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Warriors,Winners & Wicked Lies: 13 Book Excite Spice Military, Sports & Secret Baby Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

Page 9

by Selena Kitt

  And now, on his first day back home after five years – for some insane reason he kept refusing to come home and barely spoke to her on the phone when he called and she was home, parents yes, her no – she was going to have to be the one to feed and entertain him for the evening since their parents were still away on vacation and she was housesitting. "Maybe he'll show me all of the medals he was given, that'll eat up a few hours," she grumbled to herself.

  Slipping on a pair of oven mitts, she opened up the oven, pulled out a cooked to perfection turkey and set it on the countertop. As she turned off the oven she glanced up at the analog clock on the wall, featuring a rooster on the face. Three minutes after seven. A grin touched her lips as she took satisfaction in knowing that her perfect stepbrother was now officially late for supper.

  Ha! I thought military men were supposed to be prompt!

  The thought of him being late had just crossed her mind when the doorbell rang. Fuck! Pulling her oven mitts off and tossing them onto the counter by the turkey, she rushed to answer the front door, hesitating a moment to peer at herself in the foyer mirror. Sapphire blue eyes stared back as she inspected herself and fluffed up her long blonde hair.

  She was wearing a simple blue sundress that matched her eyes, hugged her ample breasts and dipped low, giving a nice view of her cleavage. The flowing skirt fell to mid-thigh and as usual she was barefoot. Although she didn't want to admit it, she wanted to impress him; to have him lust after her again. Deep down the crush she'd harboured for him never died, despite how over the years they’d both claimed to dislike each other.

  Taking a deep breath she grabbed the doorknob, turned it and flung the door open to reveal Anthony wearing his dress blues with a duffle bag at his side. Her eyes widened as she peered upon him. He looked mouth-watering and her body immediately reacted to him. He'd always been broad-shouldered, but now he was built like a tank. His massive stature seemed to eclipse her tiny 5'2 body. He'd become one of the best-looking men she'd ever laid eyes upon. He had always been a good-looking guy and perhaps some of his now rugged good looks could be attributed to his uniform and the sexy, alpha-male demeanour he had gained.

  In that moment, she found herself completely smitten by him, unable to utter a single word. Does Anthony even know he's that hot? Pfft, of course he does. His steel grey eyes did a slow survey of her body, causing an unwelcomed stirring between her legs. When his eyes caught her bare feet with ruby-painted toenails he flashed her a dimpled grin. My God, even his smile is gorgeous! She growled at herself for allowing the thought to pop into her mind. He was still her pain in the ass older stepbrother, and she had to remind herself of that, nothing more than that. He’d made that perfectly clear he wasn’t interested when he left for the Marines without discussing what happened between them, or what had been close to happening.

  "So are you going to invite me in?" he finally asked, cocking a brow up at her and motioning toward the inside of their parents' house.

  Wiping away the look of awe that she was sure was on her face, she replaced it with one of indifference and stepped aside, motioning for him to enter. "Suit yourself. Dinner is ready."

  Grabbing his bag he made his way into the house. "You actually learned how to cook!" He feigned shock as he removed his cap and grinned down at her.

  She gave him a condescending smirk and brushed past him, heading toward the kitchen. "Yes, and it's getting cold ’cause someone was late," she called over her shoulder at him. Feeling his eyes on her, she made a conscious effort to put a little extra sway in her hips for his benefit.

  "It was only five minutes!" he called out in an arrogant voice.


  She grinned as she heard him mutter a curse under his breath. "I'm gonna go change, this uniform is fucking hot. I’ll be right back. Plate it up for me."

  * * *

  As Anthony stripped out his uniform and quickly into a pair of jeans and t-shirt his mind couldn't keep off of how much Gabriella had changed over the years. She had always been a cute girl – in a dorky sort of way. Perhaps that was why he’d crushed on her despite her being his stepsister, hell, maybe even because of it. However, she seemed to have really filled out in all the right places over the years. Just the sight of her barefoot and her gorgeous body in the little sundress had given him an instant erection. Of course, it had been five years since he'd had sex with anyone besides himself so perhaps that was part of the reason. Sure, there had been opportunities from time to time, but none he was all that interested in pursuing.

  And what was with that sexy little sway in her hips as she walked away from him? Was it for his benefit? Oh, he hoped so, but knew better. He'd been a major asshole to her when they were teenagers, playing pranks, picking fights with her and overall just a huge pain in her ass. And the way they’d parted ways, him telling her to get out of his room and not talking to her again, yeah, he was positive that hadn’t gone over well. Part of the hostility was due to the fact he resented his father for remarrying so quickly after his mother’s death. He hated the fact that his father was forcing another family into his life, and even worse he'd found himself attracted to Gabriella from the day she and her mother moved into the house.

  Of course, with him being a horny teenage boy, his father made it clear that she was strictly off limits to him. Since he couldn’t be with her the next best thing was to make her life miserable and ensure that no other guy came sniffing around her. As far as he had been concerned back then, if he couldn't have her, no other guy could. Even now, when their parents told him last week that she'd broken up with her boyfriend, he'd taken satisfaction in the knowledge. No man would be good enough for her in his eyes. Except him.

  He cringed. No doubt she still hated him. At least he assumed so anyhow. Their conversations whenever he'd call were short and strained. And the greeting she'd given him at the door was about as cold as they came. Yup, some things never change.

  After he finished changing, he trotted back down the stairs to the delicious aroma of a home-cooked meal. God, he'd missed that. His stomach grumbled as he hit the bottom stair and made his way into the kitchen. He stopped at the entryway of the kitchen and reclined against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched her a moment.

  Gabriella was busy plating the food, humming softly as she went about her business. A smile touched his lips just from watching her. He shouldn’t have stayed away so long. In retrospect, he knew he’d overdone it staying away, but he had his reasons.

  Considering the fact that he may be around her for a while he decided it was about time they finally buried the hatchet. If that meant apologizing for all his dirty little deeds to her and discussing what happened prom night, then so be it. They were both adults now and there was no reason why they couldn't have a fresh start.

  "Is there anything I can do to help?" Anthony asked as he walked up behind her, just as she was turning with a white porcelain gravy boat in hand. Startled by him she yelped, jumping back and in the process spilling a good portion of the gravy down the front of her dress.

  Eyes narrowed, she glared up at him with the open hostility that he remembered from their teenaged years. Anthony had to fight to keep a chuckle from escaping, due to her heated expression, as he reached behind her and unrolled a handful of paper towel. "I'm really sorry, Gabby."

  He was... sort of. Her expression of restrained anger was so amusing it was almost worth it. He immediately remembered another reason why he used to tease her so much. She was fucking sexy when she was angry.

  She snatched the paper towel from him. "You can help by sitting your ass down and letting me get dinner on the table," she growled through clenched teeth. She turned to the sink, wet the paper towel and attempted to remove the greasy substance from her dress.

  * * *

  They ate in silence, with Gabriella shooting annoyed glances across the table at her brother from time to time. She knew she shouldn't be angry with him, it had been an honest mistake on his part, but s
he couldn't help it. Besides, at least if she was angry with him it would deter her thoughts from how sexy he looked and how much she'd like to see his amazing body minus the clothing.

  Anthony would periodically look up at her and open his mouth to say something. She'd glare at him and he'd go back to eating silently. Apparently having had enough of the silent treatment, Anthony tossed his fork onto his near-empty plate with a clang and stared across the table at her.

  Gabriella's head jerked up and her eyes caught his, as she raised a questioning brow at him.

  "Why do you hate me so much, Gabby? After all these years. Why?"

  A growl formed in the back of her throat as she placed her utensils down on the table before her. Crossing her arms over her chest, she sat back in the wooden kitchen chair. Years of anger boiled up inside and she began to rant, her words spilling from her mouth like verbal diarrhoea. "Well, let's see. Our parents take every opportunity to stress how fucking wonderful and heroic their son is. How proud of you they are, while in the same breath scolding me for wasting my life as a waitress, flaunting my tits for tips."

  He shrugged. "Sorry for doing my fucking job, Gabby," he responded, sarcasm dripping from his tone as he picked his fork back up and shovelled another spoonful of mashed potatoes into his mouth.

  Her anger flared as she continued. "Added to that, let’s not forget that you treated me like shit when we were kids. Teasing me. Pulling pranks. Chasing away any boy who even showed a remote interest in me…"

  "I was protecting my sister. So sue me," he countered.

  "That wasn't your place to decide, Anthony." Her eyes narrowed as she leaned forward. "But you want to know what pissed me off more than any of your juvenile pranks? The thing that I thought was truly heinous – even for you?"

  "No, but I have a feeling you're going to tell me anyway." He grabbed his glass of water and took a drink while eyeing her.

  "You told David Gould I had crabs!" Grabbing a dinner roll from the basket between them at the center of the table she chucked it at him, hitting him square in the chest. "And I never even had crabs, you asshole! I hadn't even had sex!"

  Just as the roll went sailing through the air, the water he had been in the process of drinking came spewing from his lips, sailing across the table, and leaving him sputtering and gasping for air.

  "I did not tell David you had crabs!" he defended, once he regained control of himself.

  "Well, someone did!" Gabriella responded, her voice rising as she stood and planted her palms on the table in front of her.

  "Well, it wasn't me!" he yelled back, standing as well and glaring back at her.

  Gabriella snorted as she crossed her arms over her chest and kept his gaze, but her conviction was wavering. "Then who?"

  Anthony's jaw clenched.

  The dirty bastard knows who it was and isn’t saying! She could see it in his eyes. He had known all these years and never told her. The girls had called her crabby Gabby behind her back the last two years of high school because of the person he was protecting.

  "I asked you who!" She grabbed another roll from the basket and chucked it at him, putting all of her strength behind it. It hit his right shoulder this time and bounced onto the floor.

  "Stop throwing food at me!"

  "Then tell me who it was! I know you know." She grabbed another roll and threatened to chuck it. "I'll do it, Anthony," she threatened, pulling her arm back.

  "It was Ashley Vaughn."

  Gabriella's mouth fell open. "Ashley Vaughn! That slut you dated your senior year?"

  He shrugged.

  "And you dated her even after she said those things?"

  He gave her a lopsided smile and shrugged. "She had big boobs and let me fuck her."

  "You are such a pig, Anthony King!" She thrust another roll at him; this time he ducked and it went sailing over his left shoulder.

  "You know I graduated a virgin because of you!"

  His grin widened, amusement dancing in his eyes. "You should be thanking me. Think of all the losers you'd have been regretting sleeping with right now if it weren’t for me!"

  She wagged her index finger at him, her other hand planted firmly on her waist. "Even my prom date Mark Gibbons wouldn't venture from the waist down and he had me home by 11pm on prom night. You asshole! You ruined prom!" Gabriella was seething. It may not have been as bad as when she had thought he'd been the one spreading the nasty rumours, but his lack of remorse over his old girlfriend's behaviour stung.

  Anthony huffed. "Mark was a dork. I was embarrassed my sister was even going to the prom with him, to be honest." He gave her a quick wink. "So again. You're welcome."

  This was why she hated being around him. Everything with Anthony was a fucking joke. Grabbing another roll, she took aim, thankful she’d overdone it baking way more dinner rolls than needed.

  "Hey!" Anthony's smile faded though the humour in his steel grey eyes remained. "Throw that roll and there will be consequences."

  Gabriella's blue eyes narrowed at him. "Yeah, really, like what?"

  He spread his hands out to his sides, fingers splayed and wiggled them. "I vaguely remember you hate being tickled. Pretty sure that hasn't changed."

  Gabriella held back the grin that was attempting to form on her lips. Instead she frowned and raised a cynical brow. "You’re threatening me with tickling. Seriously? What are we, ten?"

  "Throw that roll in your hand and find out, little sister."

  Again, she fought back a smile. This was such a silly situation. But still... She looked over her shoulder at the exit to the kitchen. If he was serious she would have a head start...

  Fuck it! Hauling her hand back, using as much force as she could muster she whipped the roll at him, hitting him square in the forehead. She had to place a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing at his comical expression of disbelief as the roll bounced off his forehead and onto the table.

  "Oh, it's on!" he roared as he lunged around the table at her.

  Chapter 2

  Gabriella's eyes widened in surprise and she yelped, turned and sprinted out of the kitchen and into the foyer. She hesitated a moment on whether she was going upstairs, but opted for the living room knowing she'd never make it up that flight of stairs without him catching her first.

  She had just made it into the living room when a strong arm wrapped around her waist and she found herself being lifted off of her feet. She screamed and attempted to wiggle from his grasp, but he easily overpowered her and she was tossed onto the suede navy-coloured sofa.

  Seconds later, Anthony was on top of her straddling her waist and pinning both her hands up over her head with his one large one, while his other hand found that torturous sweet spot at her side, just below her breast. "Anthony! Let me go!" She wiggled and squirmed, her hips bucking up under him. She closed her eyes and laughter roared from her and she bucked harder against his massive frame. "Please! Oh God! Pleeease Anthony!"

  "Oh, I love to hear you beg, Gabby!"

  When she got to the point where she was out of breath from her begging and laughing he finally relented. With her heart thumping wildly within her chest, she slowly opened her eyes. As she gazed up at him, the humour was rapidly disappearing from his eyes and was being replaced with a look more primal and hungry. It was then that she realized that in her wiggling her skirt had hiked up around her waist and she was beginning to feel that ridge of his growing erection against her pelvis. Five years rolled back and it felt like prom night all over again.

  His scent came to her, an enticingly masculine combination of soap and aftershave. She tried to force down the desire rising up within her, but it was near impossible. She wanted him. She'd wanted him from the day she first met him despite how much torment he’d put her through and she wanted him now, especially now that she knew it hadn't been him who had spread that nasty rumour. Maybe there was a reason beyond wanting to get away from her that caused him to just suddenly up and join the Marines without a word to her about
that night.

  "Gabby..." His eyes searched hers; indecision accompanied the hunger.

  He wanted her. She trembled under him at the thought of being with him and feeling his hard naked body against hers. As much as she'd tried to convince to herself that she hated him over the years it hadn't kept his image from creeping into her fantasies from time to time. Hell, he’d been the one and only object of her fantasies.

  Anthony's eyes followed her tongue as she swiped it along her lower lip, the fire within them growing stronger. God, she wanted him to kiss her, she was silently begging him to. Her heart began to accelerate once more, but this time from her desire and anticipation of him.


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