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Anne Frank

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by Francine Prose

  signs family up for “voluntary emigration,” 38

  survival of and return to Amsterdam, 73

  Swiss residence of, 203

  thank-you letter to Eleanor Roosevelt, 86–87

  theatrical adaptation of The Diary and, 180–81, 186–91, 199–200, 203–4, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 222

  tolerance and ethics of, 189

  visa granted to Cuba, 41

  in World War I, 25–26, 65

  youth of, 24, 25–26

  Frank, Robert (uncle), 25

  Freedom Writers (film), 21

  Freedom Writers Diary, The, 21

  Freud, Sigmund, 247

  Geiringer-Schloss, Eva, 29

  Geiringer-Schloss, Fritzi (later Elfriede Frank), 29, 83, 200, 206, 227, 228

  Geiss, Edgar, 244

  Germany (Nazi). See also Holocaust (Nazi genocide) anti-Jewish laws, 32, 34–39

  anti-Jewish violence, 27

  boycott of German-Jewish businessmen, 27

  dehumanization of the Jews, 173

  denial of the Holocaust and, 240

  Germany (Nazi) (Cont.) emigration of German and Austrian Jews, 40

  evil done by, 172

  invasion of Holland, 33–34

  Otto Frank leaves, 33

  reality of Anne’s message and, 168

  Wannsee Conference and “final solution,” 40–41

  Ghost Writer, The (Roth), 4, 8, 11, 13, 21–22

  Gies, Jan, 43–44, 48, 59, 242

  in the Resistance, 45

  Gies, Miep, 52, 242

  arresting officer remembered by, 65

  attempt to bribe Silberbauer into releasing the Franks, 71–72

  on Auguste van Pels, 111

  background and relationship to the Franks, 43–45

  on Franks’ apartment, 34–35

  identity card, 160

  interruption of Anne at work depicted by, 6–7

  introduced to butcher to provide annex with meat, 40

  observation of Edith Frank, 107

  Otto Frank finds a forgotten bean, 123

  passage about cut by Otto Frank, 24–25

  Pfeffer and, 117

  preparation of the secret annex and, 48

  recalls Otto Frank’s reading of Anne’s diary, 73–74

  recovery and safe-keeping of Anne’s diary and writings, 70–71, 72, 223

  in the Resistance, 45

  survival of, 60

  wedding and urgency of marriage, 44

  willingness to help the Franks and others, 45, 59, 69–70

  on yellow stars worn by Jews, 38–39

  Gilford, Jack, 208

  Ginsburg, Eugenia, 174–75

  Goldstein-van Cleef, Ronnie, 55

  Goldwyn, Samuel, 227

  Goodrich, Frances, 193, 196, 197, 200–207, 227

  Goslar, Ruth, 28

  Graver, Lawrence, 177

  Guatemala, 165

  Guide for Using Anne Frank in the Classroom, A, 258–59

  Hackett, Albert, 193, 196, 197, 200–207, 227

  handwriting of Anne Frank, forensic analysis, 14, 16, 129, 242, 247–48

  Hartog, Lammert, 52

  Harwood, Richard, 243

  Hazel, Doreen, 254–55

  Hellman, Lillian, 177, 190, 191, 192, 193, 199, 201, 203, 205

  Hendry, Teressa, 243

  Hepburn, Audrey, 228–29

  Heren, knechten, en Vrouwen (van Ammers-Küller), 146–47

  Hersey, John, 81, 183

  Het Acherhuis (Frank), 12, 13, 17, 39, 74, 78–79, 91, 106, 125–26

  as Anne’s title, 12, 13, 264

  intended opening, 132

  introduction by Annie Romein, 79–80

  Het Parool, 77–78

  Heydrich, Reynhard, 40, 41

  Hillesum, Elly, 54, 95

  Hinterleitner, Norbert, 165–66, 167, 171, 173, 174, 269

  Hitler and His Generals (Irving), 243–44

  Hoagland, Molly Magid, 221, 223

  Holland. See also Amsterdam anti-Jewish measures instituted, 34–36, 133

  bombing of Rotterdam, 33

  collaborators in, 42–43

  deportation of 40,000 Dutch Jews to Auschwitz, 42

  The Diary as depicting war in, 126

  Dutch capitulation and cooperation with the Nazis, 70

  Dutch Resistance, 33–34, 43, 45, 54, 77–78

  German invasion, 33–34

  Jewish Affairs Section, Gestapo, 64

  Jewish Council, 38, 42

  Jewish population killed or deported during the occupation, second only to Poland, 42

  Jewish refugees in, 33

  Westerbork detention center, 33, 51, 53, 54–55, 95

  Hollander, Oma (grandmother), 28, 109

  death of, 39

  Holocaust (Nazi genocide). See also Auschwitz; Bergen-Belsen; Westerbork; specific extermination camps Anne Frank Foundation and education about, 164

  denial of, 239–49

  deportation of 40,000 Dutch Jews to Auschwitz, 42

  The Diary of Anne Frank as one of the greatest books about, 5, 126, 127

  “final solution” enacted at Wannsee Conference, 40–41

  forced marches, 60, 145–46

  mass deportations of Jews, 37

  number of people killed, 254, 258

  street roundups (razzia) of Jews, 35

  teaching students about, 254–58

  transport lists, 170

  Hope Against Hope (Mandelstam), 174

  Hopper, Dennis, 208

  Huber, Gusti, 208

  “Ignored Lesson of Anne Frank, The” (Bettelheim), 166–67

  In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, 21

  Into That Darkness (Serenyi), 173

  Into the Whirlwind (Ginsburg), 174–75

  Irving, David, 243–44

  Iskander, Sylvia P., 146–47

  Israel Soldiers Theatre, 194

  Jacobi, Lou, 208

  Japan, 20

  Anne no Nikki (anime cartoon), 21

  Jewish Advisory Council, 232

  Jewish Lyceum, 36–37

  Anne Frank writes about, 37

  pantomime to communicate fate of missing children, 37

  Johnson, Rebecca Kelch, 255

  Jones, Judith, 82, 181

  Jones, Stephanie, 259

  Joop ter Heul (van Marxveldt), 90–91, 148, 152

  Juliana, Crown Princess of the Netherlands, 50

  Kalb, Bernard, 209

  Kaletta, Charlotte, 59, 75, 117, 119

  Kanin, Garson, 193, 205, 206, 207, 208–10

  Kantrowitz, Andrea, 268

  Kazan, Elia, 192

  Keller, Michelle, 257

  Kesselman, Wendy, 219–21, 248

  “kitsch absolution,” 167

  Kitty (invented confidante), 23, 39, 42, 90–91, 95, 96, 98, 115, 116, 127, 135

  Kleiman, Corrie, 48–49

  Kleiman, Johannes, 46, 48–49, 52, 147, 151, 161, 206, 237

  aid to the occupants of the secret annex, 48

  Anne’s pseudonym for (Koophius), 46

  arrest of, 69, 71

  coded correspondence with Otto’s family in Basel kept by, 48

  return to Opekta and desire to read the diaries, 72–73

  survival of, 72

  Klemperer, Viktor, 95

  Koco ice cream parlor, 35

  Koestler, Arthur, 171

  Kopf, Hedda Rosner, 263

  Kugler, Viktor, 47, 48, 52, 64, 237

  aid to the occupants of the secret annex, 49

  arrest of, 69, 72

  bookcase to hide annex constructed by, 49

  as “Kraler” in the diary, 49 survival of, 72

  Kuhn, Ernst, 81

  Landau, Tina, 221

  Langer, Lawrence, 168

  Lapine, James, 219

  Last Seven Months of Anne Frank, The (documentary and book adaptation), 54, 57–58

  Lavin, Linda, 220

  Lederman, Susanne, 29

  Les Maisons h
antées de Meyer Levin (Torres), 177

  “Letters from Paris” (Flanner), 82

  Levi, Primo, 160, 171, 175

  Levin, Meyer, 87–88, 177, 241, 266

  adaptation of The Diary for AJC, 191

  at Bergen-Belsen, 178

  lawsuit against Cheryl Crawford and Otto Frank, 207, 210–11, 241, 243

  The Obsession, 181–84, 194

  review of The Diary, 87–88, 181, 183–86, 202

  settlement won by, 211

  theatrical adaptation of The Diary and, 178–99, 201–2, 204–5, 216

  theatrical adaptation written by, 193–99

  Lewisohn, Ludwig, 171–72

  Lewinsohn, Mr. (“Mr. Lewin”), 46–47

  Lindwer, Willy, 54, 58

  Literature, Persecution, Extermination (Dresden), 170

  “Literature as Invitation” (Probst), 261

  Little, Brown publishers, 180

  Lively, Pierce, 267

  Love, Otto (Weiss), 172–73

  Mandela, Nelson, 162

  Mandelstam, Nadezhda, 174

  Mapes, Elizabeth A., 262

  Marks, Joseph, 194

  Maus (Spiegelman), 268

  Mauthausen camp, 35

  death of Peter van Pels in, 59

  McCleary, Sara, 265

  McCullers, Carson, 199–200

  Mellor, William, 227–28

  Melnick, Ralph, 177, 192

  Member of the Wedding, The (McCullers), 199

  Menuhin, Yehudi, 179

  Mermin, Myer, 191, 207

  Miller, Arthur, 191

  Molloy, James, 271

  Montessori school, Amsterdam: Jewish children at, survival of, 35

  Mozert v. Hawkins County Board of Education, 265–68

  Mulisch, Harry, 8

  Müller, Melissa, 117

  “My First Day at the Lyceum” (Frank), 36–37

  National Alliance (neo-Nazi group), 248

  National Coalition Against Censorship, 265

  Nederlander Am 219

  Netherlands Institute for War Documentation, 12

  forensic handwriting analysis of Anne’s work, 14, 16, 129, 242, 247–48

  Presser’s The Destruction of the Dutch Jews, 37–38

  publication of Revised Critical Edition, 16

  publication of The Critical Edition, 16

  Neuengamme camp, 59, 118

  Neutral Milk Hotel, 21

  Newman, Arnold, 233

  Newsweek review of play, 216–17

  New Yorker Janet Flanner article, 82, 180

  review of Goodrich-Hackett play adaptation of The Diary of Anne Frank, 217

  New York Review of Books, 83

  New York Times report on attacks on the diary’s authenticity, 248

  review of Goodrich-Hackett play adaptation of The Diary of Anne Frank, 216–17

  review of Kesselman adaptation of play, 221

  New York Times Book Review assignment of reviewer, 87, 184–85

  review of The Diary, 87–88, 181, 183–86, 202

  Nielsen, Harald, 241

  “Not Even a Nice Girl” (Thurman), 7

  Nussbaum, Laureen, 17–18, 135, 139, 154–55

  Obsession, The (Levin), 177, 181–83

  Obsession with Anne Frank, An (Graver), 177

  O’Connor, Flannery, 88

  Odets, Clifford, 190

  Opekta Company, 6, 11, 27, 46, 47.

  See also annex (secret annex) front office, as part of Anne Frank Museum, 161

  relocation to 263 Prinsengracht, 39–40

  renamed Gies and Company, 49

  Ozick, Cynthia, 170, 172, 173, 174, 178, 220, 222, 266, 267

  Perkins, Millie, 230–31, 233–34, 236

  Persepolis (Satrapi), 268

  Pfeffer, Fritz, 4

  arrives at secret annex, 51, 93

  Auguste van Pels and, 118, 123

  as Dussel in diary, 44, 116

  fate after discovery in annex, 59, 118

  mealtimes in the annex, 102

  Miep Gies and, 44

  portrayal of in diary and Broadway play, 75, 102, 116–19

  response to deficient diet, 103

  Pick-Goslar, Hanneli (“Lies”), 6, 28, 29, 36–37, 50, 60, 109

  video at Anne Frank Museum, talking about Anne’s final days, 57, 160

  Pierce, William, 248

  Poland emigration of Jews to, 42

  largest percentage of Jewish population killed, 42

  Portman, Natalie, 221–22, 223

  Presser, Jacob, 37–38

  Pressler Miram 10 90 149–50

  Pretzien, Germany, 248–49

  Price, Frank, 82, 181, 199

  Probst, Robert, 261

  Querido publishers, 81

  “Reading Anne Frank as a Woman” (Waaldijk), 108

  Remembering the Holocaust (Keller), 257

  revisions of The Diary (“b” version), 10, 13, 14–15, 17, 18–19, 79, 128, 130, 131, 133, 135–53, 154–55

  revisions of The Diary (cont.) depiction of blowup over reading of a controversial work, comparison of versions, 146–47

  first entries and second draft, comparison analysis, 135–53

  Romein, Annie, 77, 79

  Romein, Jan, 77, 78

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 185, 211

  “jocular anti-Semitism” of, 86

  preface to The Diary by, 85–87

  Roth, Heinz, 244

  Roth, Philip, 4, 8, 11, 13, 21, 136, 154

  Sachsenhausen camp, 59

  Satrapi, Marjane, 268

  Schildkraut, Joesph, 207–9, 227

  Schnabel, Ernst, 30, 32, 56

  Schütz, Anneliese, 80

  Search, The (Levin), 179, 184

  Sebastian, Mikhail, 95

  Secker and Warburg publishers, 81

  secret annex. See annex (secret annex)

  Serenyi, Gitta, 173

  Shore, Lesley, 256–57

  Silberbauer, Karl Josef, 64–69, 71–72

  60 Minutes, 21

  Sobibor camp, 173

  Spector, Karen, 259

  Spiegelman, Art, 268

  Stalinist Russia, 174–75

  Stangl, Franz, 173

  Stern, G. B., 7

  Stevens, George, 227–28, 229, 231–37

  D-Day footage on YouTube, 237

  Stielau, Lothar, 241, 261

  Stolen Legacy of Anne Frank, The (Melnick), 177

  Stone, David, 219

  Stone, John, 232

  Stoppelman, Max, 59

  Strasberg, Susan, 208, 228

  Straus, Nathan, 25, 41

  Survival in Auschwitz (Levi), 175

  Tales from the Secret Annex or Tales from the House Behind (Frank), 7, 36, 71, 74

  “The Battle of the Potatoes,” 124–25

  Cady’s Life (novel fragment), 106, 197–98

  “Delusions of Stardom,” 226

  teaching The Diary, 9, 19, 21, 154, 171, 253–69

  anti-Semitism today, 269

  author’s approach, 262–64

  author’s class at Bard College, 271–77

  author visits Bell Academy, 268–69

  Cliffs Notes on The Diary of Anne Frank, 253

  “Cyberhunt Teacher’s Page,” 260

  depiction of Anne and her story, 259–60

  efforts to ban teaching of, 264–68

  Goodrich-Hackett drama taught in lieu of The Diary, 262

  grim reality of, 256

  historical context, helping students learn about, 254

  positive element, 256–57

  teacher preparation for, 254–55, 257–61

  test questions and exams, 257, 258–59

  “Teaching the Holocaust” (Johnson), 255

  “Teaching the Holocaust Through the Diary of Anne Frank” (Baumel), 263

  Tenth Muse, The (Jones), 82

  Thieresienstadt camp, 60

  Thurman, Judith, 7, 17

  Time magazine, 88

  Torres, Tereska, 177, 179–80, 1
82–83, 204

  Treblinka camp, 173

  Turner Diaries (Pierce), 248

  20th Century Fox, 227, 231

  Tynan, Kenneth, 218

  Ukraine, 165

  United States publication of The Diary in, 80–88

  refusal to grant asylum to the Frank family, 20, 41

  United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

  Auschwitz depicted, 55

  home movie of Anne Frank in, 31–32

  Mellor film footage in, 227–28

  Vallentine-Mitchell publishers, 180

  Van Amerongen-Frankfoorder, Rachel, 54, 57–58

  Van Ammers-Küller, Jo, 146–47

  Van der Waal, Jopie, 30

  Vanguard Press, 81

  Van Maaren, W. G., 51–52

  Van Maarsen, Jacqueline (Jacque), 39

  Van Marxveldt, Cissy, 90–91

  Van Pels, Auguste, 4, 44, 99, 226

  arrives at secret annex, 50


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