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When I See Her Smile

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by PA Vachon

  When I See Her Smile

  Bears in Love Series

  Book Two

  PA Vachon

  Copyright © 2018 PA Vachon

  ISBN: 978-1983448461

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical review and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


  For my husband. As always, you are my light, my love, my strength, and my home. For Angel. You are my soul sister and sharer of our one brain. To all who have stood with me and helped me along the way on this amazing journey, you are all rock stars! And to the ladies of P.A.’s BearsandBabes, you are the best team ever. Thank you for all of your love and support. It means everything!!! Smooches…

  Praise for Mated to the Grizzly…

  PA Vachon's debut novel is a paranormal treasure! Great characters, plenty of action that will keep your heart rate up and sizzling hot heat, this book was perfectly paced ~ Marie Brown Blogger/Reviewer ~ Marie’s Tempting Reads

  This is the first book by this author and was so well written I could see and hear every fight and sex scene. ~ Terri O’Connell ~ Reader

  Really good story, thoroughly enjoyed it. I love Lauren and Ian and their relationship, which was intense and oh so hot. I can't wait to read the next book in this series and more by this author~ Annamarie Gardner ~ Reader


  Twelve years earlier…

  I watched as the tail lights on my mom’s car got further and further away, disappearing down the road at a high rate of speed. I wanted to race after her and get her to stop the car and take me home. She didn’t stop though. She kept driving. I wouldn’t cry, because nine year olds didn’t cry. Especially not nine year old polar bear shifters. I walked up to the door and knocked. I waited several minutes, and then a harried looking older woman answered the door, looking me up and down and letting me in the door.

  “Well, what do we have here?” she asked with a kind smile.

  “My name is Trevor. Trevor Mannus,” I supplied. “I’m nine years old, and my mom just left me here.”

  The kind eyed lady ushered me further into the house and closed the door.

  “Well, Trevor, that’s ok,” she said. “We’ll figure that all out tomorrow. Are you hungry?”

  “No, ma’am,” I answered, but my stomach chose that moment to grumble and make me into a liar. She gave me a small, smiling laugh, saying, “My name is Mrs. Robins. Let’s get you something to eat.”

  That first night, I ate and slept, and the next day, children’s services came to ask me some questions. I answered them as best as I could. I was with Mrs. Robins for six months, she was the nice older lady who had taken me in when my mom abandoned me. She got really sick, and I ended up in a group home. It was the worst two weeks of my life.

  During those two weeks that I was in the group home Mrs. Robins died. She had pneumonia and she didn’t get it treated quickly enough. It killed her. While at the group home, I struggled to keep my bear under control. I knew that was why my mom left me that night. She couldn’t handle my bear. She had never told me about my dad, so all I knew was that they were mates, mom got pregnant, and he disappeared for good.

  After two weeks at the group home, I had gotten tired of being the punching bag for the bigger older kids. I ran. Two years later, I ended up outside Fall City, Washington, hungry, cold, and alone. That’s when Marcus found me, digging through a garbage can, looking for something edible to tide me over.

  “Kid, I don’t think you’re gonna want to eat anything you find in there,” he said to me that first night.

  “Maybe not, but it’s better than starving,” I replied. I had been in Seattle, barely surviving, for two years. I was now almost twelve. My polar bear was unpredictable. I knew Marcus was a bear of some sort. I could smell that on him, but I wasn’t sure what kind.

  “Well, you can come home with me,” Marcus said. “I’ve got food and a warm place for you to stay. I also have a place you can shift.”

  I thought about it for a bit. Was this guy a weirdo who liked boys or just a kind man who really wanted to help? I hoped I wasn’t making the wrong choice.

  “I would appreciate that, sir,” I told him.

  “Well, come on then,” Marcus laughingly said. “Food waits for no man.”

  It took almost an hour for him to get my name from me. By the time I went to bed, I had a pseudo sister and brother, Regan and Ian. They would also become my best friends and fellow Secret Keepers.

  Almost ten years later, Ian would meet his mate Lauren and fall head over heels. It wouldn’t be all sunshine and roses though. Not even close. Ian met Lauren during a mission, and she was kidnapped by Hatchet, a maniac with an axe to grind and his own agenda. During that time, I would meet a woman, Janet, who I thought was my mate (young adult male hormones were in full control at this point), and she would almost end me. She bruised me for a while. But I wasn’t dead yet.

  This is the story of how I found my heart and soul. This is the story of how I gained everything. It isn’t an instant happily ever after though, so sit back and read about how one woman’s smile would heal all my open wounds.

  Chapter 1


  I didn't think I would ever meet my one, my soul mate. Those bitches that control Fate have always laughed at me and jerked my life strings to and fro, from being raised in an orphanage because my mom couldn't handle a young shifter male without my father until I was found by Marcus close to my twelfth birthday to thinking I had found my mate as a young adult. I blame my raging hormones for that shit show. I had just turned nineteen, and she was beautiful, but that beauty hid grasping, greedy, evil thoughts and deeds behind her facade. She was almost the death of me, and when I found out she had been sent to infiltrate our clan and spy for Hatchet when Ian and Lauren were just mated, I lost what little hope I had forever. Almost two years later, the clan is still trying to mend from her deviousness. And I am still alone. I have my clan, who is like a family, but I don’t have my one. I am starting to think I lost my chance. I was not prepared for what happened next. Not one little bit.

  I was sent into Fall City, Washington, to get supplies for the week. While there, I visited The Roadhouse Restaurant and Inn, a small clapboard building that dated back to 1916, and that's when it happened. Instant hard-on and not just because she was beautiful, but because she was mine. She smiled at me as she walked up to my table to take my order, and my polar bear rushed to the surface. Yep, a polar in a grizzly clan. Not something you see everyday, but Marcus, the clan’s leader and all around giant grizzly, is my pseudo-dad figure, and once you are in, that's it. Your clan, your family. I had to concentrate on holding my bear back. I got a whiff of her scent, like fresh snow and pine trees, and I had to grip the table sides to keep myself in my seat. My polar, and if I am honest, my human self, wanted to grab up this vision and take her away to keep her to myself.

  “Hey, I'm Rebecca and I'll be your server,” she said. “What can I get you today?” the vision in front of me asked.

  “Ummm, uhh, a beer would be great,” I stuttered out.

  “What's your poison, handsome?” she laughingly inquired. “We have Bud, Miller, or we have some great microbrews.”

  “Bottle of Bud, please,” I told her.

  “You got it,” she said. “Did you want anything to eat with that?”

  “No thanks,” I said.

  She turned to get my beer, and I watched her ass as she walked away. And what an ass it was,
just enough to hold onto and worship, but not so much that it was too large. I could imagine myself caressing and slapping that ass as we fucked.


  I could feel my customer’s eyes on my backside as I walked away, so I put a little extra wiggle into my walk. Let's face it, extra tips were nothing to sneer at. I had the bartender get me the bottle of Bud and returned to the table to deliver it.

  “Here ya go, handsome,” I said. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “Your phone number would be nice,” he playfully said, seeming to recover from his earlier starstruck immaturity.

  “Sorry, no can do, sir,” I said.



  She turned to go to the next customer when a giant hand was wrapped around her wrist in a light grip. She looked down at his hand and said,

  “I'm gonna need you to let go, please.”

  “I just want to get to know you better, darling,” Trevor was anxious to make sure she didn't get away without some way to contact her.

  “Look… What's your name?” she asked.

  “Trevor, I'm Trevor Mannus,” was his reply.

  “Look, Trevor, it's really busy right now, and I need to get back to work. Let me go, please,” Rebecca huffed.

  Trevor looked to where his hand encircled her wrist. “Oops, sorry. Can we meet up when you are off shift?” he asked.

  “Maybe. I get off at ten tonight,” she told him.

  “I'll be here, beautiful,” Trevor said, releasing her wrist to let her get back to work.

  “Okay, then,” she turned to go again, heading for her next table. When she saw who was sitting there, she wished she had just stayed with Trevor.

  It was her ex, Alan. He had been in the last several times she had worked, harassing her to no end. It was getting really old. He thought he wanted her back, but that wasn't gonna happen. It's not every day you walk into your shared apartment to see your supposed best friend bent over your couch with your boyfriend’s dick buried in his ass. Yep, apparently Alan liked both teams. He just forgot to mention it to Rebecca.

  “Alan, what can I get for you?” she shuddered slightly.

  “I want you back, babe,” he slurred. Great, he was already lit.



  “Not happening, Alan,” I gritted out.

  I walked away to give myself some time before I did something to lose my job. I walked towards the hallway where the restrooms were to cool off. I leaned my forehead against the side wall and took two deep breaths. I felt more than saw a very large, warm presence. I knew it wasn't Alan; he was only a couple inches taller than my 5'5”. This person was at least a foot taller than me. I turned my head without leaving the wall. It was Trevor. I closed my eyes again and groaned.

  “Darling, you look frustrated,” Trevor stated as he put his large warm hand on my shoulder. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Unless you can make someone disappear without a trace, then no,” I muttered.

  “Babe, for you, I could do anything,” he replied.

  I looked up into eyes the color of the sky on a stormy day, such a dark gray that they were almost black. His hair was a dark chocolate brown, like my favorite candy bar. And he was tall, so tall.

  “Jesus, how tall are you?” rushed out of my mouth before I could pull it back.

  He husked out a laugh, sounding like he didn't laugh often.

  “6'4”, babe,” he said.

  He gently pulled me into him and hugged me to his front. I was in heaven. It was amazing. I felt safe, so I let my eyes close as I savored the moment, knowing that I would have to let go sooner rather than later. But a girl needs comfort when confronted by her cheating ex.

  “Hey, let her go, Neanderthal,” I heard shouted from the entrance to the hallway. Shit, it was Alan. I tried to pull Trevor closer, to no avail. He leaned away from me and looked at Alan.

  “Dude, we are having a private conversation,” Trevor said. “You need to get off.”

  “That's my girlfriend, dick. Let her go,” Alan ordered.

  “Alan, I am not your girlfriend. You lost the right to call me that when your dick was stuck up Jerry's ass,” I spewed venomously at him as I glared. If looks could kill, he would have died right then.

  Trevor looked back down at me and searched my eyes. He then turned and angled his body in front of mine, out of protection or so it seemed.

  “I'm only going to ask you once,” Trevor growled. “Then we are gonna have a problem.”

  Alan made to move closer, and I heard what sounded like an animal's growl come from Trevor. Alan stopped and then went to take another step.

  “Not a good idea, dude,” I told him from behind Trevor. I could feel the pent up rage radiating off of Trevor like waves of energy. It was otherworldly. It didn’t concern me. I actually wanted to shift closer to his back to feel more of the magnetic power I could sense.

  Alan took another step towards us. He was now only about two feet from Trevor. Trevor's hands fisted, and I heard another growl come from deep within him. He blocked more of me with his large body. Oddly, I wasn't freaking out. I felt safe, protected.

  Alan advanced again, and that's when Trevor threw the first and last punch. Alan hit the ground like a bag of bricks. I stared down at my ex, not really happy that he was out, but relieved that I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore.

  “Come on, babe,” Trevor soothed. “Let's get out of here, yeah?”

  I nodded my head in agreement. We walked back to the bar, where I told the bartender and our manager that I wasn't feeling well and I needed to go for the rest of the night. I was waved off and told to feel better.

  We walked out the front of the building and headed towards the parking lot. My beater was parked at the back of the lot. I started to head towards my car when Trevor stopped me by gently taking my hand.

  “Rebecca, wait,” he began. “I want you to come home with me, please.”

  I looked at him like he had grown an extra head. “I can't go home with you, crazy man.”

  Trevor chuckled. “I meant come home with me to my family compound. I want to keep you safe. That guy doesn't seem the type to give up.”

  “You're right, he's not, but I’ll be fine. He won’t do anything else tonight. I doubt he’ll be up for much of anything after that hit. I can't go home with you,” I told him earnestly.

  “Babe, you can stay with my best friend, Ian, and his wife, Lauren. They won't mind,” he said.

  “I can't stay with your friends either. What is your damage?” I scoffed.

  “Just, please, come home with me,” he leaned in and captured my lips in a searing kiss. My knees weakened, as did my resolve. Trevor pulled away from my lips, causing me to whimper. He looked into my eyes, gently holding me in his large grip, like a fragile piece of glass.

  “Okay, but only for tonight,” I acquiesced.

  Trevor broke out into a shit eating grin, larger than any I had ever seen. As we walked hand in hand, he led me to a motorcycle sitting close to the front of the parking lot. I stopped. “Ummm, Trevor, I can't ride a motorcycle,” I started to say.

  “It's all good, babe. I have an extra helmet.” Trevor stopped at the side of his bike that was black as sin and probably just as dangerous. He removed the helmets strapped to the back.

  “Here, babe. This one is for you.” Trevor tried to hand me the smaller of the two helmets. I looked at him, askance.

  “I'm not sure about this, Trevor,” I began again. “I've never ridden a motorcycle before and my granny always said ‘Rebecca Ann, you stay off those devil machines.’ ”

  “Rebecca Ann, huh?” Trevor asked. “I like it, babe.”

  “Of what I just said, that is what you zero in on, my full name,” she said. “Really?”

  “Baby, no worries. If you’re lucky, it will be the second best thing between your legs tonight, beautiful,” he teasingly said as he straddled the seat of his bike, buc
kling his helmet into place. “Come on, babe. We haven't got all night.” He grinned over at me as he patted the seat behind him.

  I huffed out a breath and put the helmet on. I wasn't afraid, just cautious. Oh who was I kidding, I was totally scared out of my mind and turned on maybe a little too much. I wanted to stay the night with Trevor, but I didn’t want to be another notch on his bedpost. Of course, I didn’t know him well enough to make those judgements. I only had to go on my previous experience. None of it was very good. Alan cheated on me with Jerry. Before that it was Ben and Lila, another one of my so called friends. But I think the most consistent and well rehearsed of all the crappy things people have ever done or said belongs to my mother, Lisa. My mother, who should have been my greatest protector and champion, was actually the worst offender of all. It started when I was a pre-teen with digs about the baby fat, which I couldn’t seem to lose, and about my hair, which never met a brush that could tame it. In my teen years, it got worse. While I wasn’t exactly skinny, my curves were pretty dangerous, and that was like a threat to my mother. In retrospect, I should have caught on when she started flirting with my teenage boyfriends. I moved out as soon as the ink was dry on my diploma. Unfortunately, I moved in with Lila. She and Ben were humping behind my back for almost six months before I caught on. Humiliating, to say the least. The coffee cups that were left in our shared apartment walls cost me my half of the security deposit. Then I moved on to Alan, who is still apparently in the closet.


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