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Filthy Boss

Page 242

by Amy Brent

  “I’m on fire for you, Jessica. Cum with me and let us take this journey together…cum with me…ride the fuck… NOWWWWWWW.” He gave one final lunge burying himself and then letting go with the same kind of intensity that I’d felt the other night. He continued to fuck me through his orgasm and I rippled along his length. I pulled out of him every little bit that he could give me. He finally pulled out slowly letting me feel every inch then dropping back onto the bed right beside me.

  “That was…repeat after me…fucking amazing, Anthony.” This was a bond that could not be broken and I had the recipe for love. It was right here in front of me.

  “I didn’t even tell you that I signed the contract. It was a long and arduous process, but I’m glad it’s finally over. I take off for training camp in a few weeks and I want you to be there. I’ve already lined up a few real estate agents. Together, we will find our little love nest away from those that would consider what we’re doing taboo. After I finish the season, I want to approach your father and my mother.” He could’ve asked me for anything at that moment and I would’ve gladly given him it.

  “I could die right now and be a happy woman. I don’t know about you, but I’m famished. I know for a fact that they have this surf and turf dinner for two on special. Why don’t you give them a call? I’m a little tied up at the moment.” I raised my hands with the handcuffs still on my wrist. “Are you ever going to get the key and unlock me, or am I forever supposed to be your sex prisoner.” He smiled with this naughty little grin. He did call down to room service for the required specials.

  We lay there together in a post orgasmic glow and then there was that telltale knocking on the door. He leaped off the bed and went over to the door to fling it open. I tried to cover myself, but it was very difficult with my hands immobilized like they were. I managed to pull the sheet up far enough. The bellboy didn’t see too much of my considerable charms.

  “I’m going to give you this $20.00 tip young man, I want you to look at this woman and see the beauty that I see. She is a rare creature. I can never guess what’s on her mind, but I know she loves me with all of her heart. I’ve been getting closer to saying it, but I want you to be here to witness my declaration. I do love her and I would never let anything happen to her. She is all mine and no other man is ever going to touch her again.” The kid couldn’t have been more than 18 years old. He couldn’t take his eyes off my breasts. “I hate to do this to you, but I’m afraid that I’m going to have to ask you to leave in your current condition.” The bulge in his pants was very flattering.”

  He escorted him out of the room. He closed the door and gave me a look that said tonight had only begun. He continued to rise to the challenge three more times, until we were too exhausted to move. Thankfully, the steak and the lobster were good enough to keep us going. The champagne tickled my nose. I was not much for drinking. In the morning, we knew that our time together was just beginning.

  A few weeks later and there was a considerable baby bump, but I was hiding it in the best way that I could. The season had just ended and we had gathered my father and Allison into the same room.

  “I don’t know what this is all about, but I’m getting this queasy feeling in my gizzard.” My father was always one step ahead of me, but this time he had no idea what was coming. “I don’t like that look. I hope nobody is dying.” If that was his main concern, then this might be something that would take the sting out of the blow.

  “My woman’s intuition is telling me something, but I’m not sure I believe it.” Allison was at the edge of her seat with that white and black dress sliding along with her. “I know that I’m not gonna like this and I know your father is going to have kittens.” My father was a little stunned with confusion. He was looking at his beloved Allison and then back at his daughter for some kind of answer that would make sense.

  “I just want to tell you that your daughter and I have been getting to know each other. I have nothing, but respect for her. I know this is going to take a bit of getting used to, but we are seeing each other. She’s having my baby and in front of both of you I intend to ask her to marry me.” My father was clutching his chest, as Anthony got down on one knee and gave me a ring with a lot of sparkle on it. He slipped it down my finger while Allison was fanning my father before he could collapse.

  “I knew it. I fucking knew it.” Allison had never said any kind of profanity and to hear her right now only showed me how serious the situation was. “I hope the both of you know what you’re doing. I wish that I could stop this, but I know you both are adults and can make your own decisions.” My father was in no condition for a moment, but that wasn’t going to last long. “I’m sure in time we can make peace with this, but we are going to need some distance.” That was when Anthony told them of the contract with the Vikings and that we were leaving today.

  My father pleaded with me to stop this nonsense, but I was blinded by love. He tried to bribe me and Allison threatened to disallow Anthony’s inheritance. Nothing was going to work. We only had eyes for one another. They could kick and scream all they wanted, but in the end this was going to happen. They didn’t have to like it, but they were going to have to live with it.

  In the end it was our lives and we had decided to live it together. We left them stupefied and we drove out of town with his contract, the team, the baby and a new home waiting for us. This was not the end, but only the beginning.

  His Unexpected Baby

  Chapter 158

  Aaron Nellers parked his gray Range Rover in the new spot under the Garden, letting it sink in that he was now the owner of the New York Rangers after a bit of negotiation on the part of a few people. It was quiet around him and he enjoyed the calm before the storm before he went in to check on things and take a look at the practice.

  Nothing was like being out there for any player, but for Aaron, that was over. He’d suffered a few blows to his collateral ligament, resulting in too many surgeries to continue playing. He retired at thirty-one and taken some time to recover from the life altering change as well as to decide what to do now.

  Aaron had been responsible with his money, inspired by his father’s background in banking and smart choices. He was grateful that finances hadn’t been a problem for him but the loss of the sport had been devastating, having been a center for The Rangers for most of his career after a brief stint with the Penguins. Aaron was one of the best players on the ice when his injuries became too much for the sport, leaving behind a few records for the younger players to try and catch up to.

  He’d slipped into an intense darkness at first, not leaving his apartment and using the excuse that he was recovering from his tenth surgery. Aaron was angry and resentful, not speaking to anybody for weeks until his parents had stepped in.

  Aaron was particularly close to his father Glen and his mother Janice, only in their sixties and still very active and currently into traveling. That had made it easier for him to sulk until they arrived back from Australia, a trip they’d planned before the surgery. He’d insisted that they stick to their plans and that he’d have help, becoming a recluse immediately afterward. Once they got home and stopped over at his Manhattan apartment to see how he was doing, both parents became immediately concerned. Their son was clearly not taking care of himself; not eating well, sleeping too much and not doing the exercise required for the healing or any other kind for that matter.

  Glen started taking him to see a therapist to deal with the changes in his life as well as one of the best physical therapists in the world, both things that Aaron should have been taking care of himself. There were many long talks about his future that he hated during the course of them, though they left him with more love and respect for his folks than he’d ever guess he’d have when he was younger and thought that he knew it all. He eventually pulled himself out of the blackness and started exercising again per strict doctor’s orders to regain his health as close as he could to when he’d played.

  Six month
s after the day he retired, Aaron found out that his former team was for sale after having a couple of bad years in the books. The current owner was older and planning to retire, which is when Aaron consulted with his father and made the plan to make an offer. He had a lot of money saved, several contacts in the sport to fill the spots needed to make a better team and the knowledge from playing himself. Aaron was also well-liked and he was one of the favorites in the fight for the team. He was both pleased and slightly resentful when he became the new owner, knowing that it was going to hurt seeing them play the way that he couldn’t. Aaron had to move on and this was a good way to stay in something that he loved and lived for as well as bringing in some good income for his future.

  He was honest with his therapist Lydia how much it hurt him to make the decision, something that she helped him through just like everything else. Aaron had taken care of the unpleasantness of the necessary firings himself, using his connections to get a new head coach in a friend who had played a few years longer than him as an aggressive and excellent goalie. He’d be tough and inspiring for the team that had been sinking lately under the scandal of the former owner, leaving them with low morale and little motivation. The assistant coach was someone that he knew from the college circuit, leading his team in several championships before he’d accepted the position.

  Those were easy choices for Aaron. He’d also looked to fill a few other positions, including a sports therapist for the team. The former had a pattern of calling in and leaving the team with recurring injuries. There were the usual older applicants with incredible experience but when the pretty redhead walked into the room to sit before the panel, he and his coaches and father had all sat up a little straighter.

  Holly Miller was only twenty-two, but she’d been working with one of the best UFC teams for the last couple of years before she’d graduated. Holly had been involved in sports for years in school and had chosen early on to pursue therapy as a degree choice, taking whatever classes that she could to gain early credits for college. She’d moved here to attend school in the city after two years at the University of Southern California, choosing to follow her fighter and continue to work with him. She knew her stuff and her energy was almost contagious as she impressed them with every answer.

  Apart from that, Holly was gorgeous. She had red curls that were pulled back to go with her professional power suit of a skirt and a jacket over a white blouse, topped off by some of the sexiest heels that Aaron had ever seen. Her skin was pale and flawless with deep green eyes that sparkled with passion as she spoke about her field, flexing her perfect legs from time to time as he forced himself not to watch. Holly obviously understood the need to be in as good of shape as her clients, if not better, and she took care of herself. She was curvy at all the right places and her body radiated a dangerous confidence.

  She had won them all over and despite concerns about the players being a little too into their care, Holly was hired. She accepted over the phone, making Aaron harden at the sound of her throaty voice as she apologized for the allergies that were wreaking havoc in her throat before she assured him she was taking care of it. He thought of a lot of things that she could take care of for him as he hung up, rubbing the erection under his track pants slowly. It had been a while since he’d been with a woman, both due to injuries and his lack of interest. But there was something about Holly that he almost instantaneously knew he wanted!

  Aaron knew that he was appealing to women from school and his playing days with his dark indigo eyes and tousled Blonde hair that he’d grown out over the past year. He’d been with many in his years but now he was just turning thirty-two and wasn’t looking for the one-night stand thing as much.

  Nor was he foolish enough to fuck his sports therapist but the idea was tempting as he remembered her hot, curvy body and green eyes that had rested on him more than once during the interview. Holly had some depth that most women didn’t, especially at her age. She was also intelligent and that had always intrigued Aaron, even during his period of lots of women that didn’t offer that at all.

  Chapter 159

  Aaron got out of his car and shut the door, locking it and setting the alarm with the button. He knew that it was safe in here with the intense security that the arena offered, but he liked the sound of it echoing in the garage that he and a few choice others got to use. He greeted the guard at the elevator that would take him the few stories he needed get to work, taking in his size and intimidation level as he asked Aaron for his badge with a severe look. Aaron knew that he’d be showing that often and happily pulled it from the pocket of his slacks before boarding the car. He entered into the hallway that led to the main part of the arena as well as holding the room for Holly and her assistant that was fully furnished with state-of-the-art machines that she would need along with an open budget. Aaron strolled down the thick flooring used for the skates of the players, hearing voices coming from the ice.

  He took a moment to remember the times that he’d been on this, going to or from a game with his team as adrenaline rushed through all of them. Nothing would ever compare. Aaron heard footsteps next to him and glanced over to see Holly and the man that walked with her, deciding that there could be something that might compare as he took in her loose braid and yoga pants with a matching thin jacket. “Mr. Neller. Good afternoon. I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  She was make-up free and glowing and he watched as she took him in with a lingering up and down gaze before he answered. “I wanted to see the first practice and make sure everything was going well. How are your facilities, Miss Miller?”

  “They’re fantastic and call me Holly. Miss is way too formal. I loved working with Manny and what they offered but this place is amazing.” Holly responded enthusiastically, smiling as she glanced over at him again. “Thanks again for giving me free reign of the machines. I do a lot of yoga but sometimes the gym is what I need and you have the best here.” Aaron noted the small bracelet around her arm that many people used now to track their workouts and nodded as their eyes met.

  “I am still going to use it myself. I live close and I always enjoyed working out here.” Aaron wanted to ask what her usual time was to work out but he held the question back as they entered into the arena to the team skating on the ice.

  It would be incredible to watch such a curvy, confident, beautiful woman workout! Aaron felt himself growing hard, yet again, but dismissed the thought of working out with her as they moved towards the team.

  It was their first practice and they were going to make some introductions as well as lay the groundwork for the following season. Pat and James, the head and assistant coaches saw them and flagged them over as Pat called out to the team. “Guys, head over here for a minute. You know this guy, I think. He’s the new owner and looking forward to seeing a playoff win here this year. Aaron Neller, these are the guys.” He introduced them by name and position, many of them looking familiar to Aaron from games as well as still knowing some. They all shook his hand, skating forward in an informal line as he told them hello and hugged some of the ones that he’d played with. That took several moments and Aaron stepped back to see Holly step forward with her assistant and glance at the group. “This is Holly Miller and her assistant Tanner James. They’ll be working with you as far as injuries and the therapy that comes along with them. She used to work with Manny Hernandez. Heard of him?”

  “Hell yes. That guy can fight.” Walter called out, making some of the other guys laugh. He was the new center and showed a lot of potential with the right leadership, something that made Aaron’s stomach twist as he glanced at the floor. Walter was twenty-four and a great player, having good control over the team when he wasn’t the only one offering it. He felt eyes on him and glanced over to see Holly glancing at him with curious green eyes as he met her gaze.

  “Good, good. She’ll be working closely with the medical staff here and make sure to keep you guys healthy. We don’t need to have any players out on injury.�
�� Pat’s eyes scanned over the team as he glanced at Holly, Tanner and Aaron.

  “I’d like a chance to speak with all of you about any problem areas I need to know about. I’ll be in my room all day, so feel free to stop in if you can.” Holly told them, and Aaron saw the look in their eyes as they nodded and looked her over. She didn’t back down a bit, meeting their eyes as she kept her tone serious while shooting them down. They seemed to understand, exchanging glances as Aaron shook his head and they were told to take to the ice. He watched enviously, moving to the glass as he felt someone step up beside him. “You miss it, don’t you?”

  Aaron nodded as he looked over at Holly, who was watching them as well. She stood straight with her perfect breasts curving underneath the jacket that she wore over a perfect waist only graced by the pants. He suspected she had a good bra on, since it was smooth in this cold temperature. “You know me.”

  “I did some research after the interview. You’re a young owner, Mr. Neller.” Holly replied, just a few feet shorter than his height of six feet two inches. “I was curious.”

  “You have me there. The chance came up and I took it.” He glanced at her, shivering a bit as he smiled. “Call me Aaron.”

  “Really?” Holly asked him, giving him a disbelieving glance. “Okay then.”

  “We’re a family here. I don’t want it uncomfortable or even formal. This is a tough game and I don’t like to sugarcoat things.” Aaron told her, seeing her nod. “I want everyone involved and I want you to feel like you can come to me with anything, Holly. I am going to be a very involved owner.”


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