Unlikely Love

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by M. J. Perry

  Unlikely Love

  By M.J. Perry

  Copyright 2017 Stacey Perry. All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  To my friend, who doesn’t read but bought my book anyway.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  A year later


  Other works

  Chapter One


  It’s my first Friday night off in months and I’d planned on catching up on TV shows and eating my way through a tub of ice cream. Instead, I was traipsing around town looking for my unbelievably annoying trouble-magnet of a younger sister Ruby. If I wasn’t so worried about her, I’d want to wring her scrawny neck. Ever since our parents died in a car accident ten years ago, I’ve been looking after her, trying to be a sister and a parent. We’d moved in with our Gran and were lucky to have had a great relationship with her, but Ruby was non-stop trouble. I wasn’t sure if she looked for it or if she was just unlucky and it found her, but it was a constant fight to help her stay out of it. Tonight was the worse yet though. I’d come home to find a message on my answer machine, the man’s voice, deep, rough and the creepiest I’ve ever heard and definitely one I’d pay good money never to hear again. The message he’d left was a clear one, either Ruby dropped off the money she owed him at the usual place or things would get broken. It didn’t take a genius to work out he meant her bones. I’d picked up my phone to call the police, but I hadn’t even dialled the first digit before I’d placed it back in the cradle. I didn’t know what she’d got herself mixed up in or if there was a chance the police could arrest her. No matter what she’d done, I didn’t want that. So instead I’d grabbed my keys and headed straight back out the door to search for her before whoever wanted to hurt her found her first. That was how I found myself standing outside Harrison’s, a bar I’ve never been to before but one I’d heard Ruby mention a few times, it was also my last place to check. No one had seen her and her friends were no help so I really hoped she was here.

  Pushing open the heavy door I walked inside, the place was crowded; if Ruby was here, she wouldn’t be easy to find.

  For a second I wished I’d asked Sarah to come with me. We'd been best friends for so long I couldn’t remember a time when we weren’t and she would be here for support if I’d asked her. I hadn’t though because every time I bailed my sister out Sarah lectured me about letting Ruby sort her own messes and the conversation always ended the same with her being frustrated that I wouldn’t cut my sister from my life like she thought I should. She’s only looking out for me and I loved her for it, but sometimes I needed support from her, not a lecture. Ruby is my family, the only family I have since Gran died and I will not give up on her.

  I shook off my thoughts and looked towards the bar. My feet froze at the sight. The guy behind the bar wore a frown, but it didn’t stop me from thinking he was possibly the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. Not in a girly sense, this man was pure male; I could feel the testosterone coming off him in waves from where I stood. There was something almost mythical about him; his dark hair curled above the collar of his polo shirt begging to have my hands run through it and his green eyes, wow, they were so amazing I could lose myself in them.

  The reason I’m here slipped my mind, and I struggled to tear my gaze from his perfection. His lips look so kissable I wondered how they’d feel pressed against mine, would he kiss me sweetly or would he ravage my lips taking them like he owned them?

  He absolutely took my breath away. How could a man I’ve never seen before make me want him like this? I hurried to the bar hoping he hadn’t noticed my pause or the blush currently heating my cheeks. His eyes assessed me and his voice when he spoke was husky and oh so sexy it caused my whole body to shiver in longing.

  “What can I get you?” he asked, and I tore my eyes away from his lips. I’m such an idiot.

  I was blushing again. Just looking at him had me flustered.

  “I’m looking for my sister Ruby Miller. Do you know her?”

  “Yeah, I know her. You’re her sister?” was that disbelief in his voice?

  “Yes. Has she been here?”

  He looked me over in a detached way making me stiffen. I was wearing my black leggings and a long grey jumper, casual except for my brown boots which had a three-inch heel. They cost the earth, but boots were my weakness, well, boots and chocolate.

  “Sweetheart she hasn’t been back here since I kicked her out last time with a warning that she wasn’t welcome anymore. You don’t seem like her at all so I’ll give you some advice. By the looks of you I’m guessing you don’t run in the same circles as her so you won’t know the kind of people who are after her, but if Ruby is lost, I wouldn’t try to find her because you sure as shit don’t want to get involved.” He shook his head. “Your sister is a stupid bitch.”

  My body locked. “What did you say?” I hissed. No one had the right to call Ruby names except me, and Sarah who does it daily.

  “Are you stupid? You don’t seem it, but I suppose looks can be deceiving.”

  What a jerk.

  “Excuse me, but what right do you have to speak to me this way? I’m not stupid no, but you’re a jackass. You don’t know me and I sure as hell don’t know you well enough to let you call my sister that.”

  “I may not know you, but I know Ruby and I’m telling you she’s bad news. She owes money to people who do such awful things you couldn’t even imagine in that pretty little head of yours, and just last week she tried to turn tricks in my bar. I reckon that earns me the right to call her anything I want.”

  I stared at him with my mouth open wide before I realised it probably wasn’t very attractive. Licking my dry lips, I saw an odd expression pass over his face when he caught the motion. Tearing my eyes away from him I stared at the floor. My reaction to him confused me.

  I reached up to lift my hair off my neck cursing quietly. What the hell had Ruby done to be that desperate for money? I felt sick at the thought of her offering her body to strangers. Why hadn’t she asked me for help? Oh, how I wish the bar guy was lying but I could see he wasn’t, I didn’t want to believe she could do something like this but the bad feeling I have in my stomach wasn’t going away. I needed a plan, standing here panicking wouldn’t help her, but I had nothing, no ideas and no way of knowing if she was even in one piece.

  “Hey, Ruby’s sister?” Bar guy barked. His face was hard, but his eyes were gentle on mine, kind even.

  “It’s Scarlett,” I whispered absently.

  “Ok Scarlett, listen. You need to go home, lock your doors and forget about your sister. No more gallivanting at night looking for her.” He ordered.

  I frowned, he reminded me of Sarah. “Forget about my sister?” I shook my head. “I can’t do that.”

  “If the people looking for her find out you’re her sister, things could get nasty for you. Fuck, with you announcing it all over town you’re probably already on the grid.”

why hadn’t I thought of that? I’d been so busy trying to find her, so busy worrying about her to worry about myself and now I have yet another problem.

  With panic close to the surface it felt like I was drowning, tears were burning my eyes and my throat hurt from holding them back. I refused to give in and cry. I hated crying, and I especially hated to cry in front of jerks. Muttering a quick goodbye I almost ran out into the night taking a few breaths to stem the tears wanting to flow. I wasn’t concentrating on where I was going and I walked straight into what felt like a brick wall. Looking up to apologise I found myself pushed roughly backwards into the small alleyway at the side of the bar. The movement so quick I had no time to react.

  “Hey, bitch. Where are you running off to?”

  My breath froze, and I slowly raised my face, a shudder ripped through me. I now had a face to go with the voice on my answerphone. His black eyes captured mine, and I shivered. His face was menacing and even if I could find my voice I didn’t have a clue what I’d say. Keeping my mouth shut seemed like a good idea. I didn’t bother to struggle, with his body weight crushing me and his hands holding my hips in a bruising grip I was aware I wouldn’t get anywhere.

  “Did I hear right, you Ruby’s sister?” Before I could answer he gave me a shake causing my teeth to rattle with the force. “Are you?” He demanded.

  I nodded. It’s not like I could lie, he was sure I am I could see it in his eyes. The bar guy was right; I was on the grid. He grinned at me showing perfect white teeth. “Well, Ruby’s sister if Ruby won’t pay the money she owes me I’ll take you instead. I’m positive I’ll get my money’s worth.”

  His eyes scanned my body, and a whimper slipped out. Bile shot up my throat and I swallowed quickly. I knew what he was implying, his gaze moved to my heaving chest, and he pushed his body harder into mine until his erection pressed into my stomach. Scared out of my mind I opened my mouth to scream, but I only managed a squeak before his hand cut it off. Suddenly we’re moving and he’s dragging me towards a car parked at the curb and I knew if I didn’t get away now, I wouldn’t. I struggled hard; I couldn’t let him get me in that car. The hand over my mouth didn’t move, and he pinned my wrists behind my back with his other hand surprising me with his strength. It didn’t stop me, though, my movements become desperate and when he reached to open the car door, I kicked him in the shin with my heel; using the momentum I shoved my elbow into his stomach. His grip loosened, and I turned to run. He grabbed my hair in a fist before I could get far and pulled me back towards him. My vision blurred with tears from the pain. As fast as he’d grabbed me, I was free, I fell to the floor landing hard on my hands and knees and tried to catch my breath, black dots swam in my eyes and I blinked to settle them, slowing my breathing down because the last thing I wanted was to faint.

  There was a shuffle in front of me and a pair of men’s boots appeared. I raised my head warily praying it was someone to help me.

  Chapter Two


  Shit. I was a fucking tool. I’ve just let the woman who I know will become my whole life run outside with tears in her eyes. At first I’d figured she’d be like her slutty sister but fuck just looking at her showed me my assumptions were wrong. Scarlett was beautiful, every man’s wet dream with her plump lips and a body that’s curved in all the right places. She’s so small, the fuck me boots she was wearing would only make her reach my chin. The first thing I noticed about her was her innocence, it’s like a shining beacon and it made all my protective instinct’s come to the surface making me want to lock her away from the cruel world and her fucking messed up sister. I should have done that instead of fighting my instincts and letting her walk out the fucking door.

  I shook my head at my stupidity. I had to go and find her, to make sure she’s ok and apologise for being such a dick. As soon as she’d walked into my bar, I’d got hard. That had never happened to me before. Getting hard just looking at a fully clothed woman was ridiculous, but it happened.

  “Fuck.” I cursed. I nodded to Tag, my bartender and friend and walked out from behind the bar, rushing out the door I looked around outside but I couldn’t see her. A couple caught my eye, and I dismissed them until I realised the guy was practically dragging the woman to a car. My heart nearly stopped when I saw it was my Scarlett.

  A red mist descended over my eyes and I didn’t hesitate to run over and pull the bastard off her. Scarlett stumbled when she was free but I didn’t have time to steady her as the guy I’d just pushed to the floor threw a punch at me. I grinned before I ducked and punched him hard in the stomach taking his breath away. I took advantage and punched him hard in the face taking great delight in watching him fall to the floor. He didn’t look like he was going to get up and it pissed me off. I wanted to hit him, I wanted to feel his bones crunch under my fists but I wasn’t a coward, I didn’t hit people when they’re down no matter how much they deserve it.

  I turned as I heard a car pull into the carpark and I recognised it as Matt’s, one of my friends and a detective, knowing he’d deal with the downed attacker I turned my attention to Scarlett. She was on the floor on her hands and knees breathing so hard I was afraid she’d pass out. I crouched down in front of her wanting to pull her into my arms but the move wouldn’t be welcome because of how I’d spoken to her, and I didn’t want her to associate my touch with his. If I’d been nicer and not fought my attraction to her, she wouldn’t have left in such a rush and she wouldn’t have been in danger. Nothing like this would ever happen to her again. I’ll make sure of it. From now on I’ll keep her safe.

  Chapter Three


  “Scarlett, are you ok?”

  Someone asked in a soft voice and I realised it was the bar guy. His voice soothed me and when I looked up into my saviour’s face, saw him crouched over me, his big body tense and a frown of concern on his beautiful face tears pricked my eyes, because I instantly felt safe.

  “Yes,” I answered, but I was pretty sure I lied. How could I be ok after that?

  He tipped my chin up with a finger. “Are you hurt?” I had to think about it before I shook my head. I took the hand he offered and let him pull me to my feet waiting as he gave me a once over. His hands brushed up and down my body in a brisk motion and if I wasn’t so shaken, I would have enjoyed it.

  “You’ve hurt your hands.” He observed, and I lifted them palm up to check and sure enough there were big red grazes on both of them.

  “We need to clean them, babe. Come on.” He put his arm around me as he led me back to the bar, and I took comfort in his strength knowing how close I’d been to serious danger. It was silly really because I didn’t know this man but something about him had me relaxing in his hold.

  As we were walking, I noticed how many people were outside. The guy who’d tried to kidnap me was lying with his face on the ground and his hands cuffed behind his back. A guy stood next to him talking on his phone and as we passed, he turned and caught my eye before smiling. He was attractive; his smile had probably made many women drop their knickers without him having to ask. There must be something in the water around here.

  “Who is that guy?” I asked the bar guy in a whisper. He didn’t answer me but his arm tightened on my waist. He kept walking towards the bar pulling me right along with him. We entered the front door, and he led me to a bar stool, with his hands at my waist he picked me up like I weighed nothing and plonked my behind on it. I watched as he sauntered away from me and I could admit I was a tiny bit turned on. I’m no skinny girl, I carry a lot of curves but he just made me feel dainty and delicate.

  Being alone for a minute allowed me to think, and it didn’t take long for the urge to cry to hit me, delayed reaction or something, but I refused to give in. I didn’t want him to see me cry, he may have saved me, but I had to remember he’d also been a complete jackass. Stepping off the stool intending to bolt before I gave into my tears, I froze when he suddenly appeared in front of me blocking my escape. I sta
red at him and my shoulders slumped in submission. He picked me up and put me back on the stool. The determination in his eyes told me he wouldn’t let me leave without a fight and I wasn’t feeling up to it right now, I was too busy fighting myself from leaning into him and seeking the comfort I knew his wide shoulders would give me.

  “Stay.” He ordered. Just one word from him and I was sitting obediently, it must be the shock.

  He turned to a huge first aid box I hadn’t noticed on the bar. Ripping open an antiseptic wipe he took my right hand in his turning it palm up and gently wiped my graze. A hiss escaped my mouth, and he bent over my hand blowing softly to make the sting disappear. I caught my breath as he placed my hand down and picked up my left one to do the same. He picked up a plaster and ripped the plastic open. I reached to take it off him, my hand shaking.

  “I can do it. It’s ok.”

  His closeness made me nervous, and I needed him to move away. He quickly placed the plaster on my palm and grabbed one more out of the box to place on my other hand. I could almost hear his teeth grinding together.

  “Is it ok?” he demanded. His voice was so deep my eyes flew to his and the fury I found there shocked me.

  “Yes,” I said hesitantly unsure of his reaction.

  “Lady it is not ok. I told you this would happen.” He growled, actually growled like a bear.

  I pulled my hand away from him and tried again to move off the stool but he blocked me by standing closer leaving me trapped between him and the stool.

  “Be still.” He ordered, and I thought back to what he’d said.

  “Yes ok, you did tell me but can I point out that I was going home like you told me to do when he grabbed me. It’s not my fault!” I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. “If it’s anyone’s fault it’s yours. You made me so upset I wasn’t thinking straight when I left here.”

  His sudden grin made my head spin.


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