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Warriors,Winners & Wicked Lies: 13 Book Excite Spice Military, Sports & Secret Baby Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

Page 4

by Selena Kitt

  “My God, I remember this house.” Linney wandered in, looking around, incredulous. “We sat on this couch and watched so many movies.”

  “That’s not all we did on that couch.” The words escaped his mouth. And he’d planned on being so good! This was a professional visit, nothing more. Just because they’d been together, once, a very a long time ago, didn’t mean anything.

  “I know.” Linney glanced over her shoulder at him, blue eyes dark with memory, a smile playing on her lips. She was far too irresistible. He realized, too late, that he shouldn’t have called at all.

  She moved further into the house, through the living room, into the kitchen.

  “The same table. Isn’t this the one your dad made?” She ran her hand lovingly over the wood.

  “Yeah,” he agreed. “Hasn’t changed much has it?”

  “Not at all. It’s like going back in time.” She laughed, glancing out the window at the wraparound side porch. They’d spent hours on that swing in the summer, waving off mosquitos while his father worked on something in his basement workshop, the hammering and pounding punctuating their desperate, breathless kisses.

  “Same refrigerator.” She opened the door, leaning in, her stunning hair cascading like a blue waterfall against her cheek. “I hope that isn’t the same Coke.”

  “No.” He laughed. “Help yourself.”

  “Oh I don’t drink that stuff anymore.” She wrinkled her nose, shutting the door and straightening to meet his eyes. “It’ll kill you.”

  “Least of my worries.” He smiled, cocking his head and looking at her.

  He’d been bullied into finally making the call. Between Dr. Fields and the cricket chirping in his head, it was hopeless. He was sure Linney would tell him no, she was too busy, something—but she hadn’t hesitated. Seeing the way she looked at him now, he wondered—maybe Dr. Fields was right. The old doctor had admonished him again at his third and final appointment—he could only do three treatments, three weeks apart, in a six month time period—urging him to call Linney.

  “Even if you’re not going to hook up—that’s what you kids call it these days, don’t you?—your poor body could use her talents. Call her. Let her do her job. Let her help you.”

  Two months ago, he’d been sure no one could help him, but thanks to this little blue-haired angel in front of him, he’d found Dr. Fields and a treatment that actually worked. It was like magic. A miracle.

  “Are you ready to get started?” she asked, stepping over to the sink to wash her hands. “How are the treatments working out?”

  “Great.” He handed her a red and white checkered dish towel. “I can’t believe how well it’s working. My pain level has decreased so much. I can even sleep at night without jaw spasms waking me up.”

  “Good!” She smiled, heading back toward the front of the house. “No more tennis ball?”

  “No, thank God.” He followed her down the hall.

  “This room…” She hesitated in the doorway, blinking. He glanced around, trying to find the source of her surprise. He’d taken down the blankets from the south facing windows, made the bed, put away all the clean clothes, tossed the dirty ones in the hamper. It was clean—not marine-clean, but clean enough. He’d even lit a sandlewood scented candle.

  “It’s just like it was…” She glanced back at him, memory in her eyes, and it rushed back to him too. He could almost feel the soft press of her lips, hear that sweet whimper she made when he finally got her jeans undone and his hand down her panties to cup the hot, moist throb of her pussy. Goddamned, he had to stop thinking about it.

  “Yeah.” He cleared his throat, trying to dismiss the memory, but it refused to go. It didn’t help, having her wandering around his room, trailing her fingers over his old posters. She looked at the mirror over his dresser where he had once stuck pictures of the two of them. He wondered where those photos were now. Linney fingered the dog tags but didn’t remark on them.

  “Looks like you’re running low.” She picked up a prescription bottle—Vicodin—shaking it and rattling the pills inside.

  “Heroin’s cheaper.”

  Her head came up sharply. “I hope you’re kidding.”

  “Didn’t you say you could handle a heroin habit?” He grinned, taking a seat on the bed. “Of course I’m kidding.”

  “Well let’s get started.” She fumbled with the portable massage table until he moved to help her. She let him, showing him how to set it up. “I should take you along on all my home visits.”

  “Do you do many?” He raised his eyebrows, not liking the thought of her going to strange houses, touching strange men.

  “I used to, when I did massage therapy.” She pulled lotion out of a bag, spreading it over her hands. “Can you strip down to your skivvies?”

  “Skivvies?” He smirked.

  “Isn’t that what they say in the Marines?” She laughed, adjusting the table so he would be able to be on his stomach, spreading a clean, white sheet over the surface.

  “You let me keep my clothes on last time.” He stood, peeling his shirt off, tossing it onto the bed.

  “That was just my initial assessment.” She cleared her throat. “I’ll be doing more massage work today.”

  He was in the middle of unbuckling his belt when he felt her gaze on him. She fumbled in her bag, watching out of the corner of her eye as he slipped his belt from the loops in his jeans.

  And she was flushing.

  He unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, his cock beginning to stir as she stood and turned her back to him, putting things on the dresser, her own jeans tight, and framing the sweet heart of her ass perfectly. He willed his erection away as he pushed his jeans down his hips. A professional appointment. Just physical therapy, he reminded himself. Nothing more.

  She likes you, Captain.

  He gritted his teeth, wanting to throttle the man talking his head. It didn’t matter if she liked him or he liked her. Letting things progress, even if both of them wanted it, was a monumentally bad idea.

  “On your belly,” she directed, not facing him until he was stretched out on the table. He turned his cheek so he could look at her as she slipped her blouse off her shoulders. She wore a tank tee underneath, white like her button-down. And no bra. Oh fuck. He could see the hard, pink pebbles of her nipples through her shirt.

  “Oh wow, Levi, you’re less stiff,” she murmured as his body turn to liquid under her hands. Except for his cock. That was very stiff. “That PRP treatment is amazing, isn’t it?”

  “I’ll say. It’s like magic.” He turned his face forward, guided by her hands, so he was looking through the hole in the table at his newly vacuumed, navy blue carpet. “And Dr. Fields is kind of awesome.”

  “Isn’t she?” Linney’s thumbs probed the vertebrae in his neck. “This doesn’t hurt?”

  “No.” It was remarkable, really. He could barely stand up the last time he’d seen her. The massage and manipulation had been torture. Now, her fingers and hands, the push and pull and squeeze, felt good instead of bad. Too good, in fact.

  “It’s really working,” she murmured, leaning in as she squeezed his shoulders. Her hands were small but felt amazing. Her breasts grazed his side, making him close his eyes and bite his lip to keep from groaning out loud. This might not hurt as much as last time, but it was torture just the same. “You know, I’ve seen PRP treatments work over and over again and insurance still calls it experimental and refuses to pay. Especially the V.A. They’re the worst.”

  He snorted. “God forbid they pay for something that actually works.”

  “I’m just so glad, Levi.” Her fingers danced down his spine, making him shiver. It was like his spine was a string of pearls connected at the base of his cock and the more she manipulated it, the harder he got. “You look so much better.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” He laughed, her fingers at the base of his spine and he found himself wishing she could reach right through him and grab his cock. He
’d never wanted anything more in his life.

  “Not that you didn’t look good before,” she countered, flustered. “I just mean… I mean… you know what I mean!”

  “No,” he teased. “What do you mean?”

  “Oh shut up.” She nudged him with her hip as she moved down toward the foot of the table. “You know you’re sexy as hell.”

  “Am I?” He grinned, knowing she couldn’t see it.

  “Don’t make me kick your arrogant ass,” she muttered, pulling and pushing on his legs enough to make him gasp out loud at the way it straightened his spine.

  “Promises, promises.” He couldn’t stop grinning.

  He also couldn’t stop thinking about undressing and kissing every inch of that gloriously pale skin of hers. Her hair was so light and fair in high school, she’d never shaved her legs, or anything else for that matter. Her legs, like her arms, had been covered with a fine, sparse, light down. And her pussy...

  His mouth watered just thinking about it. The hair there had been coarser, a wiry honey blond that parted to reveal a soft, pink labyrinth of flesh he could get lost in. He’d had plenty of pussy since he’d been with Linney. He loved women, all shapes and sizes, and the ones he liked seemed to like him enough to ask him up for a drink and let him fuck them senseless. He’d never had any complaints, anyway. But he’d never fallen in love, before or since. A few times he thought he might have found a woman he might be able to spend more than a week or two with, but in the end, they had all been shadows of the one now running her little hands over his thighs and driving him mad with lust.

  And he’d never even realized, until now, that he’d even been comparing them.

  “My God, Levi, it’s been so long.”

  He loved the way she called him Levi. He hadn’t started being “Woody” until he’d joined the Marines and while it was a name he’d accepted and grown into over time, having her use his given name just felt right. When she said it, it turned his knees to butter and his cock into steel heat.

  “I couldn’t believe it was you. It was like seeing a ghost.”

  He knew just how she felt. Seeing her instantly brought things back, memories that had faded like old photographs, the two of them captured together forever, young and in love, before life had moved forward. Before either of them knew how time just kept on, like a steamroller flattening everything, straight through your life, and there was nothing you could do to stop it.

  “I know I shouldn’t say this.” Her hands whispered up his back. “But the minute I saw you, it just brought it all back. Everything. Do you remember?”

  Of course he did. But he didn’t say anything.

  “I forgot how much I was in love with you. How could I forget that?”

  He didn’t know, because he’d forgotten too. And he needed to keep on forgetting. Loving Linney had been heaven once, but it would be nothing but hell now—for her. She’d been hurt once—she didn’t need him adding insult to injury. He was bad news and he knew it.

  “Linney, no.” He struggled to say the words, remembering his promise to himself. Professional appointment. Nothing more. “Don’t do this.”

  He felt her hands hesitate over his shoulder blades, hovering. It was his fault. He’d made the call. He’d been weak and unable to resist Dr. Field’s power of suggestion. And that damnable cricket chirping in his head.

  That, and he couldn’t stop thinking about her—the slow spread of her smile, the flip of that magical blue hair over her shoulder, the way she said his name, like it was a secret all her own. But he couldn’t do this to her. It wasn’t fair.

  “Look, Dr. Fields suggested I call you for physical therapy,” he said slowly, glad she couldn’t see his face. “But… that’s all I called you for, Linn.”

  The silence stretched between them and he closed his eyes, hating himself.

  Then Linney grabbed his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin like claws, making him yelp in surprise. She leaned in, pressed hard against his side.

  “You are the world’s worst liar,” she whispered into his ear, the heat of her breath making the ache of his cock unbearable.

  “I’m not lying, Linn.”

  She stood up straight and he saw her tapping her foot—those comfortable, white nurse’s shoes were the unsexiest things he’d ever seen, and even those made his dick hard. What was wrong with him?

  “Turn over,” she snapped.


  “Because I need you to roll over so I can do my job.”

  Reluctantly, he complied, letting her adjust the table, putting the headrest under his head.

  Her hands were on him again, thumbs digging uncomfortably under his collarbone, making him squirm. He was sure it was no accident when her fingers grazed his nipples. He literally had to bite back a moan, closing his eyes, knowing his boxers had to look like a boy scout was camping under there.

  “Tell me the truth, Levi.” Her fingers danced over the hard muscles of his stomach. He hadn’t done sit-ups in over a year but he still had the remnants of a six-pack. “Why did you call me?”

  “Because Dr. Fields told me to.” That wasn’t completely a lie, he reasoned, his eyes flying open when Linney’s hand moved to his thigh. She massaged upward, pushing the leg of his boxers high.

  “No ulterior motives?” She smirked, meeting his eyes.

  “No.” He shook his head.

  “You’re a terrible liar.”

  “Why do people keep saying that?” he whispered, watching as she slipped her little hand into the opening of his boxers.

  “Mmm hmmm just as I thought.” She leaned over him, her tiny breasts, nipples hard as glass, flattened against his chest, mouth inches from his.

  “Linney, no…” Fuck. His cock jumped in her hand, betraying him.

  “No ulterior motives?” she asked again, so near he was seeing double and had to close his eyes. Her mouth was soft, murmuring against his.

  “No.” He denied it, shaking his head, torturing himself with the silk of her lips brushing his, back and forth.

  “Don’t. Lie. To. Me.” She punctuated every word with a squeeze.

  “I’m not… ahhhh…” Oh hell, this was beyond torture. But he couldn’t give in. If he let this happen, he knew there was no going back. And he didn’t want to hurt her, to subject her to his kind of crazy. That was just cruel.

  “You know, your cock gave you away the first time,” she whispered, thumb dancing over the head of his dick, licking like a hot little flame. “And it’s giving you away right now.”

  “Ohhh hell…” He moaned when she rubbed her tits against his chest, half on, half off the table.

  “Feel good?”

  “No,” he gasped. It felt like his cock grew two more sizes in her hand.

  “Liar.” She bit at his lower lip and then licked it like an apology. “Do you want my mouth on it?”

  “No,” he whispered hoarsely, shuddering as her hand slid down to the root, her nails grazing his balls.

  “Okay then…” She sighed, her hand disappearing from his boxers, her body sliding slowly off the table.

  “Wait!” His eyes flew open and he grabbed her, dragging her back, fully onto him this time.

  “Tell me the truth.” The smile lifted the corners of her pretty, pink mouth and he found himself aching to kiss her. He held back, knowing this jump would be his last. He would freefall into her and never look back.

  “I want you.” His hands ran down to the small of her back, her denim clad thigh trapped between his. He pressed his hips up, his erection burning between them, a throbbing betrayal, the only part of his body he couldn’t control. It told her the truth, even if his mouth and brain wanted to lie. “Fuck, Linney, I can’t stop thinking about you. I want you so much it hurts.”

  “Take me to bed.”

  It was a short trip—a roll and a nudge and they were there, falling into the cool sheets, tangled up and tumbling together. He was naked far before she was—all she had to do was
slide his boxers down to reveal what he hadn’t been able to hide in the first place, since the first time he’d seen her again.

  But he took his time with her, reliving those high school moments, the sweet anticipation as he slid his hand down into her jeans to cup her over her panties, that hot little whimper she made music to his ears. Linney took her tank tee off, impatient, wiggling her jeans down her hips so she was wearing just her panties and socks, her sensible nurse’s shoes somewhere on the floor.

  “God you’re something,” she murmured, delighting in running her hands over him, his chest and belly, the muscles of his arms. “You always had a great body, Levi, but oh my God, I’ll have to write a thank you letter to the Marines…”


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