Jax Mitchell

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Jax Mitchell Page 8

by Jennifer Foor

  I was so embarrassed. “Oh my god. Please don’t say anything. I was just…your covers fell off, and I -.”

  He placed his finger over my lips. “Go back to bed. I’ll clean up the mess.”

  While hurrying to get away from the obvious confusion, I heard him say something. “Oh, and next time you should probably turn on the lights. It would prevent you from having to buy new furniture. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get some beauty sleep. I don’t get this sexy face naturally like you do.”

  When I turned to look at him he was already on the ground picking up pieces of the table.

  Back in my room, I listened to him cleaning up. When it became quiet I knew he’d gone back to sleep. With a locked door between us, I closed my eyes and imagined what it would be like to have a boyfriend. As excited as it seemed, I couldn’t let myself feel that way again. I knew how it would end, and that pain was something I swore I’d never let myself feel again.

  Chapter 11


  When she went into her room the second time, I cleaned up the broken table. I hoped that she hadn’t injured herself, but didn’t want to knock on the door to ask if she was okay.

  My evening hadn’t gone as expected. Surprisingly it was even better. Not only had we shared a meal, but I was now in her living room spending the night. While I lay there, I listened to how quiet it was, while thinking about our time together. Even though she hadn’t talked much about herself, I felt like we were making progress on a friend level. It certainly wasn’t where I would have liked to been, but I wasn’t going to complain. Amber needed to be able to trust me, and I was on a mission to prove she could.

  I didn’t wake up until morning, and when I did, it was because someone was taking a feather to my nose. I sat up abruptly sneezing. Amber covered her mouth and began laughing. “What the hell?”

  “Sorry. I was about to make my shake for breakfast but didn’t want to wake you. Then I thought I’d tease you with this peacock feather. You should have seen your face.”

  I scratched my head and looked around the room. “What time is it?”


  “Eight? Why are we awake this early? It’s the weekend.” Did this chick seriously get up at the crack of dawn?

  Then I saw what she was wearing. The tight exercise outfit left nothing to the imagination. As she sauntered into the kitchen I got a good look at her ass. She started the blender before addressing my question. I watched a green concoction tumbling inside of it. The idea of her consuming it was disturbing. “I like to get an early start. I get up every morning, drink my shake and go out for a run. Do you think I have this figure without effort?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe. I mean you did eat like ten pancakes last night. Now I know why you were so hungry. If I had to eat or drink, or whatever you do with that shit I’d be hungry too.”

  “Don’t knock it until you try it, Jax. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals. I hardly ever get sick, and believe me, the club is full of germs.”

  I curled up my face, imagining the kind of germs she was referring to. “I need to take a piss.”

  “The bathroom is through there,” she pointed to the doorway.

  “Yeah, I used it last night before the table episode. I hope that wasn’t expensive.”

  “A friend gave it to me. It’s not a big deal. I was always tripping over it anyway.” I watched her sipping on the grass colored beverage and cringed.

  In the bathroom I took it upon myself to snoop around. Her deodorant smelled like heaven, and even the shampoo made me want to take an immediate shower. While brushing my teeth with my finger, I opened her medicine cabinet and noticed a medication that I didn’t recognize the name. I found some hair remover, and even a vegazzle kit. When I heard her knocking I quickly closed the door and turned off the water.

  She was waiting on the other side of the door, still drinking her breakfast. “Did you get a good look around?”

  “What?” I played dumb.

  “When you’re in the kitchen you can hear the medicine cabinet opening.”

  “I was looking for an extra toothbrush, but ended up using my finger, if you must know.”

  “Whatever. So did you want some of this?”

  I put my hands up. “Seriously? Keep that shit away from me.”

  She took another gulp and wiped the residue off her top lip. “You don’t know what you’re missing. I heard it’s great for changing the taste of semen.” A crooked grin stared back at me.

  “I’ve never had a complaint before.”

  I watched her place her empty glass in the sink and rinse it out. “So, do you need to go home right away, or do you feel like going for run?”

  I looked down at what I was wearing. The blue jeans and Henley shirt weren’t going to cut it. Then I imagined going back to the farm and the fact that she wouldn’t be there. I slipped on my shoes and walked in the direction of the front door. “Let me go check my trunk for some shoes. I might have some stuff in there.”

  Once outside, I searched every inch of my vehicle, only coming up a pair of sneakers. I checked my boxers to see if I could make it around a block or two without my dick flying out. Then I marched back up the steps to tell her the bad news. “Amber, I’m not going to be able to go. I’m just going to head home.”

  “Hold on there, Skippy. Not so fast.”

  Lying on the sofa was a t-shirt and a pair of men’s cotton shorts. She pointed at them. “I don’t know if they’ll fit, but I had these in my closet. I wear them as pajamas because they’re so baggy.”

  “I can’t wear these,” I started. “They’re girl clothes.”

  She pulled two bottles of water out of the refrigerator. “Jax, I take this seriously. If you don’t want to go you don’t have to. I’m leaving now, so I can get back and enjoy my day off.”

  I let my pants and boxers drop to the floor, stepping out of them before she had a chance to comprehend what was happening. While her jaw dropped, I took off my shirt and spread my arms.

  She put her hands up to prevent from seeing me in my birthday suit. “Oh my God! What are you doing?”

  “I’m just trying to make this friendship even. I’ve seen you, and now you’ve seen me. Do you need me to twirl around a couple times?”

  When she didn’t answer I reached over and shoved her arms down. Amber stared into my eyes, not letting her own linger anywhere else. “You’re crazy, Jax.”

  I lifted a shirt over my head before pulling my underwear back up and then finally the shorts. While she struggled to accept that I wasn’t modest, I rubbed my hands together. “So, do you think you can keep up with me? You do know I’m a football star, right?”

  Her right brow cocked. “Is that supposed to make you tough? Do you think you can outrun me?”

  Was she challenging me? “Um, yeah I do.”

  She began to stretch. “You’ll be sorry.”

  “Let’s put a wager out there, since you’re so sure of yourself.”

  “Fine,” she agreed. “Nothing sexual though.”

  “Damn.” I laughed. “Just kidding. I don’t want sex. Well, I kind of do want sex, but that’s not what I’m talking about. You see, this friendship is a little one-sided. I’ve told you all about my problems and my life, but you’ve barely said one thing about yourself. If I beat you, then you have to tell me one secret that nobody else knows.”

  Amber smirked. “You’re on, but only because I know you won’t beat me. No man has ever been able to keep up.”

  Before I could comment on how bad that sounded, she took off out the door, leaving it open for me to follow her. Now, I knew I had to stop to make sure it was shut, so by the time I made it outside she was halfway down the street. I sprinted toward her, dodging a car as it pulled into a parking spot.

  “Come on, slow poke,” she called out, slowing her pace so that I had a chance. As I raced up to be even with her, she took off again, darting onto the adjacent road. I dug my feet harder, trying to use t
raction to my advantage. Two blocks later I was still behind her, increasing the space between us as she gained more feet. When I was out of breath I kept going, because she didn’t let down. My stomach began to hurt, and my throat dried while I fought to keep at a steady pace.

  I wasn’t sure how many blocks we’d ran, but it seemed like twenty miles. Rounding the corner and recognizing my car made me feel relieved, except for the fact that she was already standing on the steps with her hands at her hips, smiling. While I stood in front of her, hunched over and gasping for air, she handed me a water out of her hip sack. “Looks like you need this more than me. I can make it upstairs without dying, but you...well let’s just say you’ve seen better days.”

  I went to reach for her and missed. “Wait! How did you…what the…do you have super powers? Is that it? Are you from another planet? Do you gain strength from the sun and have a fortress of solitude? Is that your secret? Do you have x-ray vision? Can you fly?”

  I crept up the stairs, struggling to lift my legs the four inches to climb each one, while she jogged the rest of the way, displaying her muscular calves. Amber was all smiles when I made it back into her apartment and collapsed on the cold tile floor. I had to admit that it felt like heaven since my body was quickly overheating. Even though it was still early in the morning, the sun was fully exposed. That mixed with the rate I fought to keep up left me wheezing for oxygen.

  She stood at the countertop, sipping on a fresh bottle of water. “I warned you I’d win.”

  I let my face fall flat on the hard floor. “Fine. What do I have to do? Do I start with the toilet and then the floors.”

  Amber covered her mouth and giggled. She pointed at me, silently mocking how defeated I was. It was appalling to be beat so bad by a girl, especially one that wouldn’t even show me her cookies unless I paid for it. “I don’t want you to clean my house, Jax. I have a better idea of what you can do for me. You might even like it.”

  That got me up off the floor. My mind wandered to hot showers, and afternoon delights.

  While coming to stand on the opposite side of her counter I flashed her my pearly whites. “So, what shall I do for you? Your wish is my command.”

  She leaned forward, showing more cleavage than I was probably allowed to see. “You’ll need to go shower. I don’t like a sweaty man touching me. I can wash your clothes if you need me to.”

  “Will I need clothes for this?” She was being so secretive. I half expected her to lean closer and let me feel those lips for the first time.


  She’d lost me. That fast I couldn’t figure out what I was going to be doing. “Will you need clothes on?”

  “Let’s put it this way. You’ll definitely be touching my naked skin.”

  I ran toward the bathroom, kicking all of my clothes into the hallway before closing the door. I didn’t lock it, in case she wanted to join me.

  As fast as my hands could move, I scrubbed every appendage, making sure to add shampoo and conditioner to my balls and ass-crack. I wanted her to think I had the cleanest nut-sack in the state. When I was all finished, I wrapped a towel around myself and strut out into the living room. Amber pranced from her bedroom and handed me another outfit. This time the shirt was pink, and it said something about breast cancer awareness. The shorts weren’t men’s like the other ones. These were shorter and white in color. I held them up and looked at her. “Are you fucking serious? Is this a joke?”

  “I don’t have much to select from. I’ve put your stuff in the washer. As soon as it’s done you can change.”

  “I’d rather be naked.”

  She sighed and shook her head. “Please, just put them on until your clothes are done. It’s two hours of your life.” She ran her hands through her hair. “I’m going to get cleaned up. When I get out I’ll tell you what I require.”

  I rubbed my hands together and licked my lips. “If it’s as kinky as it sounds I’m all in.”

  She snickered and smiled before disappearing into the bathroom. Reluctantly, I squished my poor genitals into the form fitting shorts, and actually enjoyed the way they made everything feel so close. I did a couple jumping jacks noticing that they didn’t budge. Instead of making the situation worse, I decided to leave off the pink shirt. Nothing against guys that wear the color, it just wasn’t for me. When the water stopped running, I made my way over to the couch and positioned myself to look sexy as she came out. My objective was to give her a first glimpse that she wouldn’t be able to refuse. I tightened my stomach muscles and held my breath, making my abs as pronounced as I could get them.

  Amber came out of the steaming bathroom and headed into her room, without even looking in my direction. After releasing the passage of air, I was disappointed. She took forever in the room, and I honestly thought she was getting ready to get freaky. Had our one night together been enough for me to get into those panties? Was she giving into temptation already? Was I that irresistible?

  Feeling like I was on my game, I watched as she emerged from the bedroom. Her hair was in a messy bun and she had on a bathrobe that revealed a t-shirt and shorts underneath of it. In her hand was a small bag. She came over and sat down beside me. “Are you ready to get started?”

  Did she have to ask? “Um, yeah.”

  “Good.” She smiled and unzipped the bag, taking out two bottles of something and a pumice stone. Then she pulled out the polish and looked toward me. “Have you ever done this before? A pedicure?”

  This was a joke. It had to be a fucking joke. She wanted me to rub her feet and paint her toenails? “You’ve got to be shitting me.”

  “Fair is fair. You said you’d do anything. If you weren’t here I’d be at the salon. I figure that if you want to hang out this afternoon, you can help me out.”

  She put her leg on top of mine, and it may not have been what I had in mind, but I liked the way it felt to have her close to me.

  I stuck out my hand. “Give me the first lotion.”

  “It’s a scrub first. You rub it on my feet and my calves for about five to ten minutes. It’s like a massage, but less sexy.”

  I gave an annoyed look. “Are you trying to make this seem better?”

  “You said you wanted to touch me. This is how friends touch. I can go to the salon if you want.”

  I squirted the contents into my hand and smacked it against her leg. As I ran my hand up her smooth skin I suddenly forgot all about how embarrassing this was. Amber was allowing me to massage her. Sure, it was only her lower legs and feet, but if I did a good job she’d want me to do it again. Then, after some time, maybe she’d let me go further. I’d play this little game for as long as it took, because I knew the treasure she kept locked up was well worth the struggle.

  Chapter 12


  Did Jax really think I wanted to have sex with him? He was such a scheming pervert that it made me laugh. No matter what was said he was determined to take it sexual. I played mind games with him for that reason. I could tell how excited he was at the thought of me coming out of that bathroom and rocking his world. It was difficult to contain how funny it was to scheme against him.

  I think when he realized just what I wanted him to do it reminded me of a little puppy dog, whose best friend left for a whole day at school. His sad little face begged for attention, but I wouldn’t give him any. If Jax wanted to be my friend he had to learn how to act the part.

  After spreading my robe down to catch any dripping creme, I watched Jax get to work on my first leg. He scrunched up his face. “What is this shit? It feels like sand.”

  “It’s a scrub. It cleans off the dry skin and makes my skin smooth.”

  “Well right now it feels like you rolled on a beach. Now as much as that would seem sexy, it’s pretty filthy. Most beaches are made up of tiny shells. Shells are the homes for creatures, and when they die they smell rancid. The idea of rubbing rotten shells all over your skin is disturbing.”

  “Jax.” I
giggled. “You’re so funny.”

  “I just tell it like it is.”

  I leaned back and relaxed as he worked his strong fingers against my skin. “Are you sure you haven’t done this before?”

  “Never. To be honest I think feet are disgusting.”

  I pulled my leg away quickly and sat up. “Why didn’t you say something?”

  He took ahold of it. “Not your feet. They’re cute. I like them.”

  Right then he began massaging my heel. The sheer pleasure it gave me was almost better than anything I’d felt before. I closed my eyes and savored the feel until it started to tickle. As I retracted he held it tighter.

  “Is someone ticklish?”

  “Maybe a little,” I replied.

  Jax smiled and kept working, rubbing hard enough that it was bearable. “If you tell anyone I did this I may have to hogtie you and force you to eat sardines until you throw up.”

  She curled her lips and retorted. “Sick.”

  “Seriously, don’t you dare tell anyone I lost a bet, or I rubbed your damn feet. I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  “Why are you doing it then? You could have left with your dignity.”

  Jax smiled and patted my leg. “I’m really trying to earn brownie points. At some point you’ll see I’m irresistible, and I’ll be the one fending you off.” He winked after he said it. “You should go rinse this one.”

  When I stood to walk into the bathroom to clean off my leg, I turned around and saw him looking at me, but he wasn’t being perverted. For the first time Jax looked genuinely happy. Then I noticed the way the shorts fit him. I could literally see everything he had. “Oh my god! Jax.” I covered my mouth and laughed so hard tears came out of my eyes. “You’re frank and beans are mixed together.”

  “It feels good. I might just have to take these home with me.” He grabbed his crotch as he said it.

  It was a good thing that I needed to rinse my leg, because being this close to him was only making the attraction harder to fight. I wasn’t denying that it was there. I just didn’t want him to know it. I wouldn’t be some rebound girl that gave him sex to clear his head. I wasn’t capable of doing it even if I wanted to. My vagina was out of commission unless it was being satisfied by a battery-operated device. It had been man free since Seth, and I wasn’t able to begin to assume I could get over that.


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