Unlikely Love

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Unlikely Love Page 2

by M. J. Perry

  “Why are you grinning?”

  “You’re gorgeous and mouthy.”

  My mouth opened wide. He thought I was gorgeous? Wow. I almost repaid the favour and told him he was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen, but then I remembered, I didn’t like him.

  “I want to go home,” I said stubbornly.

  He shook his head. “A fucking creep just tried to kidnap you and you reckon it’s safe to go home?”

  It’s clear he thinks I have a screw loose or something. He was probably right. At least with him making me angry I no longer wanted to cry.

  “Well, said creep is outside in handcuffs so I’d say it’s safe,” I answered sarcastically.

  “Lady, there will be plenty more bastards out there after you so you’re not going anywhere.” He informed me.

  What the hell had my sister caught me up in? “You can’t keep me here against my will so yes I am going home. And stop calling me lady because I have a name!” I practically screamed.

  He took a step back putting some much needed space between us. “Well, Scarlett,” He drawled, and I stiffened at his tone “You’ll find that I can keep you here and I will. You’ve already been in trouble and if I’d gone with my instincts when I first saw you I wouldn’t have let you leave then either.”

  His instinct was to keep me here? He really was bloody crazy and maybe it was rubbing off on me because I wanted to stay with him. I had a feeling this man would never let me get my own way, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it.

  “I don’t think so!” I threw back at him to cover my confusion. “You haven’t even told me your name, for all I know you could be just as bad for me as the guy outside.”

  “Which guy are you talking about Scarlett, the one in the cuffs or the one who put him in them?”

  Now I was even more confused. Why would he think I was talking about the guy who smiled?

  He glared at me and it went on for a while so I used the time to glance around surprised at what I saw. The bar was nice if a bit dull. It had booth seating and a few tables in the middle with a small dance floor. There was even a pool table. I loved pool. I wasn’t great at it, but it was still fun.

  None of this had impacted on me when I’d first come in only he had.

  “My name is James Harrison.” He said after a long silence. I gave him my attention and when I looked at him he was frowning. He was attractive with a frown but I’d love to see him smile.

  “You own the bar?”

  He nodded.

  “Ok good to know but I’m still not staying with you.”

  “We’ll see.” was all he said, and it didn’t sound like he was going to give me a choice.

  I stomped my foot in a completely girly way because he was really annoying. It seems I amused him because he was once again grinning at me. Talk about split personality.

  The bar door opened and the guy who’d smiled walked through it. He came right up to us and stopped in front of me.

  He held his hand out. “Detective Matt Jackson,”

  James shifted, so he stood behind me. “Scarlett Miller,” I said when I shook his hand, his thumb rubbed over my knuckles before his hand released mine.

  “Well, that explains a lot.”

  “It does?” I questioned.

  “Yes,” He said as he studied my face. My cheeks heated at the intense way his eyes raked over me. What he was looking for I wasn’t sure, but he must have found it because his blue eyes gentled and he smiled his sexy smile before turning serious again. “Word on the street is Ruby owes Sketch a lot of money and he isn’t someone to mess with. He doesn’t care how he gets his money back just as long as he does. I’m guessing you’re her sister, and that Sketch found that out that’s why he tried to take you?”

  He ended his statement as a question and I nodded. A shiver racked my body as the remembered terror in my stomach threatened to choke me.

  James caught my shiver and his hand moved to the small of my back rubbing gentle circles, a movement meant to soothe but it had the opposite effect and desire shot through my entire body.

  I looked at the Detective to see him studying my face again.

  “Miss Miller.” He started, and I interrupted him.

  “Call me Scarlett,”

  “Ok.” He smiled. “Scarlett, I believe you’re in danger because of Ruby and not just from the moron outside. It would be best for you to come and stay with me so I can keep you safe until we find your sister and figure out this mess.”

  This man who I’ve just met wants me to stay with him? What the Frick?

  “You want me to stay with you at your house?” I asked to clarify in case I was being dense and he meant protective custody.

  He nodded leaving me speechless. Two offers of help from two extremely hot guys who I haven’t known an hour. I could not have predicted this when I’d got out of bed this morning.

  James who’d been silent until then moved to the side of me before speaking. “She’s staying with me, we’ve already discussed it.” His hand clenched on my jacket so tightly I’m sure if I tried to move the force of his grip would rip it off me.

  I clenched my teeth, probably as tight as his fist and counted to ten while they stared each other out.

  “Excuse me guys, but you’re both crazy. Have I suddenly transported to another planet?” I asked them as I pinched my arm. Ouch, that really hurt. Note to self, don’t do it so hard next time.

  “Did you just pinch yourself?” This came from James and I heard the humour in his voice.

  “Well, I’m obviously on another planet or at the very least I’m dreaming. Although it did hurt when I pinched myself so maybe it’s not a dream.”

  They were both just staring at me. I pointed at them both and then pointed out the obvious.

  “Two guys who I’ve never met are taking a huge interest in my safety. I’m nearly kidnapped by the creepiest guy I’ve ever seen who wanted to use my body as payment towards the money my sister owes him.” I shuddered. That terrified me, but I forced myself to continue. “Said sister is missing and apparently willing to sell her body. It’s got to be a different planet because otherwise I have some serious problems.”

  I finished on a whisper and kept my eyes to the ground hiding the tears welling up. Saying it out loud made it real, and I didn’t like the fear or the worry. Somehow being with James had made me forget. I had to find Ruby.

  “We aren’t crazy sweetness we’re concerned for your safety and we want to help you.” James said gently.

  “But why would either of you want to help a complete stranger?” I persisted; I just didn’t understand their motives.

  “Because Scarlett.” James said while his eyes pinned me to the spot. “When a man sees a woman who looks like you do, with a body made for the dirtiest of thoughts and an innocence surrounding her, All he wants to do is protect her, keep her safe and hope to get even a slice of the sweetness he can see in her eyes.”

  I blinked in astonishment. Am I dreaming? Should I pinch myself again? Holy crap.

  I felt my tears fall and his eyes grew soft when he saw them running down my cheeks. No one had ever said anything even remotely sweet like that to me not even my ex and I’d thought he’d loved me.

  “You don’t know me” I whispered through my tears.

  “I know enough sweetheart, now come here.” He ordered softly. I didn’t even hesitate before walking straight into his open arms. That’s something I’ll have to think about later.

  “It’ll be ok Scarlett.” He said as he wrapped his arms around me. I sniffed and rubbed my hand over my cheeks to wipe my tears away, glad I hadn’t put mascara on this morning.

  “I believe you’ve made your decision Scarlett.”

  “Huh?” I turned to face the Detective. I’d forgotten he was there to be honest and my cheeks flushed with guilt.

  “Are you staying here?” He asked.

  I sighed. “Yes, I guess so.” James gave me a squeeze.

you go, I need your statement. Do you feel up to it?”

  I nodded. I went to move away from James, but he only released me with one arm and kept the other around my shoulders.

  “We can go to my office,” James said as the door opened and people came into the bar. We walked into his office and I’m shocked at how tidy it is. I wasn’t sure what I’d been expecting, but it wasn’t this. There wasn’t a piece of paper out of place. Everything was in neat piles on his desk. His desk was black, actually everything was black, even his bin. He gently pushed me into a soft leather chair and I sunk into its comfort. He perched on his desk in front of me while the Detective took the chair next to mine.

  “Ok, Scarlett.” the Detective addressed me “Start from the beginning.”

  I forced myself to think back to how it all started this evening. I could feel both of them staring at me but I kept my eyes on the floor so I didn’t get flustered and told them everything that had happened, starting with me getting home and finding Ruby gone, the answerphone message and then all the places I’d been in search of her. They’re both quiet until I finish and when I finally raised my head, it’s obvious they’re both angry.

  “Well, it’s safe to say that every piece of shit in the area knows Ruby has a sister now.” The Detective grimaced.

  “What was I supposed to do?” I asked softly. “She’s my sister; I couldn’t leave her to fend for herself.”

  “It seems she doesn’t give much of a shit about you else she’d at least have given you a heads up before she ran off and left you in danger.” He shot back, and I flinched.

  That hurt big style because it was the truth. Ruby had always looked out for herself, she’d only ever been there for me when she needed something, but she was my sister. I ignored all that because she’s had it tough and because I love her.

  “Maybe you’re right but like I said before she’s my sister and she needs my help.”

  His voice gentled before he spoke next. “Scarlett, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said it like that. I’m just pissed me off that she’s probably off somewhere having a great time while you’re here stressing and worrying about her, and now you could get hurt yourself, you almost did tonight.”

  I didn’t want him to feel bad. “Don’t worry about it.”

  He smiled and reached over to squeeze my hand.

  “Here’s my card, ring me day or night. If you hear from Ruby or even if you’re just worried and want to chat I’ll answer.”

  I took the card from his hand. “Thank you, I will.”

  He jerked his chin up to James who hadn’t said a word and they walked to the door. James disappeared first and before the Detective followed he turned back to face me.

  “I mean it, honey, just call me and I’ll be there.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered, and he left closing the door behind him.

  I was alone. Should I take the opportunity to run away? I wasn’t sure, but it wasn’t a good idea to be alone. It wasn’t safe, and it didn’t matter how many times I tried to convince myself I’ll be all right I knew I was lying. If James wanted to protect me shouldn’t I let him? Sketch nearly had me in his car and I didn’t want to think about what could have happened.

  Seriously though was I crazy to stay with a guy I’ve known all of two hours?

  I really need chocolate, sleep and a hot bath right now, a time machine as well to take me back before I opened my silly mouth and told the world I was Ruby’s sister, then I wouldn’t be in danger and having to rely on a man who I knew nothing about except his name and that he owned this bar, oh and the fact I couldn’t stop fantasising about jumping his bones. More so after the speech he made, which was so sweet and confusing all at the same time. I think he meant the words too. I didn’t understand him, how could he think all of that about me when he had no idea what kind of person I was?

  If I hadn’t sworn off men after Mike broke my heart would I still be feeling how I do? I thought the answer was yes because I’ve been around men since him but none have incited this depth of emotion in me like James did. I always laughed when I heard people talk about love at first sight, but it wasn’t far off what I was feeling right now. It scared me because the intense feelings I had for James were frightening and I wasn’t sure I liked them.

  The door opened, and I’m pulled from my thoughts as James walked in and grabbed a phone off his desk, closed his laptop and turned to face me.

  “Time to go,” he said, and that’s all it took for me to grab my bag and put my hand into his out-stretched one. We walked out into the bar and he lifted a hand to a guy serving drinks. I hadn’t noticed him earlier. He looked at me with curiosity clear in his eyes. I smiled, and he smiled back before turning to serve a customer. James guided me to a big black car and opened the door for me. He waited until I put my belt on before he closed the door. I watched him as he strolled to the driver’s side. He had a body to die for, he was one sexy man and I’d just agreed to stay with him. Bloody hell!

  I chose a barman over a Detective.

  Was I crazy? The answer to that had to be yes.

  Chapter Four


  I was silent on the drive to his house I was too nervous to make conversation. James didn’t speak either; I guess he had nothing to say because it was hard to believe I made him nervous. We drove for about twenty minutes before he pulled onto a driveway leading to a beautiful house. The house was white with old-fashioned windows and a huge wooden door with a large knocker. The driveway had small round conifer trees along the edge and it was paved in white stones. It was a dream house.

  “It’s beautiful,” I smiled.

  “Thanks, I like it.”

  When he pulled in front of the garage attached to the house, he unclipped his seat belt and got out of the car to walk to my side and he helped me out. Taking my hand he pulled me towards the house and I struggled to keep up with his long strides.

  He unlocked the front door when we reached it and he turned the lights on and turned off the alarm before ushering me in. The inside was just as amazing as the outside. There were two steps by the front door leading the way into the living room that had a huge TV on the wall and two big black sofa’s that looked so comfortable I could sleep easily on them. It was open plan with the kitchen just at the back of it. The kitchen was huge with a large counter in the middle and a breakfast bar running along one wall.

  Everything was black again just like his office; the cupboards were black, the electrical things were black, even the tea towels were black. The only bits of colour were the silver handles on the cupboards and the red cushions on the stools. A definite bachelor pad but I still liked it. I was so busy taking my fill of the place that I jumped out of my skin when James asked me if I wanted a drink.

  “Do you have hot chocolate?”

  “Yes babe I sure do. Sit down and I’ll make it for you.”

  “Chocolate is a sure way to cheer me up, although I think I may need it by the pint load to help me forget all this mess.” I joked.

  James chuckled, a sexy sound that sent tingles down my spine. He turned away to get the things he needed out of the cupboard and my eyes caught sight of his bum, his black jeans moulded to his behind perfectly. My eyes roved over his back to his shoulders hugged by his black t-shirt and I licked my lips. When he turned around, and I got an eyeful of his stomach I could have groaned out loud. This man was absolutely flawless; I wanted to strip him naked and take my fill.

  My face heated when I saw him smirk as if he could read my thoughts. I licked my lips again this time from nerves and his eyes dropped to them, when they flicked back to catch my gaze, his were dark with lust just like I imagined mine were. We stared at each other until I had to drag my eyes away. I’m terrified of the intense feelings bombarding me. I sucked a heavy breath into my lungs unsure of when I’d stopped breathing and closed my eyes. The connection I felt to him wasn’t one sided he felt it too and now I knew for sure I had to be careful with him because this
man was dangerous to me in a way no man had ever been.

  James placed the hot chocolate in front of me after he’d put marshmallows on the top and I gratefully closed my hands around the cup with a sigh.

  He looked over and raised his eyebrow in question.

  “How did this happen?” I ask.

  “This? Do you mean being here with me or your sister being a pain in the ass?”

  “Both,” I said.

  He sat down and spun my stool round to trap my knees in his open legs; the movement was a shock because it’s so intimate.

  “You’re here with me so I can keep you safe while Matt tries to track down your sister. You had a choice, and you chose me. Even if you change your mind you’re still staying with me, you should know that if I have to handcuff you to my bed to stop you from leaving, I will.”

  As warnings go, that was a good one, too bad I kind of liked that idea. My body heated at the thought of being at his mercy and I looked down to hide the blush burning my face. The pleasure I knew he could give me had me excited and fearful at the same time and I knew it wouldn’t take much to become addicted to him. It wasn’t a normal reaction; if a stranger told you he will handcuff you to his bed if you try to leave you should run, not picture it and become aroused at the idea of being at his mercy. I ignored my thoughts to argue with him, stubborn to the end I refused to let him see the power he had over me.

  “That will never happen. If I want to leave, I will and there’s nothing you can do about it.” I taunted.

  “Is that right? Well, it’s a moot point anyway because you’re not going anywhere.”

  “I could stay with the detective; he gave me his number to ring if I need to.”

  “That won’t happen and if he turns up to take you home with him all he will walk away with is a broken nose.”

  I gasped in shock. “He seemed like your friend, why would you hit him?”

  “Because if he comes here for you he’ll be trying to take what’s mine and I don’t share, not even with Matt.”

  I just stared at him. No words came to mind. How on earth could he think I was his? What does that even mean? Deciding to end the crazy I go to stand but his hands came to my shoulders and pushed me gently back down on to the stool holding me there. He seemed to make a habit of keeping me sitting.


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