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ROMANCE: Mr. Mystery: (New Adult Bad Boy Romance) (Contemporary Mystery Short Stories)

Page 30

by Viva Fox

  As they got closer they noticed her expensive jewelry. A rich girl. Their smirks deepened. A rich girl could mean profit for them. Plus, rich girls like her needed to be taught a lesson.

  They moved closer to her. At this point, all they needed to do was cross the street to get to her. Kiley was still oblivious to their presence. She, instead, focused on the pretty moon. She looked up at the nighttime sky, completely mesmerized by how big the moon was. In her drunken state, she felt like she could reach out and grab it.

  The men watched her as she looked up at the sky. She was even more intoxicated than they thought. She would be an easy catch. They crossed the street. As their steps echoed against the building walls, Kiley looked up and spotted them. She smiled brightly, thinking them friends.

  “H…Hey!” She hiccupped mid-word and chuckled at the men. The men grinned as they got closer to her, slowly enclosing her in a circle. Kiley didn’t feel threatened by them. She was still flying high.

  They looked down at her. Eventually, the leader, a large man with a red hoodie spoke up, “why don’t you come with us?” His voice was deep. Kiley looked at him, unable to see his face. She scrunched her face confused. She didn’t know if she should trust these people.

  “O…Okay!” She finally said. Her voice was cheery as she smiled brightly. She followed them into an alleyway. In her mind, this was normal.

  While this was happening, Brad Breckinridge was walking home. He walked down the street before noticing the group of men. He saw them circle the girl and gritted his teeth. He knew what they were up to. His hands balled into fists.

  There were five of them. They all looked big. From the look of her she was from the North Side. She was one of the rich girls. They would do bad things to her. Very bad.

  Brad looked at them. Should he help her or continue on his way?

  Chapter 2

  Brad sighed as he rolled his shoulders. His body was sore from a recent fight. He moved his leg, bruised from the same fight. He touched his side, recently stitched from a stab wound. He didn’t know if he was capable of taking on five guys. He looked up and saw them bringing her into the alleyway. If he didn’t do something soon she would get hurt.

  Suddenly, he heard her scream. Kiley screamed and tried to get away as one of the men fondled her breasts. She tried to hit him with her purse. Another man snatched it dumping its contents on the ground. A wad of cash fell out and he quickly pocketed it. He grinned to himself. This woman was turning out to be an even better catch than they had anticipated.

  They continued to fondle her and toss her about. The men pushed her back and forth, violating her. While this happened Kiley sobered up quickly. She was no longer flying high. Instead, she was grounded in harsh reality. She screamed and tried to fight the men around her, but they overpowered her. She was helpless. She started to cry and call out for help, but it seemed like no one would help her.

  She felt utterly abandoned in that moment. She felt like a fool for leaving the party without her bodyguards. If they were here, this wouldn’t be happening. As she thought about this, one of the men ripped her shirt open as another man tore her skirt. Another man was about to pull off her panties. This man, however, was suddenly tackled to the ground.

  Kiley also fell. She hit her head hard and her world started to blur. Despite this, she lifted her head, trying to look around. She tried to understand what was going on around her. She felt sick. She closed her eyes. She wished everything would go away.

  As Kiley laid on the ground, Brad threw punches left and right. Amazingly, he was able to hold his own despite his injuries. Soon enough, the men were running off, disappearing down the street. He breathed hard clutching his side. His stitches had ripped open during the fight and now he was bleeding. He cursed softly as he touched the wound. His hand was now covered in blood. He tried not to look at it.

  He had to make sure the woman was okay. He looked down and saw her with her eyes closed in the middle of the alley. He feared the worst as he approached her. Was she dead? Had his efforts been for not? Slowly, he made his way to her. As he kneels down next to her, he gently brushed her hair away from her face.

  He gasped, seeing her beautiful face. This was James Bullen’s daughter! His eyes went big as he gingerly touched her porcelain skin. He forced himself to look away before looking at her chest. He leaned in close to check her breathing.

  Suddenly, Kiley opened up her eyes.

  “What are you doing?”

  Brad jumped out of his skin as he heard her voice next to his ear. He fell back. He groaned in pain as multiple wounds opened up again. He bit his lip, fighting through the pain before sitting up, looking at her.

  She looked at him curiously. Her soft green eyes stared at him. They looked glossed over and confused.

  “A…are you okay?” Brad asked her. She seemed to think about this but stayed quiet. Brad sighed before moving closer to her.

  Slowly he helped her to her feet. She stood up, but she was unsteady. He looked at her, with concerned eyes. He could smell the alcohol on her breath. Suddenly, Kiley’s world went black.

  Brad caught her before she collapsed. He sighed before picking her up. He held her bridal style. He would have to take her home. Brad grunted as he carried her. His wounds throbbed as he continued to bleed, but he ignored them. He wanted to make sure she was okay.

  Soon they were at his apartment. It was run down, but it was a roof over his head. It was small and sparsely furnished. A strange scent suffocated the air. As Brad looked around he wondered when the girl’s home looked like. He pictured it luxurious and grand. Looking down at her, he knew their lives were radically different.

  Sighing, he brought her to the bedroom and laid her down on his bed. He made sure she was still breathing before walking into the bathroom. He grabbed his first aid kit and tended to his wounds. He winched as he stitched his side. He couldn’t afford medical attention so he had learned quickly to become his own doctor.

  When he was done he made his way back into the bedroom. He saw her dirty and tattered clothes and sighed. This girl was turning out to be more trouble than she was worth. He got up and searched through a drawer. He pulled out one of his better t-shirts and placed it on her body before giving her a quick wipe down with a washcloth. She seemed to be free of any major injuries. She had some cuts and bruises here and there but nothing serious. She had been lucky.

  Tired, Brad eventually fell asleep with his head on the bed. His arms acted as a pillow. As he slept Kiley woke up. She was put off by the run down bedroom. She wrinkled her nose at the strange smell surrounding her. She was about to get up and run away but then she noticed him.

  She looked at him with a confused expression. Who was he? She was about to wake him up when she noticed his scars. Brad was shirtless and Kiley could see the multiple scars decorating his body. His largest scar ran from his shoulder blade down to his hip. She wondered how he had gotten a scar that big.

  In that moment she knew this man wasn’t anything like her. He was different than anyone she had ever met. They lived different lives. While she frolicked in the lap of luxury he struggled to survive. As Kiley looked down at his painful looking scars it felt like each scar told a story. She wondered what these stories were.

  Mesmerized, she reached out, trying to touch them. Her fingertip slowly traced his largest scar. In that moment, she felt a connection to this man like she had never felt before.

  Chapter 3

  Brad slowly started to wake up as he felt her soft skin. He blinked and looked up at her. He looked confused he saw a beautiful woman in his bed. He stared at her for a moment, his breath catching in his throat. He looked up at her face. Their eyes locked.

  They stared at each other for a moment before Kiley winced. She closed her eyes in pain as a splitting headache assaulted her. She groaned as she felt all the symptoms of a hangover hit her all at once. She started to cry.

  Brad noticed this and frowned. He wondered what was wrong. He reached
out and gently touched her forehead. She had a fever. He sighed before walking out of the room. Kiley watched him before closing her eyes. She felt like she was going to throw up. She tried to calm down, but she could feel the onslaught of sickness coming her way.

  Brad came back into the room just in time. He had a bucket in his hands. He managed to hold her hair out of the way as she threw up. Her body shook as her stomach worked against her. He rubbed her back and soothed her as she spilled the contents of her stomach into the bucket.

  When she was done he slowly laid her back down on the bed. She looked up at the ceiling and closed her eyes as her world started to spin again. What had she done last night? A part of her didn’t want to know.

  Brad then placed a cold wet washcloth on her forehead.

  “Hey… please take this… it’ll help with the hangover.” He held out a couple of pills. His eyes were sincere as he looked at her. She looked at him curiously. Who was this man? Why was he being so nice to her?

  She had never met someone who had treated her so kindly. It made her blush. She gently took the pills from his hand and popped them into her mouth. He placed a cup of water to her lips, helping her to take a sip. She swallowed the pills and took a breath trying to calm down.

  “Better?” He asked, his eyes full of concern. Kiley didn’t know why this man was being so nice to her.

  “Not really… care to tell me what happened?” Brad frowned but nodded.

  “Last night… you were drunk. A group of men found you and were about to do bad things to you when I intervened.” Brad said softly. Kiley looked at him, trying to remember last night. She couldn’t remember a thing. She had blacked out. She vowed to stop drinking so much.

  “How… how many of them were there?” She asked softly.

  “Five,” Brad answered. Kiley’s eyes grew large.

  “Wait… there were five men trying to hurt me? … How… how did you stop them then?” She asked. She looked at the man sitting next to her, her eyes running over his every inch, trying to figure him out. What kind of man was he? Was he dangerous? She thought about these things as she waited for his answer.

  “I fought them,” Brad said quietly as he looked away.

  “You fought off five men?” Kiley spat out in surprise. She couldn’t believe it. This seemed like something out of a movie. “How is that even possible?” She asked.

  “Well… I’m stronger than I look.” He continued to avoid her stare.

  “No kidding…” She muttered under her breath. She wondered what this man’s story was. “How do you know how to fight?” She tilted her head, looking at him with large eyes. Brad looked up at her, taken aback by her beauty. Her pale skin had a rosy hue to it from the fever and it looked incredibly cute.

  As he looked at her feelings started to stir inside of him. He shifted in his seat, trying to hide his excitement. His member begged for release but instead he crossed his legs, much to his discomfort. He tried to clear his mind, but his thoughts kept pulling him in a dirty direction.

  “Well… I fight for a living…” He explained, looking away. He blushed slightly, feeling himself stiffen.

  “That’s pretty cool. What like boxing or something? I watch that on TV sometimes, you know.” She declared, trying to impress him. He chuckled, shaking his head.

  “No… I wish… I fight in the underground.” Kiley’s eyes grew large. She looked at him more closely. As she did she noticed his attractive features. He had an angular face and intelligent eyes. His body was well toned and she wanted to run her hands all over it.

  She wanted to touch every inch of him. She wanted him. Suddenly, lustful feelings surged within her. She could feel a wetness form in between her legs. She blushed slightly, but there was a smirk on her face as she looked at the sexy man sitting in front of her.

  Kiley, still bold from the alcohol, crawled toward him and before Brad could react her lips pressed against his. She kissed him deeply, her fingers tangling into his hair as her tongue snaked into his mouth. Brad tried to resist at first, but soon his desire got the best of him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her onto his lap.

  Kiley giggled as she wrapped her legs around him. They continued to make out harder and harder. Brad moaned into the kiss as he felt his member stiffen further. He tried to reach down and unbutton his pants, but Kiley beat him to it. She smirked as she started to take off his pants. He grinned up at her. He liked this girl.

  He quickly took off her shirt before ripping off her bra. He then took one of her breasts into his mouth before toying with her nipple. She moaned in pleasure as she ran her hands down his back, feeling the uneven texture of his scarred skin. She could feel herself getting incredibly turned on the more he touched her, the more his tongue flicked against her sensitive nipples.

  She bit her lip in pleasure and snuck her hands into his boxers. She quickly found his member, hard as a rock. She grinned, wrapping her hand around it, slowly jerking him off, and teasing him. He groaned in pleasure before looking at her. He wondered if he should go all the way with her. His member answered for him. He needed this woman.

  He leaned down and kissed her neck, his rough lips pressing against her soft skin. She tilted her head back in pleasure as he bit down on her delicate flesh. As he did he began to pull her panties to the side. He quickly slipped one of his fingers inside of her. She moaned louder.

  She didn’t even know this man’s name and yet she was having the time of her life. He wasn’t even inside of her and she felt amazing. She bit her lip, shivering.

  “Oh… damn… I want you… please…” She almost begged. Brad looked at her with a grin on his face. Quickly, the rest of their clothes came off and Brad looked at her naked figure. If she had been beautiful before, she was a goddess now. He couldn’t help himself.

  With a quick thrust, he was inside of her. Kiley moaned in pure pleasure as she felt his throbbing member inside of her. Her nails dug into his back as she shivered. Her pussy tightened. He hesitated, wondering if he should continue.

  To his amazement, Kiley started to bounce on him. He moaned in pleasure as she rode him hard and fast. She liked it rough, and luckily he did too. Brad got up and slammed her against the wall. Kiley moaned out loudly before wrapping her arms and legs around him. She leaned down and bit his neck.

  Brad started to pump in and out of her, making her whole body rock as one of his hands reached up and fondled her breasts. They both moaned in pleasure as they got closer and closer to climax.

  “Fuck… I’m going to…” She shivered and pulled Brad closer. Brad quickly pulled Kiley onto the bed. He got on top of her and continued to fuck her. Kiley had never felt so good. She had never had such an amazing lover. She loved it. She begged for more. They spent the whole time fucking like animals, rocking the bed and filling the room with moans of pleasure.

  As the sun started to peak over the horizon, they finally collapsed in pleasant exhaustion. Kiley had lost track of the amount of orgasms she had experienced throughout the night. She never felt so amazing.

  “Wow…” She whispered, a smirk on her face. They were both breathing heavy. Brad smirked at her. He looked ready for another round.

  Chapter 4

  “I don’t even know your name… but that was the best sex I ever had.” Kiley glowed as she got closer to the stranger. He grinned and wrapped an arm around her pulling her closer. They cuddled for a moment before he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

  “Well… the name’s Brad.” He smiled, looking into her pretty green eyes. She looked up at him and smiled.

  “Brad… eh? Well, you are a pretty good fuck, you know that?” He blushed a little at her words.

  “You ain’t half bad yourself.” She giggled, looking flattered.

  “I wonder if you are better in bed or in the ring.” She looked at him raising an eyebrow. There was a playful look on her face. He smirked down at her.

  “You know… I don’t actually fight in a ring… it’s jus
t a circle of men. It’s the underground. There’s no rules or anything, just bets and violence.” He told her as he ran his fingers through her hair.

  “Hmm… can I see some time?” She asked as she placed her head on his chest.


  “Why not?” She whined.

  “It’s dangerous,” he said seriously. Her frown deepened.

  “Aww… c’mon I’m a big girl! What’s the worst thing that could happen?”

  “Look, the underground isn’t for someone like you. The guys down there will hurt you.” Kiley looked at him with an annoyed expression on her face.

  “Fine.” He looked at her before kissing her nose.


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