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01 - The Heartbreaker

Page 33

by Carly Phillips

  Too bad her body made a mockery of that promise. She straightened and started for the other room, steeling herself against the chemistry she couldn’t control or deny.

  Rick paced outside the bathroom so he could hear the thud if the heat got to her again and Kendall passed out cold on the floor. He was thankful when minutes later the door opened and she walked out, but gratitude evaporated when he got a good look at her newest getup, taken from the small suitcase he’d brought in for her earlier.

  A pink floral cutoff T-shirt showcased her flat, bare stomach, while a pair of frayed cutoff white shorts hugged her hips and revealed her rounded curves and long legs. She was perfectly proportioned, making him want her more than he had before. Something he hadn’t believed possible.

  But as spectacular as she appeared, it wasn’t her body he couldn’t take his eyes from, but the frilly garter still hugging her thigh.

  “What’s wrong?” She glanced down. “Oh. Oh!” She blushed an amazing shade of pink that matched her hair. “I was rushing and forgot.”

  She bent down to remove the accessory, sliding the elastic over those long legs. Legs he could envision wrapped around his waist as he made love to her over and over again.

  “Got it.” She lifted her head and met his gaze. “You seem fascinated by this thing. Want to see it up close?” She dangled the blue and white lace midair.

  And according to tradition be the next to marry? “Hell no.” But he was too late. She’d already tossed the garter through the air, leaving him no choice but to catch it or let it drop onto the dusty, hardwood floor. Resigned, he grabbed for the offending object.

  “Good catch!” She clapped her hands in approval. “I’m impressed.”

  “Just tell me tradition doesn’t work if the bride never said I do.”

  A wry smile touched her lips. “You’re afraid.” She let out a loud laugh.

  “I’m a cop. I’m not afraid of anything,” he said. But if that was true, then why was his heart hammering hard in his chest and his breath coming in short, uneven gasps?

  “Okay, no fear. But you do look like you’re about to be sick.” She came up beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

  Her touch shot straight through him and he enjoyed the feeling more than was prudent.

  “Anything I can do?” she asked.

  He eyed that damn garter. “You can answer the question.”

  “Since I never got married and technically I’m not a bride, I’m sure the garter is harmless. Feel better?”

  Hardly, he thought. Her fingertips still touched his shoulder, searing his skin through his department-issued navy T-shirt. His gaze dropped to her incredible body again. “You look a lot more comfortable,” he said, changing the subject.

  She grinned. “Amazing what getting rid of that albatross of a dress will do for you.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “A woman who shares my views on marriage? Impossible.” He couldn’t imagine a female who’d shake at the sight of a wedding dress. But this was Kendall and she was unique. No wonder she appealed to him.

  “Are you telling me you’ve never met an independent woman before?”

  “Not in this town. They all seem to be on the marriage plan.”

  Her eyes grew wide, her curiosity evident. “There have to be some women who want to remain on their own. Free to do what they want, when they want.”

  “Is that your M.O.?” he asked.

  Kendall nodded. Rick had pegged her well. “I’m a transient,” she said with a grin.


  The answer lay in her past. By moving from place to place, she didn’t allow herself to become too attached to anyone or anything. But she didn’t think Rick needed or wanted to know her personal hangups, so she shrugged lightly and said, “It’s all I know.”

  “Your childhood.” He obviously remembered hearing of her past. “But there’s no need to move around now. Did you ever consider putting down roots?”

  “Not in this lifetime.” She’d been there, she’d done that, Kendall thought. “I just spent two years in New York City to be with Aunt Crystal and cover her nursing home bills. It’s time to put me first.”

  He nodded in understanding.

  “Why don’t we sit?” she suggested.

  “This is the best you’ve got.” He gestured to the couch with drop cloths covering it as well as the other furniture in the guest house. It had been so long since anyone stayed here that she obviously had her work cut out for her—even for just a temporary visit.

  She joined him on the beige-covered sofa. “Sorry I can’t offer you a better, cleaner place to sit.”

  He shrugged. “No big deal.”

  “So tell me about the Stepford wives.” She changed the subject back to him.

  He chuckled. “It’s really not that bad. It’s just that my mother’s been ill and she’s got this notion that it’s time for her sons to settle down and give her grandchildren.” He sobered at the mention of his mother’s health. “Now she’s launched an all-out campaign and the single women in town are only too happy to participate.”

  She recalled Pearl’s words earlier about his mother lamenting her grandchildless fate. Obviously there was more to it than that. “Poor man. All the women in town throwing themselves at you.” She clucked her tongue, though a part of her was actually jealous she wasn’t the only one who found this guy incredibly sexy. Not that she had any desire to marry and settle down, but she could see why those women who did found him the perfect catch.

  “Trust me it’s a lot tougher than it sounds considering I’m not interested.”

  “I’m surprised you’re telling me about it.”

  “Oh, you’d hear about it soon enough. Especially after Pearl gets through letting everyone know about you and your grand entrance.” He ran a hand through that gorgeous, dark hair. “You’ll be branded.”

  Kendall started to laugh, remembering how Rick had carried her over the threshold to the tune of Pearl’s humming “Here Comes the Bride,” in between chiding Eldin and using his back as an excuse to avoid marriage. Kendall would have mentioned that Eldin seemed anxious to put a ring on her finger, but she sensed Pearl had a mind of her own. Just like Rick’s mother, apparently.

  But Rick wouldn’t find this situation amusing, so she clasped her hands and tried for sincerity. “No one could possibly believe you’d gotten married without letting anyone know.”

  “They just might considering it’s happened before.” His eyes clouded over, memories obviously pushing at him and making him uncomfortable.

  He’d been married. Eloped, it seemed. No wonder he resisted his mother’s marriage push now. She leaned forward, surprised beyond belief. “Do tell.”

  “Not in this lifetime,” he said, quoting her. He rose from his seat. “So what are your plans?” He tossed the volley back to her.

  Apparently they both had emotional walls they didn’t want to let crumble. Much as she was dying to know more about him, he’d shut her down. Since she didn’t want to share any kind of closeness that would bond them, not when she planned to leave soon, she had to respect his privacy.

  He wanted to know her plans and she assumed he meant short term. She took in the dusty trappings around her, and recalled all the things that appeared to be old and decrepit in the main house. She rubbed a weary hand over her eyes. “For tonight I guess I’ll clean the room where I’ll sleep and maybe the kitchen.” She crinkled her nose at the thought of all that dust swirling around her. “Tomorrow I’ll get started on getting the house in shape. Oh, and I suppose I should contact a realtor and see what my possibilities are, even though I know now I need to finish fixing before I can show the place.”

  He nodded, hands shoved in his back pockets as he, too, surveyed the damage. “I’ll help you clean.”

  His offer touched her but she couldn’t accept. “You don’t need to do that. Honestly, I can get one room in decent shape by myself.”

  “With what? You’re going to need su
pplies and if the weather forecast is correct, an A.C. unit. No way will you be able to sleep in this place without air.”

  She tried to inhale but choked instead. Rick was right. The air was stagnant and oppressive. Concern and a wave of depression settled over her. “Oh, geez. I really didn’t anticipate all these extra costs.” She mentally calculated the money in her account. Unfortunately she’d need more than she had in the bank just to live the next month or so here.

  “I take it you thought you’d arrive, list the house, sell, and be on your way?”

  Kendall nodded. “A little overly optimistic, huh?”

  “A little.” He grinned. “But I like your attitude. Why deal with problems until they crop up?”

  “You’re just being nice to me. You don’t want to call the new girl in town a ditz or an impulsive idiot.”

  His sexy grin turned into a scowl as his lips took a downward turn. “Hey quit being so hard on yourself. You’ve been through a lot. Now do you have an immediate plan?”

  For money, she did have her credit cards, and Brian would be more than happy to overnight her jewelry and supplies. If she could find a store to place them on consignment, maybe she could scrounge up some extra cash. Okay, so she had a plan. Of sorts. She glanced at Rick. “Just point the way to town and I’ll . . .”

  “Fly there on your magic carpet?”

  She let out an exhale and added fixing the car to her list of expenses. “I don’t suppose I could bum a ride?” She bit down on her lower lip, realizing that for a man who was tired of women who wanted something from him, Kendall was probably more trouble than she was worth.

  “I’m heading toward town myself. And before you ask, yes I can give you a lift back home afterward.”

  Home. Had she ever really had one? Not wanting to delve into deep thoughts right now, she flashed him a grateful smile instead. “You’re a regular knight in shining armor, Rick Chandler.”

  He grinned. “What can I say? I never could resist a damsel in distress.” A mixture of humor and unexpected sadness touched his voice despite the sexy outward smile. Was the sadness related to his past marriage, she wondered.

  Once again, when it came to this enigmatic man, Kendall wondered why. What made him tick, what happened in his past that drove him to avoid another marriage yet make it a habit of rescuing women in need? Knowing his pull and effect on her, she was glad she wouldn’t be around long enough to find out.


  Special Acknowledgments

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  About the Author

  Special eBook Feature: Insights and Excerpts of Carly Phillips

  The Infinite Appeal of Small Towns by Carly Phillips

  A Step in the Right Direction by Carly Phillips

  The Bachelor—Excerpt

  The Playboy—Excerpt




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