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Postmortem Report

Page 10

by Tomislav Sunic

  The Painful Otherness

  The normative concept of beauty and the general code of social and political conduct and civility are exclusively of European origin. This includes the famous “body language” practiced by White liberal politicians and avidly mimicked by non-white politicians. Hence the norm for all peoples, of all races worldwide is to accept White Otherness either by emulating or mimicking its phenotype. The Western heritage, regardless of whether it is despised or loved by non-Europeans, is viewed either consciously or subconsciously as the ideal type and role model for all.

  The major crime of the liberal system and its human rights pontiffs is that on the one hand it preaches diversity and uniqueness of each culture and each ethnic group, while on the other hand, because of its egalitarian, levelling and procrustean tactics, it fosters discriminatory policies against all races and all peoples wordwide.

  The liberal ideology of global “panmixia” destroys individual cultures of different peoples, while imposing feelings of cultural and racial inferiority on all. Thus, many non-Europeans, especially if cultivated, are implicitly forced to be ashamed of their roots, while accepting something that is alien to their psychophysical and cultural heritage.

  While Europeans of different ethnic origins and with different facial traits (Dinaric, Alpine, Mediterranean, Nordic) do not have trouble in blending in, non-European races have considerable difficulties. This often results in feelings of racial exclusion, and consequently in criminal activities, especially among younger newcomers to the U.S.A. or to Europe.

  In a little known, yet highly significant preface to the second edition of his once famous book (Rasse und Seele [Race and Soul], 2nd edition, 1943), and following the attacks by the Vatican clergy against the racial laws of Nationalist Socialist Germany, the once-famous German psychologist and anthropologist Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss, wrote:

  We have been accused of considering only the Nordic race as worthy and all other races as inferior. Wherever such “evidence” was believed, it has affected us negatively.

  This is especially true because the word “Nordic” is easily misunderstood and misinterpreted by laymen, which has created all kinds of mischief. This was entirely mistaken and unnecessary.

  It is true that in Germany and elsewhere, a number of books and booklets have been published that assert this sort of thing. From the beginning, the psychology of race clearly teaches us that each race finds ultimate value in itself ... In the final analysis it is the only factor that determines racial-spiritual values.

  Every race bears within itself its own value system and standard of excellence; and no race can be evaluated by the standards of any other race ... Only a person who could stand above all races and transcend race would be able to make “objective” statements about a given human race ... Such a person does not exist, however, because to be human means to be conditioned and determined by race. Perhaps God knows the true hierarchy of races, but we humans do not. The German Volk or Nation is a mixture of various races, in which the Nordic race clearly predominates. However, there is an admixture of “Blood” in the German Volk (for example Mediterranean). Today it is no longer possible to sow mistrust between friendly peoples ... Each step in international and colonial politics confirms the tenets of racial psychology and increases its usefulness (practical utility) in dealing with different peoples. Its goal is not to divide and separate nations, but rather to connect them by objectively establishing enlightened understanding between them.

  Clauss is labelled a “Nazi scholar” by his Jewish and liberal detractors, although some of his remarks run counter to Hollywood custom-designed “Nazi Nordicists” and self-proclaimed Aryans, all the more because Clauss, like many German anthropologists, wrote much about Bedouins, and is still considered an authority on Arabic culture.

  The Jew vs. the Same

  It would be interesting to find out what was crossing the mind of the Jewish American author Susan Sontag, who famously said that “the White race is the cancer of human history.” If one grants that the White race is a cancer, Sontag is putting herself in an awkward position. Does she reject being White? Implicitly she suggested that Jews are not Whites, which only confirms the thesis of hundreds if not millions of White racialists that Jews constitute a unique racial/ethnic group — and not just a different culture or a different religion.

  Consequently, can Sontag’s Jewish compatriots be Whites — in the sense their White Euro-American liberal friends want them to be? Her defamatory comments on Whites imply that Jews do not fall into the category of Whites. But as practice has shown in Jew-Gentile relationships all over the West, neither do they like being called “Jews” by non-Jews — except when they need to capitalize on their Jewishness, both figuratively and financially. Yet implicitly, many Jews, while rejecting Whiteness in its “anti-Semitic” “right-wing”, or “Nazi” connotation — are not at all opposed to displaying their Whiteness. The late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, with his feigned self-assertiveness, must have been well aware that his quasi-Nordic facial traits would be popular with his fellow Jews.

  Many Jews quite rightly resent the German word and the concept of Mischlinge (crossbreeds) or Mauscheljude (trickster Jew or hidden Jew). At the same time, many Jews like to conceal as much as they can their original Turko-Kazharic-Semitic features. As I wrote earlier, the more things look hyper-real, the more real they get eventually. By the same logic, if Jews get upset by anti-Semites, why not call Jews Semites? Most likely this would be an offensive word for them too.

  Tons of books on this subject are very difficult to obtain, especially if written in German. As a result, this most incendiary topic of our times is debated only in private or avoided completely. One thing is when Jewish authors like Salcia Landmann (Die Juden als Rasse, 1981) and Jon Entine (Abraham’s Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People) write objectively — albeit from a Jewish perspective — about the “Jews as a race.” Yet it is quite a different story when a famous German anthropologist and eugenicist, also dubbed a “Nazi”, Otmar von Verschuer, writes about “the Jewish race.” It appears that the expression and the concept “the Jewish race” can only have safe passage and scholarly legitimacy when used and discussed by Jews.

  In April 1988, several weeks before I was awarded a PhD degree in political science at the University of California — Santa Barbara, I had a private and casual dinner with a famous author of human ecology, professor emeritus Garrett Hardin. After a beer or two, he told me, if I recall his words well: “Look, Tom, I have been lecturing in biology; I can get away with saying things to my students about race that you will never, ever be able to in humanities.”

  Being young and living in the allegedly freest country in the world, I did not exactly understand what he meant. Years later I grasped the meaning of his words. I realized that there are academic fields in humanities that are subject to strict inquisitorial control and to undisputed canons of political rectitude. This sacred triangle consists of three subjects: a) modern historiography; b) Jewish power and influence; and c) the race question. Lecturing in an open an honest way on these topics means receiving a kiss of academic death.

  Intellectual terror in American colleges is well hidden behind the garb of feigned academic conviviality and the “have-a-wonderful-day” rhetoric of superficially friendly peers. Yet it has far more insidious effects than the naked terror I experienced in a drab ex-communist Europe.

  Apart from being a derogatory, value-laden word that immediately lends itself to an array of catastrophic fantasies and judgment-day scenarios, the word “Nazi” also gives birth to a schizoid behavior among a number of White nationalists, particularly in America. Many of them seriously project in their minds National Socialist Germany as a country populated by Albino-like Nordic-Übermenschen possessing a hidden force that could be resuscitated any day either in Patagonia or on astral UFOs. As noted previously in The Occidental Observer, the false re-enactment of
political events leads to their farcical repetition — with dangerous political consequences. In our postmodernity, the overkill of false images leads to the real kill. The often rowdy and infantile behavior of such “proud Aryan internet warriors” scares off serious White people who could otherwise be of some help in these decisive days of struggle for Western civilization. We must ask ourselves: Cui bono? Who benefits?

  Indeed, the surreal image of National Socialism as exclusively Nordic has been promoted by the left — antifascist scholars, environmentalists, Freudo-Boasians, various Jewish and pro-Jewish academic think tanks, the caviar-left, the gated community White liberals, etc. How? For decades, they have been cranking out an overkill of one-sided books and movies on National Socialism and racism, and this for two simple reasons. First, it pays well and provides lush media and academic sinecures. Secondly, there has been a well-conceived pedagogical project ever since 1945 to prevent a critical re-examination of race and racism.

  The Many Faces of National Socialism

  For starters, the second most powerful National Socialist man in the Third Reich was a dark-haired “shrunken German” (nachgedunkelter Schrumpfgermane), the proverbial Joseph Goebbels, a thin man, little over 5 feet tall, whose stature and face resembled more an ancient Roman quaestor than a blond fighting machine. His thin lips, a round protruding occiput, sad, yet very sharp eyes, testified to a man who under different historical circumstances would have made an excellent professor in comparative literature. Goebbels was born in the German province of Westphalia, close to France. In the 1st century A.D., this area was an important Roman military outpost and a region in which many Germans today still show distinct Mediterranean facial traits.

  The much discussed German anti-Slavic policies, which were based on the alleged racial inferiority of Slavs, are nonsense — all the more so since at least one out of three Germans carries the name of Slavic origin. Prior to 1945, well over 15 million Germans were born and lived in the Slavic speaking areas of East Europe, including the third-ranking man in the National Socialist command, the Russian-Baltic born German Alfred Rosenberg. Rosenberg’s face shows Nordic features with a slight Alpine Slavic streak.

  The linguistic approach to the study of races should not be neglected because it was common for many Slavs all over Europe to change their names to German names (“Weber”, “Bauer”, “Schmitt”), just as it was common for many Germans to change their names to Slavic ones. One needs to open up the white pages in Vienna, or in the once heavily Polish-populated Rhine basin, or in Berlin, to realize that one in every three German names ends with the Slavic syllable, such as “ski”, “tschc”, or “c”.

  In former Prussia — which is today under Russian and Polish jurisdiction — lived a significant number of Germans of French ancestry with names like “Fontane”, “de Maizière”, or “Lafontaine”, bearing witness to a significant group of expelled 16th century French Protestant Huguenots, many of whom became prominent German leaders and scholars. Unlike all other European kingdoms, 18th-century Prussia under Frederick the Great was the first country to endorse the American Declaration of Independence. Prussia was then the most tolerant place on earth, attracting Enlightenment philosophers from France and from other parts of Europe.

  Some of the highest-ranking German generals in the Wehrmacht were of Slavic-German origin. Their family names are clearly Slavic and their skull morphology points to a large variety of all European subracial types, from the Alpine (ostisch), the Mediterranean (westisch) to the Nordic: Hans Hellmich, Curt Badinski, Bruno Chrobeck, Emil Dedek, Heinrich Domansky, Walter Dybilasz, Erich Glodkowski, Kurt Mierzinsky, Adalbert Mikulicz, Bronislaw Pawel, Georg Radziej, Hans Radisch, Franz Zednicek, Walter von Brauchitsch. So were the other High German officers such as the master of panzer warfare, the round-headed Heinz Guderian, who was of distant Armenian origin, or the tall and big-nosed Wilhelm Canaris, who was of Italian/Greek origin. (See the important book by Christopher Dolbeau — practically unknown in France — Face au Bolchevisme: Petit dictionnaire des résistances nationales à l’Est de l’Europe: 1917–1989. (Against Bolshevism: A Little Dictionary of National Resistances in East Europe: 1917–1989).

  The Beautiful Beast?

  To assume, therefore, that the Institute for Racial Hygiene in Germany or the Gestapo were checking the names or the cranial index of High German officials, before admitting them to high military positions is academic lunacy. Yet a type of deliberate lunacy is still alive in some influential anti-German conspiratorial circles in the West and in America. The alleged racism of Germans against Slavs was part and parcel of the Allied propaganda and later of the Frankfurt School, whose goal was to whip up Slavs during and after WWII into anti-German frenzy. By accepting more than one million volunteers from Russia, Ukraine, Croatia, Slovakia, etc. in the Wehrmacht and by allowing half a million non-German European volunteers in the Waffen S.S., the German high military command thought it could create its own version of united Europe and successfully fight the war on two fronts.

  Even the very bad guys — the men most feared by communists and Jews all over Europe and only trusted by Adolf Hitler in the last year of the war — were not quite the paradigms of the “Nazi Nordic” supermen. Or were they? Those haunting five were: the S.S. Gestapo and Interpol chief, the Austrian-born Ernst Kaltenbrunner; the Czech-Moravian-born S.S. Reichskommissar and Foreign Minister hopeful, Arthur Seyss Inquart (real name Arthur Zajtich); the Austrian-born S.S. Chief of Special Forces, whose name appears to be of Hungarian origin, Otto Skorzeny; the Italian, Trieste-born S.S. police chief of Slovenian origin, Odilo Globocnik, who put down the Warsaw Jewish ghetto uprising in late April 1943; and finally the Croatian-born Wehrmacht general, Lothar von Rendulic, who, even long after the war, was considered an expert on terrorist communist guerilla warfare. Many of their fellow travelers — the ones who escaped suicide or the Allied gallows — played a crucial role in the development of the U.S. strategy for Cold War Communist containment.

  Physically, all these men could be described as of the Dinaro-Nordic mixture, with prominent long heads and, to top it off, they are well over 6 foot tall, with Kaltenbrunner measuring 6’ 7” (201 cm) and Skorzeny 6’ 4” (194 cm). It is striking that all five were born in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, an area of Europe where Hitler himself was born and that he knew best.

  Traditionally, tall stature has been a matter of pride and a trademark of ethnic groups in this part of southeast Mitteleuropa. From Bavaria to Austria, along the German-speaking northern Italian province of South Tyrol and stretching further along the Croatian coast down to Montenegro, this part of Europe had been literally the military highway of different European and non-European armies since time immemorial. It is a convergence point of all European ethnicities: Goths, Celts, Latins, Illyrians and Slavs, with some inescapable Asiatic, Turkic recessive genes still to be detected, particularly further inland in the eastern Balkans. The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius in the 3rd century brought hundreds of thousands Roman legionaries to defend the limes on the Danube against Barbarians. The same can be said of the Goths who settled there in the 4th century and of Napoleon’s Grande Armée, which went on foot all the way from Paris to Vienna, then further north to Moscow and then further south to the Croatian coastal and medieval town of Dubrovnik. There was a brief Mongol incursion in the 13th century, followed later, from the late 15th to the early 18th century, by lengthy and painful Turkish invasions, which the populace in this region holds in very bitter memory. The German derivative of the noun Türke, the past participle verb getürkt (“faked”, “screwed up”) has a very derogatory meaning today. So does the noun Turčin among Croats, or Turco in Italian — words still used to depict gross and violent behavior.

  It is a common sight in the capital city of Bolzano, in South Tyrol and in the Croat coastal town of Split, to see lank long-limbed women who are 6 feet tall. Incidentally, the tallest man in Europe was a Croat, Grgo Kusi�
� (1892–1918), who was 7’9” tall (2.37m) and who served in the Royal Guard of the late Austrian emperor Franz Joseph II. His contemporary, the Montenegrin Princess Helena measured 6’ and was married to the late Italian King Victor Emmanuel III, who measured a modest 5’.

  California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger also comes from this region. Born in the small village of Thal, right on the Slovenian-Styrian Austrian border, his physique and facial traits are not quite common for this region. He is a typical Nordic specimen — highly intelligent, although his square jaw is reminiscent of old Cro-Magnon chromosomes. Although born as a provincial “hillbilly” (Bergtrottel in colloquial German), after being successfully coached by his wife Maria (a member of the Kennedy dynasty), he learned the ropes of political survival in America. A few Californian pep talks about multiracial conviviality, coupled with his generous donations to Jewish organizations, made him a success story that his lookalikes in Austria could only dream of. Otherwise, under different historical circumstances, he would have ended up like his father, singing a different political tune — albeit with another heavy accent.

  The term “racism” has a generic meaning today, denoting social ostracism of outgroups, or in the worst case scenario, depicting an act of savagery meted out by some race or some warring party to another race or ethnic group. In the standard usage today the word “racism” is not necessarily a referent for a different skin color, or a depiction of someone’s high or low cognitive ability. As a result of constant semantic shifts the word “racism” is used to describe a form of barbarism, generally viewed as despicable and contrary to the most basic norms of human conduct.


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