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Filthy Boss

Page 288

by Amy Brent

  “Shooshan… Come into bed wif me…” Ross said with a terrible slur. His breath could kill the immortal undead, but I nodded and got into the opposite side. He snuggled close against me and soon had his hands over my body. He was drunk, and his hands fumbled more than caressed my breasts, then down to my pussy, I didn’t want to take advantage of him in the state he was in, but oh god I wanted this man.

  I chose the chivalrous route. “Ross, sweetheart, you need to sleep off the drink, I’ll lie here with you but no funny business okay? It’s not right, you just buried your wife today, just close your eyes, and sleep. I’ll be here.” Ross’s hands stilled, but he held me close. Noisily breathing in the scent of my hair.

  “You’re my best friend, Susan, I love you.” He mumbled sleepily. I looked down at him with tears rimming the lower lids of my eyes.

  “I love you too, Ross, I wish you truly knew just how much.” I leaned down and kissed his temple, before I too drifted off to sleep.


  My life had gone from absolutely wonderful one moment, then absolute fucking train wreck the next. My Becky was gone, my job prospects were in the gutter and now, I was living in a two bedroom apartment with a collection of almost a thousand beer bottles. I had to wade through them to get to the filthy kitchen. I had hit the lowest of the low points, the next stop would be either the gutter, or buried beside Becky.

  It had been three months since we buried her. The day after her funeral, I woke up in some cheap, dingy motel alone in bed with the housekeepers knocking on the room’s door telling me it was checkout time, and that I had to get out. There was a note from Susan, telling me that she was there if I needed her, any time of the day or night and had a new phone number on it. In my hung over state I had left it in the room, and the cleaners had tossed it out with the trash.

  I spent most of my days drinking myself into a stupor and watching my old games on the laptop. There was a couple where the women’s team played before the guys and I watched Susan run the gauntlet of other women each trying to steal the ball from her to score for their team. She never let them get it off her. That was my Susan. So beautiful, so graceful, She was the one I had let get away. I had heard that she was going around with another guy from another Frat House. It was too late after I married Becky that I had found out that wasn’t true, too little too late. I was happy… Was.

  Now I was in a drunken state, sleeping off my latest round of brain-cell-murder with alcohol as the deadly weapon. I slept most of the day and drank most of the night. I dozed in my filthy recliner, only to be rudely woken up by the noises of my bottles being tossed into their cartons. The smell of stale beer rousing me from the apathy. I blinked in the suddenly too bright room, some asshole had opened the dirty curtains, letting noonday sunshine invade my gloom.

  “Hey, close the fucking curtains.” I growled.

  “Shut up Ross, you need to let the sunlight in.” a familiar voice snapped back. “I had heard you were in a bad state but this is ridiculous, get your ass out of that chair, and into the shower while I try to find you something clean to wear and clear out these damned bottles.

  Susan stood there looking very much like the proverbial guardian angel, sans wings. Well she would look like an angel if angels wore pink rubber gloves and a tidy apron. She also had a determined look on her face, the sort of look that I called her ‘game face’. That look that you never messed with her when it was on.

  I stumbled from my chair and staggered into the shower. I stripped nude and let the cold water wake me up. Susan was here! How did she know I needed her so badly? She had been on my mind for the last month or so as I finally came out form the black cloud that had covered my life since Becky’s death. I still grieved for my lost wife. I came out of the shower with only a towel on, sobered up by the cold water. The smell of dishwashing liquid and cleaners chased away the stench of stale beer. Susan was scrubbing hard at the coffee pot and some mugs. “Got some clean clothes here for you, your mom dropped them by.”

  I shook my head, then regretted it as a headache hit me hard.

  “Susan, what are you doing here?” I asked her as she scrubbed, her body bent over the counter, strong, lithe and damned sexy as she scrubbed my counter. Her perfectly rounded ass moved with her hips as she scrubbed. How come I had never taken notice of that ass in college!

  “I’m helping you get out of your pity party and back into the real world. Your bills are at the stage where your utilities are getting cut, your phone has been shut off already. I have paid your bills, so you owe me about seven hundred dollars.” She rinsed the coffee pot, then set it into the percolator to fill with fresh coffee when she turned the machine on. She then rinsed the cups and filled them with coffee, handing me one.

  “I’ve taken a job teaching at one of the local high schools here. I need a place to stay, your Mom said you might like a housemate.” She snorted, a cute sound that got my cock twitching, I wondered how she would feel with me buried balls deep within her. My heart fluttered a little as I thought of the prospect of Susan, My Susan entwined with me in my queen sized bed. I had gotten rid of all the furniture that had been a part of my old life with Becky, it held too many painful memories for me to hold onto. I simply kept a few treasured pictures of us, at graduation and our wedding.

  I didn’t think as I moved closer to Susan. My hands reached up and took her face, pulling her lips against mine I knew as soon as they touched, I had loved her for a long time, from her response. I could tell that she too, had loved me. My towel fell from my hips and my body responded. I yanked off the apron that covered her. The floral dress that she wore surprised me. I pulled away for a moment before I dived back in to kiss her, my hands unbuttoning her dress to reveal her perfect breasts. My tongue traced her jawline, as I licked my way down to those flawless, hand-sized breasts.

  My perfect woman was right here, I knew it as I slipped her dress from her body. She trembled at my touch with excitement. She was the one who would bring me back to life, as evidenced by my hardened cock. I licked my way down to her panties, pulling them down slowly to inspect my prize, I could smell her arousal, and see how wet Susan’s panties were, knowing she was as ready for me as I was for her.

  I stood and lifted her onto the cleaned table, gently parted her legs and returned my mouth to take sweet possession of her pussy. Her moans and gasps of pleasure were musical as my tongue slid along her damp folds. Her honey tasted like heaven. My beautiful Susan ran her hands through my hair, encouraging me to take her higher. I brought her to the edge with my mouth before I stood and kissed her, my hand angling my hard on at her entrance. With a grunt of pleasure I entered her, she gasped at my entry, her hands running along my shoulders to my back, nails slightly dragging along my skin. And I knew from the sharp little pains on my back that this was real. I began thrusting inside her, our bodies connected physically and spiritually, I knew that when the time was right, I’d have my Susan as my wife. I looked into her eyes as I took her on the kitchen table, and I knew that she understood and wanted to be with me, when our time was right to be man and wife.


  I was the blushing bride as my father escorted me down the aisle to my groom. Ross looked gorgeous as he stood there. Our venue was a small public garden. It was cosy, perfect for our small wedding. Ross had gone the big wedding route with Becky, and I had never wanted a big church wedding.

  The last six months had been hard at times for Ross, but we had learned to live life again, together. Filled with passionate lovemaking, tears, hopes and dreams that we were working hard on, one of those dreams would, in about six months become a reality. I smiled as I placed my hand on my belly. The time to tell everyone was here, and what more perfect place to celebrate our new family than our wedding.

  The Celebrant bound us as man and wife and we kissed, I had whispered something to her prior to the ceremony kicking off and after the cheers had died down the Celebrant held her hands up for silence.

  “The Bri
de and Groom also have an announcement to make.” She said, the expectant silence greeted me, I held Ross’ hand and grinned.

  “We’re expecting!” I said with a huge grin on my face. Screams and cheers of joy echoed around out little park, parents playing with their children on the playground stopped and looked over at our little wedding party before they went back to their children’s play. Ross and I were swamped with hugs and kisses. I looked around and saw that Ross’ groomsmen were pulling something out of their bags.

  “Oh no…” I said, pulling Ross close. “Your College buddies are at it again.” Ross looked over to them and then to me, “Wanna make a break for it? I think they got Nerf guns.”

  Ross kissed me on the temple before he pulled out a bag of his own from behind a chair. Inside was a small padded vest, which he slipped over my wedding dress, and then handed me a Nerf gun, before handing them to my bridesmaids

  “Nah, let’s take them on.” He said with a grin as he armed himself. Our wedding guests looked at the spectacle about to start, and wisely backed away as Ross’ groomsmen attacked the rest of the bridal party.

  As the Nerf darts began to fly, I knew one thing was for certain - My life with Ross was going to be one hell of a fun ride!

  The End

  Second Chance

  PART 1

  Chapter 1

  The ocean breeze was strong as Mallory Linden walked out of her editing class and looked around the skies to see clouds gathering above. She sighed and tugged the teal hat that covered her thick honey colored hair down a bit before she took a step forward and gripped her messenger bag closer to her body. The Spring season could be so touch and go here on the Monterey peninsula and she winced as another breeze tore through the air and she found herself losing her balance as she yelped loudly. “Shit!” She was waiting to hit the ground when she realized that someone was holding onto her tightly before she looked up with wide blue eyes. “Oh my…thank you so much. Let me get my balance here.” Mallory knew that she wasn’t a light girl and it didn’t bother her at all, though she didn’t need a guy holding onto her for too long.

  What a guy he was. Despite him being dressed in thick workout pants, Mallory could see how muscular his legs were along with the worried look in his eyes that were the color of a deep green forest. His arms were tense and strong and he helped her up even as she struggled. “Are you alright?” There was an accent to his soft voice as she stared at him and nodded slowly. “That could have been a bad fall. I’m glad that I was here.”

  “I…yeah. Me too.” She blushed furiously and stood up to see that he was a good six inches taller than her five foot seven frame, at least. “Thank you.” She gave him a nervous look and licked her full lips. “Do you go here?”

  “Yeah, I’m a senior here and I’m helping a friend coach the rugby team. My major is sports medicine though I’d rather play than assist other guys.” He gave her a charming crooked smile and watched as she lifted her head and took a deep breath. “I’m Declan Meadows. Most of my friends here call me Deck.” He chuckled and shook his head. “That’s the polite name for me. I’ll spare you of the others.”

  “I’m Mallory. Mallory Linden. I’m a sophomore. You don’t play? You only coach?” She asked him curiously as he seemed to narrow his eyes.

  “I do but the assistant coach has a personal emergency. I’m just coaching until they figure out what to do, though I’ll step in if we’re down a man or two.” He shook his head. “I do love it here but even if I didn’t make it in America, there’s always home to play in.”

  “Home? Your accent…is it English?” Mallory asked him as the trees blew violently around them. She looked up and frowned as he glanced around. “I’m sorry. If you have to go or anything, I don’t want to hold you up.”

  “It’s not that at all. A bit chilly out is all. Do you have any classes coming up?” He seemed to study her face closely as she shook her head. “Something to drink then?”

  “I’ll buy since you saved my life today.” Mallory smiled he shook his head and cracked another smile.

  “It’s nothing at all, lass. My car is over here if that suits you.” Declan told her as he gestured forward to the huge parking lot with one large hand. They headed over as she pressed her lips together. “Yes, I am from England. I was born there but my Dad is originally from Ireland. I think my accent is a mix myself.” She raised an eyebrow when he unlocked the door of an immaculate black sports car that Mallory didn’t know the name of, though she knew enough to know that it was very expensive. Declan opened the door for her after hitting something on his key chain and she slid in as she took another look at him.

  Clearly, he was a rich kid but he said he was a student. Family money maybe that belonged to a guy that still wanted to do something, that had a skill. Either way, it made her beat up SUV look like a complete piece of shit.

  “What is your major, Mallory?” The way her name sounded with his slight accent gave her the shivers and she looked over at him as he pulled out of the parking lot. De clan was the picture of confident as he leaned back in his seat and drove, with his dark hair in waves around his shoulders as she watched him pull it out of the bun that it had been in. So few men could pull that off to begin with but she couldn’t decide if she liked it better up or down.

  “Film. I’m studying all of the aspects of it to see where I want to end up.” She responded after a moment and a look from him, followed by a nod.

  “I would think you’d want to be in the movies, not behind the camera.” He delivered the compliment with a careless ease that almost made her believe him as her thighs heated up along with her face and neck.

  “I think I’m more of the behind the scenes kind of girl. I just love when an idea forms in my head. The movie starts playing out almost too fast for me to jot down.” Mallory admitted, feeling the fire inside of her that sparked up whenever she talked about her passion in life.

  “I feel that way when I play too. It’s like a high that you can’t get enough of, isn’t it?” De clan mused out loud as she nodded before glancing at her at a stoplight. “I was thinking of a pub for some fish and chips. Does that sound good?”

  “Perfect.” Mallory responded, mesmerized by the way his cheekbones sloped down his face to his full lips. He was a big guy and muscular to boot but his face was gorgeous and he was making her move away from the business type that she’d seemed to date since school started. They drove into the better part of Carmel and he parked effortlessly on the curb and smiled at her before he opened his door and walked around.

  “It’s a perfect time for a late lunch.” De clan told her as he pulled her door open and leaned in to help her out.

  “I agree.” She was captivated by the way that he looked at her as she took his hand to get out of the low vehicle. Heat slid up her arm as they made contact and forced her eyes to his as she took a slow breath.

  Declan was everything that Mallory should stay away from but she found herself stepping closer to him as he closed the door behind her.

  Chapter 2

  They were seated immediately once he walked up to the hostess stand, set apart from the rest of the tables in a cozy corner by a fireplace. He joked back and forth with the waitress as she took Mallory’s order of coffee and his tea, apparently being a regular. Mallory didn’t miss the look the pretty brunette gave her when Declan wasn’t looking but she let it pass as she leaned back against the chair. This wasn’t a date and it was nothing to even worry about yet. The look her gave her as he leaned closer suggested otherwise and she dragged her tongue across her lip as he watched her closely. “How long have you played rugby?” Her voice was soft as she tried to keep it from shaking.

  “Since I was a boy. I’ve always loved sports but rugby was it for me as far as any type of future. I’m a center and I love the fast pace of the game.” She could see herself in his face when he talked about it, the passion making his eyed shimmer as he seemed to lose himself in the thought. “I came two years ago to c
ome to school here since my best mate Rory ended up moving here with his family years ago. I’d already lived here for a few years and played but he talked me into joining him and I got to be good friends with coach, so I’m helping out.” The faraway look crossed his eyes again as Declan sipped the water in front of him. “He lost his family recently…a break in at their home. I don’t even know of he’ll be back anytime soon.”

  “The Pebble Beach one a couple of weeks back? I heard about that but I had no clue that it was part of our staff. That’s so sad.” Mallory told him as he nodded, remembering reading that a woman and her five-year-old twins were murdered in the incident.

  “A man loses that and he’ll never be the same. That’s everything. Not that I was ever close with either of my parents. They worked in the family investment company back home and liked the money more than they liked being a family. I lived with my grandparents most of the time, though he was head of the company.” De clan told her as she frowned, taking back any bitter thoughts that she might have had earlier about him. All of the pretty cars in the world couldn’t replace a family, though Mallory lived with her best friend’s parents while they were both going to school. Hers had died when she was thirteen and after being moved around to uninterested family members, Mallory ended up with Rayna’s parents. They loved her and took care of her as good as they did their own kids.

  “I live with my best friend and her family. I lost my own parents years ago and they offered while I went to school. The other family members didn’t want a kid around.”

  “I’m sorry about that, Mallory.” Declan pushed his hair back with one hand with a tense look on his face.


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