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Office Perks

Page 5

by S. L. Siwik

  “Miss Wright, please come inside.”

  Victoria walks into the room, and although she’s smiling, I can tell she’s nervous.

  “Yes, Mr. Townsend? What can I do for you?”

  “I know your pay raise review is coming up, and…you’ve now been working for me five years. This is in appreciation for all that you do.” I pick up the gift box, sitting on the desk, holding it out for her.

  She blinks in shock. Swallowing, she takes the box from me.

  “Thank you, Mr. Townsend.”

  “I hope you enjoy it,” I say, trying to hide my nervousness.

  She smiles politely. “I always love the scarfs you give me. I’m sure I’ll love this one, too.”

  Damn. When she says it like that…

  I shake my head. “It’s not a scarf.”

  Surprise flickers through her eyes as she opens the gift wrapped box. Opening it, her eyes widen. I try to hold back my excitement at seeing her eyes light up. They remind me of newly strung lights on a Christmas tree. Twinkling, mesmerizing, beautiful.

  “Mr. Townsend. Thank you,” she breathes out. Victoria takes the perfume out of the box, her fingers caressing the bottle.

  “A few times during your lunch break, I saw this perfume bottle up on your computer screen. So, I figured that meant you’d like it. You do like it, right, Miss Wright?”

  She nods. “Yes. Thank you, Mr. Townsend.”

  “Good,” I say, “I’m glad. And I will make a mental note not to buy you any more scarves.”

  She bites back a laugh, humor in her eyes. “Thank you, Mr. Townsend. I absolutely love the scarfs…I just have enough now to last me for several more years.”

  Miss Wright leans in a fraction of an inch, and I find myself leaning in, thinking she will kiss me. But, suddenly she seems to think better of it and leans back. Victoria turns, walking out of the room, and when she thinks she is out of view, opens the bottle, smelling it. She smiles brightly as her eyes roll back and I forget where I am. She is utterly captivating, and all she has done is sniff a bottle of perfume. No more scarfs. What the hell was I thinking always buying her that for her Christmas present? You know what you were thinking. You were playing it safe. She accepted the gift well. Perhaps five years has changed things. Remember what happened yesterday. I ignore the voice in the back of my mind, glancing at the computer screen, smiling, feeling jittery in the pit of my stomach.

  I smell a floral scent and when I glance up, Victoria is standing there smiling. I realize she has sprayed the perfume on herself. Is that why she never wears perfume, because she doesn’t have a bottle?

  “You’re wearing your charcoal grey suit,” she says in surprise.

  I glance down as though pretending I have forgotten. “So, it would seem so.”

  She doesn’t buy the line at all, as she smiles brightly. “It’s a great color on you. Makes your eyes sparkle.”

  The heat in her gaze makes me forget everything as the unspoken lust between us fills the room with its presence. I stand up from my chair, and make my way around the desk. I am grabbing her and kissing her. The only one who can stop me is her.

  Her heated gaze quickly turns to one of shock. Nervously, she throws stacks of papers down onto my desk. “All of the documents for your nine o’clock, sir. In the sealed manila envelope is all of the paperwork Mr. Hurley dropped off yesterday. He said that if you need him, you can speak to him via conference call.”

  She turns to run out of the room.

  I stand still, frowning. I said that only she could stop me from kissing her, and right now, she is.

  “My brother came here yesterday?”

  She shifts uncomfortably before peering over her shoulder. “I believe that it was Mr. Hurley’s son actually. He came when you were at your dinner meeting.”

  “My nephew?” I ask in surprise.

  “Yes. Benjamin dropped them by.” She looks as though she’s about to speak, but thinks better of it.

  I don’t know how hard I can push, or what questions I’m allowed to ask in this situation to try and pry the thoughts from her mind. As I try and figure out what I can and can’t ask, I sit back down at my desk, and bring the coffee mug to my lips. Maybe caffeine will bring me a flash of intuition. Victoria glances at the travel mug. Without speaking, she takes a few steps back into my office.

  Upon seeing me drinking from it, she smiles.

  “You like your new travel mug, huh?”

  I give her my best crooked smile. It has dazzled many women senseless, or so I’ve been told. She doesn’t seem affected in the least.

  “Thought I should get my use out of it. I did pay fifty bucks for it.”

  I realize just how stupid my comment is as her face falls.

  “I can give you the money back. It’s not a problem…”

  I hold my hand up. “It was a thoughtless joke.” I decide a little of the truth might actually help me out. “I’m using it actually, because I decided that this is my favorite mug. It has an understated beauty.” Don’t you understand how much I love you?

  “A coffee mug with beauty…” She seems amused at my words. Did she make the connection? “Nice to know that you think some things in this office are worthy of your admiration.”

  If I’m not mistaken, her words are a direct jab at me. I again feel like I’m missing something important.

  She leaves the office without another word, and I am now left with one more confusing piece to the enigmatic puzzle that is Miss Victoria Wright. None of my questions have been answered; I’m only left with more confusion.

  Exhausted from work, I walk inside my apartment to find Andrea lying on my couch.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask in surprise.

  “You always keep your key under your mat,” she says.

  “I know, but what are you doing here?” I ask. She glances up, her eyes glassy looking, and I can tell she has been drinking.

  “They let me go,” she says sadly.

  “Why? You’re the best bartender there!” I shout in anger.

  She shrugs sadly. “I’m thirty- four now, Tori, you know the game.”

  “When is your lease up?” I ask.

  “Next month actually. Why? What are you thinking?

  “Move in here with us,” I say, “Put your furniture in storage.”

  Andrea stares at me blankly. “Are you serious?”

  I nod. “Just no guys here. I don’t want strangers around Kendall. I’m going to see if I can work for Trent again a night a week to catch up on bills. That’s why I need you to watch Kendall.”

  She blinks, shocked. “What do you want for rent?”

  I shake my head. “Just watch Kendall when I need you to, and get yourself back on your feet. I’ll take care of everything else.”

  Tears stream down her face as she stands up, hugging me. “I love you. Do you know that?”

  I hug her back tightly. “Sisters for life, Dre.”

  She pulls back, wiping her eyes. “Are you sure about this? If you work for Trent, you know you’re going to be sleeping with him again.”

  “I’m not sure of anything anymore. I know that Kendall deserves better than this.”

  Andrea smiles. “As far as Kendall is concerned, she may not have it financially better than we did growing up, but she does have it better than what we had. She has people around her who would die for her. Kendall knows how much we love her.”

  “Of course I do,” I hear a voice say at the door.

  I smile, wiping away a tear, seeing Kendall standing in the doorway.

  “Hey, honey! Welcome home.”

  “What’s wrong?” she asks, glancing back and forth. “And why are you here, Aunt Dre?”

  “Nothing’s wrong,” Andrea replies smoothly, “But, next month, I’m going to move in with you girls.”

  Kendall’s eyes widen. “Really?” She shrieks loudly in excitement, “Awesome!”

  “Kendall, sweetheart, I have to go out for a few hours tonig
ht. Is that alright?” I ask.

  “Sure. Actually, some of the kids in class asked me to go to the movies tonight. Can I go?” she asks.

  I nod my head, taking the last ten dollars out of my pocket. I’m saving the fifty Mr. Townsend gave me for groceries this week. My credit cards are all maxed out.

  “Here you go.”

  “Thanks! I’m going to go get ready!” She shouts excitedly.

  “Remember! No make-up!” I remind her as she runs down the hall.

  Andrea looks at me knowingly. “So, I guess you’re gonna see the ol’ boss tonight, huh?”

  I frown. Sleeping with Trent tonight wasn’t exactly high on my list of things I want to do. It is right under getting a root canal.


  “You know this is like a two hundred dollar bottle of perfume,” Andrea says, inspecting Mr. Townsend’s present while lying across my bed, “It’s the actual perfume, not the watered down version. What do they call that toilet water, or something?”

  “I know,” I reply while combing out my hair. “I was shocked when I opened the box. It’s my favorite.”

  “Maybe in another five years you’ll get a piece of lingerie, and in another twenty, you’ll get a wedding ring,” she says. We both start laughing as I check over my outfit in the mirror- leather dress, gold studded stiletto heels. I slide the dangly earrings into my ears since I am keeping my hair down tonight.

  “He actually made a joke,” I say picking up my foundation, “It was outrageously sexy.”

  “Oh, yeah?” she asks, capping the bottle of perfume, “What did he say?”

  “Well, after he handed me the box, he said, ‘I hope you like it.’ So, I said, ‘I always love the scarfs that you give me. I’m sure I’ll love this one too.’ After I opened the box, he said that he’d make a mental note not to buy me anymore scarfs. It was…just the way he said it, like he realized suddenly that he had overdone it after five years. It was really sexy, Dre.”

  “Look at you! You’re kind of glowing. I think your boss buying you a bottle of perfume is the best thing that’s happened to you in a while.”

  I laugh, having to stop applying my eye shadow. “How sad is that?”

  “I’ll tell you what’s sad… Trent still being in love with you after five years. Now that’s sad.”

  I glance in the mirror at her. “You’re joking, right?”

  She shakes her head. “He still asks about you. ‘How’s Tori doing?’ I tell him you’re fine. Sometimes I show him pictures. You know like holiday or birthday pictures of you and Kendall. Nothing too much, but I figured it would help me stay good with him.”

  “No, that’s okay,” I reassure her, “I can’t believe he hasn’t let it go after all this time.”

  She sighs. “Yup. Still wants you. I’ll give him a call, let him know you’re coming. So, you shouldn’t have too much trouble at the door.”

  “Thanks. I don’t have money to bribe the bouncers. Gave my last ten dollars to Kendall.”

  “I know.” She says quietly, “She asked me for more. Said they wanted to go out to a diner afterwards.” I sigh. “Then she told me not to tell you, because she didn’t want you to feel guilty, because she knew that if you had more money, you would have given it to her.”

  Tears spill down my cheek. “Damn it, Dre, you’re gonna ruin my make-up,” I wipe my cheek. “Man, that kid is awesomesauce.” I kiss Andrea on the cheek.

  “Go have fun.”

  “Alright, Kendall’s curfew is ten. No later,” I tell Andrea.

  “Don’t worry. I got this. And try to have fun tonight, cause you look sexy as hell.”

  I wink at her. “Wish me luck.”

  “With an ass and a rack like that, you don’t need luck. You need a box of condoms!”

  I smile while closing the door as I make my way to my old job and old life.


  The bouncer smiles seeing me.

  “Hey, Tau,” I say, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “Can I go in and talk to Trent?”

  He nods, opening the door for me to the private VIP lounge entrance. The club has three tiers, so the stairs are steep walking to the top. But, that is where I know my old boss, the owner, will be-in the VIP lounge area. I glance around the club and realize in the last five years, it hasn’t changed much. The sofas look reupholstered. The women working are younger than I remember. It’s the same custom tailored suits and Rolex watches fondling the women. Same suits, different faces, but all hungry for the same thing…an escape from their loneliness.

  The only difference here is me. I am no longer the woman I was when I walked out of this club five years ago. I no longer plaster on a fake smile, pretending to the world that my life is exciting and glamorous, using partying and fun as a means to cover up what I felt I lacked. When people saw me, I wanted them to see a young, lively woman who was at the top of her game, not the emptiness and confusion I felt. Kendall’s love completely transformed me and gave my life purpose. It might not sound like much of a change to most, but standing here at the entrance to the VIP lounge, I can tell you that it has meant a world of difference. Instead of stumbling around in the dark like I used to, I now always reach for the light.

  Seeing me, Trent smiles, his ice green eyes lighting up. He still looks the same as though no time has passed. I wonder if all assholes with the inability to love all look sexy and incapable of aging.

  “I couldn’t believe Dre’s text, but here you are,” he says, running a hand over his cropped black hair.

  I hug Trent before sitting down next to him. He calls over a server.

  “Bring Tori whatever she’d like. On the house.”

  The server, wearing see-through lingerie, smiles at me. I don’t recognize her.

  “What can I get for you then, Tori?”

  “Mai Tai,” I reply, “Thank you.” She smiles before walking off. “Are you stealin’ them out of the womb now, Trent?” I ask.

  He gives me a half-smile. “What can I do for you?”

  “I need a favor,” I say quietly, and he leans in closer, resting his hand on my thigh. “Could I come back to the club a night a week?”

  Surprise flickers across his face. “I thought you were working for some hotshot business guy?”

  “I am,” I reply, “but, it’s not enough. And now that you fired Andrea, I need to help her out, too.”

  He frowns. “You know it was nothing personal, Tori. I like Andrea a lot, and I know she’s your girl. I held on to her as long as I could…for you. But, you know how this business is. Why do you think I hustled my ass at eighteen stripping and then bought my first club as soon as I could? I knew I didn’t have too many years left on stage.” He looks me up and down slowly. “But, if you want to come back a few nights a week, I’ll take care of it.”

  “So, you can fire me in a month or two?” I ask, “I’m thirty-one, Trent.”

  He shakes his head. “The normal is thirty-one. But, for you, I may be able to hold on to you until you’re thirty-six.” His eyes slowly take me in. “You’re still as gorgeous as ever.”

  “Ah, well, that’s because I’ve found the secret to eternal youth.” He smirks, unsure if I’m joking or not. He has never understood my sarcasm. “Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,” I deadpan. When I finally smile letting him know it’s a joke, he shakes his head, smirking.

  I smile as my drink comes, but I know that coming back is not without a price.

  I lean in closer to him, running my hand down his chest. “Can you do something for Andrea? Do you know of any well-paying bartending jobs? Will you give her a recommendation…for me?”

  He sighs, his fingers trailing up my leg and caressing my thigh. “I know a few places where Andrea’s experience will be more important than her age. I’ll make a few calls, pass her number along. She can make almost as much as here, and they’ll treat her good.”

  I kiss his cheek. “Thank you.”

  As I take a sip from my drink, he strokes underneath my ch

  “My offer still stands, you know,” Trent says tenderly. He moves closer, his lips an inch from mine. “I still want to marry you, Tori. And I’ll still take care of the kid financially.”

  I smile seductively. If I say no outright, he won’t help Andrea.

  “I’ll seriously consider it.”

  He smiles mirthlessly. “No, you won’t. Even before the girl came to you, I always got the feeling that someone already had your heart.”


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