it before sending it to her client. She dressed in a dark purple dress that clung to her curves and some black heels with dark liner and nude pink lips. She walked out to the curb to find Jacob walking towards her as a smile crossed his face. “You look gorgeous.” He kissed her softly and led her to a car that rivaled Brent’s, where he opened the door for her.

  Dinner that night was a steak and seafood place where she found herself enjoying it as much as she had the lunch date. They were different men, but a part of her was beginning to care deeply for them both. He bought the best wine in the place and allowed her to drink to her heart’s delight before they left and they headed the opposite direction of her apartment. “Where are we going?”


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